The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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SPRING TRAINING PREVIEW The Sacramento Bee Sunday February 18 2001 C11 MSlDilALLmi CENTRAL EAST Baltimore Orioles I Manager Mike Rarqiove (2nd season) 2000: 74 88 4th piano Arrivals: HI IP Pat llontgen IB David Soqui SS Miko Burdick RMI John Bale Departures: Rt Mike Mussina HI IP Pat Rapt) Ol Kanin iroia Outlook: At least the Orioles won be the most overpast team anymore I ast season budget cutting trades and loss ol ace Mussina to tree agency Hentgen appeared to in1 part ol a plan to get younger But oflsea son mam additions I lentgen Sequi and Burdick areJP 34 and 3h respectively Albert Belle injured hip remains a question mark 4' I EAST Atlanta Braves Manager: Bobby Cox 1 2th season) 1st place Arrivals: 1 Rico Brogna OF Dave Martinez INF Kurt Abbott Departures: 1 Andres Galarraga IB Wally Joyner RHP Andy Ashby I HP Terry Mulholland OF Bobby Bonilla OF Reggie Sanders Outlook: After not making the NLCS tor the first time since 1990 the Braves had a surprisingly quiet offseason GM John Schuerholz didri make big plays for either Alex Rodriguez or Mike Hampton John Smoltz will be back from an elbow injury to fill out the strong pitching rotation Chipper Jones 28 and Andruw Jones 23 are two of the best young players in the game he controversy sur rounding John Rocker should ease Florida Marlins Manager: John Boles (3rd Season) 2000: 79 82 3rd place Arrivals: Charles Johnson OF Jeff Abbott Departures: RHP Brian Edmondson Outlook: he Marlins have begun to recover from their post World Series salary purge improving from 54 wins in 1 998 to 79 last season Johnson should stabilize strong young staff led by Johnson All Star Ryan Dempster Owner John Henry has plan for downtown stadium that uojiJ be ready by 2004 when Florida deep you' ent Logins to reach its potential Kansas City Royals Manager: 1 ony Muser (3th season) 2000: 77-85 4th place Arrivals: RHP Roberto Herndndez CAJ Hmch RHP Doug Henry Departures: OF Johnny Damon Jorge Fabregas RHP Ricky Bottalico Outlook: Lost best player in Damon but GM Allard Baird knew he couldn't keep Damon after this season and wanted a closer to upgrade bullpen that has 58 saves and 56 blown saves over the past two seasons Hernandez should help but keep in mind many of those blown saves canae before the ninth inning and the Devil Rays led the league with 28 blown saves last season with Hernandez CF Carlos Beltran and 2B Carlos Febles need to recover From sophom*ore slumps Minnesota Twins Manager: Tom Kelly (16th season) 2000: 69 93 5th place Arrivals: Tom Prince Departures: 1 Ron Coomer Outlook: What happened to the Homerdome9 Twins were last in league homers last season There are few bright spots on team other than starters Brad Radke and Eric Milton OF Matt Lawton could be moved to a contender possibly the Mets Luis Rivas moved from shortstop to second base and could team with Cristian Guzman as doubleplay partners of the future for Twins Very quick Rivas still needs more discipline at plate