The Daily Law Journal-Record from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)

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Saturday Morning September 19 1942 THE DAILY LAW JOURNAIRECORD The Daily Law Journal Record Published Daily Except Sundays and Legal Holidays BY THE Law Journal Publishing Co at 17 West 3rd St Oklahoma City Oklahoma reda Ameringer Business Mgr Subscription: By the month 50 By the year (in advance) $500 By the year (where lo postage re quired) $800 Delivered by carrier in business district Every precaution la taken by The Dally Law Journal Record In compiling a id printing all records ut the courts register of deeds office and oil and gas Instruments but we assume no liabtllti for errors or omissions Telephone Editorial 3 7100 Court House Service 7 3422 and 3 3100 Entered as second class mail matter at the post office at Okla homa City Oklahoma on Decem ber 5 1925 under the Act of Con gress March 3 1879 (177891 WARNING ORDER No 627 Clvll In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Oklahoma The City uf Sayre a municipal corpora Jion ex rel Daly Plaintiff vs Hester ct ai Defendants how on this 11th day of September 1942 it duly appearing that the plaintiff has named as additional defendants in said action the following to wlt: Mrs Bohanon Reed Charles Seely Tom lournay I Putnam Mitchell Margaret Oxenreeder Miss Minnie Davis and William rost if living and in event said par ties or any of them are dead then their unknown heirs executors administra tors devisees trustees and assigns: Howard Bonebrake executor and trustee of the estate of Howard Bonebrake deceased also known as Bonebrake: the unknown heirs ex ecutors administrators devisees trus tees and assigns of Bonebrake deceased also known as Howard Bonebrake: Seawell Ijumber Company a corporation Choctaw Townsite and Improvement Company a corporation: and if said corporations are legally dissolved or no longer leg ally in existence then their unknown officers successors trustees and as signs and it further appearing that the said Seawell Lumber Company a corporation was organized under the laws of the state of Missouri with its last known principal place of business at Kansas City Missouri and that the last known place of residence of Will iam rost and Mitchell was Amarillo Texas and it further appear ing that all of said parties above men tioned cannot be served with process within the state of Oklahoma and it is necessary to obtain service upon all of them by publication IT IS THEREORE ORDERED that said parties and each of them be notified by publication that the City ofHavre a municipal corporation ex rel Daly has filed an action in the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Oklahoma for the purpose of foreclosing liens accru ing by virtue of special assessments levied by the City of Sayre covering the following described property situated in said City of Sayre Oklahoma to wit: Broadway from the South line of Main Street to the North line of Walnut Avenue: Main Street from the West line of the alley through Blocks 42 and 43 Original Plat lo the west line of Seventh Street and the center parking of Main Street from the line of the alley be tween Blocks 42 and 43 to the east line of Lot 15 Block 42 in the City of Sayre Oklahoma Betting out that by virtue of the Ordi nances of said city of Sayre certain improvement bonds numbered 2 to Bl have been issued secured by said spec ial assessments levied against said property and that the same create a lien on the following described real estate situated in the town of Sayre Oklahoma to wit: Lots 3 to 9 inclusive Block 33: Lots 7 to 17 inclusive Block 31 Ixits 14 and 15 Block 42 Lots 5 in and 11 Block 43 Lota 19 23 and 24 Block 61: Lots 7 8 16 17 and 18 Block 66 all in the original town of Sayre Oklahoma and that all of said bonds are of the denomination of 450000 and all above 23 are delinquent due and unpaid and Hind action is brought for the use and benefit of all bond holders similarly situated and said plaintiff asks for an adjudication of the rights of all of said defendants therein and that they be de termined junior and inferior to the rights of plaintiff and other similarly situated as owners of such street im provement bonds and that such special assessments levied to satisfy such bonds be decreed to be a lien upon the real estate above described and further di recting the sale thereof to satisfy said Judgment interest penalty and attorn ey fee: The court further finds that it is not practicable to make personal service upon such defendants above named and that they should be given notice by publication of this order for six con secutive weeks in The Daily Law Jour nal Record of Oklahoma City Okla IS THEREORE ORDERED that said defendants answer or Plead in said raise on or before the 30th day of October 1942 or judgment will he rendered as asked for in said peti tion and amendments filed thereto Dated this 11th day of September 1942 EDGAR VAUGHT (Seal) Judge 9 17 42 10 30 42 (17635) NOTICE SALE LAND UNDER ORECLOSURE No 104229 Notice la hereby given that on the f5tli day of September 1042 at two at the Eaat door of the court house at Oklahoma City Okla homa County Oklahoma: the under signed Sheriff of said County will offer for sale and sell for cash at public auction to the highest and best bidder without appraisem*nt all that certain real estate In Oklahoma Coun ty Oklahoma to wlt: All of Lot Sixteen (16) In Block Eight (8) In Sunset Park Addition to Oklahoma City Oklahoma Coun ty Oklahoma according to the re corded plat thereof subject only to taxes against said real estate and tax sales thereof Sale will be made pursuant to an order of sale Issued upon a judgment entered in the District Court of Okla homa County in Cause No 10422J wherein Home Loan Corpora tion a corporation Is plaintiff and Rider and lor Rider et al aro defendants to satisfy said judg ment In the sum of $109241 with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per annum from August 5 1941 until paid $10IJ 00 as Attorney's fee and costs and costs accruing Witness my hand this 25th day of August 1912 GEORGE GO Sheriff of Oklahoma County By Chas McCafferty Undersheriff Scott Squyres Attorney for Plaintiff 8 20 42 9 25 42 (177221 Ji 0'11 CE BY rt HLICATlONNo 34769 sials of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and tor said Countv nnd State 1 0 Jones Plaintiff vs Marjorie Jones Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said De fendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take notice that vou have been sued In the above named Court In the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and cross neglect of duty and vou must answer Plaintiff's notitinn filed herein nu or before the Siad day of October 1912 or said petition will be taken as true and lodgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against vou according to nrayer of rlalntlrt's petition I (Seal) Court Clerk Bv Leonard Simpson Deputy Clerk Rnv Wilson Plaintiff's Attorney 9 10 42 10 2 43 NOTICE HEARING INAL AC COUNTS AND PETITIONS OR DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE No 18188 No 18827 No 18116 In the County Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma In the Matter of the Estates of William Thomas Kedy Deceased No 18186 Cora May Shears Deceased No IS 027 8 Malone also known as Victor 8 Malone Deceased No 18 116 Notice Is hereby given that Zula Kedy administratrix of the estate of William Thomas Kedy deceased James Shears executor of the estate of Cora May Shears deceased and Ella Malone administratrix of the estate of Malone also known as Victor Malone deceased having respective ly filed in this Court their final ac counts of the administration of said respective estates and their motions for distribution and for discharge the hearing of same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Monday the 28th day of September 1942 at the hour of 9:80 a at the Court room of said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City Okla homa County Oklahoma and all per sons Interested in said estates or any of them are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why said accounts should not be settled and allowed and the estates distributed and the administrators and executor respectively be discharged Dated September 5th 1912 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Everest McKenzie Gibbens Attorneys 9 8 42 9 23 42 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 106383 In the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma Bert Toombs and Maude Toombs Plaintiffs vs Janie Givens et al Defendants The State of Oklahoma to Janie Givens Shelton Crabtree Lurlina Crabtree Rachal and the Heirs ex ecutors Administrators Devisees Trustees and Assigns Immediate and Remote of Crabtree Deceased Defendants Greeting: You and each of vou are hereby no tified that vou have been sued in the above entitled Court and action and that the plaintiffs Bert Toombs and Maude Toombs allege in their petition filed in said cause that on the 13th day of June 1915 Crabtree other wise known as James Crabtree died Intestate while a resident of McIntosh County Oklahoma and that at that time he was the owner of an undivided one half Interest in nd to the follow ing described real estate situated In Oklahoma County Oklahoma to wlt: Lots orty three '43) and orty four (44) Phoenix Addition being a subdivision oL Block Seven (7) inley's Highland Home Addition to Oklahoma City and that the said deceased so tar as known to plaintiffs left surviving him as heirs his widow Janie Crabtree now Janie Givens Shelton Crab tree his son and Lurline Crabtree his daughter now Lurline Crabtree Rachal Plaintiffs further allege that they now occupy the said described real estate as a homestead and tiold fee simple title to the same: that they acquired the title and Interest formerly held by the said deceased under and by virtue of certain deeds of con veyance from the heirs of the said Crabtree deceased and by subsequent conveyance from the grantees of said heirs: that there has been no valid decree by the Countv Court of McIn tosh County Oklahoma the Court hav ing jurisdiction to administer upon the estate of said deceased judicially de termining who are or were the par ticular persons entitled to participate in the distribution of said described real property under the law of suc cession of the State of Oklahoma and the names and individual identity of the particular persons who took or were entitled to take said real prop erty has never been judicially de termined and the plaintiffs pray judg ment In said cause determining such facts with relation to said real estate and a decree naming the heirs of said decedent and for judgment quieting plaintiffs' title in and to said real estate and that the defendants and each of them be adjudged to have no title interest or estate in or to said real estate and that they be barred excluded and enjoined from asserting any title or Interest in and to the same You and each of you must answer the petition of the plaintiffs filed in said cause on or before the 15tli day of October 1942 or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered in said cause against vou and each' of vou determining and adjudging the heirs of Crabtree deceased and the proportion part which eacli were entitled to take in the cer tain real estate herein described under the law of succession of the State of Oklahoma and a further judgment de creeing the plaintiffs to be the present title holders and owners of said above described real estate and quieting their title to the same and barring and ex cluding vou and each of vou from all right title estate or Interest therein and enjoining vou and each of vou from asserting any title or interest or to said described real property this 1st day of September CLI MYERS Court Clerk Bv rances Cruce Deputy Rittenhouse Webster Hanson Rittenhouse 810 irst National Building Oklahoma City Oklahoma Attorney lor Plaintiffs 0 2 42 9 24 42 Dated 1912 (Seal) (17685) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 34960 State Of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and for said Countv and State Marie Louise Williams 1'lalntlff vs Arthur Williams Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take notice that vou have been sued' in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of abandonment for more than one year next preceding the filing of plaintiffs petition and tor restora tion of plaintiff's former name and you must answer Plaintiff's petition filed herein on or before the 16th day of October 1912 or said petition will bo taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according to prayer of Plaintiff's petl (17787) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 849IIB State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and for said County and State Mary Katharine Walden Plaintiff vs Karl Walden Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You Hie said defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty and for restora tion of maiden name and you must answer Plaintiff's petition filed herein on or before the 29th day of October 1942 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said will be rendered against you according to prayer of petition CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By LEONARD SIMPSON Deputy Clerk Laynle Harrod Attorney 9 17 42 10 9 42 NOTICE TO THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN PACKINGHOUSE VIEW ADDITION TO OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA HOMA AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES