Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

ft Green Bay Press-Gazette SPORTS AND MARKETS GREEN BAY, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 15, 1943 Sports Scribes Really Wild on Brooklyn Deal 'De Revolution' Is Settled Quietly, No Bums' Rush Given I Revamped Northwest Engineers Team to Battle Bogda Tonight TI i Collard's Club Out to Prove Last Sunday's Win Was No Accident; Undefeated Westphal Meets Press-Gazette on Sunday Afternoon i 'Mi uT 1 TTv, 64. I fatinder llaegs, known to the sports fraternity as the sfi Swede, Hashes Ibe fmin that, him numerous distance recoi ds 1 before his invasion of the United State--. Dodgers Peaceful as Rickey Backs Pilot Buck Newsom Traded to St. Louis Browns for Two Pitchers, But Says He Has No Intentions Of Reporting; Discipline May Prove Costly Enter Homestretch Ily 'nitcd Press The major leagues, their throe-day recess lor the annual All-Star name over, enter the 1 9 4 boniest i eii. li today with 12 of the 16 clubs K'Jing into actum ii.

six (james. The tirst-plaee Ne Yoi Vorikees and Philadelphia are idle in the Amer.can league, but I uiincr-up I 1 1 i 1 1 fj.iines behind. plays the While Sox at Chicago, Hilton kocs to W.j'-hiiit'.ton and Cleveland St. Louis in the only day contest. Ill the National league, the pa St.

Louis C'aidm-u Is, 1 1 in rout of the Miooklyn take on Pie I'll ales at Pitt i plays at 1 'li i i.uiclplna and Chicago at Cincinnati. and river pom's: as manv tine I a nrl "i in hum Oil' Ear A did "tro Dad I-'rom Disappointed for Vaughan, Bickev said ie ii't heheve ier cou'd la" as a iu- ( as a and for de. he was far so will lo and cleared." he fit. i isappoiiitei "'i'l if -v hrc lii- no vr that the air 1. said, "the road is pro i' Di, i( her, '11 fur 1111- ed by-was teie-V.

eli sal'i "everythin del fill." "Mr. Kiekey made i statement." he said, aim -j, tira.gii. that I an wrong. Fx ma-i i ors and probably will Wfiiidei fn! 'I lelt all did not do lo's of more but 1 don th I de one Ilia i'." in the xca fat I I 5 So mfu-hi S'ai earne St. Lou: r.

Catcher 5 tu for cong 'ed 1 'iillao'elphi I'own- and iker Coupe ir fugii'h Jake of St. un in ti Soldier Football Packers to Keep When ike 'ue Ha id this uil or 'be belief ohl too' from the gr PackeiS' they will of tho i- rom bow manv u-ieaie will pi ob-H" cr be kriov, n. but Coach l.amoeau today wa- a ed American soldier in Au'-thtit tiiou-and of us will for Back(r pews in 1 Cui'lv be lo la hi. acnev ir, been (IP for u-e w.i! heat than you be it Iron ood. ig'i.

We don't get r.ews over Ik re. S'tt i. it's "Was wondering if the Bav Packers planned on operating this season. Trv i to do so if you possibly ran. It is svvpII to have an all-out war effort but think the fel- Puts Fuller 'V Pin Lead Ine le'ter was i i Au-traba.

Hare sort. time. Am the orse haiuo- ''vend T.i vu' t'' VICTOR' IMM STKIAI. I.KAf.l Norlliwpvl Weslphul I'aint. rilihS Iti fafl Huprta Miur Krai I llfpe Tonight's (lame i linn I (10(1 1 llllll llllll Honda IK i.

Sun liwrt Sunday Afternoon's Game Wcslphal (J: Id p. lihtcjav Field). Sunday Ninht's Game All-Slarv linliiiivilli. (I.xtiiliiiiim AriMous to prove that la: Sunday's suip'ise v. Cobis (head was no accident, Northwest Kngmeei ing lovampcd rune takes on Ih.gia Motois in a Victory Inihi-li ial league ha elri'l tilt on Biuejay field at fi o'( lock tonight.