Hit 310 in 58 at bats late season callup Boston Red Sox Manager: Jimy Williams (nth season) 2000:83 7 7 Pnd place Arrivals: (If inny Ramirez RHP David Cone RHPFlideoNomo RHP I rank Castillo LHP Kent Mercker 3B Chris Stynes Departures: Rl IP Ramon Martinez RHP lorn Gordon LHP Rheal Cormier LHPJefIFassero iRRcoRroqna OF dre Cummings OF Bernard GHkey Outlook: Addt'h perhaps the most teared hitter the Ip tgie Ran irez to offense that was ird worst in suit nq A imirez (132 RBIs 1 18 tmes) will mp ace the mostly ineffective Troy Leary Ouestsms remain at third nase where Jcmo Valent coining of a knee njury will eatt Stynps and in rota' oi1 Keys are Juse Otferman whim on base percent 3qe dropped 'rom 39' to 334 andNomo Cone and Castl'o the rotation New York Yankees Manager: Joe Torre toth -t- iscn) 74 Wond Seres champions Arrivals: RHP Mne Muss na RHP La oo Reynoso RHP Br a'1 Bi nqer Joe Oi ver Departures: LHP Denny Nr 1 1 HHP Dav a Cone i RHP Jason Or ms 'ey INF Jose Zi a DH Jose Cansi- Outlook: The rich get -m nree me cieMmi Wt i Ser t- oim added Muss u'im re sty 3-) Roger Pt-h he amt Or vto Hemar dez Mussnaei mv- Cl It wor s' he ig ie 'ast se i Ques ens at er- iq nq RF Pa Ni 1 Mar' 'ip 3B Sm firm u- snow vie ir mt var LF Spemer nee GM Br a1 Chicago Cubs Manager: Don Baylor (2nd season) 2000: 63 97 6th place Arrivals: Indd Hundley Rl lfJ Julian lavarez 3B Bill Mueller Ol Malt Stairs SS Ricky Gutierrez I HP Jell Fassero RHP Torn Gordon RHP Jason Bere IB Ron Coomer Departures: IBM irkGrai 3B Shano Andrews Rl IP Jeriy Spradlin HHP Ben I ord Rl IP Tim Worrell Outlook: Trie Cut) are 09 tmes under 500 since June 9 1999 the worst rei ord in ise ball despite the presence of Sammy Sosa erry Wood velocity was back las! season after missing 99 with an elbow injury but fie still needs better control Cincinnati Reds Manager: Bob Boone (1st season) 2000: 83 77 2nd Rar Arrivals: INF Wnton Guerrero RHP SethEtherton INI Donne Sadler OF Michael ei'y Stinnett Rt IP Frankie Rodriguez RHPJn Brower Departures: RHP Steve Parr Lt IP Ron Villone fc dd Ta jI 'ensee TB Chris Stynes Outlook: A(er fa1 rme in o' jyu'fs 1999 Reds fans "Ou i I rc Ke- Gr "ey Jr would be the d'ference I' ste to cmnat shed 13 games behind St Lou a n-r simyg ed Reds need to find starters to get bu ed Danny Graves Houston Astros Manager: efe 2000: 72 90 i Arrivals: Bra Ausn RHP DcugBrocal RHPN- Cr RHP Kent Bohenf eot -BC'd' eHaes RHP xe Jack If IF Jose zca no Departures: 3B OF Roger Ceaenc Mitch Meiusxey Wagner Outlook: fee Ciamps fe 23 es back ias' sea or a ey vr gq ed to actj "ers "aven (Enrtn rep K1 xe i 'on I lost user yWij -r'miry ey Aer 26 33 34t sect 343 1 Tne o-e' ra -ed a' to er Milwaukee Brewers Manager: Da-ey Lc (2r se dsur 2000: 73 69 Arrivals: OF if jf Fe'na' Clez Departures: OF Ly Mo 9r 3B (man Hayec Outlook: Par i pens a year late ou' Brewers afe user 'o ay offs O'1 majur o'f'-easo" ad ior was wA 3 brea-'tr ujg' seasc u' Coors Fed Ou' 275 nre ar 35 RBIs or me road Ge'fJpr'r Rc Sex on dr Jer prov oe some pop rep Amico was a ge rurpr go 7 a tt a 2 66 ERA con Pittsburgh