The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)

THE PALM IfACH POST, SATURDAY, JUNE II, 1949 P9 I NATIONAL OPEN TOURNAMENT ENDS TODAY Halt And Engel Man Boost Belmont Entries To Eight AI Brnsfh Leads MAJOR LEAGUE CAMUS Indians Defeat Tampa, 6 To 5 Marmo Scores Decisive Win Over Tatta In Legion Ring NEW YOHK. IVPi They alipixd At Halfway Mark in couple of addrd niiu hi day for the BUI running of the Hrlmoitl Slakes bul the hnraet to Shm immhmg Krtdi Marmo. 163, Plervn, N. (1i-ciionfd Art Till. ISB't.

Nw IUvn. Conn CHICAGO, AI Bk.mI1, 4a.r.. hi urA lianitn riHi 1 tr lnusMiaa k.rm oo a lb ki I beat In Ihe wide open affair stl in III 10 round feature of the Amrrirtn l.cnion't in augural boxing ihow of the iummrr lent Friday Frisch Is Signed To Pilot Chicago appear to be Ponder, Palestinian City, N. giatibvd i halfway lead "'Bhl H.Ork 4 I fc. VI, 4 I 1 and Caput.

AllhiiuKh aurh ronflirling evenU at (he high aihrnil gradualiun arrciM held Ihe altendanre to TAMPA. (41 The We.t Talm Rrach Indians hunched II hits for six runt to drfeal the Tampa Smokers II 5 in the final game of the Honda International League sjjrifs here Friday night, The big blow of the game was of on link in lh 72 holr Na- it i I 1'" II 4 0 1 Ii From up New England vay canif alHiul Hi Ml funi, Lrglon olfinala and Malrhmakrr AI t'ainly made plana lor further ahowa. and booked i.eit a a jt 0 4 tional Oiwn Gulf Chaniuiiinaliip 11 a 2 4 1 rl 4 4 1 two surprise entries for today a a lop-notch feature for Tu'dy, 1ay ur 0M-uri(1fi-iar 141. Id 4 11 I 1 0 1 11 BOSTON, (yPt Jolly Charlia mile and one half classic Wood 1 0 II. kr rt 4 4 a 1 II sltaily game elated off two Boat Races Slated I i.

.1. 4 1 0 I 11... IK III a two-run homer by Tampai new arxK-Uruiar errond day rounds oy a 0 1 Ml hint 4 0 a II krl I Ait a 4 1 1 June 21, hen Humlirrto Men who fouiiht Willie I'ep for Ihe ft-alhrrAtight title, will take on Joe Colon Garcia, a winter favor He here. vale Farm's Halt and the Francis Stable's Engel Man. But are strictly long shots, and their entry Grimm quit the Chicago Cubs bench for its front office and 1 rankie Frisch became his mana-gerial for a three-year pair oi xelerani.

3 1 0 I 0 0 0 1. 0 11 II Player Manager Came Suggested At Like 0.Mrne boosted Ihe Helmont field lo eight .1.0 7 u.ik.4 fui wi.b in ho. lut former Open champions ee elmimaird aa the tirid term Friily. colt, instead of Ihe eapeded atx LAKE WORTH An aciuatir pro-' The inaugural raid produced no IMO pmtvmti to for today i (lining That shokciip was described by Halt ran fourth and Engel Man Ltnm and an alleinoon of outboard kayoa out mere vat Plenty oi ar Nr 4. till la, hole rounda.

1 1 ill he lu i.l Kondv at Lake turn, and all four bouta were well -( Ili' Owner Philip Wrlgley as best way to get the club ahead sixth in the Yankee Handicap last week at Suffolk Downs Mill Brou. who tant ee Ihe tee n.horn.. i.rw1.r ihe imium of the niatihrd la. Metros. Wrlglry said that Grimm, man TAMPA.

fT) Why not a Florida International League all-star game belwern the circuits top The rest of the field lines up a WrtttMut aua atrting knrl aperta- nrganirrd Lake Worth! Marina and Tatta fought an ex M.v un.Hial. 'U u-ltikr lilt 4 at I.4.H 7, Im. plodded over Medinan L- uu i-ri iMm reptionally clean with lew forecast, with Calumet Farms ager of the Cubs fur about 14 year lulK MittI Jmlifn oil Uvitr "at avawaed of champion'' No. 3 rhnrhea. Thev flecked leather In Ponder, Isador Bieber's Palexlin- plsyera and the managers of the I.

t-o iriia -2. I i. i. since suggested his own transfer a Ihe club's vice presi 1 I'K JarfSrn 10 in 7 inning. 4H.I eight elubs? an, Greentree Stable's Capot.

Mrs. owe rKiy in par-maiming 7. Thr evente which will cloe like a pair of flyweights and in athf. Wrl.h innina. Winnri Kben H.