N'o: "'hwest stumbled 'hrough the cubic lust half schedule v. it -out tasting victory even once, hot last Suiiuav Manager Ni bs C'ol-lai had a lunn out theie that i oul'in't he Paied by the etei i.n Noi t'lusman six hi's in six ti'ii-s up, the Kn-gmf iis I I Hi t'ohb's pitchf-rs for an ea-y I'i-'f eiuni annt. Uie new Noiih wo- ca-' her, -'ef-riiS to hru, bnis'ercd the N( r'hwe-t team considerably. Another newcomer last Sunday was Alton White, former fjogda Mo'ois hiu ier. who pitched for the in re en innings.

White Wants ltevene Whi'i" undoubtedly wii! be the siaitir.g hui lep tonieht against former niatf. and tans can read of that a -e i angle for the ga.Tif. Tfjny Geral arul Sclmei'l'-r will be ieady for act ion. Bogrin as tripped up by We-t-nhal I'amt the league's only 'earn in i'i initial second half encoon'er. The count as 8 to 4 in thai in whit W'estphal's lienor ib'tiug pow f-r tin- marem.

Bob (Jir'ner proliabiy will he Manager John DoPont's choice for starting hut Sunday (un'cst i he a elrusic. it brings toge'her Westphal Pa and was extended to ten innings bi fore beating the New-run ijy 3-1 hi the July 4 game for the firs', naif title. All-Stars To Play The leagpe All-Stais wi'l make their Just appeatance Sunday-night, going to Chiiton'. ibe for a bat tie with the Truckers. Bob the Ail-S'ars' manager, luiri his fust workout at Biuejay tieid Wednesday night, and I e- 1 i e'CS Set t.

Ilia the aggrerat ion will 'ne ai.e a good shu.vir;: I'o'A ei Trui kers. will come to Green rt urn game S.o'.n da II: gainst Cbn'oinil P.av for a ning, Jul rut fit bisk night, aocor i will hold a woi at fi o'cIik torn 1 to Manager Clem Col la id. The Wes meet at Joannes this enuig. eiial nine w51 rk at ti o'ti'H Name Treasurer of Syndicate Seeking Pro Football Berth BALTIMORE Pv Jacob W. Slagle, star 'halfback at Princeton university in the mid-twenties, was named treasurer Wednesday of a syndicate formed for the the avowed purpose of acquiring "a franchise for a profe sional football train i epi c-eiil ing Baltimore city in the National Football league." Slagle's appointment was announced after a meeting of George Iheston Marshall, owner of the Washington Redskins, and Henry M.

White and Edgar Allen Joe Ha It imoreans who have been actively seeking a franchise since the city park board recently-opened the municipal stadium to Sunday sports events. Marshall, because of the territorial rights involved in a league franchise, must approve any application from this city, but he told newspapermen after the erm-lerenee lie would not stand in the way of any group which meant business. I -y two 1 1 men he sent home run into the left ariy (if WashiiiKton, both got Louis and Umpire Ed Rommel 1 1 Ail-Star tilts. Fans Want On Playing lous really want the American things to co on at home as much as possible. "After it's the American iy of living' are fighting for.

a thousands of us hers mi will he looking for Packer v.s in T.t. (Bill) Lee, former Cm i Bay Packer and Alabama tacr'le, is "just ciazy'' about hu Hoik at a Navy base in San Diego, Calif, accord. ng to his wife, the rr.rr Ftcemary Maloney of Cieen Bav, ho her mother. A. J.

Maloney, 1028 Pnr-ler stie't. la-t eek I.ep an instructor in the landing ciaft infantry, pi raring soldiers to land on enemy shores. 'Tis s.iid pieparuig i Pai sea ing heie in vumeces years h-'i au park by pu' lion Uut-on is )urcha-e bus first ai ticket since purchase -ary in the last ncht the end go into the ng' on a uniform Snt Bob Adkins' ad tram? and r. won 12 in co in pet: -In Australia. ha-kc ganies each among soldiers turn The ilaii hi Appleton rmer Parker blocking Harry Heller, fhrmer Paperrraker in fir lder, at -e Adkms is at the ieneral hospital in the second ba-e fie; med'ea! corf The Detroit Lions luce announced -uuiuitr of six playei including ollard of Pie llih) Delroit club Newcomers- are Tackle FAcrr-tt Sharp and Halfha, Hei'she! Gii'ey.

