The Standard from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (2024)

2 ST. CATHARINES STANDARD, Saturday, Nov. 27, 1965 CITY and Five-O-Taxi, 685-5464. tf Art's Lunch. We deliver.

684- 4372. tf Portraits for Christmas, McGlenister and 1 Brisson 684-1705. n29 Fun Night, St. Mary's, 136 Pine Thorold, 8 p.m. Saturday.

tf TURKSY SHOOT--November $28, Maple Leaf Range, 11th Louth, south end. n27 Luders Pharmacy Ltd. in Grantham Shopping Plaza, Scott Sunday hours 12-5 p.m. 8386. tf Tallman Funeral Homes at Vineland and Beams: ville.

Dial 562-5454 or 563-8223. tf Don Bacon, quality plastering, repairs, 25 years tf Due to a death in the family, -Russ Mosher Sporting Goods Store will be closed on Monday, 29. Hard of hearing? Zenith Hearting Aids, accessories and at MacQuillen's Drug Store, 81 St. Paul St. tf Imperial Veterans Ladies Night, every Saturday night.

Music to George Warren Band. Members and guests. tf Fun Night, Moose Hall, Monday night, 8 p.m., 5 jackpots share the wealth. No one admitted I under 16 years. tf Rummage sale, UAW Hall, Monday 2.30.

Sponsored by Golden Rule Class -of Queen Street Baptist Church. n27 Jackpot 55 numbers, Lions -Club, Merritton Community Centre, Monday 8 p.m. Every game $25.00 within 7 numbers. Admission $1.00.. Return bus.

tt Special meeting of all cement finishers at the Labor Temple, Oakdale St. Catharines Con Sunday, Nov. 28, 1965 at 1.30 p.m. n27 Never! Never! Never Never! needs ironing, NOT EVER, Tooke Van Heusen, shirts only $7.95, at 449 St. Faul St.

tf The challenge of Our Age ARE YOU INTERESTED IN YOUR TOMORROW? Tune in 1270 on your radio 6.30 to 7.00 a.m. Mondays to Friday. tf MONDAY AT THE LEGION 27 games, 7 number games. creeper jackpot 51 numbers $50.00. Legion jackpot.

Games start 8 p.m. Church Scottish Craftsman Associaation meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 17 Duncan St. Linhaven Woman's Auxiliary, card party, Linhaven Home, 38 Attend Open House ST. DAVIDS- -St.

John Fisher CTPA held open house at the school, with 38 in attendance. The parents had the opportunity of meeting the teachrs and viewing the work of the children. A social hour was enjoyed. Next meeting will be in January. JET SETS RECORD BOSTON (AP)-An American Airlines four-engine 707 jet set a record Friday in flying from Los Angeles to Boston in three hours, 54 minutes, 55 seconds.

American said the time is eight minutes under the previous record. Strong tailwinds helped the jet exceed 700 m.p.h. on the 2.500-mile trip. Empire and Empress Lodges children's Christmas party, Sunday, Dec. 12, 2.30 to 4.

Age limits 12 years; members only. Call 682-5205 or 685-8281 for children's names and ages before Dec. 1. n30 NURSING HOME VER-MAR MANOR Directly oppos. Hotel Dieu Kind care, good food 160 ONTARIO ST.

682-9677 STANDARO ICE I COAL DIAL 682-3301 Frontier OFFICE EQUIPMENT SALES SERVICE 1- ADDERS TRADE TERMS VICINITY Ontario Monday, Nov. 29 at 8 p.m. Join the Winter Club! Skate with your family. Further information call 682-9492, 934- 1739. d4 Rummage sale, Hadassa Chapter, Monday, Nov.

29, Tuesday, Nov. 30, from 2 to 4 p.m. Vestry Synagogue, corner Church and Carlton. Grantham Optimist Fun Night, Saturday, Grantham Optimist Youth Centre, Linwell Rd. (next to fire hall): 2, jackpots, 28 proceeds for boys, work children under admitted.

til OAK RIDGE PARENTS Open House will be held Tuesday night in Oak Ridge School when all parents will have an opportunity to visit the classrooms and talk with the teachers. Principal Henry, Petkau will speak at the 7:30 p.m. meeting of Oak Ridge 'Parent Auxiliary, then parents can to the classrooms. Reeves Elected By THE CANADIAN PRESS TOWNS Paris-T. W.