ENTS: THAT the undersigned Al Por tray and Minnie Portray as the owners of The South Half of Bldcks Seven (7) and Eight (8) In Packinghouse View Addition to Oklahoma City as shown by the recorded plat there of in Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma and Verna Baker and Brad shaw as the owners of The North Hhlf of Blocks Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Packinghouse View Addition to Oklahoma City as shown by the recorded plat thereof In Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma will on the 24th day of September 1942 at the hour of 9:99 a ni of said day or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard present to the Dis trict Court of Oklahoma County Okla homa at the Court House in Oklahoma Citv in said Oklahoma Countv Okla homa their application to alter and partially vacate that part of the dedi cation of the plat of said Packinghouse View Addition to Oklahoma City de scribed as All of Blocks Seven (7) and Eight (8) therein together with the Streets and alleys adjacent thereto and abut ting thereon as set out in the original dedication of plat thereof as shown by the records of Oklahoma Countv Oklahoma and that all persons inter ested as owners of any lots in Pack inghouse View Addition to Oklahoma City may appear at said time and ob ject thereto as provided by law Dated this 22nd day of August' 1942 AL PORTREY MINNIE PORTREY VERNA BAKER BRADSHAW By Everest McKenzie Gibbens Their Attorneys Everest McKenzie Gibbens Attorneys 8 24 42 9 24 42 NOTICE SALE BEAL ESTATE No 105398 In the District Court in and for Okla homa County State of Oklahoma Billington Lumber Co a corpo ration Plaintiff VK A Purdy et al Defendants Notice is hereby given that In pur suance to an execution and order of sale issued out of the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma on the 1st day of September 1912 in an ac tion wherein Billington Lumber Co a corporation Is plaintiff and A Purdy et al are defendants directed to me the undersigned Sheriff of Ok lahoma County Oklahoma command ing me to levy upon and sell with appraisem*nt the following described real estate and premises situated In Oklahoma County Oklahoma to wit: The East fifty (50) feet of Lof ourteen (14) in Block ive (5) of Meadow Brook Acres Addition to Oklahoma City as the same ap pears on the recorded plat thereof to satisfy a judgment and decree of foreclosure In favor of the plaintiff and cross petitioners therein obtained and made in said Court in said cause on July 7 1942 as follows: irst: The costs of this action: Second: The Judg ment of Turner and Gerald Hawkins in the sum of $2455 with in terest at 6 per annum from January 1 1942 and $1000 attorney's fee: Third: The pro rata judgment liens principal with Interest at 6 per annum from January 1 1942 and attorney's fees to wit: Billington Lumber Co a corporation $325560 and $32500 at torney's fee: Pettee Company a corporation $15520 and $1500 attor fee Crane Company a corpora tion $27253 and $2700 fee Jack Evans and Evans $2700 and $1000 attorney's fee: Cot ton doing business as Cotton Electric Company $7500 and $1000 attorney's tee: George A Wilson $4175 and $1000 attorney's fee: Paul Herman Jr $1825 and $1000 tee: A Bus boom doing business as Southwest Tile Terrazzo Company the sum of $9542 and $1000 fee: Dolese Bros Co a corporation $11395 and $4500 attorney's fee: and ourth: the bal ance if any to be paid into Court to be applied according to the further orders of this Court I have levied upon said real prop erty hereinbefore described and have duly caused said property together with the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging to be appraised according to law and that the value of said property was fixed by said appraisers at $350000 as the estimated value of said property Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of the orders nnd commands of said writ and order of sale and judg ment of foreclosure rendered In said cause and in said Court as above set forth I will on the 7th lny of October 1912 at the hour of 2:66 o'clock of said day at the East door of the Court House in Oklahoma City Okla homa County Oklahoma offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the above described real property and Improvements Dated this 3rd day of September GEORGE GO Sheriff of Oklahoma County Oklahoma By Chas McCafferty Undersberltf Garrett Black 2806 Ramsev Tower Attorneys for Plaintiff 9 4 42 10 7 42 CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Cleric Pat Halley Deputy Clerk Clift Attorney 9 4 42 9 25 43 Wood 9 30 12 The "Journal only paper In Oklahoma county carrying com plete real estate and mineral trans fers dally fl 7761) NOTICE PRIVATE SALE BEAL ESTATE Case No 17676 In the County Court within nnd for Oklahoma County State of Okla homa IN HE: ('iinrillnnslilp of Nellie Boss Wood nn incompetent Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as guardian of Nellie Ross Wood an incompetent will offer for sale at private sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash all of the following described property: An undivided one third (13) In terest In and to Lot one (1) Block Twenty nno (21) Original Town bite of Jones City Oklahoma An undivided one third (13) In forest In and to Lots Two and Three In Block Twenty one (21) Original Townslte of Jones City Oklahoma An undivided one twelfth (112) Interest In and to Lots One (1) to Twentv two (22) inclusive all In Block Ten (10) Bedford's Ad dition to Jones City Oklahoma and bbls for same will bo received at the office of the attorney for guar dian nt 611 Wrlgltt Building or by de livery to the guardian and the same will be Sold nt the County Court Room Courthouse Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma on or after the Kill dnv of October 1912 nt 9:00 A and nil those Interested may appear at said time and place and bid nt said private sale Dated this 11th day of September 1942 LESLIE WOOD Guardian or Nellie boss An incompetent rank Wiley 511 Wright Building Oklahoma City Oklahoma Attorney lor uuarcian 9 15 42 (17743) NOTICE JI EARING PETITION OR PROBATE WILL No 18581 Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested in the ostale of Gunnell Moore deceased that on the 11th day of September 1942 Constance Allen Moore produced and filed In the County Court of the County of Oklahoma and State of Oklahoma an Instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Gunnell Moore de ceased nnd also filed In said Court her petition praying for the probate of said will mid that Letters Testament ary Issue thereon to Constance Allen Moore the executrix named In said will Pursuant to an order of said Court made on the 11th day of September 1942 notice Is hereby given that Wed nesday the 23rd day of September 1912 nt the honr of 9 o'clock A of said dav has been