Carnivale "Not Likely To Return"? (2024)


Carnivale "Not Likely To Return"?

(too old to reply)


2005-03-31 15:29:02 UTC


Variety Sources: CARNIVALE 'Not Likely To Return'!!
I am - Hercules!!
It looks like we're not going to find out what dustbowl dweller Ben Hawkins'
connection is to a future nuclear holocaust after all!
Thursday morning's Variety reports that HBO has already picked up "Deadwood"
for a third season, but the same piece has this:
Sunday's season finale for "Carnivale" delivered an above-average 2.4
million viewers, but insiders insist the show is not likely to return.

An HBO spokeswoman said a decision has not yet been reached. "Carnivale"
creator-exec producer Daniel Knauf, however, has already begun developing a
comedy series project for rival pay cablercabler Showtime.
Frank, this is a safe place. A place where we can feel free sharing our
feelings. Think of my office as a nest in a tree of trust and understanding.
We can say anything here.
Anything? Well, uh I guess I, deep down, am feeling a little confused. I
mean, suddenly, you get married, and you're supposed to be this entirely
different guy. I don't feel different. I mean, take yesterday for example.
We were out at the Olive Garden for dinner, which was lovely. And uh, I
happen to look over at a certain point during the meal and see a waitress
taking an order, and I found myself wondering what color her underpants
might be. Her panties. Uh, odds are they are probably basic white, cotton,
underpants. But I sort of think well maybe they're silk panties, maybe it's
a thong. Maybe it's something really cool that I don't even know about. You
know, and uh, and I started feeling... what? what I thought we were in the
trust tree in the nest, were we not?


2005-03-31 15:25:48 UTC


Post by unknown
Variety Sources: CARNIVALE 'Not Likely To Return'!!
I am - Hercules!!
It looks like we're not going to find out what dustbowl dweller Ben Hawkins'
connection is to a future nuclear holocaust after all!
Thursday morning's Variety reports that HBO has already picked up "Deadwood"
Sunday's season finale for "Carnivale" delivered an above-average 2.4
million viewers, but insiders insist the show is not likely to return.
An HBO spokeswoman said a decision has not yet been reached. "Carnivale"
creator-exec producer Daniel Knauf, however, has already begun developing a
comedy series project for rival pay cablercabler Showtime.

I feel it would be a mistake for "Carnivale" to go on indefinitely. The
show is too time/place specific.

If anything, I could imagine a third season with just 6-8 episodes to
tie up a few loose ends.

S2 has been fun, but it was forced compared with S1.


Default User

2005-03-31 17:09:46 UTC


Post by manitou910

Post by unknown
Variety Sources: CARNIVALE 'Not Likely To Return'!!
I am - Hercules!!
It looks like we're not going to find out what dustbowl dweller Ben
Hawkins' connection is to a future nuclear holocaust after all!
Thursday morning's Variety reports that HBO has already picked up
Sunday's season finale for "Carnivale" delivered an above-average
2.4 million viewers, but insiders insist the show is not likely to
An HBO spokeswoman said a decision has not yet been reached.
"Carnivale" creator-exec producer Daniel Knauf, however, has
already begun developing a comedy series project for rival pay
cablercabler Showtime.

I feel it would be a mistake for "Carnivale" to go on indefinitely.
The show is too time/place specific.
If anything, I could imagine a third season with just 6-8 episodes to
tie up a few loose ends.
S2 has been fun, but it was forced compared with S1.

I actually liked many of the elements of the first season, the carnival
traveling about and strange things happening in various locales.


Milhouse Van Houten

2005-04-01 01:21:36 UTC


Post by manitou910
I feel it would be a mistake for "Carnivale" to go on indefinitely. The
show is too time/place specific.
If anything, I could imagine a third season with just 6-8 episodes to
tie up a few loose ends.
S2 has been fun, but it was forced compared with S1.

What does "time/place specific" mean? That it's set in the past, like
"Deadwood" for example?

S2 had it all over S1 for me, since they were a little clearer with the
story, and there was a story, or at least one that proceeded apace.


2005-04-01 02:06:30 UTC


Post by Milhouse Van Houten

Post by manitou910
I feel it would be a mistake for "Carnivale" to go on indefinitely. The
show is too time/place specific.
If anything, I could imagine a third season with just 6-8 episodes to
tie up a few loose ends.
S2 has been fun, but it was forced compared with S1.

What does "time/place specific" mean? That it's set in the past, like
"Deadwood" for example?

Most North Americans today have a much more detailed awareness (in part
because of past movies and TV shows) of the realities and details of the
depression era than for the 1870s 'wild west'.

We know the depression didn't last forever.

Post by Milhouse Van Houten
S2 had it all over S1 for me, since they were a little clearer with the
story, and there was a story, or at least one that proceeded apace.