Applebery Wingham- -Joseph Kerr Hanover--Albert Seip Kincardine-Norman Clinton VILLAGES Alvinston-Roy Doan Arkona-Bernard Bartlett Blandford -Gordon Aspen Brussels J. C. Krauter Chatsworth-John Duggan Chesley-Earl Reaburn Clinton--Duff Thompson Delhi -Dalton White Durham--Harry Kress Drayton -Henry Wimmenhove Embro -Fred Caddy Erie Beach -Was Barrett Flesherton -Allison Fawcett Harriston-Dr. Kenneth Fisk Meaford -David McKay Newbury- J. D.

McNaughton Point Edward- -Stanley Campbell Port Elgin Currie Teeswater-F. T. Field TOWNSHIPS Arthur William Mitchell Ashfield-Don Mackenzie Brantford- James Bailey Dereham-Harry Armstrong. Dover -Bert Dunlop East Nissouri -Hugh Munro East Oxford Glen Kitchen East Wawanosh-Ernest Snell East Williams- Fraser Harris Ellice- Jack Graul Gray -Clifford Dunbar Goderich-Grant H. Stirling Hullet-Thomas Leiper Lobo- -Archie Hocking Logan -Rudolph Bauer London -Harry Ward McGillivray-Grant Amos Morris- -Stewart Proctor Onondaga-William J.

Ren Smith West Luther--Fred McEachern West Nissouri-Denzil Paterson West Zorra-Harold Kipp Wingham Joseph Kerr Bentick-Francis Collins Derby--Carmen Richards Egremont-Robert Gilles Euphrasis- Gordon McMullen Glenelg-Charles Timmins Keppel -Brian. Hargest Normanby-Joseph Reift Sarawak-Fred Hughston Amabel-Rosewell Smith Arran- Alex Sim Bruce--John McKenzie Culross McKinnon Eastnor -Elgin Lemcke Greenock-Roy Atkinson Huron -William Lowry Kinloss-P. A. Murray Sawgeen-Archie McCulloch Clarke- -G. W.

Stone Hope--George Finnie TAIL TALES 00 WHISKEM 4-77 1965, Publishers Arepaper Sendiente Fonthill Reeve Is Acclaimed FONTHILL Reeve Harold Black recei another acclamation to the top Fonthill post at last night's nomination meeting. Deputy-Reeve Joseph Fletcher was again nominated for the post, along with challenger Donald Alsop. Mr. Alsop's nomination came as a surprise to most of the nounced ratepayers that as his he recentlici ancontest would be for a council seat on behalf of the Fonthill businessmen. Acclamation was also obtained by both the Hydro and Water Commissions.

Those' returned to office were Gordon Klager and Donald Dixon to the Hydro Commission; Joseph Wilson and Edward Roowe to the Public Utilities Commission. Nominated to council were newcomers Keith Crick' and Robert Bake-, current memKenneth Gullet and Arthur Boddy, Donald Alsop and, returning er a two-year absence, Eric Bergenstein. There were. seven nominees for the six school board seats, with Mrs. Muriel McDonald the only woman nominated.

Only other newcomer is Harley Damude. Incumbant members nominated are: Glynn Green, current board chairman, David Pitkin, Thomas Walker, Rev. Ralph E. Price and Rev. Douglas V.

Coombs. The nominees have until 9 p.m. today to qualify. Challenge To Pelham Reeve Haist RIDGEVILLE- An election is in the offing for reeve of Pelham township if both nominees qualify do today. Reeve Leo Haist and former reeve John Secord were nominated at last night's meeting.

A battle may also be forthcoming for the deputy-reeve's chair if former councillor Dorothy Rungeling accepts the nomination and qualifies in opposition to the present Deputy Reeve Clifford McGlashan. This is the first time a woman has been nominated for the deputy-reeveship. Mrs. Rungeling, Pelham's first woman councillor, recently announced she did not plan to run this time. There were six nominations for three council seats, but Burton Beamer announced his intention to decline.

Other nominees were incumbants Ernest Brown and Douglas Beamer, a former councillor with seven years experience, George Pihach and newcomers. to the municipal arena, John R. Smith and Ralph Haun. Pelham township public school board received an acclamation, with one new man named. W.

H. Moore will replace Alfred Angle, who did not run. The other members returned were Mrs. Kathrine Fraser, Cecil Haist, who was chairman for the first year of the area board's duration, Roger Wessel and Stanley Liebau. 000 LIVINGSTONE LODGE NO.