Ellison, Sun Bahrain TlMtMdar, the 37-year-old include water ikiing and aquaplan- at tunea alood off and slugged. In Thala what Wilbur Kinley, Writ lurt.lanMi iVttt. t' -Hair. 1-J13.

A dent in charge nf baseball opera Units and Frisch's appointment aa his successor. a wIm iw lecvni title was ma mg will get undrrway at 1 p. m. me latter pnate naa me sports editor of the Tampa Times, Clifford Mooera' Old Hockport, and J. Graham Brown's Saint Ntrh-aols.

All will tote 126 pounds. Luna hland. H. Uin lie a racing oiogram it slated fori lor more damaging puncnes proposed Friday to the league di iMia. HMiik mix a.

mu mix a Fi ist also a veteran pilot In the last year, towred the lortiiroiisly-12 m. and he managed to block most of rector who will meet In West Palm Rearh today to rook up plans in. lot i-3 a National League ranks, managed nodVd 6fMU-vrd layout in 70. There will be five different Tatta'a awet-ping hooks. Many observers say this 4 In.

144 441 4 4 0 he SI. Louis Cardinals and Pitts added event Is wide open, in view Thu una nut nf aiclafcHei of races and niriea are ex-1 Meieree nuiy Mien cauea six j. tn. iiunrmai id and latiLMlli. for an FIL all-star game.

Uumprtl and liiii' LI" Jujmun. burgh Pirates. In between a Boston of the present scramble for three- ntuM-equallHig 6T round by Caryl peeled from' Delray Beach, Lake I rounds for Marmo and four even Kinley says all eight managers baseball broadcasting assignment. year-old honors that so far has de MiriiUxiif Urn Memnhia milling worm ana nesi faun oeacn. nginu jaia uimmrar.

itn. ni rHIIXIkJi 1, tHUa 1 inuu inn ui'i no 2 a 0 are former major leaguers. These former big time players could be leted nothing. Tins could account dentin and a 68 bv U'Neal Clasnes will include 7a. 16 ami, railed to get a draw with Joe 4tll Old Ju 3 0 or the appearance of Halt and hite of Greenwood, ho and 22 horsepower motors with the Hninwasser, 14H.

I'lltsbiirgn, In tne tliajir. 44IIK III. Mratn IS ann Engle Man. not to mention another assisted by atveral other one time major league performers. tUiaijiota is HrinUrmian and artnini.s tautiht MiddlerofC most of the golf linale to be a tree for all open to i eignt-rouna semilinai alter some 1.1- Hiailr.

outsider Saint Nicholas. ha knows iooatt witn motors ol any sue. me close puncning exenangea. uirri Mom IHJ.I-lH-ttt Again vowing he was "through forever with managing." Frisch returned to the airways in New York in 1948. Hut this season "he again was lured away from his micro phone by Leo Durocher, who per suaded him to rejoin the New York Present all-star plans rail for Halt is the only one to get into programs win inciune races ror more naa io win tne tixtn ana something along the line of hav ither of the previous triple crown seventh and get a diw In the hv Tnm.

racing VA.Vka IMJl Vr VorS Jii IKI UW 0 Im IXtl 2 (I Him hi and Hrna. Hranlrn. Hrni.m 4ll, A.l.l.k mi. and lirn. LP IVaidrn.

lassies, the Kentucky Derby and ing start from the West Coast and Havana play a group from the four eighth to make It even at the finish my Arroour, Hyron Nelson and 'reakness. In the Derby he ran A graduate nf the amateur ranks. l.lofd Mangrum, and White shot I IM'ill KftlS outfielder, Eddie Wayne. In uni iMHHir.Hn i. i Last Coast teams.

The managers' starting lineup fifth. Engle Man has won only once in 12 starts. Snooks Keene, I SI, r't. Plerca earned a draw with Joe Alesulo Giants as a roach. He broke in with that club In 1919 as tke "Ford-ham Flash" Cincinnati lift li 0 form, for the first tune, Wayne laid one down the left field line kln Ho ou' In Hi 1 ama it iiihimiji.

i to as for second midway at 12 ITiL Cruinrit The opening round leader. I.e. ror VU would have these names: At any rate. Ponder no doubt 1112, New Jlaven, In a six-rounder ranmirh 17'. l.un'.la-rl 171 and Travis Jackson, of Tampa, who ill be sent off the choice at Hecently Frisch had a brief man (II so close that Manager Lou Fin ney and Pitcher Kov Sinnue- Keene'i iming was off and he HoM-rl: llaitm and Ewarrti.