What I enjoyed about S1 was that the season took time to lay down the
basic characters, plots and themes, and didn't hit us over the head with
wham/bam action and grand guignol spectacle every 5-10 minutes. I well
remember, however, that many viewres considered it moved to slowly.

Whether or not people prefer one or the other style is subjective,
though I'd suggest the extent to which either is enjoyed still is
dependent most of all on the quality of the writing, directing and acting.

What I enjoy about both "Carnivale" and "Deadwood" is the overall high
quality of the production and the actors.


Dan G

2005-04-01 02:32:42 UTC


Please, pretty please, don't cross-post.


2005-04-01 02:58:25 UTC


Post by Dan G
Please, pretty please, don't cross-post.

Why not? It seems to me that the OP was completely on-topic by posting
to,, and


2005-04-01 11:49:24 UTC


Post by Dan G
Please, pretty please, don't cross-post.


The thread is relevant to all groups.


Maria Vitale

2005-04-01 17:53:46 UTC


Post by manitou910

Post by Milhouse Van Houten

Post by manitou910
I feel it would be a mistake for "Carnivale" to go on indefinitely. The
show is too time/place specific.
If anything, I could imagine a third season with just 6-8 episodes to
tie up a few loose ends.
S2 has been fun, but it was forced compared with S1.

What does "time/place specific" mean? That it's set in the past, like
"Deadwood" for example?

Most North Americans today have a much more detailed awareness (in part
because of past movies and TV shows) of the realities and details of the
depression era than for the 1870s 'wild west'.
We know the depression didn't last forever.

Well I don't think it was ever meant to last forever. The
foreshadowing of the atomic bomb that Ben envisioned
is clear enough that it's supposed to lead up to WWII,
hence about 11 years from the start of Carnivale (1934).

Post by manitou910

Post by Milhouse Van Houten
S2 had it all over S1 for me, since they were a little clearer with the
story, and there was a story, or at least one that proceeded apace.

What I enjoyed about S1 was that the season took time to lay down the
basic characters, plots and themes, and didn't hit us over the head with
wham/bam action and grand guignol spectacle every 5-10 minutes. I well
remember, however, that many viewres considered it moved to slowly.

I rather liked it that way. Gave it a chance to develop nicely and
a good chance for me to get to know what was really going on.
It never felt thrown together or made up at the last minute, which
so many dramas tend to seem whenever writers haven't a clue
where they're going with the story or the characters. Both seasons
feel like they've been very clearly laid out and meticulously planned.

Post by manitou910
Whether or not people prefer one or the other style is subjective, though
I'd suggest the extent to which either is enjoyed still is dependent most
of all on the quality of the writing, directing and acting.
What I enjoy about both "Carnivale" and "Deadwood" is the overall high
quality of the production and the actors.

Same here. Plus, any series that has Brad Dourif has me sold from
the get-go. Finest actor alive.


2005-04-01 18:05:50 UTC


Maria Vitale wrote:

Post by Maria Vitale
Same here. Plus, any series that has Brad Dourif has me sold from
the get-go. Finest actor alive.

Been enjoying the Child's Play series, have you?

Jason Steiner

2005-04-01 19:12:19 UTC


Post by Ted

Post by Maria Vitale
Same here. Plus, any series that has Brad Dourif has me sold from
the get-go. Finest actor alive.

Been enjoying the Child's Play series, have you?

Someone really needs to put Wise Blood on DVD.


"Listen, my boy, I can't abide children. I know it's the style nowadays to
make a terrible fuss over you - but I don't go for it. As far as I'm concerned,
they're no good for anything but screaming, torturing people, breaking things,
smearing books with jam and tearing the pages." - The Neverending Story

Maria Vitale

2005-04-09 21:08:13 UTC



Post by Ted

Post by Maria Vitale
Same here. Plus, any series that has Brad Dourif has me sold from
the get-go. Finest actor alive.

Been enjoying the Child's Play series, have you?


2005-04-01 22:29:40 UTC


Post by Maria Vitale

Post by manitou910
What I enjoy about both "Carnivale" and "Deadwood" is the overall high
quality of the production and the actors.

Same here. Plus, any series that has Brad Dourif has me sold from
the get-go. Finest actor alive.

I think HBO should do a remake of the 1969-70 Canadian series, "Strange
Paradise", with David Hyde Pierce as Jean-Paul Desmond. Dourif could
appear as 'Quito', the mute servant. Bruce Gray ('Tim' in the original)
could portray Laszlo (the late Jack Creley in the original).

We need a Tudi Wiggins clone for 'Erica/Helena'.

To maintain the Canadian connection I'd suggest Jeremy Podeswa
(currently co-directing "ROME" at Cinecita) as creative producer. Mr.
Podeswa could raid the current casts of "QAF" and "6FU", both now finishing.