130. 100F Social night, Tuesday, Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. All Odd Fellows, Rebeccas and friends welcome. T.

Gent, Rec. Sec. C. Lambert, NG 0-O EMPIRE LODGE NO. 87, 100F Practice for drill team of Third Degree Staff, Sunday, Nov.

28, at 2.00 p.m. R. W. Seburn, NG Wm. Yaxley, Deg.

Capt. The members of the council will attend 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, at St. Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral, for the repose of the souls of deceased members of Auction Sale STORE EQUIPMENT The Dept. of Highways has purchased the store at 139 Pine Thorold, Ontario and has instructed me to sell by public auction on Wednesday, Dec.

all the store fixtures, which in part. comprise: Cash register, meat slicer, meat grinder, computing scales, refrigerator display counters, soft drink coolers, display stands. Greeting card case, med. size safe, walkin refrigerator, misc. sundry merchandise.

Open for inspection 9.30 day of sale, auction starts promptly at 1.30 p.m. rain or shine. No reserve, everything must be sold. RICHARD M. ROBERTSON Licenced Auctioneer and Appraiser Office 240 Ontario St.

Catharines Tel. 685-5101 n30 The Weather Scene 15 NELSON 5 20 HARRISO: SNOWS VANCOUVER COOL EDMONTO1 8 JOHN'S GOOSE ST 45 MA GINA 30. 35. SYDNEY SLAT TILE 15 SNOW SAINT RAINS PEC RAIN AX WE LIAM 302 JOHN SNOW: COLDER PANO SALT LAKE TORONTO CITY MINNEAPOLIS 445- 57 42 WINDSON. SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK CHICAGO WASHINGTON THUNDERSTORMS BERMUDA WARMER A CAM -HATTERAS STON .,75 Today's Forecasts TORONTO (CP) Official forecasts issued by the weather office at 5:30 Synopsis: Sunday will bring mainly cloudy cool weather with.

occasional snowflurries in all regions. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake Huron, Western Lake Ontario, Windsor, London, Toronto, Hamilton: Variable cloudiness and cold with winds diminishing. Eastern Lake Ontario, Georgain Bay, Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie: Variable cloudiness and cold.

Winds decreasing slowly. Southern Timagami, Haliburton, Killaloe, North Bay, Sudbury: Mainly cloudy scattered snowflurries. Winds easterly 30 becoming southwest 35 to 50. White River, Northern Timagami, Cochrane: Cloudy and cold with snowflurries. Winds westerly 30.

Western James Bay: Snow and drifting snow. Not much change in temperature. Winds northeast 30. Western New, York Much colder today with showers, changing to snow flurries. High in mid-50s.

Snow flurries, windy and cold tonight and Sunday. SUN TIMES TOMORROW Rises 7.25 a.m. Sets 4.46 p.m. SUN TIMES MONDAY Rises 7.26 a.m. Sets 4.45 p.m.

20,000,000 In Strike Area British "Breadleggers" Prices Are Sky-High LONDON (AP)-Black marketeers moved into the void creFated by Britain's. bread strike today. They were running bread from communities where bakers were not on strike into breadless cities and selling it. at sky- high prices. of whom Housewives, many had staked their bread claims in queues before 6 a.m., called them "breadleggers." At Reading, 40 miles west of London, baker Frederick.

Ayres reported a bid from black marketeers for 1,000 loaves. "They will have to sell them at five shillings (70 cents) a time to get any profit," he said. Loaves normally sell for one shilling, five pence (20 cents). Although bakers' strike is officially over- -it was called for 48 hours starting Thursday morning there is a serious shortage of bread because the men will not resume work until Sunday. The strike, in an area which includes London and affects some 20,000,000 people, was 5 called to press demands for a 30-per-cent wage increase to £15 ($45) a week.

NATO Discusses A Hot Issue By MOHSIN ALI PARIS (Reuters) -NATO defence ministers made good progress today in discussing ways to increase Allied participation in nuclear sharing policy, conference sources said. During a hour morning meeting they agreed in principle to set up three committees to examine details of the vital and complex problem of nuclear participation in the 15- nation Atlantic alliance. The sources said the committees would deal with: 1. "Crisis management" in the event of any war. 2.

Planning, including, a discussion of the British Atlantic Nuclear Force (ANF) plan, the American seaborne Multilateral Nuclear Force (MLF) and similar proposals. Highly technical communications systems. The committees or working groups will report their findings and recommendations to the defence ministers in three or four months. The meeting discussed specifically a proposal made six months ago by U.S. Defence Secretary Robert McNamara.