appointed as the lime for hearing said petition and mov ing said will at the Countv Court Room In the Countv Court House at Oklahoma City In said County of Ok lahoma when and where all persons Interested may appear and contest the same In Testimony Whereof I have sot my hand and the seal of Bald County Court this 11th day of September 1912 1 BLINN (Seal) County Judge rieree McClelland Kneeland Bailey Attorneys 9 12 42 9 23 42 (17742) NOTICE TO CIIEDITORS No 18228 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of said County and State: To the Creditors of'S Lyons do ccnsod: All persona having claims against Lyons deceased are required to pAsont the sumo with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned executrix at 300 3rd street Oklahoma Cltv In Oklahoma County Oklahoma within four months of the dnte hereof or same will be forever barred Dated this 11th dav of September MARY LYONS Executrix rank Wilson Jr Attorney 0 12 42 9 28 42 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 81932 In the District Court In and for Okla homa Countv State of Oklahoma Porter 11 Morgan Plaintiff vs Clem mer Morgan Defendant THE STATE OKLAHOMA TO CLEMMER MORGAN: You will take notice that you have been sued tn the above named Court for a decree of divorce on the ground of habitual drunkenness and that you must answer the petition filed herein by the said plaintiff on or before the 14th day of October 1942 or said peti tion will be taken as true and a' judg ment in favor of the plaintiff for a decree of divorce will be rendered ac cordingly CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By II Regain Deputy Page Spencer Attorneys for Plaintiff 9 1 42 9 23 42 (17747) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 106143 In the District Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma Robert Lee Wilson and Mary Grace Bogle Plaintiffs vs Unknown Heirs Executors Administrators Devisees Trustees and Assigns immediate and remote of Horrle Ozmun De ceased Defendants THE STATE OKLAHOMA TO: Unknown Heirs Executors Adminis trators Devisees Trustees and As signs Immediate and Remote of Hor He Ozmun Deceased Greeting: You and each of you are hereby notified that the plaintiffs above named Robert Lee Wilson and Mary Grace Bogle have filed their petition in the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma alleging that the Plaintiffs a're the owners and are in the quiet and peaceable possession of the follow ing described real estate situated in Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma to wit: The East Half (EH) of the West Half (WW) of the Northeast Quar ter (NEU) of the Northeast Quar ter (NEU) of the Southwest Quar ter (8W4) of Section Twenty four (21) Townshin Twelve (12) North Range our West of the Indian Meridian and that you are asserting some right title equity or interest in or to Baid real estate exact nature of which is unknown to the plaintiffs but that you have in fact no real right title equity or interest therein and that vour assertion of such interest casts a cloud unon the plaintiffs' title to said real estate which should be removed by a decree of the Court and the prayer of said petition is for judg ment quieting title to said real estate as against you and each of vou and if vou do not appear and answer the petition of the plaintiffs on file in said cause on or before the 26th day of October 1942 the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly quieting the title to said real estate and forever barring you and all persons claiming by through or under you from the commencement of said action from ever setting un or asserting any right title equity or in terest in or to said real estate ad verse to the right and title of the plaintiffs thereto Witness my hand this 12th day of September 1342 CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Pat Halley Deputy A Beckett Attorney for Plaintiffs 9 15 42 10 7 42 (17659) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 105594 In the District Court within and for Oklahoma County State of Okla homa IL Leavitt Plaintiff vs Edward Carl Gardner Administrator et al Defendants THE STATE OKLAHOMA to Mary Virginia Gardner heir of Edward Gardner' Deceased You will take notice that the plain tiff above named did on the 17th day of April 1942 file' his petition in the above styled and numbered cause fot foreclosure against you as defendant therein and that vou must answer said petition or or before the 12th day of October 1912 or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment and decree rendered against you in said cause in favor of said plaintiff thereby adjudging and decreeing as follows: That said plaintiff have a first mortgage lien upon the following described land situated in Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma to wit: A part of Section 33 Twp 12 Range 4 of the I be ginning at a point which Is 33 feet South of the NE corner of the NEi of the NWU of said Section thence 5084 feet to a point: thence 763 feet to a point: thence 5084 feet to a point: thence 763 feet to the point or place of beginning shown upon an unre corded plat as Lot 1 of Gardner Addition for the sum of $22004 together with interest at ten per cent per annum from April 17 1912 until paid and for attorney's fee In the sum of $2500 and all costs accrued and to accrue all under and by virtue of the note and mortgage covering said land sued on In said cause: that unless said sum with interest thereon attorney's fees and costs are paid within the time decreed by the Court said lien be and Is foreclosed and said land be sold without appraisem*nt to satisfy said sum and interest thereon and attorney's fees and costs accrued and to accrue: that said Hen of plaintiffs Is valid and subsisting and prior and superior to every right title Interest claim es tate or equity If any of you: and that from and after such sale vou are foreclosed and forever barred of and from any and every right title In terest claim estate or equity of In or to every part of said land and for any and all other and further relief to which the court may find said plain tiff entitled Witness my hand and the Beal of said Court at my office In Oklahoma City Oklahoma this 28th day of Aug ust 1942 CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk of Oklahoma County Bv Edna Adams Deputy 8 29 42 9 21 42 (17717) NOTICE TO CIIEDITORS No 18516 State' of Oklahoma Oklahoma Countv ss In the County Court of said Countv and State To the Creditors of Lester Wf Dill also known as I HUI Deceased: All persons having claims against Lester Hill also known I Hill deceased pre required to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned administratrix Car ol Hill at the office of her at torneys Douglass elix Douglass 1502 Ramsey Tower In Oklahoma Cltv In Oklahoma County Oklahoma