2005-04-02 00:25:59 UTC


Post by manitou910

Post by Maria Vitale

Post by manitou910
What I enjoy about both "Carnivale" and "Deadwood" is the overall high
quality of the production and the actors.

Same here. Plus, any series that has Brad Dourif has me sold from
the get-go. Finest actor alive.

I think HBO should do a remake of the 1969-70 Canadian series,


Post by manitou910
Paradise", with David Hyde Pierce as Jean-Paul Desmond. Dourif could
appear as 'Quito', the mute servant. Bruce Gray ('Tim' in the


Post by manitou910
could portray Laszlo (the late Jack Creley in the original).
We need a Tudi Wiggins clone for 'Erica/Helena'.
To maintain the Canadian connection I'd suggest Jeremy Podeswa
(currently co-directing "ROME" at Cinecita) as creative producer.


Post by manitou910
Podeswa could raid the current casts of "QAF" and "6FU", both now finishing.

KG of course will play Laszlo's supposed father-in-law who comes in as
an angel to make everything right at the end. AJG

The Last Church

2005-04-02 04:49:57 UTC


Good, let it die. I saw it twice and it is so predictable. The same old
plot lines different clouths.

Post by manitou910
I feel it would be a mistake for "Carnivale" to go on indefinitely. The
show is too time/place specific.



2005-03-31 15:29:52 UTC


I have friends who watch that religiously, but I don't get what the big
deal is. I *tried* to watch it with them last week and all I got from
it was they're a bunch of freaks. What am I missing?

(And if the show is as great as they keep telling me it is, why again
is it ending?....)

not getting the hang of this whole 'watching tv' thing ;-)


2005-03-31 18:23:29 UTC


Post by DJ
I have friends who watch that religiously, but I don't get what the big
deal is. I *tried* to watch it with them last week and all I got from
it was they're a bunch of freaks. What am I missing?
(And if the show is as great as they keep telling me it is, why again
is it ending?....)

Good vs Evil, Ladies dancing, "The Chooch", FREAKS and MIDGETS, what
more is there to ask for ?


2005-03-31 18:35:20 UTC


Post by ~Îñ©üßü§~

Post by DJ
I have friends who watch that religiously, but I don't get what the big
deal is. I *tried* to watch it with them last week and all I got from
it was they're a bunch of freaks. What am I missing?
(And if the show is as great as they keep telling me it is, why again
is it ending?....)

Good vs Evil, Ladies dancing, "The Chooch", FREAKS and MIDGETS, what
more is there to ask for ?

Buffy saving the world?


2005-03-31 18:33:40 UTC



That show needs an enema! ;-)



2005-03-31 19:01:33 UTC


On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:35:20 -0500, "Napoleon Dynamite/w Deb" <Hey Deb
Wanna See My Liger? It's A Cross Between A Lion And A Tiger And It's

Post by unknown

Post by ~Îñ©üßü§~

Post by DJ
I have friends who watch that religiously, but I don't get what the big
deal is. I *tried* to watch it with them last week and all I got from
it was they're a bunch of freaks. What am I missing?
(And if the show is as great as they keep telling me it is, why again
is it ending?....)

Good vs Evil, Ladies dancing, "The Chooch", FREAKS and MIDGETS, what
more is there to ask for ?

Buffy saving the world?

Buffy's a jobber


2005-03-31 19:18:11 UTC


Watch your mouth, T, or I'll have to slap it off your face! :-P

them's fightin' words

Sammuel Goldstein

2005-03-31 22:16:37 UTC


On 31 Mar 2005 11:18:11 -0800, "DJ" <***> wrote:

good riddence..

if you love it so goddamned much.. go download it from ares..

i remember when mtv showed videos and cinemax and showtime and hbo
showed movies..


2005-04-01 08:23:38 UTC


"i remember when mtv showed videos and cinemax and showtime and hbo
showed movies.."

So HBO should stop making the best shows on TV and show crappy movies
24/7 instead of showing crappy movies 20/7?

Shane MacIntyre

2005-03-31 19:57:27 UTC


Post by DJ
I have friends who watch that religiously, but I don't get what the big
deal is. I *tried* to watch it with them last week and all I got from
it was they're a bunch of freaks. What am I missing?

You are missing season one and most of season 2 I bet.
The key is watching ite religiously. This show is not your average formula
tv crap. Think of it as an on going feature film. How many movies could you
go see and just watch the opening scene, leave for about an hour and 10
minutes, come back and watch the end, then understand it.
The only way to watch Carnivale and get into it is: start watching season 1,
episode 1, and every episode after that in order.

Post by DJ
(And if the show is as great as they keep telling me it is, why again
is it ending?....)