California I'olvfd hnie: Tackle Don Clark of St. Mary's and Half-harks- Charles Feuenboek of I'CLA and Bee km an of Wayne university, Detroit F'enenbock formerly nlayed wih the Los Angeles Bulldogs. Thousands of Fish Die in Fondy River; Pollution Studied FOND DU LAC, Wis. Dr. F.dward Schneberger, biologist for the con -ervation commission, was studying stream pollution here today to determine cause of de, 1 1 sands of small perch.

bass in Fond du Lao river near its mouth in Lake Win-lie bario. Heavy toil of fir.h in the stream three years ago was traced to 1 10 1 1 1 it, .11 from an indu'-trial plant. Game Warden Charles: A. fiehlumpf reported that the livpr was covered with a solid ma.s.s of Wednesday morning, and estimated the loss as greater than the entire season's catch in thd lake. By high 1 1 i.i.i:kton jr.

NEW YORK fPJ The AMI handbook probably won't list uny now broad jumping words established by P)orls write rs in July, 194.1, but Troin here it seem, that the boys have made some remarkably long leaps at eon-elusions about what Branch Kiekey wouh say to Leo Duroeher a vice versa. We don't know what "de iav-o 1 ti i in 1 amounted t. nor what Leo actually xa about resigning, but anybody who cave the matter a serious second thought realized that Kiekey would have to stand back of his manager as long a possible. The general impression when neither Branch nor Leo turned up for the All-Star same Tuesday was that they were holding their discussion privately while the scribes were in Philadelphia. And sure enough, the publicized conference didn't take place Wednesday but Kiekey came out with a statement that Duroeher still is "in." SHORT TIIOl tiHT If Rickey dirt (jive Duroeher the heave-ho, or let him resign, he'd be on the spot himself the rest of the season.

Any new manager would have to cure the dissension on the club and get the skidding Bums back Into the pennant ficht two tough jobs. So if Branch let Duroeher out ijd the move wasn't successful, the directors might let Branch out with no more rrremony. lie's only a hired hand, too. ONE-MINl'TE PORTS: If Gundar HaegR letun 'o Sweden by plane instead of by tanker, he'll likely make his faie-well appeal am at Yankee s'ad-ium about Auk. 1 instead of at New Orleans.

And he may try for a mile rocmd at f'liiiioton as a build-up for Hie last sh jv. Louis Angel Kupo plans to sen I his amateur heavyweight, Abel Cestac, to the United States tlrs fall in hopes of budding him into a heavyweight title contender. Rancher Firpo says he's had an invitation from Jack Dempscy, bat the fight mob might appreciate it more if he left. Cestac at bona; and shipped a couple of steers instead. New Jersey's Baltu.s-rnl golf club has added JOT moie sheep to its rncnaf.ene and nn.v has 185 annuals on the premises.

TODAY'S CH'KST STAR: llavey J. Hovle, Pit fh rost-Gactte: "That to the east is the call of the wild the wild Brooklyn tans, a measure of whose capacity for deni uicia' ion is to be had from the fact that I've most flowery term in their vncab-nlary of praise is 'Our What such a dubious accolade horn of suctcss wll cliaime tu in failure will make a fishwife's vocabulary the essence of circ*mspection." 73 Sack O.N'K YEAR A(iO TODAY July 15, 1942 Nick Kamic Night, scheduled tonight, was postponed until Friday niglit because of weather l.yman Lincle, ace Bluejay liurler, was honored by Heaver Dam tans from his hometown at Kond do last night hide eelcniatod by blanking the Panthers, to 0. FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY July 15. 1938 Dick Heau-rrjard. West De Pere star halfback at (ionzaga, took the lead in the Northeastern Wisconsin baMotitiK for a C'oMcge Ail-Star halfback with 4.671 vote Emmrlt Mortell, Appleton High, Wisconsin and Philadelphia Eagle grid ace, visited In Green Ray Clintonville conies to Green Ray for a Northern State league game with the Green Sox Sunday night.