Pirates ManagertL LMC -r am -rz 2000: 69 9 1 are Arrivals: LHP Terry Muhr i anq OF Derex Be I Departures: LHP Je'f 7a am- RHP Brad on'z RHP Man tons OF Aiex Ram r-z Outlook: rd'm ave up a' ccm Jasc Ker aa B' 6 a tfrsBe" sor but pre OF er 1 A's2000: 91 70 A West chamDions What's Set: More than manager Art Huvve fad in six years with Oakland Ail but 2B IneuD new LF Johnny Damon leading off RF clatoon Jeremy GiarrDi and Adam Piatt 4 5ths o' the staging ro'ation (RHPs Tim Hudson and I Heredia LHPs Barry Zito and Mar Mulder) bullpen closer (RHP Jason Isrmghausen) and non ary set up men (RHP Jeff Tam LHPJimMecr) And (most all7) tne distraction of i Jason Giambi stalled contract ta'ks What's Not: 2B is rookie Jose Ortiz job to lose Frank Menechino behrd Mm the second seventh spo's in the Imeup (Omz SS Miguel Tejada 3B Enc Chavez andCF Terrence Long the respective front rjnners) 5th starting pitcher (veteran RHP Omar Olivares RHP Cory Lidle or LHP Mark Guthrie) Injury Update: DH John Jaha will ease into action after season ending left-shoulder surgery last July He has only done conditioning workouts this winter Mulder has done only limited pitching -and no heavy weight lifting since squatting exercises emi a disk in his back last Sept Piaft has recovered a slight rotator cuff strain erg Car bean winter ball Nou-m cer Olivares fjlly ealed stramed rign: sPGulder sidelined him from Ju'y to cer Coinings and Goings: Dan fromKC Lidle Guthr 'rom TB TOR RHPC' ad from CWS 2B guel Ca rc ros'er invitee in -rom TB 2B Randy Velarae out to TEX RF Matt Stairs out to CHC LF Ben Grieve out to TB CAJ Hrchou to KC RHP Ariel Prieto ju to CuE RHP Doug Jones retired Ct j1 sets neea at r'euc Fmai a icpe 8 mil cmcied 1 ee SS Demx Jeter fees for 10 mure years Tampa Bay Devil Rays Manager: Lary P-msm mm-a- 2000:69 92 5tn place Arrivals: OF Br" Gr eve lic Si1 LHPB PuS c'V RHP Kc" Departures: RHC Roberv nyr- andez HHpCmeyLdle I HP rs NF Migue Cmo OF Quinton Cr 3uen Outlook: GM Cf jck LaM tr 1 last upgrading o'Mme put a tvor ees and njur ex et Dev i Rays ast in the eaguemm base sMgg nq ana runs scored Gr eve snPu'd prov de seme re a i he eo 3 ms 'h 32 aoub ays and s'rucx mes Desp 'e gur es to son A varnz ana Guzman an'pa Bay star'ers had me best ERA in i igue af'er 1 re' ml mheraided A Lopez Bryan Rexar Ester an Van gets tne chance to ose Hemamiez Toronto Blue Jays Manager: Buck Martinez 1 st season 2000: 83 79 3rd place Arrivals: LHP keS rcla RHPnevm Berne LHPDanPesac RPS'-ve Parr Oc Br rSni RsiPason ckson me Departures: LHP Dav a We RHP 3st RHP Steve Tram-e I HP Mam Gmnr OF Dave Mar Outlook: needs ge rrso 's 'rom Ounq 'emm Cm arpen'er Ke Escur Ry Hi aday cr ne acp ae 'mm ce mess n- Frejos a a ce'ce re 'e toe "as a re ady md ma -spy O'c ier may BmJav -set a dd ass ir Dr ga 5 r' cn t--r irercr i OuVr'tr v'r' ''C wa' r'b Ltr rl rQ Martinez tS 3- p- uLJ Tj'taLICJSLU UJAjnO Estalella and Doug Mirabelli keep their jobs as do the key pitchers What's Not: The fifth spot in the rotation behind Livan Hernandez Shawn Estes Russ Ortiz and KirkRueter Mark Gardner gets the