within four months of the date hereof or same will be forever barred CAROL HILT) Administratrix 9 10 42 9 26 42 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 18566 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of Said County and State: To the Creditors of William Rose cram (or Wm Itosecrnas) deceased: All persons having claims against William Rosccrans (or Wm llnse cmns) deceased are required to pre sent the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned adminis tratrix at the office of A Cargill 406 Hales Building Oklahoma Cltv Ok lahoma In Oklahoma County Okla homa within four months of the date hereof nr name will bo forever barred Dated this 9th dav of September 1912 MARY ANN ROSECRANS Administratrix 9 10 42 9 26 42 (17727) NOTICE 111' PUBLICATION No 81800 In the District Court of Oklahoma Countv State of Oklahoma Eura Alice Lewis Plnintlff William Jackson Lewis Defendant The State of Oklahoma to: Wllllttm Jackson Lewis Take notice that vou have been sued In the above mimed court for an abso lute divorce unon the grounds of ex treme cruelty nnd gross neglect of duty nnd must answer the petition filed therein bv said plaintiff on nr before the 22nd tiny of October 1148 or said petition will be taken ns true and a judgment for said plaintiff for absolute divorce will bo rendered accordingly CLI MYEHH (Heal) Court Clerk Bv Txotiard Simpson Denul Robert Crowe Attorney for 9 10 43 10 2 42 I NOTICE HEARING PETITION OB PROBATE WILL No 18595 i Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested in the estate of Nannie Mat thews deceased that on the 15th day of September 1912 Matthews produced and filed in the County Court of the County of Oklahoma and State of Oklahoma an instrument in writ ing purporting to he the last will and testament of Nannie Matthews ceased and also filed in said Court his petition praying for the probate of said will and that Letters Testamentary issue thereon to Matthews the executor named in said will Pursuant to an order of said Court made on the 16th day of September 1912 notice Is hereby given that Tuesday the day of September 1942 at the hour of 9 A of said day lias been appointed as the time for hearing said petition and prov ing said will at the County Court Room 'in the County Court House at Oklahoma City in said County of Ok lahoma when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the same In testimony whereof I have set my hand and the seal of said County Court this 16th day of September 1942 BLINN (Seal) County Judge 9 17 42 9 29 42 9 26 42 Everest and Halley Attorneys for Plaintiff 9 4 42 (Seal) By LEONARD (17688) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 166118 In the District Court within and for Oklahoma County State of Okla homa Corley and Caroline Corley Plaintiffs vs Eugena uy Walker et al Defendants The State of Oklahoma to Eugena ay Walker Bertha Pauline Garland Laura Helen Pendergrast Unknown heirs executors administrators devi sees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of Rowland de ceased and of Herndon de ceased unknown successors trustees or assigns of Armstrong Music Co formerly Armstrong Byrd Music Co a dead corporation Arm strong Armstrong Jr and 5 A Beach as Trustees of Arm i strong Music Co an Express Trust Mat Bloomfield and Mat Bloomfield as trustee for iner Vahlberg Robert Vahlberg and Julian Vahlberg under the will of Julia A Bloomfield de ceased GREETING: Take notice that vou have been sued in the above entitled court and cause by the plaintiffs therein in an action to quiet title to: East Two and one tenth feet of the North 376 feet of the West Ten feet of Lot Twenty five Block Two Johns Byrd Lincoln Park Addition to Oklahoma City Oklahoma Coun ty Oklahoma as shown by the re corded plat thereof with the im provements thereon and appurte nances thereunto belonging and vou must answer the petition of the plaintiffs filed in said cause on or before October 16 1942 or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment rendered accordingly quieting title to said real property In said plaintiffs and forever barring you from asserting any right title or Interest therein CLI MYERS court oierg SIMPSON Deputy umo: NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 18520 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of said Countv and State To the Creditor of Edwin Board man Deceased: AU persons having claims against Edwin Boardman deceased are re quired to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned administratrix at the office of Spiers Bodovitz 1013 Colcord Building Okla homa City in Oklahoma County Okla homa within four months of the date hereof or same will be forever barred Dated this 9th day of September EVELYN BOARDMAN Administratrix 9 10 42 9 26 42 tww NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 18579 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of said County and State: To the Creditors of Walter Sewell Han son deceased: All persons having claims against Walter Sewell Hanson deceased are required to present the same will: the necessary vouchers to the undersigned administrator 810 irst National Build ing Oklahoma City in Oklahoma Coun ty Oklahoma within four months of the date hereof or same will bo for ever barred Dated this 11th day of September 1912 WALTER HANSON Administrator 9 12 42 9 28 42 NOTICE TO CIIEDITORS No 18569 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of said County and State: To the Creditors of Helen Bobb deceased: All persons having claims against Helen Robb deceased are required to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned adminis tratrix at the office of Pierce Mc Clelland Kneeland Bailey 829 High tower Building Oklahoma City Okla homa in Oklahoma Countv Oklahoma within four months of the data hereof or same will be forever barred Dated this 10th day of September 1912 HELEN ROBB COLE Administratrix 9 11 42 9 26 42 (17736) NOTICE TO CIIEDITORS No 18477 State' of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of said County and State To the Creditor of Mollie Chew Coon Deceased All persons having claims against Mollie Chew Coon deceased are required to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned Executor at 613 Commerce Exchange Building Oklahoma City In Oklahoma County Oklahoma within four months of the data hereof or same will be for ever barred Dated this 10th day of September 1912 JAMES GARIELD COON Executor 9 28 42 Treasury Department office of Dis trict Supervisor Alcohol Tnx Unit Bu reau of Internal Revenue Kansas City Missouri Date of first publication September II 1912 Notice Is hereby given that on August 31 1912 one 1941 ord coupe motor number 18 6443747 was seized In Tillman County Okla homa for violation of Section 3 Liquor Enforcement Act of 1936 Any person claiming nn Interest In said property