The Valdosta Daily Times from Valdosta, Georgia (2024)

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The Valdosta Daily Timesi

Valdosta, Georgia

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OyCHICYOUHG it BLONDIE By Williams OUT OUR WAY fl Cominunity By RAY COTTO 7 OZARK IKE BUT All By NORMAN MARSH HI5 EYENIN9 MEAL By RED HARMOM: RED RYDER 8 By CHRISTMAN LANE? VIC LINT AAWfOVwW Studebaker Champion By HAMLIN I ALLEY OOP By RALPH ULLER OAKY A BILLION BUCKS LAID ENoJ TO END WOULD Rfatu BUT I BILLIOM BUCKS' buinwaaeoap Mcm mbftct to chaigt wflbovt aofca Telephone 2750 1107 Ashley Street I5 IIIUR 1 7 WHAT CAN VOUPO REACH ROM WELL AIN'T THAT JUST TOO DAP? I CAUGHT THIS RED HEAD ABOUT TO SPOIL OUR LITTLE DRANDW VWU WE DO WITH HIH? LET'S TAKE MATO DUPO Stott onJ local toon if toy extn PrlcM May nry Af Hy warty wwiiu dw to dWaranwi la Iraarportalton charter Cowponbly low pdaaa on othot 'taiabokor Champion Cuetom wodolm Of A SH MAKE NO WE ARE NEAR THE SHORE THE AMERICANOS MUST OUR NEARNESS Delivered in MOW PARE A YOU USE I THAT TONE VOICE THOSE BARBARIANS COME TO CONQUER OUR THEY WOULD GLADLY DESTROY US EH SERGEANT SANCHEZ? THIS STICK ID YER RIBfxLrt'ELLER TH' CALVES TOT IN' TH NEW BRAND CAN 'WAIT 1 tT WOUIDKT BE POLITE TO KEEP KTDtK KVX PAYIN H5 RESPECTS TO TH DOSS LED LANG OUNT TH1S4 LITTLE PICK OR A ICAL INSTRUMENT RieHT ON THE MURDER ERB ESCAPE ROUTE I RECKON YOU KNOW THOSE ARE MY CALYE5 luu weitc BRANDIN'? WHATTA SAP NOTHING BUT ROCKS IN YOUR HEAD nowmswo LETS NOT STA THAT CLP ARGUMENT AGAIN OORT GIT VAPATIENT RAL 'TDU'RE GOIN' TO fAEET HIM PRONTO? BLINDOLD HIT DOTS ANT TIE HIA ON HID HOSS? rr was you WHO PROPOSED DARLING S'MATTER BINX S' SCARED TO HAVE HER TESTED ACE THE music fella' ARNE euNPUMCHO DOPES SOU SEARCH THE area anp an mol latex A Ur Glare proof "black light" instrument panel dials 6 cyllnder "gas mileage champion" engine of higher compression power Automatic choke Varh able ratio "extra leverage" steering A brand new kind of coll spring front end suspension Luxurious upholstery Lounge width seats with real hip room leg room head room Tight gripping rotary door latches Capacious trunk Afina choice of colors SCORCH YOU DON'T RgALLV THINK THIS CRATE IS DANGEROUSLY RADIOACTIVE NOW PO YA S' terr this sudAHJk i ARSMP I SHE 6 "CONDEMNED I LOSE Tn'r'saft DANNY HALE Miss Beulah Oliphant In Green ville 8 Mr and Williams of Porterdale are guests of Mr and Mrs I Musselwhite Mr and Mrs Allen Ware of Aiken 8 have been guests of Mr and Mrs Sam Chandler dur ing the week Mr and Mrs Ira New and Mrs A Mashburn visited Ira New Jr and Mrs Mashburn and Alva Mashburn in Statesboro Sunday Mr and Mrs Griffin and children of Plant City la are visiting Mrs Ethel Grimsley and other relatives here Dr and Mrs Hr Chestnut and son John Calvin of Milledge ville have been visiting Mr and Mrs Wells and Mrs Eula Lee Dickson Mr and Mrs Robert Jackson of Nashville were guests of Mrs Jackson Sunday Miss Hattie Jean Whitehurst spent the week end in Barney with