McNamara and U.S. State Undersecretary George Ball flew here from London, where they' Over-exuberant football fans of the thing get a bit out of hand as they gathered in downtown cheer in Grey Cup day. This TP Personnel Director To Attend Swiss Meeting William W. Towill, of personnel and industrial relations at Thompson Products has been chosen by, the federal department of labor and Canadian Manufacturers' Association as a delegate to the Internat onal Labor Organization meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, Dec. 6 to 17.

A past president of the Personnel Association of Toronto, Mr. Towill will be one of six delegates representing Canadian management. Government and labor representatives will make up the party. Mr. Towill, who lives at 21 Briarfield has been in personnel work almost 20 years, and has been at Thompson Products nearly two years.

graduate of Queen's University, he did post graduate work there in industrial relations. He is a member of both the education committee of the Canadian Manufacturers' AsI sociation and the advisory vocational committee of St. Catharines board of education, and a director of Niagara District Personnel Association. OBITUARIES ARTHUR M. MOSHER Arthur Malcolm Mosher, 77, husband Emma May Barron Mosher, of 34 Greenwood last evening at the St.

died Catharines General Hospital. He was born in Kempshore, N.S., and came to St. Catharines in 1923. Mr. Mosher had been an employee of the department of national defence for 18 years, retiring in 1957.

He was member of Westminster Unita ed Church. He is survived by his wife, Emma; his sons, Russell, Roy, Lawrence, and Sydney Mosher, city; two daughters, Mrs. Jack (Velma) Moore, city, and Mrs. Bernard (June) Corey, Thorold; two sisters, Mrs. Richard (Lila) Little, and Miss Fay Russell Mosher, St.

Petersburg, and seven grandchildren. Mr. Mosher at the Winter and Winter Funeral Home. Service will be in the chapel, Monday at 1:30. Burial will take place in Victoria Lawn Cemetery.

BIRTHS AGLER Mr. and Mrs. Warren Agler (nee Burke) are pleased to the birth of a daughter, announce .1965 at the St. Catharines General Hospital. A sister for Tommy.

BAER-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baer the birth of a daughter announce Theresa, Nov. 25, 1965 at vonne Catharines General Hospital. CLOUT--John and Irene Clout to announce the birth are a pleased daughter Jacqueline Marie, (9 11 oz.) at the St.

Catharines General Hospital, Nov. 26, 1965. A sister for Laurie, DUGUAY Duguay are birth of a vember 26. Hospital. A Michael.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard happy to announce the son, Paul Joseph, No1965, at the Hotel Dieu brother for Jerry and Thanks to Dr. Ballyk. HENRY--Mr.

and Mrs. Wilber Henry announce the birth of a son. Bruno, 25, 1965 at the St. Catharines General Hospital. LANGELAAN Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Langelaan are happy to announce the birth of a son. David, 7 Ibs. 14 on November 26. 1965, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital.

Thanks to Dr. Wood and hospital staff. McLEAN-Bob and Sheila McLean are happy to announce the birth of a son Terry Robert, Nov. 26. 1965 at the St.

Catharines General Hospital. A brother for Tammy, Thanks to Dr. D. Ballyk and hospital staff. SHELDRICK Doug and Patti (nee Detcher) are happy to announce the birth of a son.

Sean David, Nov. 27. 1965, at the St. Catharines General Kevin and Hospital. Kerry.

A brother for Thanks to Dr. C. R. S. MacKenzie and hospital staff.

STEWART-Bob and Gail Stewart (nee Decker) birth of are a happy to Robert announce the son, Scott. 7 lb. 5 on November 27. 1965, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital. First grandchild for Mr.

and Mrs. Burton Decker. Thanks to Dr. Dr. MacKenzie and hosDonevan, staff.

WARREN-Arnold and Pat (nee MacDonald) Warren are happy to announce the birth of a son, 7 lb. 13 oz. November 27, 1965 at the for Hotel Dieu Hospital. A brother Brent. Thanks to Dr.

Ballyk and hospital staff. INTERFAITH COUNCIL OF ST. CATHARINES Presents Paul Saltzman "A Canadian in the Civil Rights Movement" TUESDAY DEC. 1 8.00 p.m. GRANTHAM UNITED CHURCH HALL Proceeds will assist in the rebuilding of the Negro Baptist Church in Sidon, Mississippi.

