Warren County Democrat from Monmouth, Illinois (2024)

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Monmouth, Illinois

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I 6 $1800 Beaumont Houston and San Antonio Texas $1600 How Orhans La Jackson and Vicksburg Miss Correspondingly Low Rates to many other points in the siuth VIA llliB GM 1 Tuesday Nov 24 Return limit December 15 1903 or information in stail write or call on the undersigned A SMITH Com Agt 329 Main St Peoria III INVESTMENTS IN SOUTHERN LANDS SUCH Investments are not speculative The South la not a new conntry Marret and shipplug facilities are alf 1 and firsi claas The climate Is mild a id favo a le Notwlth standing these and other ad vantages southern lands a siting tor prices far below their real value and at present pricee net large returns on the luvestme at or a tree set of circulars Nos Ito 10 Inclusive concerning the possi bilities ot lands in Kentucky West Tennessee Mississippi and Louisiana on and near the Illinois Central Railroad 'or homeseekera and investors address the undersigned 4 I Dubuquet Iowa CONESSIONS A PRIEST Rev Jno Cox of Wake Ark writes: 12 years I suffered from yellow jaundice I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of medicines but got no relief Then I began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve If you want a reliable medi cine for liver and kidney trouble stom ach disorder or general debility get Electric Bitters guaranteed by Dunbar Only 60c HU Only a Very ew Published It is not possible for the proprietors to publish more than a very few ot the numerous letters received In praise of Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and telling of Its remarkable cures They come from people in every walk In life and from every state in the Union The fol lowing from Mr Greathouse of Prattsburg Ga speaks for Itself: would have been dead now but for the use of Colic Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy It cured me of chronic diarrhoea after seven years cf suffering I can never say too much in praise of that remedy or sale by Pharmacy SAVES TWO ROM DEATH little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis" writes Mrs Havl land of Armonk "but when all other remedies failed we saved her life with Dr New Discovery Our niece who had consumption In an advanced stage also used this wonder ful medicine and today she is perfect ly Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr New Dis covery as to no other medicine on earth Infallible for coughs and coll He and $100 bottle guaranteed by Dunbar Trial bottles free No danger of consumption If yen use Hone and Tar to cure that stubborn cough or sale Drug Store Ran a Ten Penny Nall Through Rie Hand While opening a box Mount ot Three Mlle Bay ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause me" he says "and Immediately applied Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards To my sur prise it removed all pain and sores and the Injured parts were soon heal or sale by Rowe's Pharmacy Gained orty Pounds in Thirty Daye or several months our younger "brother had been troubled with in digestion He tried several remedies but got no benefit from them We purchased some of Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them Inside of thirty days he had joined forty pounds in flesh He is now fully recovered We have a good trade on the Tablets Holly Bros Merchants Long Branch Mo or sale by Pharmacy or a pleasant physic take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Easy to take Pleasant in effect or sale by Rowe's Pharmacy Do Yon Want to Yawn eel cold shiverings aching in the bones lack of energy headache and great depression? These symptoms may be followed by violent headache high fever extreme nervousness a condition known as malaria Herblne cures It Take it before the disease gets a fair hold though it will work a cure In any stage A Hopkins Manchester Kan writes: have used your great medicine Herblne far several years There is nothing better for malaria chills and fever headache blUlousness and for a blood purifying tonic there is no thing as good 69 cents at pharmacy Beautiful Complexions Are spoiled by using any kind of preparation that Sila the pores of the skin The best way to secure a dear complexion free from sallowness pimples blotches etc la to keep the liver in' good order Ab occaaional dose of Herblne will doasse the i iwpls regulate the llvsr aad so ea i blish a clear healthy eonploxloak cents at Pharmacy THE WARREN COUNTY DEMOCRAT i TBJTBSDAX NOVEMBER 26 1903 THE DUTCH SEA WALL Remarkable Engineering Plan to Keep Back the Ocean The backbone of this tremendous en gineering project Is the great sea dike which Is to perform the all important function of shutting out the North sea keeping the ancient enemy at a safe distance This once accomplished all that remains Is' simple Probably the Dutch are the only hydraulic engineers in the world who would calmly pro pose to wall off a stormy angry sea swept by great tides and lofty tidal waves from an Inner body of water measuring twenty five miles across The