Miss Sara Burton Reuben Clements has returned home after a visit in Atlanta with AS SHOWN STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 6 PASSENGER 2 DOOR CUSTOM SEDAN WHE2E I Mrs De Vane Is visiting Mr and Mrs A DeVane in Cordele" 7 Mr' and Mrs William McCrary spent the weekend in Atlanta 'Mlss Beryl Siver of SaraSota la Miss Helen Wilson of Sara sota and Dr Maud Patterson of Tampa were overnight guests of Mrs Eva Whitehurst and family Tuesday night They were en route to Nebraska Mrs Aeeie Aiderman of Berlin has been spending a few days with Mrs Eva Whitehurst Mr and Mrs Baldree and sons and Cranford and Mrs Sutton and Joan Sutton i visited their aunt Mrs Powell and family Sunday Mrs incher and chil dren Sandra and Mike of Atlanta are guests of Mrs Sutton and other relatives in' Adel Sparks Valdosta and Lakeland Mr and Mrs Joel Webb and sons of Port Arthur Texas Mr and Mrs John Hires of Cocoanut Grove la and Shelton Stone of Islamorado la are guests of Stone and family Miss Claudia Rooks of DaytonaBeach la has been visiting Mr and Mrs Purdom Stone Mr and Mrs Harnage of Moultrie Mr and Mrs Arlie Har aage of Valdosta Mr and Mrs Brown Lovett and daughter Judy of Sparks were guests of I Hamage Miss Jennie Hamage Sunday Mr and Mrs Lee and son Charles of West Palm Beach la have been spending a few days with Mr ahd Mrs Williams and Mrs orrester M5 and Mrs Carlton Powell and sons Jimmy and Biddy have returned to their home in Chev erly 'Md after visiting Mr and Mrs Jeff Emrich and Mr and Mrs rank Powell Mr and Mrs Carroll Chambers Mrs Hilda olds Mrs Mellle Young Mrs Barney Thornton Mrs Jeff Emrich Laaye and Joan Emrich attended the funeral of Mr James Chambers at Salem Church Wednesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Jeff Emrich and Mrs Barney Thornton spent Tuesday in Valdosta with Mrs Joe Howell i Mr and Mrs JO Phillips Jr and littl daughter of Albany spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Phillips Sr Mrs Ruth Compton of Orlando la was a guest of Mr and Mra Wilkes and other relatives this The Studebaker Champion is one of the 4 lowest price largest selling cars! ALL RIGKT I'VE PUT MT SWORD DOWN HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT OR NOUK KINGDOM? The Valdosta Times Tues Aug 15 1950 6 9 WITH THE32 CHOSEN WORDS CHANGED dilE? An you going through the functional Tnlddle period peculiar to women (38 to S3 yr)? Does this make you suffer trom hot flashes feel so nerv ous hlgh etrung tired? Then so try Lydia a Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms Pinkham's Compound also has what Doctors can a stomachic tonic effect I LYDIA mwOUKO CERTAINLYWITH OZARK IKESKI AeillrtAlLirt DA AABAIX i Vi Hjuwwinv THOSE BUGS ARE MAKING A JOKE OUT THE PENNANT RAG lisss 1 nt I I wnuK3 JUST CANT GET THE KID OUT USTEkl DO YOU HOW MUCH A BILLION BUCKS 15? A THOUSAND MILLION BUCKS PLEASURe ANP WOfcK THE COVEREP WA6ONS STILL ROLL BY ANP SILVER GALLEONJS RIPE THE SKY THE VELVET ORA5S IS fiREENl ANP COOL AN lx I