early noa but Joe Nathan will push for work after post season shoulder surgery Rookie Pedro Feliz is out o' options and could press Davis a 'mrd base Wno ba's second fhth in ao-sence o' Muelier apa Bums also must Le oe'erm ned Injury Update: Re'iever John back surgery means he an Nathan will be brought along slowly in spring trai0ing much like Robb Nen and Estes last year Rios is maxing good progress following major eloow slrgery and is expected to be close to 100 percent by Opening Day No other significant surgeries Comings and Goings: Davis rom Cmcmna'i and uPiOu'touS Shawon Mom S' Gu'S pitchers Woel! and Jam ArnOid amve rom Cues Burxs to C'eveiano Muei er to tne Cubs Dog Henry KC Giants 2000:97 65 JNu jPWi West Champs What's Set: JuS abou everytniog as lineup returns six Rios and newcomer Enc Davis replace Ellis Bums in and Russ Davis taxes over Bill Mueller a tHrcj case Varw" (CF) Bamy 3orcis(LFi JT Snow MB) Je'f Kert(2B) Aurika (SS) and Bobby 3B Aram Ran were cappc gn ng Be 'c'Aoyea'oon "ese' se St Louis Cardinals Manager: Tmv -a ic" seem 2000:95 67 M'pa'e os' NLCS Arrivals: RHP Du -I HP ne jB A iru(VS OFB PbyBrr a 3rd -ey Mapry RHPHea'" "S' mt Departures: 3B Tv HHP Pa' Rhp Br Reames BW Ca OF Em Da ifJFOFS-aw Outlook: Tag 'u- mb a C-' m'rncmmme r2uO 'T LMGa 'e "-c Ar --eii fM ri m-a cam A Py g- --mr -L-fc v-1 6 Ci r'cr rPL WEST 2Av e's CENTRAL 1 i Arizona Diamondbacks Manager: m-- 2000 me Arrivals: 3 e- Or i OF ft-'j Si Montreal Expos Manager: Fe ce A ou seasem 2000:67 95 4m ace Arrivals: 3B Feme" defats RHP Br" Reames Departures: RHP Ds Herman son LHP S'eve I Outlook: lnjur es rur' a---sessen au eam wen 42 42 ce'ce A -S'dr preax to 25-53 na 1 opu casepa Mmma ObeVd'o ue Meamvn ssceejy a a name 'or game He s-gg eo cr b- a Expos as' season 22' o4 a' Pa's ve' 324 Tr A he a ccpac s-a'' e't'ea Car sseo 202 a cow "ry cop ce 'eany Chicago White Sox Manager: jcy '-t'" ye 2000: 'c tv Arrivals: LHP iv a 'e dv ir SS yCeCam RHP F2 Departures: lhP td RHp AdV" f' LHP Sec: Eye INf-C-ag 7 i 3 Ji 'pi I Departures: I Outlook: -r Johnson QP ji" Wells WEST Anaheim Angels Manager: Sc osc a (2nd season) 2000: 2 62 3rd ace Arrivals: RHP Mmae Va aes RHP Pa' Race DH Jca-e Jorge Facmgas Departures: CF RHP Seth LHP Sec Kar RHPJascn LHP Ke" Uemxer Outlook: free 'earns Kan s3C'y wauxee nOu' max ma'e: gure to "200 escec a ra' ecu a xeec Mo ce Mr reason TrcyGauS Garnet Sa me" s' are "euD but rc'a tn No s'arer mcre games a Rac" Jamod Wasnpc" a a ce upgrade at DH Seattle Mariners Manager: Lo a (9'" 2000:9171 widcara cst "ALCS Arrivals: OF len rc SuZx RHPJef Ne su" 2B Departures: SS A ex Rear guez RHP Jose Mesa CJceOiver OF cey Henaerso" Outlook: Sorv ved 'css Randy 998 Ken Gr Jr be'ore ast 'c ttcALCS A Rod dfecartu'e cverccme Car os Gu ep moves to snedstop So' mta' on ed Py Aaron Se Freddv G3rcia DDG Mecnp cou'd ss tpe a der "kry Ne adds aept" to bu Ruck of tne Year Sasaxi Suzux ba'tmg cnamp'C" needs to maxe ad usn't-d ra ers I Outlook: Swec cc Seaf We er s'ac ze bt' eaq ea ez ce red 'r Kc We a a yeeq 3r't-'s ops' s'a 3 ea ge rrded VVC "rd g' 8n cei'ca