Dutch not only propose it but they know just how they are going to do It They have counted every cubic foot of timber every pound of stone every willow twig every labor that will be required They know what they are about They even have estimated exactly how long the work will take This the greatest of all sea embank ments in the wide world this modern and beautifully useful Chinese wall will extend from the mainland ot north Holland a short distance across a shallow Btralt to the island of Wier ingen them across the Zuyder Zee to the coast of riesland The total length of this dijk" Is 248 miles Massive it must be firm as a roek to withstand the attacks of the storms wincn wm neat against it rrom tue North sea to resist the pressure of the ice which In winter will drive with terrible force upon Its ramparts De spite the fact that there are here no rock foundations and that the whole structure must be planted upon the sandy bottom the Dutch have no fear All their Ilves they have been strug gling with just such unpromising ma terials Nothing but walls of sand now protect most of Holland from the in roads of the ocean Sand makes a good bulwark and also a good founda tion It you know bow to use it and there Is no trick in this trade that the Dutch engineers had not mastered gen erations Walter Wellman in Mc Clure's Envy Is not only a great weakness but It Is a great ignorance too No man envies what he can surpass or equal Corpses by Mail The post office department has pre pared a ruling to the effect that cre mated bodies should be classed as mer chandise and should pay the regular rate of one cent for four ounces says the Scientific American As a result of his decision four air tight tin canisters containing the cremated remains of a family shipped from New York to San rancisco were forwarded from tbe Washington post office where they had been held up pending a determination of die postage rates for the Journey Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds and prevents pneumonia Take no substitutes Sold at John Drug Store We own 120 acre farm near Sun Iowa 00 acres level plow land balance rough pasture land with scattering timber well fenced good orchaid fair improvements Wilt sell at a bargain on easy terms Hurd Land Co 11 4 tf Homeseekers Excursion One way rate with two dollars addi tional for und trip tickets on sale the first and third Tuesday of every month with limit for return twenty one days from date of sale See ticket agents of Iowa Central for information as to rates etc or address A Cutts (1 4 A Minneapolis Minn Proper Adjustment of Lense LENSES properly adjusted to the eye are eye help There should be no guess work about the trouble of this important organ of sight for the fitting of lenses to the eye is a science which demands a complete course of instruc tion on the eye its refraction and dis eases A MAYER Office over Grocery South Main Monmouth 111 tlllnotsGentral Unusual Low Rates to the South and Southwest November 24 On the above date the Illinois Centra will sell round trip tickets from PEORIA to Jackson Miss Vicksburg Miss Natches Miss New Orleans La And to all Illinois Central and Yr zoo Mississippi Valley points in the states of Mississippi and Louisiana at $1600 for the Round Trip Jennings La Lake Charles La Beaumont Tex Houston Tex San Antonio Tex And to points on the Southern Pacific in the States of Louisiana (west of and including New Ibera La) and Texas (east of and including San An $1800 for tlio Round Trip Return Limit December IS Tickets and full information of agents of the Illinois Central and connecting lines A HANSON A Chicago Democrats In Senate Unable to Agree on Policy DIVIDED ON THE PANAMA MATTER Woman Suffrage Again Bobs Up In Upper House De Armond a ighter How Richardson Was The McClellan Democracy Washington Nov Senator Gorman is having some diffi culty In getting the thirty three mem bers of his party to present a solid front and stand for a declared plan of opposition to Republican policies This was to be expected in a party whose membership has been acting with a great deal of independence for a num ber of years Senators who have not made party discipline a cardinal prin ciple are somewhat loath to1 sacrifice their individual opinions at the behest of any one man or even a majority of men There are many diverse opinions among Republicans but they can rally around one proposition which is to support the president and his admin istration In the matter of Cuban rec iprocity that is being done whereas two years ago there was a great deal of Republican opposition This plan is adopted in regard to the Panama sit uation although some Republicans may be doubtful about the action of the administration But the Demo crats find themselves without a na tional leader whose policy they feel bound to defend and with one leader in the house and another in the senate they are much perplexed Gorman Is Always Suave rom his outward appearance no one would ever guess that the Maryland senator was in the least disturbed by party dissensions He does not seem to feel that the divisions are of any mo ment but others