must appear at the office of the In vestigator In Charge Alcohol Tax Unit 232 ederal Building Oklahoma City Oklahoma and file claim and cost bond ns provided bv Section 3724 Internal Revenue Code on or before October 14 1912 otherwise the property will be dis posed of according to law John Burkett DI trlct Hnpervlsor (Published September 14 21 28 1942) NOTICE TO ItEDITOHS No 1MI2 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County IS In the Comity Court of nild County and State To the Creditors of William Mac Kenzle Deuseil: All persons having claims against William MacKenzto itoceaiod aro required to present the none with the necosstirv vouchers to the undersigned administratrix at lhe office of Howell Deuprec DeHols McCabe 2120 irst National Building Oklahoma City Ok lahoma In Oklahoma Countv Okla homa within four months of the data hereof or same will be forever barred Dated this 12th dv of September MARGARET ANN OGG Administratrix 9 14 42 1 9 29 12 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Imperial Sugar Connuuij a Toxas cor poration of Sugar Lund Texaa has filed its trade mark ispreaeutailon of a "SUGAR LAND" with the Secretary of State of Oklahoma (Published Sept 14 21 and 28 1343) Ted Elliott Attorney for Plaintiff 3 17 42 JO 19 42 (17790) NOTICE SHERIS SALE No 105372 Notice Is hereby given that on the 19th day of October 1942 at 2:60 o'clock at the East door of the Court House In Oklahoma City Okla homa County State of Oklahoma the undersigned Sheriff of said County will offer for sale and sell for cash at pub lic auction fo the highest and best bidder witli appraisem*nt all that cer tain real estate In Oklahoma County Oklahoma to wit: Lots Twenty one (21) and Twen ty two (22) Block Twenty three (23) Young's Englewood Addition to Oklahoma City Oklahoma ac cording to the recorded plat thereof subject to taxes and tax sales it any and a first mortgage of $3000 with in terest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from January 1 1942 the equity having been appraised at $86500 and a copy filed in this cause in the office of the District Court Clerk Sale will be made pursuant to an order of sale issued upon a judgment entered in the District Court of Okla homa County Oklahoma on April 13th 1942 in cause No 165772 wherein irst Mortgage Loan Company a cor poration Is plaintiff and Katie Wood and A Wood are defendants to sat isfy said judgment in the sum of $47732 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from March 1 1942 the further sum of $5000 attorney's fees and costs and costs accruing AVitness my hand this 16th day of September 1912 4 GEORGE GO Sheriff Oklahoma County Oklahoma By chas McCafferty Undersheriff (17653) NOTICE SALE LAND UNDER ORECLOSURE No 104482 Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of September 1942 at 2:00 o'clock at the East door of the court house at Oklahoma City Okla homa County Oklahoma the under signed Sheriff of said County will offer for sale and sell for cash at public auction to the highest and best bidder without appraisem*nt and subject to taxes if any all that certain real es tate in Oklahoma County Oklahoma described as follows to wlt: Lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) In Block Two (2) in Subdivision of Block Thirteen (13) in Ross Heights Addition to Okla homa City Sale will be made pursuant to an order of sale dated August 27th 1942 and issued in accordance with judg ment entered ebruary 26 1942 In the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma in Cause No 104482 en titled The Garfield County Building and Loan Association a corporation plain tiff vs Elmer Thompson et al defend ants to satisfy said judgment in the sum of $410330 with interest thereon et the rate of 10 per annum from September 19th 1941 until paid $37500 attorneys fees and all costs Witness my hand this 27th day of August 1942 GEORGE GO Sheriff of Oklahoma County By Chas McCafferty Undersheriff Deunree McCabe Attorneys for Plaintiff 8 28 42 9 29 42 (17759) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 18586 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of said County and State: To the Creditors of Mary Saunders Deceased: All persons having claims against Mary Saunders deceased are required to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned adminis trator at the office of Howell Deupree DeBois McCabe 2420 irst National Building Oklahoma City in Oklahoma County Oklahoma within four months of the date hereof or same will be for ever barred Dated this 14th day of September 1942 WALKER Administrator Howell Deupree DeBois McCabe Attorneys 9 15 42 10 1 42' No 106367 In the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma In the Matter of the Application of BEARLY LUMBER COMPANY a corporation for an order and de cree of the court granting dissolution of the same NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: That the directors of Bearly Lumber Company a corporation organ ized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oklahoma with Its principal place of business at Oklahoma City Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma did on the 26th day of August 1912 present to the District Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma a duly verified written ap plication of said directors and of said Bearly Lumber Company pray ing the District Court of Oklahoma County for an order and decree of dis solution of said corporation: and the Court being satisfied that the applica tion was in conformity with Title 18 Section 152 Oklahoma Statutes 1941 ordered that the application be filed and that I the clerk give notice of not less than thirty (30) days by publica tion In the Daily Law Journal Record a newspaper printed published and of general circulation In Oklahoma Coun ty Oklahoma of such application and of the filing thereof and that at any time on or before September 29 1942 the time of such publication any per son may file his objection to the appli cation And all creditors stockholders and other persona who may be affected by the dissolution of such corporation and the distribution of its assets and capi tal stock will take notice AVitness my hand and seal of such Court this 26th day of August 1912 (Seal) CLI MYERS Court Clerk Oklahoma County By LEONARD SIMPSON Deputy 8 27 42 9 29 42 (17741) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND OR DISTRI BUTION AND DISCHARGE No 15752 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State tn the Matter of the Estate of John Tunierllii Deceased Notice Is hereby given that Gran ville Toinorlln administrator with will annexed of the estate of John Tomcrlln deceased having filed in this Court Ids final account of the administration of said estate and his motion for distri bution of said estate and for final dis charge of said administrator