nuLJon ic? i iamA I MEVER CAW GET BACK TO TRIER IT MANY TIMES SINCE THE THING THAT WRECKS MV HOURS BUGS is GETTING UP SUCH STU ASTHISu tore im it wiwct we a ato a mt orr WE WILL HIDE 1ZJG WE AND THE BOW UNDER AMERICAN05 M3N BUSHES Ct A TOWi' IKE 5' 'l 0i i 1L i 'Vt(h 11 Crozier came hom*o with him to visit with the Clements family Mrs rank Lineberger and children are visiting Mrs Thompson in Alma Mr and Mrs Jackson Atlanta visited Mr and Mrs Roberts and Mr and Mrs Rapp during the week end while enroute to Jacksonville la Mr and Mrs I Williams visited relatives and friends in Cordele Sunday Mr and Mrs Ralph Durham of Thomasville were guests of Dr and Mrs Oliphant Sunday Mrs Clements and daugh ter Sue Mr and Mrs Cro zier aye Crozier visited Mr and Mrs loyd Addison in Moultrie Saturday Mrs Eula Lee Dixon has return ed home after visiting relatives and friends in Selma Ala Joe Rickenbaker spent the week end in Pelham with his parents Mr and Mrs Rickenbaker Coaches Burt and William McCrary have gone to Atlanta where they will attend Coaches Clinic at Tech next week Mrs DeVane has been spending a few days in 'Atlanta Mrs Wilkes and children of Miami are guests of Mrs Wilkes after visiting in South Carolina Mr and Mrs Aiderman of Atlanta have been visiting Mr and Mrs Boyette Sr and Mr Joe Aiderman Mr and Mrs Giddens of Plant Ctly la are guests of Mr and Mrs Knight Mr and Mrs Randali Knight of Macon are visiting Mr and Mrs Crosby Mr and Mrs Pierce Miss Alice Pierce and Ralph Pierce Mrs Knowles and Miss Irma Jean Knowles spent Sunday at Twin Lakes Miss Lucy Howell of Ashburn was a weekend guest of Miss Joyce Oliphant 7 Mr and Mrs Reed and children visited Mr and Mrs A Smith in 'Enigma Monday Charles Malony of Adel is in Atlanta to play in the All Star football game on August 18th Mrs Harry Talley and Mrs Russell Slrmans spent Monday in McRae Mrs Black of Valdosta and her daughter Mrs Joe Dukes of Atlanta were visitors in Adel Tues day Mrs Dukes came on busi ness and her mother accompanied her Mrs husband is a son of the lata Judge Dukes of the Southern Circuit and Mr Dukes is an attorney Mr and Mrs Black have resided in Valdosta a num ber of years Mr Black is a re tired railway mail clerk 7 Mrs Smith spent Monday and Tuesday at 'Lyons with her mother Mrs McNatt Mrs Homer Nelson Misses Mar cia Tucker Sue Nelson and Bar bara Keys spent Saturday in Al bany Mrs Aiken and children of uquay were recent guests of Mrs Eula Lee Dixon Mr and Mrs Roberts Jr and children of Atlanta and Mrs Stewart of Carrollton have been visiting Mr and Mrs White Mr and Mrs Bowen and Dlckie Raye visited Mrs Bowen in Pearson Sunday BEAD THE CLASSIIED COLUMNS This best news in lowest price cars! if4toses fostead of 3 And the one to buy is the MgANBMti UNAWSRs Tne CSuratNSatUNNYMMi E035THE UTTLS weeK Mrs Adkins' Is visiting relatives and friends in Asheville and Washington Miss Joan Baker has returned home after visiting Mr and Mrs James Devore in Birmingham Ala Mr and Mrs Sam McGill of