No one has confirmed it is ending.
Yes, It does get comparitively low ratings, but thats because you can't jump
into it mid season. the story is far too complex. Its not a show that wraps
its storyline up every week. So getting new viewers is hard.
So if it ends, that is why.
The acting and directing of Carnivale tops all HBO shows combined and can't
be compared to any regular tv shows.

If it ends I will have no reason to keep HBO. I bet most of the 5000 people
that post on *** will say the same thing. I recieve about
200 posts a day from that group.

There I have purged my Carnivale OCD for the day.

Post by DJ
not getting the hang of this whole 'watching tv' thing ;-)


2005-03-31 21:04:12 UTC


Hehe, glad I could help you with that :)

I suppose you're right about the continuity, etc. I just dont have the
kind of time to sit around watching television, normally. If they
repeat it from the beginning, I might give a try again...


Shane MacIntyre

2005-03-31 21:24:22 UTC


Its well worth it.
I dont have time for tv either. Carnivale is the only thing thats kept my
interest. I am glad I caught it from the first episode :)

Post by DJ
Hehe, glad I could help you with that :)
I suppose you're right about the continuity, etc. I just dont have the
kind of time to sit around watching television, normally. If they
repeat it from the beginning, I might give a try again...

Jeff George

2005-04-01 15:44:20 UTC


On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 21:24:22 GMT I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Shane MacIntyre
Its well worth it.
I dont have time for tv either. Carnivale is the only thing thats kept my
interest. I am glad I caught it from the first episode :)

It's crazy but I'm paying about $120 per month so that I can send
email and watch HBO on Sunday nights. What a monopoly the cable
companies have.

"Every man dies, not every man really lives."
(spoken by William Wallace in "Braveheart")


2005-04-01 16:45:45 UTC


Post by Jeff George
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 21:24:22 GMT I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Shane MacIntyre
Its well worth it.
I dont have time for tv either. Carnivale is the only thing thats kept my
interest. I am glad I caught it from the first episode :)

It's crazy but I'm paying about $120 per month so that I can send
email and watch HBO on Sunday nights. What a monopoly the cable
companies have.

Um, satellite tv plus dial up would be way cheaper than that, and meet
your stated uses.

Jeff George

2005-04-05 14:03:57 UTC


On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 16:45:45 GMT I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Ted

Post by Jeff George
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 21:24:22 GMT I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Shane MacIntyre
Its well worth it.
I dont have time for tv either. Carnivale is the only thing thats kept my
interest. I am glad I caught it from the first episode :)

It's crazy but I'm paying about $120 per month so that I can send
email and watch HBO on Sunday nights. What a monopoly the cable
companies have.

Um, satellite tv plus dial up would be way cheaper than that, and meet
your stated uses.

But can you get HBO and stuff like that with satellite TV? And high
speed Internet? I also like having at least the option to watch
History of Sci-Fi if the mood ever strikes me. It always seemed to me
from people that had satellite that they had fewer options than cable.

"Every man dies, not every man really lives."
(spoken by William Wallace in "Braveheart")

Reginald Dwight

2005-04-05 16:44:01 UTC


Post by Jeff George
But can you get HBO and stuff like that with satellite TV? And high
speed Internet?

Yes and yes.

Best scenario that doesn't use the cable company...Directv's cheapest
package w/HBO added and a local dialup. Can't get cheaper than that.


2005-04-05 17:21:28 UTC


Post by Jeff George
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 16:45:45 GMT I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Ted

Post by Jeff George
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 21:24:22 GMT I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Shane MacIntyre
Its well worth it.
I dont have time for tv either. Carnivale is the only thing thats kept my
interest. I am glad I caught it from the first episode :)

It's crazy but I'm paying about $120 per month so that I can send
email and watch HBO on Sunday nights. What a monopoly the cable
companies have.

Um, satellite tv plus dial up would be way cheaper than that, and meet
your stated uses.

But can you get HBO and stuff like that with satellite TV?

Yes. I guess Direct TV isn't advertising e-goddamn-nough. And they
advertise a-goddamn-lot.

And high

Post by Jeff George
speed Internet?

Yes; satellite internet is available, tho expensive. But you don't need
high speed internet to "send email and watch HBO on Sunday nights".

I also like having at least the option to watch

Post by Jeff George
History of Sci-Fi if the mood ever strikes me. It always seemed to me
from people that had satellite that they had fewer options than cable.

Then don't claim you're paying $120 a month for HBO Sundays and email.

!! (Kira Dirlik)

2005-04-08 15:51:57 UTC


Post by Jeff George
It's crazy but I'm paying about $120 per month so that I can send
email and watch HBO on Sunday nights. What a monopoly the cable
companies have.