TEN YEARS AGO TODAY July IS, 1933 Grpen Bay and Kaukauna will fight for first place in the State league here tomorrow William rioctz of Oneida will play Sonny Sehreiber of Oshknsh in the semi-finals of 1he Northeastern Wisconsin golf tournament at Tuscumbia today Jack Manclors, great Minnesota fullback, has signed with the Chicago Bears Fred Kaftan readied the finals of the county junior tennis meet by beating Joe Hocffcl. 15 YEARS AGO TODAY July 15. Extra base hits gave Kaukauna a 7-6 victory over Green Ray here yesterday, sending the Sox back to third place In the Valley league standing's rtiil'iis House got three hits lor the Rays Rreaking- f)" out of 100 targets, Gordon Rent won the city trapshool-ing title yesterday. 25 YEARS AGO TODAY July If) 18 -The South Side Whales will meet the B( hnke-Janm nine of Appleton at Uoua-inan street grounds Sunday. tr ullrrton I i a itv ray p.v(;r.i, I'less-fiactte Sports Editor Yes, the Deacon Did Win That Game Pigeon Club Sets Record Henry Fabry Lowers Time in 504-Mile Event From Norfolk The ClC- Hon record 'OIC'OUl'; 'I" I'siimi in ViiK iiom Nor-1 fiom to ten bat ll'iny I won clui) club s't a i Hier Valle; folk, 12 hours how and Final Kabiy of plac-won the nd la mini aU ininu" ults si.o.'.' (j: cen md that trust The bii ere I folK.

i iiii is 501 ru (an il llav. at clear wea' i and wind. f''vini i cl it r- a i hue 101 a. m. a a', eriiged 4fi per inur.

Fcrv year the flub liu-v a rn.le old hud rial a MOii-mile young hold 1e-t in compete with Sheboygan, Maio oc and Kaukauna clubs. The next eon-coui -e, for young bu d-', will he in id in Bo-t a i age-: F'ainy. Green Hay. 1 minute: (Jai Km (hunier. Given Lifil.lR; Fnhiy.

1318 53: Gainicr. 1316 .38: K. J. Tilkriis, G.een 1287.78 and 12 R4.4R; Van. Gieen Hav, 1281 21; Dick, Manitowoc.

1236.81; Ki inner, Sheboy gan. 1234 8. Kissinger Loft Wins N.S. Pigeon Event John Kis-i'incr of Sc mosir th" North Side Homing club race from Lineoir, lib, his l.e-t honiuig at an avcrag" of 1080.75 ard- pi Art end BourgU'giion's loit i-ii 1074.4 I. )' her ri lO.afhla; Lio (i Schae'e Huybrecbt-Mo'iH.

103 Bobachek. lull 81: Lf-1028 1' Jgene L.o Hoettl. Bud lien, l)fll a. se r. 10' 4.

00: lien l.e Mob! li)18 fi Boiugu': TS- YSK rvs.e?: cf irSfxfctii in. Deaeor. 'more, an and does have a blushing violet. week from ago I mentioned in this the Deacon, he oi met tor Delniore, Ilq. Btry.

AARl'C. pitrher for the game Delmore has been at camp since September and has played on the Softball (lid: horrors!) team, but military duties have kept him from beinjf ripe earlier this-season for the baseball team." rnlortunatrly, the story doesn't go into details on llic championship Mini-, hut ir-cites the Deacon's colorful career a.s a baseball hand, lie is credited with helping to in (ireen Hay's pennant in 1941, and its almost-pennunt in Major Walter mentioned a couple of other items which are of interest here. He ic-porls that Mike Mikulak, the former fullback of the Chicago Cardinals who was quite well known in (ireen Bay, is a captain and provost marshal with an outfit in North Africa. It's quite likely that by now he's mixed up with the show they're putting on for Benito. Another athlete, Herman Wit-asek, recently received his captaincy al Camp oilers, ncre he is assigned to a training battalion.