Washington and Mr and Mrs Clary of Llncolton were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Clary Bobby Griffis has returned home after visiting Mr and Mrs Taylor in Atlanta Mr and Mrs Ralph Anderson of Macon have been guests of Mrs Belle Castleberry during the week Mrs Thomas Sr is Usit Ing Mr and Mrs Oxford in Columbus Mrs Ira New and Mrs Ada Clark were business visitors in Apopka la this week Mr and Mrs Homer Bridges Miss Luan Bridges and Lawrence Bridges were guests of Mr and Mrs oster Jones Sunday Mr Mason Williams of Sparks hospital this week for treatment iHomer Crozier JISgt: and Mrs Miss Joyce Oliphant is Visiting Crozier Homer and aye News ROM THE 2 ADEL LOWNDES MOTORS Rv MICHAEL and RALPH MO XTTH6 AKMAfcMT 1 OR BETTING ON THE RAMS TO WIN TOUR RUSTLIN' 0055 LOO(5 LIKE A CCMMANDEK WHC'LL LhAU AN UXKfcW I ICIN RELIEVE CAbbAK IN BRI IAIN IB CaCZYrvY DC Iuunsx CH I WONT NAME My PRICE TILL YIM rill DOWN ffTU UTURE that A king of 5w(jkpi THE W0RLP4 rr wag HMD THE LOOR POOR op YOUffEALCr OP THE POQPOWMC YOU JUST LOOK LIKE 1 opt Ydu LOOK INE SON GOT A SWELL CWTE tonight pop 1 WAN I KJ LAY i TEND TO END I WANT T( SPEND SCORCHY SMITH CAIRO! WE ARE HERE' a i 11 ihW tszsSSSSSSSSp I A 'P I "WW i i' rYVVUNffVAW Vn 1WOTIML i ickit i ii it 0 i YO ANU aIXB JT Mar i vz 11 a i JXl I STUC KltfUIT A ATI WHEN Wk fSif kJfTT CS JTI xWAClOfiW WiV 1 wj i 1 v4TznnA4riKAmvfyA3inCcLln7 zC r3 ll Il A WAX fl LA 1 Ya yLLZ z'JZTTS XD I iSSreJ Vv a Zry I 1 4 7 JI klaw i 'tf wii nm iiMAivauxiiaivwiiwKmMi'im hTiri iuiiivMikmiaviiin wi a I 3 It 7 MEKsl 1 a am ii vitrnn ja ts a i i vv i Vi'llwij! 'A MlvKMil i HI Jht '1 1 1 7 A i id I fJ Ul 1 Uk JT fL'J'IkKtkl Mi 7 'll VTl tin I UZ j'I i a IHI 1 I VP Uftr VIA 'ZAlf Al I "i wlLVWr I 1711 I PW 7XPwiauJ N'kJ WJ Alft A 77 MS fl Aliy J7 iMfBIl io zzzm mwu iit zMiwmi a wzs miw xat '7 VC Wil T) it i 7 I in Li i ui'fiw mws 1 fin rxiix 7 IkW Ii MWW 4 Ifirill '1 MH AiK mate Da "Him I Wffr Wz lW 1 i ze'L'j i mi Ax rk 2V sz X7 I LflhX I "I I I I a ftwrvu I I WWN WimvAUW i lota irTrnjrr uh rjniu Mrin 1 WVK? I rww ZWWiffW WIW v' 1 9M3RK Bl tCTONO UJK MJOSV (i MMT 1 CfTlWO Kin eatures Smkate Inc Vodd rights recmd iKS A Ik'V GO' JW if I i I A t' WWiWXB IB a II I if It a ssjr II A PjVu 1 aww' 3 1 3 jt st I ui ii ANY MOU LATOOTEP NOT AXE I CANT SHAMU5E5 PLAY A INSPECTOR EVEN PLf MAuram OR 1 TZ f7 A TV GET Si I TUB £ZArtP I I it vai zZfTk Al tv' "3 1 UWi Hkar W' I 'a Z4 lift 9 I UuLLULlV'Aa im'WE07 "i mi i wet oini Wui 7 I IhZ cecm I INDP12 itf i ywarsL a Jes Ji 7 cZET KjJAV 1 I tH Bit ce KH1 IjC a 1 1 1 A KMa £nl Oral mMM AW ilk Wwll rrTr) Tx r8f'V I i tai a a i Cioffi I I VU7 TIL I kv I I HM I wLZ 1 1 JvWuZaa? ZWkm I MBBwLWRk i5 I I i in al hwwi 1 I uCttyvil 4 IllUPi swtri isr rtuti AW 'A "IS 2K( i a 1.

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The Valdosta Daily Times from Valdosta, Georgia (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Last Updated:

Views: 5659

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.