I have Dish network with HBO and Cinemax added on. Live "in the
woods" and have no cable access. I have dial-up on my computer and
just live with the slow response. My earthlink e-mail is $19.95 and
my Dishnetwork is $60, per month. I have more than enough channels
to watch (but often there is STILL nothing good on). Especially weak
in the movie vein. Thinking of getting Netflicks.

!! (Kira Dirlik)

2005-04-08 16:01:57 UTC


Heyy. This is crossposting. I hate reading everything twice. I
didn't mean this to cross-post from How can we all
get out of this loop?

Post by !! (Kira Dirlik)

Post by Jeff George
It's crazy but I'm paying about $120 per month so that I can send
email and watch HBO on Sunday nights. What a monopoly the cable
companies have.

I have Dish network with HBO and Cinemax added on. Live "in the
woods" and have no cable access. I have dial-up on my computer and
just live with the slow response. My earthlink e-mail is $19.95 and
my Dishnetwork is $60, per month. I have more than enough channels
to watch (but often there is STILL nothing good on). Especially weak
in the movie vein. Thinking of getting Netflicks.


2005-04-08 16:47:32 UTC


Post by !! (Kira Dirlik)
Heyy. This is crossposting. I hate reading everything twice. I
didn't mean this to cross-post from How can we all
get out of this loop?

Post by !! (Kira Dirlik)

Post by Jeff George
It's crazy but I'm paying about $120 per month so that I can send
email and watch HBO on Sunday nights. What a monopoly the cable
companies have.

I have Dish network with HBO and Cinemax added on. Live "in the
woods" and have no cable access. I have dial-up on my computer and
just live with the slow response. My earthlink e-mail is $19.95 and
my Dishnetwork is $60, per month. I have more than enough channels
to watch (but often there is STILL nothing good on). Especially weak
in the movie vein. Thinking of getting Netflicks.

Well, you can remove the HBO groups when you reply (like I duid here).
You can also set newreaders to mark crossposted message sread in their
crossposted groups, so that you don't fragment the discussion. You could
also choose not to read the thread in the HBO group, or kill it in the
HBO group from your newsreader, then you won't be reading it twice.
A: Because it disrupts the flow of a discussion.
Q: Why is crossposting bad?

!! (Kira Dirlik)

2005-04-08 22:32:45 UTC


Post by Ted

Post by !! (Kira Dirlik)
Heyy. This is crossposting. I hate reading everything twice. I
didn't mean this to cross-post from How can we all
get out of this loop?

Well, you can remove the HBO groups when you reply (like I duid here).
You can also set newreaders to mark crossposted message sread in their
crossposted groups, so that you don't fragment the discussion. You could
also choose not to read the thread in the HBO group, or kill it in the
HBO group from your newsreader, then you won't be reading it twice.
A: Because it disrupts the flow of a discussion.
Q: Why is crossposting bad?

Sorry to be doing it again, but I don't see anywhere in my Free Agent
WHERE it is posting to. It just says up there in
the headers. I sure hope this doesn't show up again in HBO NG. How
can I tell where it is going?

Jeff George

2005-04-11 13:42:20 UTC


On Fri, 08 Apr 2005 22:32:45 GMT I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by !! (Kira Dirlik)

Post by Ted

Post by !! (Kira Dirlik)
Heyy. This is crossposting. I hate reading everything twice. I
didn't mean this to cross-post from How can we all
get out of this loop?

Well, you can remove the HBO groups when you reply (like I duid here).
You can also set newreaders to mark crossposted message sread in their
crossposted groups, so that you don't fragment the discussion. You could
also choose not to read the thread in the HBO group, or kill it in the
HBO group from your newsreader, then you won't be reading it twice.
A: Because it disrupts the flow of a discussion.
Q: Why is crossposting bad?

Sorry to be doing it again, but I don't see anywhere in my Free Agent
WHERE it is posting to. It just says up there in
the headers. I sure hope this doesn't show up again in HBO NG. How
can I tell where it is going?

If Agent (I don't think Free Agent should be different) says it's only
replying to, then that's the only spot it should be
sending the message. Agent also allows you to determine how you want
to handle messages that are crossposted. I have it set so that if it
retrieves it in one group it ignores it in another.

"Every man dies, not every man really lives."
(spoken by William Wallace in "Braveheart")


2005-04-11 13:48:49 UTC


Post by !! (Kira Dirlik)

Post by Ted

Post by !! (Kira Dirlik)
Heyy. This is crossposting. I hate reading everything twice. I
didn't mean this to cross-post from How can we all
get out of this loop?

Well, you can remove the HBO groups when you reply (like I duid here).
You can also set newreaders to mark crossposted message sread in their
crossposted groups, so that you don't fragment the discussion. You could
also choose not to read the thread in the HBO group, or kill it in the
HBO group from your newsreader, then you won't be reading it twice.
A: Because it disrupts the flow of a discussion.
Q: Why is crossposting bad?

