GREEN BAY -Local resettlement agencies are seeking support as up to 125 Afghan refugees are expected to arrive in Green Bay by the middle of February.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese in Green Bay have been helping resettle more Afghan families each daysince the first individual arrived in Green Bayon Oct. 5, said Karmen Lemke, director of Catholic Charities Green Bay.
As of Tuesday, 36 individuals have arrived in the city.
Families and individuals fleeing Afghanistanand seeking to relocate to Green Bay need support, a number of agencies said Thursday during a virtual event held by St. Norbert College.
These agencies, including Catholic Charities, World Relief Servicesand Community Services AgencyInc.,are asking Green Bay-area residents to welcomefamilies and helpwith daily tasks such as running errands and driving families to their doctor's appointments.
Once a resettlement agencyis notified that someoneis arriving, the agency begins the search for a home for them, which is the most difficult part,saidSusie Brekke, community program lead at World Relief Services Fox Valley.
RELATED:First Afghan evacuees arrive in Fox Valley; up to 200 expected in coming months
The process involves finding a renter or landlord who is willing to trust the resettlement agency and work with them to provide homes for tenants who do not have a credit or work history but will be supported by the resettlement agency for the initial months.
Finding an Airbnb or another short-term option for individuals who recently arrived has been challenging during weeks of Packers home games, Lemke said.
At this point,refugees who arrived at the beginning of October have already started moving into more permanent apartments.
The families are provided a culturally appropriate meal and analready furnished home the first night they arrive before beginningintake interviews and paperwork the next few days.
World Relief Services and Catholic Charities will help them apply for services they are eligible for including Medicaidand food benefits. Many ask the agencies if they could start taking English classes soon, Brekke said.
Agencies also begin enrolling the refugees in employment programs that will help them find a job that is accepting ofthem and values their specific needs, she said.
By the end of the first month, everyone must make a visit to a doctor and children should be enrolled in school. Evacueesthen go through cultural orientations to learn local laws and information about the area.
Adan Hurre, program director at COMSA, said one of the main challenges for people resettling innortheastern Wisconsin is finding an affordable home that is large enough for their families.He said Somali refugees encountered the same situation, forcing many of them to move out of the state after a couple years of living in the area due to an inability to afford housing in the region.
"Most refugees are coming to this country to getsafety, to get away from a war-torn country, to save themselves and their children," Hurre said. "They really are not coming here to cause us any harm."
Prior to arriving in the United States, the Afghan families and individuals go through a process that includes screeningand being interviewed at sites outside the countrycalled "lily pads." Afghan evacuees are then temporarily moved to one of eight military bases across the United States.
Those relocating to Green Bay and the Fox Valley are coming from all eight military bases, Brekke said.
She spoke about the process of resettling families in the United States. The first 90 days after a refugee arrives in the country is important and involves multiple steps to welcome them.
Hurre said typically the clients that COMSA works with face the most discrimination at their workplace and in trying to find housing. He encourages community members to become involved in welcoming new families to their homes.
"Whatperception do they get? How do they feel when they go to the communityat large? Do they feel welcomed, are they respected or do they feel that everyone looks at them with an angry face and are they made to feel different orless than other human beings?" Hurre said.
Several organizations in the Green Bay area, including COMSA, stressed they are looking for short-term assistanceand long-term volunteers.
RELATED:Brown County organizations offer to resettle nearly 50 Afghan refugees, call for volunteers and donations to assist
How to help
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay is currently looking for volunteers to help welcome families and individuals to Green Bay. Purchases can also be made off Catholic Charities Green Bay'sAmazon gift registry for Afghan families.
Volunteers can help mentor families, help with daily tasks such as grocery shopping or driving someone to a doctor's appointment, tutoring, teaching basic English, organize donations, or travel to support people at Fort McCoy. Volunteer applications can be found at
Literacy Green Bayand Community Services AgencyInc.are also looking for volunteers to assist in their tutoring programs.
People can help individuals move in to their new apartments or homes, or drive them to appointments or errands with World Relief Fox Valley. Monetary donations can be made at
More info on how to support families resettling in Wisconsin can be found at
Contact Benita Mathew Follow her on Twitter at @benita_mathew.