11 Tuesday, January DR. ALco*ck "Canadian Peace Research Institute" IN MEMORIAM ALLEN-In loving memory of a dear mother Laura G. who passed away Nov. 27, 1962. Just a prayer from those who love you, Just a memory fond and true, In our hearts you'll live forever Because we thought the world of you.

-Always remembered by daughter Lois and son-in-law Bill. ALLEN In loving memory of dear wife and mother. Allen, who passed Nov. 27, 1962. Loved.

remembered, and longed for, She'll be with each beat of my heart. Till in heaven we're once more together, For eternity never to part. Sadly missed and always -remembered by husband Frank and family. ASH In loving memory of my only brother, Flight Lieut. George Henry Ash, DFC, RAF, killed in action on Nov.

27, 1944, and is buried in Belgium. Ever remembered by brother Joseph, sister-in-law Audrey and niece Ruth Ann. W. W. TOWILL CANAL (Continued from page 1) run as high as $1,000 a day.

Not only is the vessel idle for three months but serious damage can occur to the ship in the of broken steam and form water lines. Ten days ago, the Welland canal was closed for hours by high winds. The weatherman is predicting gail force winds for the rest of today, easing Sunday to 15 m.p.h. No damage was reported the freighter grounded in the canal. The vessel is owned by the Cleveland Cliffs Steamship Co.

is expected to be able to It free itself. DEATHS McCORMICK, Robert- -At Ottawa Hospital, November 26, 1965, Robert McCormick, in his 78th year. husband of the late Lilian McCormick. father of Edwin of North Bay: Willard of Kenmore, Mrs. John Graham of Smiths Falls; Mrs.

Alex Findley of of Rome. Ottawa, New Paul Yager York; and Stewart and Wesley of St. Resting at McCather Funeral, Catharines. Home. Russell.

Ont. Funeral Monday, Nov. 29. 1965. take place Interment in Springhill Cemetery.

MOSHER, 'Arthur Malcolm At St. Catharines General Hospital, on Friday, November 26, 1965, Arthur Malcolm Mosher, beloved husband of Emma May Barron Mosher, of 34 Greenwood Avenue, in his 78th year; dear father Russell, Roy, Lawrence, and SydMosher, St. Catharines, Mrs. ney Jack (Velma) Moore, St. Catharines, and Mrs.

Bernard (June) Corey, Thorold: brother of Mrs. Richard (Lila) Little, and Miss Petersburg, Fay Russell Mosher, St. Fla. Resting at the Winter and Winter Funeral Home, 89 Ontario at Salina. Service will be held the Chapel Monday afternoon 1:30 o'clock.

Interment will Cemetery. take The family will receive their place in Victoria Lawn friends at the Funeral Home this evening from 7 to 9 o'clock, and tomorrow. from 2 to 4 o'clock, and from 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening. SANDERSON, Margaret Mount Carmel Residence, 78 Yates Street, Saturday, November 1965. Margaret Sanderson, widow of Taylor Sanderson, aunt of Mrs.

Anne Parker of Vancouver, Richard Christie of Montreal. The late Mrs. Sanderson is resting at the Darte and Son Funeral Residence, 39 Court Street at King. Funeral arrangements will be nounced later. SMITH, Henry -At St.

Catharines General Hospital, Friday, Nov. 26, 1965, Henry William Smith, beloved husband Laura Smith of 136 Village Road, formerly of 193 Bowood North Toronto, brother of Mrs. (Rev.) E. C. Wood (Emma) Niagara Falls, Ontario, law of Mrs.

A. L. Wyant' (Allie) and W. M. Chadwick both of city.

At the Hulse and English Funeral Chapel, 75 Church Street Lyman. Service in the o'clock. chapel, Monday afternoon at 1:45 Interment in Victoria Lawn Cemetery, ENGLAND In loving memory of my dear husband Jack England, who passed away Nov. 27, 1958. I often sit and think of you and think of how you died: To think I could not say goodbye before you closed your eyes.