HR Itj.dMnrln 2. Jlkn KnMairii, furillo. LP Kenned, youlhtul pro from Taw- ROOKLVN'. A' The league- starred as shortstop for years with around 6 to by an expected agerial fling when Durocher aat turk.L ft. Friday could only add Brooklyn Dodgers scored m'ny field started an argument with aaavtu ns he New York Giants: Johnny crowd of SO.OOt) at 3 40 p.

m. out his latest suspension. I iian Dinio alitor niv ns rwrn gfiii umpires that caused their banish Beazley of St. Petersburg, former Ponder confounded the turf I felt the move was necessary rhtragn al 2 Ols ri 12 St. Louis Cardinal pitching star: Huih I'SiTMnan iV.

l.adr and No a two-ovar-par i to nursaay a their fifth straight victory rinay V. 1- 60 for a fourth spot tie with nlish( drubhing the 'n the very first ex-Claude Harmon, Palm Beach and i-5. The Brooks won the i nn1 be'n Mamaroneck, N. Y. 1948 Masters mf a six run explosion Jn second.

to give the Cubs another baseball man in an executive position." faithful when he pounded from far back to grab the Derby roes Johnny Rino. Lakeland, formerly utnr Spahn and Salkr.d Lr Kuih. with the Cardinals and Pirates; Os Ith a great stretch drive. The hiKliv I' lMnn I ik. 1

nmniirr i. lu-nr mill, rui Belmont distance, a quarter of a car Rodriquei. Havana, with th ment from the game. Sinquefield was replaced on the mound for West Palm Beach by Cave. Earlier in the day the Indians announced the acquisition of Mickey O'Hiicn, signed as free agent after Ins release by St.

Petersburg league Standings lleafner at 143. rli.naxed with a 161. decisioned Jack Gra mile further, seems made to order Washington Senators, Pale Cooper, steady-shooting pro homer. Jimmy Blooduorth bang- 'x- NATIONAL I.KAM I. P-1 I.

Pi for Warren Wright's colt. Last Saturday Ponder came up from far Wrigley explained. "Charlie will live lunger in his new job." Wrigley added that Frisch Would take over the Cubs In Chicago next Monday and that Jimmy Gallagher, who has been general manager, would continue with the club as its vice president in charge of busi from ronte Vedra Beach bagged a ed lo homers for the Reds. 73 Fndav. Joe Hatten went all the way for one 'or Glnm nn one 'vfn- KiTYtkiYl.

i5 Sew York Jti J4 ini inmil back to take the Peter Pan Handi St 7 Jtl pltU 'rifli IK hh rinHtfi'in and vii'lderi the firl cap on the Belmont Track Chuck Aleno. Fort Lauderdale, with the Cincinnati Reds; Joe Med-wick, Miami Beach, with the Cards, Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers: Pepper Martin. Miami, with the Cards and Lou Finney, West Palm Beach, with the Boston Red Sox. The catcher thus became one of the most-travelled players in intra-league movement, having previous Phil pnift vi 17 AMKKIf AN l. A(.

Capot. the Preakness winner nracaeira lour iinun on mr 7 rr 11 pace at 14S were South African (our runs, three in the fourth and arjlvpi's I lirn BaCk Bobby Locke and Ellswoith Vines ne in the seventh, on homers by i auiiixnn and Greentree'a hope for a third ness matters. 1, Pel pvi York IK ly been with Tampa, Miami and "Charlie was the first to sugaest Blnodworth. Nos 4 and 5. the first r'l I IfirM rtrliintj a pair of tried campaigners- St.

Petersburg before donning an and surorisina Bobhv Harris. Till- with two on. ne secona nomer s. Philadelphia Athletirs and Phillies. Indian uniform.

Uajih'ttsn St Loui 14 3A Then you'd have auch other this change." Wrigley continued. "We discussed it for several days, in New York and then we contacted Horace Stoneham, president of the sa. Ukla. Harris recenuy uirnco CLEVELAND. iP! Big Vic He almost became property of pro after winning tne national 1' tuKn of th New York Yankees former major league players as Luke Hamlin of Lakeland, who Belmont winner, could find the distance too far.

The Preakness was only a mile and three-sixteenths, and Palestinian was slugging away at Capot ears in that one. to be beaten only a head. Palestinian, third in the Derby hack of Ponder and Capot. is ex-nected to be second choice today. tne Indians once before, a deal having been tentatively made with Collegiate Athletic Association a iwo-iun mufflpd njntn by crown for San Jose (Calif State rox wen.

ui rnday nlght hurled with Ihe Dodgers and De- Giants, to. get Frisch. We never would have made this switch if Tampa at one time during the l.l vamv Mil M1P rrnin. aim 11 fisniiH. rolt Tigers; Chet Covington.