with will annexed the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Jrliliiv Um 2nd dny of October 1612 at 9:60 A at the Court Room of said Court In the County Court House at Oklahoma City In the County and State aforesaid and all persona Interested In said estate are notified then and there to appear mid show cause If any they have whv the said account should hot be settled nnd allowed and said estate distributed anil the administrator with will annexed fSeal) Ledbetter discharged Dated September lltlu 1342 uouniy inuge Attorney 9 12 42 9 28 43 (17768) NOTICE HEARING No 116524 In the Dlstrli Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma Jena (I Head Insurance Cnmml6toner of the State of Oklahoma I'lnlntlff Southwest Mutual Casualty Com pany a Corporation Defendant Notice la hereby given that the hear ing on the (Inal report and applica tion for discharge of Jess Read re i elver herein has been fixed by this Court tor September 25 1912 at 6160 o'clock A in the County Court House nt Oklahoma City Oklahoma before Honorable Clarence Mills Dis trict Judge mid all persons Interested aro notltled to then and there appear and show etiuso If any they have why the said report should not be approved and the receiver discharged CLI MYEHH (Seal) Court Clerk By LEONARD Deputy Veiling Attorney 9 15 42 9 50 42 Page ive CS99SEK NOTICE HEARING (I INAL ACCOUNT AND OR D1STK1 BUT1ON AND DISCHARGE No 18072 In the County Court in and for Okla homa County State of Oklahoma In the Matter of the Estate of William Huff deceased Notice is hereby given that Martha Huff Executrix of the Estate of Wil liam Huff deceased having filed in this Court her inal Account of the administration of said Estate and her Motion for Distribution of said Estate and for inal Discharge of said Ex ecutrix the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court lor Thursday the 8th day of October 1942 at 10:66 A at the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House of Oklahoma City in the Coun ty and State aforesaid and all per sons interested in said Estate are no tified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said Account should not be settled and allowed and said Estate distributed and the Executrix discharged Dated this 16th day of September 1942 BLINN (Seal) County Judge 9 17 42 10 3 42 NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND OR DISTRI BUTION AND DISCHARGE No 18065 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Matter of the Estate of George Hoffman Deceased Notice is hereby given that Harvey Rezny administrator of the estate of George Hoffman deceased having filed in this Court his final account of the administration of said estate and his motion for distribution of said es tate and for final discharge of said administrator the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for riday the 25th day of Sep tember 1942 at 9 A at the Court Room of said Court in Hie County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons Interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the administrator discharged Dated September 3rd 1912 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Wm Zeman Attorney 9 4 42 9 19 43 (17771) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 18565 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of Said County and State: To the Creditors of annie deceased: All persons having claims against annie deceased are required to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned adminis trator with will annexed at 1924 17th Street Oklahoma City in Okla homa County Oklahoma within four months of the date hereof or same will be forever barred Dated this 15th day of September 1942 CLARA SMITH Administratrix With Will Annexed John Martin Attorney for Admx 9 16 42 10 2 42 (17769) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 18501 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of Said County and State: To the Creditors of Pattie Hampton deceased: All persons having claims against Pattie Hampton deceased are re quired to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned executor at 2200 10th Street in care Of Smith duly appointed agent for service of process in Okla homa City Oklahoma County Okla homa within four months of the date hereof or same will be forever barred Dated this 15th day of September 1942 JOHN HAMPTON Executor 9 16 42 10 2 42 (17695) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 34922 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and for said County and State Yvonne Pearson Plaintiff vs red Pearson Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty and you must answer petition filed herein on or before the 17tli day of October 1642 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according to prayer of Plaintiff's petition CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk Leonard Simpson Deputy Clerk Victor Sniggs Attorney 9 5 42 9 28 42 (Seal) 9 12 42 (17738) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION OR DISTRIBUTION Probate No 17479 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court In the Matter of the Estate of Jennie McCormick Decensed Notice Is hereby given that A Mahnker Administrator with will an nexed of the estate of Jennie Mc Cormick deceased having filed in this court his final account of his adminis tration as such administrator with will annexed with his petition for distri bution of said estate hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said court for riday the 2nl day of October 1942 at 10:09 A of said dav at the Court Room of said Countv Court In the County Court House at Oklahoma City Oklahoma and all persons Interested In snld es tate are hereby notltled there and there to appear and show cause IT any they have why said account should not be settled and allowed and the said estate distributed Dated this 11th day of September BLINN uounty juage 9 28 42 (17739) NOTICE TO (TtEDITOBS No 18482 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of said County and State: To the Creditors of Harold Morgan deceased: All persons having claims against Harold Morgan deceased are required to present the' same with the neces sary vouchers to the undersigned ad ministrator nt the office of Torn Williams 2616 irst National Building Oklahoma Cltv In Oklahoma County Oklahoma within four months of the date hereof or same will be forever barred Dated thia 11th day of September 1912 9 12 12 LORA MORGAN Administratrix 9 28 42 (17766) NOTICE TO I'll EDITORS No 18527 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ns In the County Court of said County and State: To the Creditors of Ella Rogers de ceased: All persons having claims against Ella Rogers deceased are required to present the same with the necessary vouchers to tho undersigned executrix 613 Commerce Exchange