Witasek plaved basketball with the Oshkosh All-Stars, and appeared in Green Bay on several occasions. Loop Folds Up LATEST baseball war casualty is the Twin Ports league, the Class F. circuit which has been operating in Wisconsin and Minnesota. The circuit will suspend activities July 26. President W.

G. Bramham of the National Association of Professional Baseball leagues has been advised. Lefty Gresenz Hurling For Army Air Base Nine APPLKTON, Wis Riiss Lefty) Gresenz, former Appleton and Fond du Lac pitcher in the Wisconsin State baseball league, is starring for the Aimv air baste team at Salt Lake City. Utah. He has won 11 games against one doled.

In a recent game he struck out five batters in one inning, two men reaching first after the catcher dropped third strikes. fJL 'I'l 1 WAR (ii.c-s to a ir 'l'ai hoii) (N. Tai'an, is only hur: or two, but I never thought he was a I'AI SCllhrHI.S -Peace 1 today with tl.l lied to 1 ll'Oo only I "-uHory ins f'otn liiiek oi. I casualty, in a live-day vocal fracas v.loc'u invoked Leo Duroeher, lnfielder Ail.y V.o.ihan and sevC'ial otner and le-sul'ed in a sanction of Ins nilot uv i'lb i'l isi ancn k( y. For a time it seemed if Dun i ber was t.oroui.

as lulu-n and ether UlMa'oned to quit, l.i-t Sa'aiday at'o-r Ni-Whotii was for three days jaiy fur insub-Oi dina'ion. The came to a v. hen Viiiiaii.t'i ah'i (hailed Duroeher with unfair in hi-' treatinet.t of tbe bu; riiitiitituler and tin' real cau. of piinishinent (A en' uailv became conlSict'isS argu-' A truce was declared uni 1 Itickey ac'ed. He not tacked Duroeher, hut summarily sent.

New se in to toe St. Louis for Pitchers Archie MeKa.n ami Frit. 'et uv.ieilcr. Newsem -aid lie would "fpjit hefoie plaVUnl with Uie lirov. n-.

iot Haw est Deal'' ''I the i.PAe.t deal ever liaoiieil to a ba.icbiol player." he ysseitid. Pa fo; on a-k me any (pa'Sl 'in- straihbt I lb finitely lace na mUn'ion of re-pi il a to the lii owns. "I'll aiouial heie for few da and ben go en home." As a deal, miles- there i an-olher inn-re on the fire, the swnp may puive a co-tly lot (f discipline to the Dodders. Mi Kirn and who by no nu-'iuKl of fnjurni measure up to Newsom. are strictly ndief pitchet Archie linvili only once and Kri'.

tlueo Iniiiv. Neither finished, McKam's record leading at. one victory against one defeat. has failed to v. in, losing two dei i-ions.

(in Hie other hand, Nev soin lias been the only consistent Brooklyn pitcher. F'ormei ly a member oT the Bi owns, Chicago Cubs, Browns again. Washing'on Senators, lios-lor. Bed Son', Delroit. Ticers.

Brooklyn and again, the Browns, he has (hall. ed up nine wins four defeats. Not Willi All-Stars nether or not Ins i will settle the in'einal among the Dodgers is a mat ill tore strife Per for can he con jeci il i'e. I is popu laniy atte-ted to by the resenlment attendant, to his not being chosen on the senior league All-Stars and Ihe manner in which his mates rose to his defense. Mickey said any talk of Duroeher resigning was "silly." "If Loo resigned, I wouldn't accept, it," he said.

"He has said nothing nliou quitting to me anyhow. The idea that, 1 never held Duroeher in high esteem is universally erroneous. It's not true the lau You ii riter a hi iv recall that some it getting: a letter hrcni Bay Biuejay who has attained the rank of corporal at Cam)) Wallace. Texas. In this letter he stated that he whs 1o do the pitching for Wallace Fal-taff for the Galveston Seivice lr-ojine's first half championship on the following; dav He promised to write and let us know the outcome, but I'm still looking for let- Bohhv Doe rr, inmr.