946 season, but It was not com and defeated the world champs. 3 to 2. 1 jpftv Frank Fanovich and Harry Stoneham hfld been unable to per Bottom score for today's double- 0 pleted. NATIONAL I I A(I Plttolturgft t. New Ynite 1.

rinnrvnAii S. Htkl 10. Si, IvHJli 2 PhlUftrlDPiia t'fitrni-ij 3 RtH.rn (i AMf HM AN I.r.Alil Nw York .1 iHnfI 2. Philfif Ipr-m mi si 1.aui tppd nt nam rhfHluiHl Toclav4 (iatnp Humbert that the ledgers won the suade Durocher to give Frankie his decked stretch drive was ISO. Tampa, formerly with the Phillies; Stan Andrews, West Palm Beach, formerly with the Boston Braves: The victory broke the Yanks" He hit .243 in 1847 and .233 especially since he'll be ridden by Bill Cox singled and Former Open casualties of Me- four-game losing streak last year, and this year had played Eddie Arcaro dinah perplexing par 36-35 jun inning nis ninin game auamsi missed a only occasionally while completlpg n.i.t- a.

t.ii release. the wealthy Chicago owner explained that he was "not too happy about Ihe way the Cubs have been going" but expressed confidence that his club would win with Frisch 1 one loss lor me seaull, niiHiii uu I 1 1 Da U-A Uaca am gle included Byron the seiiri-retued Texal rancher, who studies at in 'T. Hn Jbeen coasting along until the last university frnha rtlo To Attempt Gil Torres. Ha' ana. with the Senators: Ned Harris.

West Palm Beach, with the Tigers and Art Rebel, Tampa, with the Cardinals. Kinley points out that a minor Tampa. fckied to a 77 Friday after an open 4HFHII a i.ui.i r. New Yolk at lceland.winfnnl tl-! I Keller it -Si. Wamlnirl'Ml at Detroit Maiterson t.1-2' fr nH run After Duke with a 3-0 margin, allowing The Indians also have Slan ing 74 for 151; Lawson Little, who New Speedboat Mark Andrews and Milt Wrenn on the managing it and Grimm providing new player strength.

hitch might develop if the fans roster as catchers, and did not re- LAKE PLACID. N. (rPl At had 153: Gene tiaraen with 1.14: Billy Burke, the 1932 winner, with 156; Tony Manero, 1936 winner. Snider walked. Fanovich was re-.

the Indians only three hi s. lieved bv Gumbert who wild-! But in the ninth wi two men pitched a run in. Jackie Robin- 'out. Larry Doby tripled to left sons flv scored a fourth and Thai scored Thurman Tuck-Furillo lined his third homer Into 1 who had walked. Joe Gordon eal what changes might be con- Coif Finals Slated wanted such fill-ins at Hamlin.

Harris. Covington and Torres on the all-star team. However, that could be worked out, he says. emplated with the signing of wish 157; and ancient amateur VI Hutr.lnn.n 13-2' Ph.iadeipnia at St. Loula tniahtl Srheih t'i li vi Tannin '2-2i.

lUHlly fame arherluleej. NATIOV.1. l.rAIII Pituhurph at New York Riddle 1-41 vi Kennedy Oni-innall at Hr.mklyn Wehmeler (1-2' vi Newcornhe (2-OI rhl.aao at Bmlon Diihlet l2-4i Bl.kf..rd 17-2'. Si.! at Philadelphia Munger 13-2' Bnen.

men scored uooy wiin a stogie 011 the seats for the last two. an hour when he usually is finishing a day's work, band leader Guy Lombardo will begin an attempt today to break the world speed boat record. In fact. Lombardo and another veteran driver. Max Collins, will r.wT PALM BKAt Billy Johnsons glove, but Lou W.

A. "Dub" Pagan and John Strickland will meet today in the 36-hole finals of the Spring Tournament at the West Palm Beach Country Club. rr Marshall, Jb Lauderdale Scores Boudreau's grounder to Jerry Cole man ended the game. Chic Evans U916) with 161. Four of the 10 ex-champs in Ihe origwial field nf 162 pros and amateurs made the grade to the final round, Fowmogt was Ralph Guldahl, 193T-38 double inner ho used to Phillies Snap Cards Inne), if vi BorrrAV The Yankees started right in on Noll.

II Ha try to smash four motorboat marks Gene Bearden in the first inning First 18 holes of the match will Six-Came Win Streak 5th Straight Win FORT LACDF.RDALE. IP The Vale Crew Drop Plan blasting him from the box with nietetskl, ib rlaokn, ss be Medinan professional. His 75 PHILADELPHIA. W) The three hits and scoring two runs Friday Have him 146 for a five- Philadelphia Phillies snapped the Phil Kizzuln slammed a double Fort Lauderdale Braves edged the in a series of time trials today Sart at a. and the second and Sunday on Lake Placid.

a 1 will start at 2 p. m. Lombardo will drive the 32-foot Pagan, who recently won the unlimited class hydroplane. "Alum-dub championship, will spot his inum First." and Collins will han- opponent six strokes on each For Observation Train NEW LONDON. tPl- For ii St.