Sorry to be doing it again, but I don't see anywhere in my Free Agent
WHERE it is posting to. It just says up there in
the headers. I sure hope this doesn't show up again in HBO NG. How
can I tell where it is going?

Well, this message and your last my message were in a thread following
my previous message. Because I changed the recipient groups in that last
message, these messages will only post to a.t.c. (without adding new
I don't use Agent, but you might try hitting reply in this message, and
then hitting reply while looking at a message you know crossposted
(anything from you in this thread except the message I'm quoting here).
Don't send these replies to the groups. Examine your unsent replies for
differences; I'll bet you'll find where the HBO group is added in the
reply to the crossposted message. I also bet that you can delete that
line, meaning you won't crosspost the message. Look for multiple groups
in that place in the futureto know if you're crossposting.
Perhaps you need to enable more informational windows in your posting
set up?

!! (Kira Dirlik)

2005-04-11 14:41:44 UTC


Post by Ted
I don't use Agent, but you might try hitting reply in this message, and
then hitting reply while looking at a message you know crossposted
(anything from you in this thread except the message I'm quoting here).
Don't send these replies to the groups. Examine your unsent replies for
differences; I'll bet you'll find where the HBO group is added in the
reply to the crossposted message. I also bet that you can delete that
line, meaning you won't crosspost the message. Look for multiple groups
in that place in the futureto know if you're crossposting.
Perhaps you need to enable more informational windows in your posting
set up?

Thanks. I see that now.

Jeff George

2005-04-11 13:40:29 UTC


On Fri, 08 Apr 2005 15:51:57 GMT I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by !! (Kira Dirlik)

Post by Jeff George
It's crazy but I'm paying about $120 per month so that I can send
email and watch HBO on Sunday nights. What a monopoly the cable
companies have.

I have Dish network with HBO and Cinemax added on. Live "in the
woods" and have no cable access. I have dial-up on my computer and
just live with the slow response. My earthlink e-mail is $19.95 and
my Dishnetwork is $60, per month. I have more than enough channels
to watch (but often there is STILL nothing good on). Especially weak
in the movie vein. Thinking of getting Netflicks.

I'm a long time Netflix subscriber and if I watch TV, other than HBO,
I'm usually watching something I received from them. Blockbuster is
trying to get in on the action, supposedly offering the same type of
deal as Netflix but at a cheaper price. I think you can get a free
trial at Netflix, but if not and anyone wants one, existing members
can hand them out like candy.

"Every man dies, not every man really lives."
(spoken by William Wallace in "Braveheart")

Jaime Davila

2005-04-06 13:34:20 UTC


Post by Jeff George
But can you get HBO and stuff like that with satellite TV?


Post by Jeff George
And high
speed Internet?

You can, but it's expensive. It would only be worthwhile "in the woods,"
where cable companies might not reach.

Post by Jeff George
I also like having at least the option to watch
History of Sci-Fi if the mood ever strikes me.

You can get both of those with satellite.

Post by Jeff George
It always seemed to me
from people that had satellite that they had fewer options than cable.

I disagree. In fact, other than equipment, cable and satellite cost
pretty much the same. Most times, you can get the equipment for free if
you're a new subscriber and sign a (one/two) year agreement. And then
satellite has MUCH more programming. For example, linkTV is only
available via satellite, I can get a bunch of stations from latin
America and Spain, and (here's what does it for me) I can watch every
single NFL game with an additional subscription.

Youra nama

2005-04-02 16:06:34 UTC


look into verizon's fios they are suppose to carry TV/HIGH speed
(5000kb/2000kb) to homes soon
not real bad @ 35 bundled of 40 out right
of course tv will be extra but 20 years later some real compition for
cable companys


2005-04-20 03:03:08 UTC


I would have to agree with Shane MacIntyre and Manitou910.
"Carnivàle" is one of the greatest shows ever because its plot is rich
in content. More than being entirely based in the mere historical
events involved in the Depression, this show present specific symbolism
that let us understand the true meanings and consequences that occurred
during that period of time. To understand it, it is fundamental that
you catch up every single episode. Like it was mentioned earlier, you
cannot stand up at the middle of a movie to just watch its ending and
still try to understand what took place in it.