Hoston Ked of the All- he field stands, on with walks look on. Tin Laabs. of fi iin Mm Coop An won Washing Dishes Is Newest Hobby Of Carl Hubbell NFW VOKF: King Cai I il has a new hobby d.sii-v.a-iur.g. On a iec tit tup of tile to Bo--i li, ('h! pan's" a-kerl trie en ti jl l.e might be permitted to inspect the kitchen. Hub sa'd i.e.

Leen I'M JUST WARMa.G FOR 'rr 1 I SI Piron Hits 81 2, Team Closer to George Averages 203, Posts High Single of 242 at Packer Lanes M.MI It Vl TOKV HOW I IN(, II U.U I Pi Unison IMavdium lullpr Inwr l.irm I I unmn: Sinv lUnms Vircmia Our IT I I 1 IK I I inn .311 Menominee Sutrir Croiprv Oionlo Hppt I eniprnn Ta v. lfU 1 i (i.Up,t laqunr Jl Gcoi se Piron captured individual honors and put hi team, Fuller Clover Faim Storis, closer to the league leading Hu'scn Play-dium team in Victory Summer Bowling league action at the Prukcr Playdium lanes Wednesday night. Piron bla-ted out a funr-fame total of K1J, for an avtrage of 2l3. a in i i egisU. red the leadim; single count, 242 in his hot effort.

He had other g.unes of 171, 181 and 2 1 r. Piron's heavy f'ii im; he'i ed th" Clover Faun club to a 4'-, to victory over Mcnoinihee Sugai under the Petersen scoring system. Meanwhile, the lead ug Playdium outfit, dropped a -I to 1 decision to Grocery. Playdium now has 26 wins and nine defeats, while Fuller has 22 1 victories and 1 2 1 setbacks. Morris Fuller filed Ine second-best four-game total, 7TT, whil-' Al Timmcrman hit the No.

2 single game. 233. Fuller Clover Farm Stores, with a four-game total of and Gateway, with a single game of 001, had the leading team scores. Larsen Canning finished with with tbe Marines as a reserve last fall before he went into his final bulldog season, Sinky wants to come back to the Lions. He realizes that even professional playing years are numbered.

Then, he'd like to take up football officiating in a serious way, but no coaching. Officer Candidate After seven weeks at Parris island, Sinkwich is to go to yuan-tico, as an officer candidate. as he took football, Sinkwich is taking current events in stride. This includes impending fatherhood (his wife is the former Adeline Weathei 1 of Roys-ton, "It'll be In September," he announced. "And -I hope it a bov." -C I "Vg Li 7Ji I e.o r.g en tiams eu 1 "i years but had never si en foo-j i renaied.

Carl's appiarance in the en such a fuior that all -lopped and dirty di-be- Idled up to ti.o ceiling. When he saw v. hat had happened, H.m a-i-u-i if be c.u.'i help. Ine tn-n-wa-her cf UMn'ed so the old h.f;y pi'cbtri in ami s'ayt-d in the kitchen for throe hous, wa-lsmg the d.rty d.shes with as much vigor as he to, Is en the mound. I i 2 f.

V. J. N. .1 J. I) il A.

li. l-i I. ('. T. J.

let and Fuller Clover Farm hit Kaht-- Won 4 haoii 1V4 ill'. FH 1 1 1 'j liH I iliKT I'm 17-1 ia 777 Toti 515 irl! 5il4--2'l M'-noaanep bast 41 Won Ualiloin 1 l.ii 'ill C'l-t iriw-r i I'i 1 '7 I-, U.7 (- ni ran ri 7M nubs 554 b' Vurnia Wen 4. Ion 1. Kluni 1'5 1 2K! I'l'l 7H? F'-t JSM 1V 1 J(? j(t pu ru 7 ImuUs i'U i'7 i.ii iiiJ Npw H.i Lost 4 on 1 W. H( II 11 1 al -10 1 TiUiliil.s 14-i US al Biuoi I'i 1 ,5 111 ITa- 7aa Tutios ii-l 4BJ l.i'.'J Won 4.