Petersburg Saints 2 to 1 Fri a 11 27 way deadlock with 33-year-old St. Lbuis Cardinals' winning then Gene Woodling singled. After 37 Total, day night to sweep the three game Bobby Cruickshank of Delray streak at six games Friday nightiJack Phillips walked, Yogi Berra A Florida International League Beach and Pittsburgh, jonnny I'ai- as they drove Alpha Brazle from got a single. die the Gold Cup 28-footer. "Hot 18-hole round under the handicap Metal." Both boats were built re-'system.

series. mer of Badin, N. Jack Isaacs Mefti.tiiA. 2b Adbins. .11.

Ra4anak, rf Kehel. rf lb the mound in the seventh audi AI Benton came in and retired scored a 3-2 victory behind the the side. The Yanks got another the third straight year since its post-war return to the Thames River, the Yale-Harvard Regatta, June 24, will be without an observation train. The familiar pre-war rolling grandstands became a wartime cently for industrialist Henry J.I It was the Braves fifth straight 4()-vea-old pro from La tig ley B-aaa-a-a-aaaj-avai -j-as4--HtBUa-aBaa-r-aam--aaj Field Air Base, Va, and none victory. Kaiser.

Lombardo's principal goal in the Pitcher Hal Graham lost a other than Samuel Jackson Snead the pre-meet favorite. careful nine-hit pitching of Ken run in the fourth inning on a single Heintzelman. by Cliff Mapes that scored Hank In chalking up their ninth vie-; Bauer, torv in the last 11 games, the! The loss was the Tribe's first in measured mile runs will be the shutout when St. Pete scored an Snead, whose reformed putter a casualty due to the shortage of flatcars. 1 I IHtne.

a, If M-irs, ss swintnn, Kerre, Hrtaht. Tolftls Weal Palm Bearh TamiHS MHI Adklns. Krbel eslablishment of a new mark in excess of the world speed record of 141.74 miles an hour set by the four games. A crowd of 67,031 was unearned run in the eighth. Rudy Tanner singled to left to open the frame and Harry Anderson beat out an attempted sacrifice.

as 11 27 This year Yale had considered on hand for Cleveland's four-game Phillies collected 12 hits off Brazle, Ted Wilks and Jim Heain. But Brazle held them pretty 000 302 01 which gave him the Masters and National PGA crowns earlier this seaaon went suddenly sour on him. has knitted together a pair of a proposal to run a train of day Olllt fHHI 020 series opener with the Yanks. coaches, using the seats beside tne Marshall. And (21, Anrrlelskl much in check until the seventh.

elatko late Sir Malcolm Campbell on England's Lake Coniston in 1939. Both drivers also will be aiming for a new North American one- Tom Ivy then laid down a sacrifice which Manager Chuck Aleno windows facing the river Mnaueflrld. 2H HK ttajne. Then Gran Hamner. who collected iWerle Hurls Pirates The Yale rrrw nmn at Gales SH-Wayne.

Mnqurlield. Desoiira. UP a double and three singles, and Ed Ferry Friday formally announced die Wailkus singled. irp ay. threw wildly trying to force Anderson at second.

Tanner scored on the bad peg. Johnny Beazley went the dis Tampa 8: tries! I'alm hVach 10. BB off sinquefield II. fcuanson 2, Kerre 2. Wright I.

hp tiwansim 4. sinquefield 5. I'K Swansim 7 hits In 2. 3 Inning; Kerre Hamner romped home on in UVfr IsianiS Ennis' fly to knot the score at 2-2. that this plan has been dropped, Sun Sox Beat Lakeland MIAMI.

iP) Mickev Mihalik 2 hits in 1 2 Inning: sinquefield 10 hits mile motorboat speed record and a new U. S. single-engine motor-boat speed record, each for unlimited craft. An "unlimited motorboat," as defined by the American Power Boat Association, is a craft up to After Andv Seminick walked. Stan UKK, W'l houtnpaw In 7 3 3 Innlnas.

sinquefield. LP tance on the mound, allowing eight hits. r-amo (hrnnoh 441th whntlWerle spun a neat three-hitter lackadaisical 73 s. Th pace setting amateur, Skee Riegel, U. S.

Amateur champion of 1947, was bracketed at 147 with 11 professionals, among them 1947 Open champion Lew Worsham. Oakmont, Pa. Other scores included: Toney Penna, Delray Beaoti and Cincinnati, 78-76 154; Louis Broward. Jacksonville, 81-79160: Smiley Quick, formerly of West Palm Beach and now of Culver City. I urtiry and LlnAlata let the Lakeland Pilots down Both the Braves' runs came in proved to be the game winning 'he last place Pittsburgh Pirates blow.