As for "Carnivàle" to be renewed for a third season, I still have high
hopes that it will. Like Ray D. stated in one of his posts, HBO has
renewed shows that do not follow expected ratings. Other than that,
like many of you have stated too, HBO cannot base its programming in
mere movie presentations. Nowadays, everyone can watch those movies
through video stores, local programming, and at the theatres. HBO
needs to keep its franchise by promoting original series or special
presentations. Most of its shows are bound to end soon. "Sex and the
City" is already gone. There are comments that state the possibility
of final seasons for "The Sopranos" and "Six Feet Under". HBO can
still create new original shows to fill in the gaps left by these
important shows. However, they cannot keep investing money every time
one of its shows does not receive expected ratings. For this reason, I
think that in the same way that "The Wire" and "Deadwood" are being
renewed, "Carnivàle" will be given another chance to keep surprising
us with its amazing writing, script, and talented actors.


2005-04-01 08:21:46 UTC


"And if the show is as great as they keep telling me it is, why again
is it ending?....) "

Um what are you 5?


2005-04-01 19:16:38 UTC


Um, no, I'm 6, thankyouverymuch. What are you, blind?

Thoroughly amused


2005-04-01 14:31:38 UTC


DJ regurgitated eggs and wrote in news:1112282992.523842.33860

Post by DJ
What am I missing?

Patience and a modicum of intelligence maybe?



2005-04-01 19:18:03 UTC


I could run circles around you, baby doll. Go bore someone else with
your sub-par social skills. ;-)



2005-04-02 16:04:33 UTC


DJ regurgitated eggs and wrote in news:1112383083.675848.11380

Post by DJ
I could run circles around you, baby doll. Go bore someone else with
your sub-par social skills. ;-)

Bah! You nailed me well and truly. Miss Jarr, thou art my inspiration for
many a matter. A patently practiced person of polemic pressure from the dark
barrens of Joisee. I am forever in awe of thy personage regarding so many
matters, especially in regards to the burly men of the squared circle and of
course the finer art of expressionistic confabulation, not forgetting your
inherent skill with the sausage making machine. ;-)

Aah, the ever lovely Dora, I worship at your hairy feet.



2005-03-31 16:27:29 UTC




2005-03-31 18:24:10 UTC


On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:29:02 -0500, "Napoleon Dynamite/w Deb" <Hey Deb
Wanna See My Liger? It's A Cross Between A Lion And A Tiger And It's

Post by unknown
Variety Sources: CARNIVALE 'Not Likely To Return'!!
I am - Hercules!!
It looks like we're not going to find out what dustbowl dweller Ben Hawkins'
connection is to a future nuclear holocaust after all!
Thursday morning's Variety reports that HBO has already picked up "Deadwood"
Sunday's season finale for "Carnivale" delivered an above-average 2.4
million viewers, but insiders insist the show is not likely to return.
An HBO spokeswoman said a decision has not yet been reached. "Carnivale"
creator-exec producer Daniel Knauf, however, has already begun developing a
comedy series project for rival pay cablercabler Showtime.

They said the same thing after season 1, hopefully there will be a
season 3.

Ray D.

2005-04-01 07:48:01 UTC


Post by ~Îñ©üßü§~
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:29:02 -0500, "Napoleon Dynamite/w Deb" <Hey Deb
Wanna See My Liger? It's A Cross Between A Lion And A Tiger And It's

Post by unknown
Variety Sources: CARNIVALE 'Not Likely To Return'!!
I am - Hercules!!
It looks like we're not going to find out what dustbowl dweller Ben Hawkins'
connection is to a future nuclear holocaust after all!
Thursday morning's Variety reports that HBO has already picked up "Deadwood"
Sunday's season finale for "Carnivale" delivered an above-average 2.4
million viewers, but insiders insist the show is not likely to return.
An HBO spokeswoman said a decision has not yet been reached. "Carnivale"
creator-exec producer Daniel Knauf, however, has already begun developing a
comedy series project for rival pay cablercabler Showtime.

They said the same thing after season 1, hopefully there will be a
season 3.

They just renewed "The Wire." And that show SUCKS. It's the only show HBO
has produced in 10 years I didn't at least like "a little bit." (Most of
their dramas rock)

If that lame POS can be renewed, then certainly Carnivale could at least get
one more season. If anything should be canceled, how about SFU??? That was
originally a very entertaining and intriguing show - but the last season was
beyond atrocious. It's only viewing merit is it's similarity to a car
wreck. (entertaining in a demented way - taking glee in something so
horrible it's something you can't look away from)

And what's the deal with ratings anyway?!?! They don't sell advertising
time. THAT is why ratings are important. They are subscriber based. NTM
that you can watch any weeks episode like 10 times a week.

Why is it that whenever we get a show with vision, intricate plotlines,
excellent acting, and stunning visuals.... a show that doesn't cater to the
"dumbed down America" crowd (you know the type: Will watch Survivor and any
other "reality" show religiously, but find the sub-plots of "Everybody
Loves Raymond" to be just too complex)... we never get to see it finish???
I like HBO for TAKING CHANCES, and giving us programming we can't find
anywhere else. Now, suddenly, they seem to have lost their cajones as

Mark my words, unless HBO has some clause forbidding it, should Carnivale
not be renewed, Showtime will snatch it up... and I'll become a new
subscriber (and drop HBO until the time of year the Sopranos or Deadwood is
airing, only to cancel again).