The blow was hard the shock severe never thought your death was near, My heart still aches with sadness, And secret tears still flow: What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. Precious forever are memories of you, Today, tomorrow and all my Wife through, No longer in my life to share. But in my heart you are always there. Sadly missed by wife Mary. Temperatures LOCAL High yesterday 47 Low last night 41 8 a.m.

today 44 Rain .27" ELSEWHERE Low overnight, high Friday: Dawson -10 5 Victoria 39 44 Edmonton 16 5 Regina 12 2 Winnipeg 15 21 Lakehead 24 31 White River 20 Sault Ste. Marie 31 31 21 21 Earlton 23 24 North Bay 27 29 Sudbury 23 26 Muskoka 30 35 Windsor 34 49 London 38 41 Toronto 43 41 Peterborough 38 33 Trenton 35 38 Kingston 36 46 Ottawa 27 35 Montreal 36 Quebec 17 29 Halifax 35 42 Miami 67 78 Los Angeles 47 65 Chicago 26 64 New York 49 55 TANK (Continued from page 1) difficulty in skirting the wreck traffic was diverted from the Merrittville Highway east along St. David's south on Collier Rd. and west on Beaver- dams Rd. Most of The Day Police said barriers, put up by the county roads department, would probably be place for of the day.

By mid-morning, the chassis had been cut clear of the tanks, one of which was believed have been ruptured by the smash. A fire department spokesman said the fuel would probably be transferred before the tanks could be shifted. Fire Men from Thorold South department stood by at the scene after the truck fire until about 8 a.m. Damage was estimated police at about $10.000. Driver Honsinger was not injured.

Trying To Get Home Mrs. Herbert Free, whose husband owns business the propane Fonthill, tributing said Honsinger was probably using the truck to get home. "He usually quits work about 6," she said. "I have no idea why he was driving at 2 o'clock in the morning. "We found his car in a ditch near the plant and I guess must have taken the truck because he couldn't get the car free." she said.

Thorold town and township police are investigating. FALLS TO DEATH HONG KONG (Reuters) A German trapeze acrobat fell to her death before 2,000 spectators here Friday night. Gerda Englisch, 26, lost her grip on her male partner's hands and plunged 45 feet to the ground. lively party. Winnipeg 1 Blue Hamilton Tiger-Cats in the this afternoon.

-CP Wirephoto LAMPITT In loving memory a dear husband. Herbert Lampitt, who passed away five vears ago Nov. 28. 1960. How they fall, those we Have known As leaves from autumn branches blown.

Yes, one by one they drop away As leaves that fall and stray Sleep on dear one, such a life thine Has not been lived in vain, But shed an influence. rare One of those here remain. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Winnie, SON FLORISTS Flowers Say It Better 115-117 George 685-5525 Pen Centre 684-9793 FLOWERS For Every Occasion DUNN BROS. LTD. 106 Queenston St.

Telephone 684-4383 FLOWERS from Vine St. FLORAL GARDEN 685-4248 LTD. "We Grow Our Own" 310 N. VINE STREET NOBLE S. CROWE AND SON Funeral Service THOROLD 26 ORMOND ST.

227-1732 discussed the nuclear sharing problem Friday with top officials. France, which is opposed to nuclear integration in NATO, refused to participate in today's meeting. Norway, Iceland, Luxembourg and Portugal are not attending for various reasons. The defence ministers of the U.S., Britain and West Germany, the three key powers at the meeting, held preparatory consultations at a dinner Friday night. It was expected that at today's meeting small working groups would be set up to examine all aspects of the nuclear-sharing problem.

Some diplomatic observers believe that neither the U.S.backed multilateral nuclear force (MLF) plan nor Britain's Atlantic nuclear force (ANF) plan will ever take shape, but that the McNamara committee may eventually provide a compromise. HUNTS THE HARD WAY DUNCAN, B.C. (CP) Hundreds of Canadians have hunted black bear on Vancouver Island and scores have succeeded. However Guy Antilla brought down a 250- pound specimen with one shot- -from his bow arrow. let the spirit oped at a Friday night Bombers meet Toronto to Grey Cup final mix-up devel- DANCE Canadian Corps Thorold Nov.

27 Members and Guests G. O. Darte Son LIMITED Funeral Directors G. OSGOODE DARTE 39 COURT ST. at King Dial MU 5-6584 We are here to SERVE YOU BY TAKING CARE OF DETAILS funerals, no detail from floral When arranging tributes to appropriate music is left to chance.

Trust our specially trained and experienced staff. WINTER and WINTER LIMITED FUNERAL HOME Conveniently Located at 89 Ontario Street, at Salina R. G. Winter Phone 682-1261 R. E.

Barrie Listen to CKTB Sundays at 12.25 p.m. for the late. notices or the Hymn for the Day.

The Standard from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.