It was a single, scoring -1 defeat on the New York th. u-nnH th. firat nn nits rnday night and tne Ill- STANDINGS Giants Friday. 40 feet in overaU length with nol Waitkus. NATIONAL AiatlWCt SUMMER EXCURSION FARES May IS OrteW ta 21-DAY ROUND TRIPS NEW YORK $96.90 PHILADELPHIA $89.10 WASHINGTON, D.C.

$79.05 RSI THWflBF tei AA 14th home run of the season with'8 Su" Sox "et their Florida For five-and-two thirds inning iimuaiion on me power oi its no one on base. Bobby Harrison the Giants swung without success engine. ning the third game, 7-0, before 4 i scored the second run. Junior Baseball Miami at Werle's offerings. Not a New Yorker reached first until Larry 1,806 spectators.

Mihalik had a no-hitter 1 M'ml Pet .17 26 37 27 vrs 3fi .10 XI 28 .414 27 40 .4 21 46 .313 Jansen, the Giant starting pitcher. Softball 80-73153: George Kinsman, West Palm Beach and Three Lakes, 75-79154. For! Lfiu.lpirl.Tle slapped a single to center with tw In the only game played Friday, Palm Beach Mercantile edged out Haisey and Griffith, 4 to 3, at Legion Field. West Palm Bene Lakeland St. Petersburg.

out in the sixth. He got no further. two away in the eighth when Pete Kantor lashed a double to left center. Sonnjfr Howell singled in the ninth for the other pilot hit. Mihalik walked two and struck Lake Worth V.

F. W. defeated Moose Club, 13 to 3. and F. P.

The Pirates, meanwhile, had OVER 400 SETS OF Brandenburg, the winning pitch Friday' Renults picked up a brace of runs in the Girls Softball Team To Oppose Men After having won nine straight games and completely dominating the Women's Softball League, the Dixie Finance team will step outside the ranks of feminine competition today and tackle a men's SEAT er, gave up but throe hits. When Centerfielder Wally L. Steam Plant outslugged Water Company. 23 to 11, In games at Howard Park Friday night. mates collected five off Kenny.

Westlake whacked a home run with out two. The Sun Sox raked Luke Ham Ralph Kiner on second base. Kiner COVERS Lakeland 0. Miami 7. Miami Bearh 1.

Havana 2. West Palm Beach 6. Tampa S. St. Petersburg 1, Fort Lauderdale 3.

Tonight'ta Games L. Williams batted in four runs lin for 10 hits, including a grand had gone all the way to second on for the V. F. W. ten.

B. Berry to fit moil bid Gordon wild throw KEEP COOL W'rth ran. mo to 49 team. Jansen retired in the eighth after of the Water Company collected three hit in four trips to the plate. slam homer by Bill Jekielek, who also had a two-bagger in three times up.

Jekielek joined the Sun Sox only Friday, replacing Outfielder Gale Wade. ALL PLASTIC or FIBRE he was greeted by a heme run off The girl softballers will play the wnm. vh Tv.iv 'plus lata ft, iK i NATIONAL AIRLINES CAli 22421 er your trvl Ticket Office aim Beach International Air pert Northwood Baptist team at Beth- the bat of Pete CastiRlione. and then failed to retire any of the W'est Palm Beach at Miami Beach. Lakeland at St.

Petersburg. Tampa at Havana. Miami at Fort Lauderdale. YANKS SIGN BEARDSLEE DETROIT. IPi The New York Yankees Friday grabbed off a red- Imtallatton Optional CHINESE AUTO BACKRESTS The ijot complete stock of arcet-oritta In this neetion of Florida.

LAKE WORTH Baptist defeat next three men to face him. Sam esda Park at 6 p. with players of both teams asked to report not later than 5:30. Webb mopped up. Belmont Park Kettiilts clpar and Fast.

FIRST Purse claiming: maid ed Methodist, 8 to 0. and the In-dependants turned back Congregational 9 to 3, in games at Sunset lUHiaCHt Hm Oriarinal, Patented. S-in-On COMIINaTIOH TRIAIMENT WINDOWS, PORCHES, DOOR8 The church team has played hot Michigan high school pitcher. Boston Defeats Cubs Ridge Park Friday night. only a few games, not being in any of the local leagues, but will be at peak strength for the challenge by the girls.

Ken Beardslee. for their Beaumont. Texas, farm club. Beardslee-pitched BOSTON. IPi The Boston Belmont Park Selections eight no-hit games in high school.