as Magg es n-Oy are oet 3 3y 0 0 cy ng day New York Mets Manager: BcCPy Va 2000: 94 68 a cam: a ber es Arrivals: RHP Kev Acc er pHP OF Tsycs" Sn njC Departures: LHP HHP Bcppy OFDereBe OF BuCtaa IFm Hampton 3V Cleveland Indians Manager: i- eVume 2000: 9J 72 2' ace Arrivals: 3" 3" Z2-Z rrrtr Appier 3 -z RHP "X'f Kr Apoc 'I Colorado Rockies Manager: 3 2 mm 2000: -2 Arrivals: lHP "-mm Mf fmaa mr "-CM R'n 3r Jc G'- rmP Departures r-z 1 Outlook: i Los Angeles Dodgers Manager: 2000: "tr 2- i Arrivals: Rr-P A A hP Ha --z Departures: l-n a J-- Outlook: Dm i im jm-" 'am 3 --a" "S' bm i i' Lr i a a it i r-' rH3r "LA W': San Diego Padres Manager: B' -1 c--) 2000: 3 Arrivals: Of 493 Tramn lHP bCCt i' SS A A' 3o RHP rt ne-1 Departures: 2B Bm' 3 RHP 7 Sa Rt- rc i OF itcr RHp Outlook: Pd rr g'TuT Green Departures: OF 3 R3m 1 3r 'B Day 7 Segt I )p- pere lhP Outlook: Lt rez wc re ca'js'rcpn 3 rd GM Han ne red ie S' iss by ng Btrs 3r Zd Rcberv A re" 'CPS' Mb pse''ers fv arv Co dev op s'ar'e' Dave Bna so BzCfutH t-y ar es igy and are! Wr iro a com Unba anoed a vnc went 21 39 1 as' season ag a 's' A Ce 9r a Detroit Tigers Manager: i Garner 2000: 79 83 3rd p'ace Arrivals: OF Roger Cede' cn Meiussev LHPMa't Pensho Scott Serve Departures: OF an ez BradAusrtMs RHP Doug Broca INF G'eg JefVr es RHP Ne son Cruz Outlook: Ootim'sc from sta Jium has waned cut ck as payrot down o' owing saepo nt nq dp make an attempt to go ez "s'e ad add ng speed Cedeno and u'e sc P'ine Me tsey attempt to adapt to spac CuS Comer ca Par Weaver nped to fuif 11 potertia as tne ace o''me sta Outlook: Exc 'er' r' '4 years cenpa as e'e Cc l' a to me Mp's 'ri-e aged's Preb Su'o a be on App Pr to rec ae 5 a eo aobangni- i GM S'eve Pbn ce Mrcea to oea suu" FI-tP Fd jardc A a 'a 'en 3 en cacx a a nr' Philadelphia Phillies Manager: Larry BoAa seas 97 ace Arrivals: LHP Rnea Corner rhP JcseMesa RHPRckyBC'a co OF Br Hume Departures: RHP Kem SS A ex Aras RHP ey CTem pr me Outlook: A'tm ener rg as' yea a opt ta cf a a Id card per'o me ii es ed me Cups for ne acs' record Asnby Jacxsn were free agent bus's was'raopj 'o Arzona Had AOrst c'Mnse mao's as! season je-spte payers Scot' Rden Pt'Br re'i BoDby Apreu and Doug anv 1 ico Mesa and Corm er to uP Do 21 -37 a 5 72 ERA as season Nc baer a hadangnerbu ERA ur re esaes Texas Rangers Manager: Johnny Oa'es i6th season) 2000: 71 91 4th p'ace Arrivals: SS A ex Roar guez Ga arraga 3BKenCamnti 2B RanayVearde RHP Myet'e RHP Je' Brantley RHP Marx Petkcvsex Departures: SSRoyceC'ay 'on LHP Matt Per she Outlook: Owner To-" cs opened wane: to ve $252 cmtoRod-r guez attempt to 6e Texas ts rst senes ever A Rod teams W'th Ivan r0 driguez 'or potent one 'wo Dunch in lineup Ve aroe and Carn'Tit1 should ne'o upgrade de'ense tna' was worst maors 'ast year But Texas st 1 nasn addressed tch-mg ck He i ng and Kenny Rogers are 'o'lowed by three question marks he rota on anq CraDtree takes ever closer roie from John Wetteiand Gwynn "i ye im rvr S3" r-g' a A- 1 "3S i i i I 1 tjJ it Tr -m t- i cri ar a 3 era dee:.

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