best. I 1 ai o.t ut 7HJ Hi 1'iii 157 foil 1 1 1 our 1 1 is 'lutiiis i.iu i'i sii tiOH Plavcium host 4 vvon II itsim 114 rut 5BD HI, nil 1 li I'll 1,5 7oii Zi-ucun le'l I'll, I'lij 751) 'lonUs 4 .4 541 5 jj sen 4, 1 1 1 Hlind 17.5 175 15 175 Ton 1-. .1.1 I'e i in; i leu 7 Siaaiisi-n l.t! la, 54il l-i' nil i 5.i.j-2lio' r.i-! 4 Won 1 is; in; bi) r.a S- Ol.i-k 1(11 154 1 5 'I'lnuni'i m.ui Ii4 I l'- 1 747 'I'alins 512 cul 4lo" 4 I'ael ftri'lim Wan 4. Inst 1 I a i Hi' ikh nil 2in'i 7rt iii a nn u. lli'lat 1 175 I 7111.

i'aniis 52.1 55121(111 enliven 1.10.1 4. Wan 1. H.uiiiau 111! 21111 151 inn AlBi-r I I 1 5(1 ti.7 M. I 3 1.4 17H 17(1 I5H '1 null 4 It 581 51 1 Ier. Well, ou can get buck to your Victory gardening.

Thanks to Major John M. Walter, former P-G ed now doing pub-he lotions work at Camp Welti is in Tesas, we are reassured as to the Deacon's abilities. Our blushing violet won the game, and dear old Wallace has the first half championship. Along wi'li Major Waller's welcome missive came a sine! toi ii from tin ii i-iiii' of the Camp Hare Trainer, the camp new: -'paper. Sticking out in the center of tin- pag.e is a piittiio of the Deacon, coinpli te with grin, and built around il is a wu-( chiiim feature story headlined "Deacon Delnioic Provided Baseball Surprise of "The of the base-hall season in the Galveston Service league happened a couple of weeks ago," the story starts out.

"when Camp Wallace played Falslaff to determine whether or no! the Wa llaeeiles were going to be the first half champs. "The surprise was C'pl. Vie- Krieser, Recreation Green Bay, Wis. VACATION FOR BETTER WORK! SWIM FISH RELAX THEN YOU'LL FEEL BETTER! YOU'LL WORK BETTER! If Sinkwich Looking Forward to Pro Football-After the War ENTRY BLANK City Horseshoe Tournament JOANNES PARK WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 7:30 P.M. Nome Address Clip and mail to Vernon City "Hall Annex, Rock Finance will supply the cash.

Then you can repay in monthly installments to suit your convenience. A $100 Loan Costs $6.56 If repaid in 6 Monthly Installments ROCK FINANCE CO: OFFICES AT STONE MOTOR CO. By IH'RGESS DAM RON' ATLANTA Flat-foot Frankie Sinkwich, the football fireball, becomes a Marine "boot" today, but Frankie still thinks the gridiron is ins destiny and lies looking forward to a lucrative professional career al the war's end. The hackfield ace, who galloped and passed his way to All-America lame with Wallace Butts' University" of Georgia bulldogs, takes 011 Marine deseipline at Par-ris Island, S. C.

Football First Love 'I want to do my part to get this war over," declared the shock-haired Sinkwich. "But football is my first love. I want to play as long a.s I'm any good." Frankie recently was tapped by the Detroit Lions of the National Football league, but he signed The city recreation department today announced plans for doubles and singles horseshoe pitching; contest to be held at Joannes park next Wednesday evening'. Play will get under way at, 7:30, and any adults who are familiar with this popular "barnyard'' sport are invited to enter. Players are asked to register by Monday evening, either using the convenient entry blank above or telephone he recreation department, at, Howard Entrants should indicate whether they wish lo enter Ihe doubles or singles bracket.

There is no entry Ice, and will be awarded the winners..

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)
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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 6112

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.