Bldg Okla homa City In Oklahoma County Okla homa within four months of the date hereof or name will bo forever barred Dated this 11th day of September MABEL MARSHATJj Executrix 9 15 43 9 30 43 (17757) Notice Is hereby given that The Mar lin I'lrenrnts Company a Connecticut corporation nf New Haven Connecticut hns filed Its trade mnrk with tho Secretary of State of Okla homa (Published September 15 23 and 29 1912) (17758) Notice Is hereby given that Safeway Stores laeiirp*rnlea a Maryland cor poration of Baltimore Maryland linn filed Its trade marks "GOLD nnd "PRINCE LEO" with the Secre tary of State of Oklahoma (Published September 15 22 and 29 1943) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND OR D1STRI BUTTON AND DISCHARGE No 18132 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Matter of tlie Estate of Alice McCullough Deceased Notice is hereby given that Sylvia Hall administratrix of the estate of Alice McCuilough deceased having filed in this Court her final account of the administration of said estate and her motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said administratrix the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Thursday the 8th day of October 1912 at 9 A at the Court Room of said Court In the Coun ty Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the administratrix discharged Dated September 16th 1942 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Chester Brown Attorney 9 17 42 10 2 42 property and said leasehold In connection and gas pro (17689) NOTICE SALE No 104916 In the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma Tower Production Company a corpora tion Plaintiff vs Walter II Gant et al Defendants Notice is hereby given that In pur suance of a writ of execution Issued out of the office of the court clerk of Oklahoma County Oklahoma on the 26th day of August 1942 in an action' wherein the Tower Production Com pany a corporation was plaintiff and Walter Gant and Anderson Prich ard Refining Corporation were defend ants commanding me to levy upon property belonging to the defendant Walter Gant sufficient to satisfy a judgment rendered in said action in favor of the Tower Production Com pany a corporation against Walter Gant for the sum of $146864 together with Interest at six per cent per annum from April 15 1942 the date of said judgment together with further judg ment for costs and an attorney fee of $15000: And Whereas said judgment decreed such indebtedness above mentioned to he a lien upon the interest of said defendant Walter Gant in and to the oil and gas leasehold estate sit uated in Oklahoma County Oklahoma described as follows to wit: A part of the Northwest Quarter of Sec 10 Twa 11 North Range 3 West more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the NW1 4 of said Sec 10 upon the West line of the right of way of the Oklahoma Railway Com pany (sometimes known as the Oklahoma Junction Railway Co) directly west of the Southwest cor ner of Block Two (2) of ECK SECOND ADDITION: Thence in a Southwesterly direction along the west line of said right of way to a point which would be in the center of 18th Street south projected west: thence west to the center of Lightning Creek: thence in a northeasterly direction along ths center of Lightning Creek to a point directly west of the place of beginning: thence east to the point of beginning all in Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma: together with the oil and gas well known as the Garvin well drilled there on ana tne personal equipment situated on estate and being used therewith and the oil duced therefrom and the interest of said defendant debtor in said property afore described being 11461 per cent of the seven eighth working Interest And Whereas I have levied upon the said property afore described belong ing to said Walter Gant and have duly caused the same to be appraised according to law at $106000 Now Therefore notice is hereby given that In pursuance of the commands of said writ I will offer for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder all of the interest of said defendant Walter Gant or so much thereof as will satisfy said judgment interest costs and attorney fee on the 6th day of October 1942 at two o'clock of said day at the east door of the courthouse in the City of Oklahoma City in said county and State Witness my hand this 3rd day of September 1942 GEORGE GO Sheriff of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma By Chas McCafferty Undersheriff 9 4 42 10 6 42 (17687) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 34957 1) State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and for said County and State Roberta Scott Plaintiff vs Isaiah Scott Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of abandonment for more than one year next preceding the filing of petition and for custody of minor children and you must an swer petition filed herein on or before the 16th day of October 1942 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according 9 26 43 to prayer of petition CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk Pat Halley Deputy Clerk Mamers Mathers Attorneys 9 4 4: (Seal) 9 28 42 (17696) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 34973 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County sa In the District Court within and for said Countv and State Ardell Reynolds Plaintiff vi Blanch Reynolds Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant 11! take notice that vou have been sued In the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty and you must an swer Plaintiff's petition filed herein on or before the 17th day of October 1942 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according to pray er of Plaintiff' petition Court Clerk Pat Halley Denutv Clerk oam Gtii Plaintiff's Attorney 8 0 4Z (17761) NOTICE TO CREDITORS probate No 18543 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court In tho Matter of the Estate of Herman II Ienger Deceased To tho Creditors of Herman Len ger Deceased: All persons having claims against Herman Longer Deceased are re quired to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the underBignod Administrator at the office of Rainey lynn Green Anderson 735 irst National Building Oklahoma City Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma within four months of the date hereof 9 15 42 or the same wilt be forever horred Dated this 14th day of September 1912 LOUIS LENGER Admlnlstrator 10 1 42 MH nui( any etho to pment loss 8mm feananf wdt o3 and npUla sv SMALL PAYMENTS Mutual SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSN 4K CwMtBobtMM al Graa OUdMM glUOT MT small monthly pay ment plan CaU at our otiiot or tla ph tea MH aod.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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