Braves dropped the Chicago Cubi into the National League cellar by (Assneiflted Press Selections) At BKI.MONT. capturing the opener of a fou Spi.d. Teal. Nepal. SMOKERS SELL MAZl'REK TAMPA, P) Tony Mazurek ens; 2-year olds; 5 turlongs; iW'idener course (Wallisl 29 60 17 5(1 In.

si f-Riival Son (Brooks) 8.70 4 Reaping Day lErickson) 7.4c Time Eutaw. f-Boisterous. t-Woodside, Master Showman. Astronomer. h-Buhhle World, Mr.

Willie. I-Plowken. f-Pougoay, c-'l'ush's Bid. f-Mike Dizzv, Mickey. d-Shining Faith, d-Tur-ret.

County Judge, c-Hclm Home, a-Triple F. also ran. f-Field. a--Phantom Farm entry. b--A.

Richer-Mrs. L. Laurin entry. c--H. Grant entry.

d-MIII River Stable entry. SECOND Purse claiming: Bnunrtng Bonis, Irish game series, 6-2, Friday night be 807 N. Dixie (WPB) Ph. 8035 Hit. fore a 20.551 crowd.

Lefty War who played left field for the Smokers of the Florida Interna ren Spahn held the Cubs to six 3 Chalet I'or. Fonda. Knights Armor. 4 netertfve, Othello, Androeles. 5 I Beat.

Maniohlrk, Btisfuz. fl Ponder, Palestinian, Capot. hits and had a shutout going un til the seventh. His mates pound tional League most of this season, has been sold to the Portsmouth Club of the Piedmont League, it TranNfluent. Code Light, Finder Keeper.

I riaininn saay, warn noy, SJroesus, ed three hurlers for a total of 12 SUMMER RATES EVENING TRIP 4 persons $8.00 per hr. 2 hr. mln. from 4 p. m.

Day $27 All Day $48 Besl Bet DETKCTIVE. safeties. W. E. NELRICH K.

C. GALLOWAY DBA PALM BEACH GULF SERVICE 'OFFICE: SAME PHONE: 3761-. SOUTH COUNTY ROAD 6616 was announced here Friday. The Tribesmen clinched matters maiden 3-year olds and upward; 1 mile. Polemic (Brooks! 36.80 13.50 6.50 Indian (Gorman) 10.90 6 (HI Flash of Light (Jessopl 3.K0 Belmont Park Entries against starter Bob Rush by scor FISHING CATCHES Kirst post 1:15 p.

m. clear and fast SAIL lime 1:41. lovic. foolish Devil, strur ing thrice in the first three frames. Doubles by Marv Rickert FIRST Purse I3.VM1.

maidens. 2-year LAKE REEF ture, Play Gipsy. Thriller. f-Orphans olds. 5 furlongs (Widener Course).

Marina Dock Calumet II, Capt. Harry Craw. court. f-Mtllingston. f-rsobody.

Hickory and Tommy Holmes provided a xxiorreni ill Nepal US Blue Teal Lea. Mossy race, Jay Kay also ran. second inning tally and four sin f-Field. ford Mrs. E.

L. Roberts. Beverly gles settled things in the next Farms, 2 sallfish released, While Rage US Rarltv first Glen US Pelit Bleu Phil Hama US Fulton Sails 115 Thorn DAILY DOIRLK Eronlon end Polemic peld 743.60 for $2. 2 dolphin. frame.

Spahn limited the Cubs, play ase Mate IIS Master Man THIRD Purse $3,000: hurd VENTILATION CONTROL HEAT REFLECTORS PRIVACY GUARD STORM SHUTTER PROWLER GUARD Operahx from tie iniide wifhoirt aisinrj window. LOCKS IN ANY POSITION For full Information call or write Ol'TSlnK VENKTIAN" BLIND CO. Factory Branch Office les 3-year olds and upward about 1 Inlaglio 115 SKCOND Purse $3,500, maidens, year olds and upward, 6 furlongs. ing their last series under the managership of Charlie Grimm, miles. FISHING MOTOR ROWBOATS DOCK SPACE FOR RENT BAIT TACKLE Phone 9238 5903 park RIVIERA BEACH.

FLA. Mile North West Falm Beach Touah (Foot. 6.40 4.m 3.00 300. who moves into their front office (Harris) 4.10 3.10 top ivie jm rnm rupn h- Hnvn 11H vvl'hriclnnh-r 113 119 Proceed (Siedlar) 10.20 next Monday, to three hits up to Sir Larkspur US xkscador 113 fime 3n. Schoharie.

Uranium LTid, Bouncing Boots 118 xGrandma 116 the seventh. Dunces Can, Heldensace, a-RusIline Oaks, Prophets Thumb US Velvet Rhvmer US a-Kipper. Busy Momenta also ran. IIS xxTwo Feathers 111 ooi nown AUTOMOBILE FURNITURE 2-0561 Call 2-0582 a--w. -Li.