Jeff George

2005-04-01 15:46:49 UTC


On Fri, 1 Apr 2005 02:48:01 -0500 I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Ray D.
They just renewed "The Wire." And that show SUCKS. It's the only show HBO
has produced in 10 years I didn't at least like "a little bit." (Most of
their dramas rock)

I like The Wire for one season I think it was. Whatever season ended
with the Polish union guy getting whacked by the Greeks. I tried
watching the next season but it just sucked too much.

Post by Ray D.
If that lame POS can be renewed, then certainly Carnivale could at least get
one more season. If anything should be canceled, how about SFU??? That was
originally a very entertaining and intriguing show - but the last season was
beyond atrocious. It's only viewing merit is it's similarity to a car
wreck. (entertaining in a demented way - taking glee in something so
horrible it's something you can't look away from)

I still like Six Feet Under.

"Every man dies, not every man really lives."
(spoken by William Wallace in "Braveheart")


2005-04-14 14:18:25 UTC


Post by Ray D.
They just renewed "The Wire." And that show SUCKS. It's the only show HBO
has produced in 10 years I didn't at least like "a little bit." (Most of
their dramas rock)

I like "Carnivale" and hope it gets renewed, but IMHO "The Wire" >

Post by Ray D.
And what's the deal with ratings anyway?!?! They don't sell


Post by Ray D.
time. THAT is why ratings are important. They are subscriber based.


Post by Ray D.
that you can watch any weeks episode like 10 times a week.
Why is it that whenever we get a show with vision, intricate


Post by Ray D.
excellent acting, and stunning visuals.... a show that doesn't cater to the
"dumbed down America" crowd (you know the type: Will watch Survivor and any
other "reality" show religiously, but find the sub-plots of


Post by Ray D.
Loves Raymond" to be just too complex)... we never get to see it finish???
I like HBO for TAKING CHANCES, and giving us programming we can't find
anywhere else. Now, suddenly, they seem to have lost their cajones as

I agree with these two paragraphs.--Joe (n.j.) [mWo]

Pooty Lizard

2005-04-14 10:28:15 UTC


"Napoleon Dynamite/w Deb" <Hey Deb Wanna See My Liger? It's A Cross Between
A Lion And A Tiger And It's My Favorite Animal Bred For It's Skills In

Post by unknown
Variety Sources: CARNIVALE 'Not Likely To Return'!!

HBO has more important things to show like "ROME" <rolleyes>

Jeff George

2005-04-14 14:19:26 UTC


On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 06:28:15 -0400 I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Pooty Lizard
"Napoleon Dynamite/w Deb" <Hey Deb Wanna See My Liger? It's A Cross Between
A Lion And A Tiger And It's My Favorite Animal Bred For It's Skills In

Post by unknown
Variety Sources: CARNIVALE 'Not Likely To Return'!!

HBO has more important things to show like "ROME" <rolleyes>

If it's historically accurate Rome could end up being their best
production ever.

"Every man dies, not every man really lives."
(spoken by William Wallace in "Braveheart")

Pooty Lizard

2005-04-15 23:20:02 UTC


Post by Jeff George
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 06:28:15 -0400 I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Pooty Lizard
"Napoleon Dynamite/w Deb" <Hey Deb Wanna See My Liger? It's A Cross Between
A Lion And A Tiger And It's My Favorite Animal Bred For It's Skills In

Post by unknown
Variety Sources: CARNIVALE 'Not Likely To Return'!!

HBO has more important things to show like "ROME" <rolleyes>

If it's historically accurate Rome could end up being their best
production ever.

Riiiiiiiiiiiight...record keeping was so accurate and detailed in those day.

Jeff George

2005-04-18 14:09:41 UTC


On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 19:20:02 -0400 I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Pooty Lizard

Post by Jeff George
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 06:28:15 -0400 I used my godlike powers to observe

Post by Pooty Lizard
"Napoleon Dynamite/w Deb" <Hey Deb Wanna See My Liger? It's A Cross Between
A Lion And A Tiger And It's My Favorite Animal Bred For It's Skills In

Post by unknown
Variety Sources: CARNIVALE 'Not Likely To Return'!!

HBO has more important things to show like "ROME" <rolleyes>

If it's historically accurate Rome could end up being their best
production ever.

Riiiiiiiiiiiight...record keeping was so accurate and detailed in those day.


"Every man dies, not every man really lives."
(spoken by William Wallace in "Braveheart")

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Carnivale "Not Likely To Return"? (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.