Jones-M. a. I usnman entry. FOURTH Purse $3,500: claimine; 4- Fifth Wheel US Irish Wit US 441 31th St. Ph.

ORCHIDS TO CARD FANS pace 118 Country Town 113 year olds and upward; 6 furlongs; (Main fciu khead 11 1 ST. LOUIS. (TP) Orchids will 'ourse. THIRD Purse S3. 000.

claiming, hurdles. Blunt Remark be given to the first 4,000 women year oms ana upward, aooui es (Woodhousei 9.60 4.90 3.W Chal D'or 138 Crows Bill 133 who enter Sportsman Park grand. Shifty Mae (Rogers- 6.70 4.80 Comanche Peak (Nodarse- 4.80 xxrlan'ck Laddie 130 Fonda 137 Flrebet 137 Kninhts Armor 147 stand Monday night. June 20, when the St. Louis Cardinals play the I ime 35.

Kijrhtwine, Ariel sweep. xxStampede II 140 FOURTH Purse S3. 500. allowances. Good Son.

Skeleton. Mtckev Dazzler. Reek- YOUR LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED New York Giants. Son Charlie, Runne Time, sea tare colts and geldings, 2-year olds, 5 furlongs also ran. laener 4-oursei Fred Saigh, Cardinal president, said the orchids will be flown FIFTH Purse $3,500: allowances: li Mombasa 108 Detective 119 Othello 119 Androeles 119 year olds; 5 furlongs; (Widener course).

Navy Bean (Atkinson) 11.40 5.11 direct from Hawaii. rotent 119 Fighting Fairy log b-Our Patrice (Arcaro) 3.20 3. HO Wilv wi 136 b-Hatikvah (GlisBon) 3.90 FIFTH Purse So. 000 added, hand cap. Time ::8.

a-Lieht UDon. ft-Parchesl. year as ana upwara. luriongs. Otrora.

Wise Cutie. Scoth Wine, Vanetta Maneohlck 121 F.aele Eye 11? also ran. Piet 120 Buzfuz 123 Jaialal 102 up neat 126 a Mrs. R. L.

Gerry-Mrs. D. Howe entry. bI. Bieber-Mrs.

E. D. Jacobs entry, SIXTH Purse $5,000. allowances. 3- SIXTH Purse S75.UOO added.

The Bel REEF FISHING ON THE DrESKL-POWERED GOVT. INSPECTED LADY HELEN Leave 8:30 Layton'i Dork Dally Experienced finides PHONE 4357 mont Stakes. 3-year olds. miles. ear olds, one mile.

Palestinian 126 Old Rockport 126 rter 126 Ha 12ft Plunder (Jessop. 10.40 5.20 3.70 (Mehrtens) 4.40 Saint Nicholas 126 Capot 126 Engel Man 126 Sun Bahram 126 Latest Vogue (Scurlock- 3.30 SPECIAL MEETING OF CARPENTERS LOCAL 819 MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1949 7:30 P. M. LABOR TEMPLE ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND REFERENDUM ON CHANGING HOLIDAYS E. O.

MINX, Ree. Sec'y INC. FIRST SrJVr NTH purse 4.uou. allowances. 3- lime 4n.

Qay Mood, Sub also ran. Purse $3,500. claimine 3- ear olds and upward. 1 mile. inned los xnncler Keeper 17 331 Highbinder 119 Code eht 122 year olds.

1 1lfi miles. Dream Spinner (B'melist 45.30 20.80 13.60 Braggadocio Dela houssaye) 12.00 7, 50 Promotion) Bnland 8.90 Black Rnyer 113 xTransfluent 114 ST. CO-MAKERS Mayes Riley 111 axFleet Vixen 103 Time 1:45. Muzzle. Joie de Vlvre.

Escrow, a tJclair stud entry. EIGHTH Purse S3.500. claiming. 4-vear Bomhcasp. Rink Kwy.

Fenneily also ran. SIGNATURE n-ibH i. furse s.Tmi. claiming, 4-year olds and upward, 1 18 miles. Martal 113 Croesus 114 LET'S GO FISHING "BLUB SEA" FULL DAY, $4.00 LEAVES DAILX.

9 A.M. 40tb ST. DOCK CAPT. TED BROWER olds and upward. 14 miles.

Isiral 113 xxFlamme Ladv 114 Pheecta (Uiisson) li. eo s.7(t Aloho 108 xBrave Reward 118 id Date McPhee 6.90 5.40 xStage Bond 109 Beach Boy 113 LOANS iliing Hand (Rozelle 4.30 Time 2:35 25. Frio Guest. Rose Canyon. Dime, Excitement end Flame oi India also lown House 114 XLruragan I la lut I Curvaceous 113 5.

xx tbs. A AC ran..

The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.