are not so calm and Senator Bailey who is somewhat im petuous remarked that the Republic ans with two thirds of the senate were without a straggler while the Democrats' with a third could not get two men to agree upon any proposi tion The Texas senator exaggerated the conditions sometvhat but it is true that the Republicans are now the harmonious party while two years ago there were wide differences The be lief is expressed that as Gorman shows more and more his capacity for leader ship he will be able to briqg about a better understanding or Woman Suffrage Senator Mitchell of Oregon has rein troduced a resolution for a constitu tional amendment providing for wom an suffrage He Is consistently in favor of this proposition and believes women should have the right of the ballot or many years efforts have been made in this direction and while the advo cates claim that progress is being made it is doubtful if there will be anything done by the national legisla ture until more states grant women the same electoral privileges as men Why Williams Wanted De Armond A Democrat who is in the confidence of his party was explaining why Lead er Williams chose De Armond for the committee on rules "He wanted De said this man he needed a man who would pour the hot shot into the Republicans every time a rule of any kind was brought in Richardson and Underwood the former members of the committee were alto gether too mild Williams is also a mild mannered man He doesn't want to the Republicans on every oc casion but De Armond likes it Why do you know that man De Armond just naturally hates Republicans as a class? Let me tell you he even get ac quainted with them because he is afraid learn to like some of them and he wants to be free to lambast each and every one of them whenever an occasion Jim Was the irst The fellows about the house think they have a good one on Jim Richard son of Tennessee During the last con gress Richardson introduced and pro cured the adoption of an amendment in an appropriation bill providing that hereafter no bills or reports should have maps printed with them except by a special order of the house in which they were presented And it turns out that in this session Richard son was the first man caught by the new provision He Introduced a bill for a battlefield park in Tennessee and with it was a map showing the location of the proposed park The clerks held up the bill waiting for Richardson to procure the necessary special order to secure the printing of the bill with the map The McClellan Democracy We had a great deal of fun with Representative McClellan a few years ago about the "McClellan We would say that it was unanimous: that it had to be because it consisted of one man That was in the days when McClellan was not in harmony with the views of the majority of his party and did not agree with the mem bers of his own delegation McClellan enjoyed these jokes as much as any one but always maintained that the would yet make Itself felt About the first thing he said to me when he returned to Washington after the election was observe that the De has grown" I should say bo and now they are talking of making him the candidate of the Democratic party for president Why even Gen eral Grosvenor went so far in his speech as to nominate him saying he was "a man without a detrimental rec ord" That is a great deal for Grosve nor to say of any Democrat ARTHUR DUNN NEW SHORT STORIES Sir Arthur's Wr The report that the veteran librettist 8 Gilbert may again take up writ ing for the stage has revived stories of the old Gilbert Sullivan union and a new lot of remlnlsevuees concerning Sir Arthur An old friend Mr Celller has been recalling the ways of the composer "Sir Arfliur Sullivan found his chief difficulty in getting Mr Cel ller says once he got his hand in he would write for twelve hours at a stretch and for days took no time for regular meals but snatched a bite from the sideboard when lie thought of it He was a charming man making ev erything easy and being very approach able Naturally all desired to please him In a certain chorus he had writ ten a high top note for the sopranos and on it there was a difficult word to sing They demurred over 4t and told him of their troubles bless me it is one of the best top notes I ever was his reply were so devoted that they struggled with the word and sang it very charmingly day a young debutante was ex tremely nervous on a first rehearsal with the orchestra and almost In tears When it came to an unaccompanied quartet she said to Sir Arthur! know I shall sing out of right my he replied out of tune how I like The result "was that her nervousness quite disappeared She sang it in tune and was afterward a successful prima donna of the Lord Joke In connection with the resignation of office by a lord chancellor a good story is told by Lord Campbell of Lord Chan cellor Erskine Soon after that distin guished relinquishment of the seals he was invited to garden party at Oatlands where the duch*ess of York had upon the lawn a number of rare animals and among others a remark able black monkey with a long white "I SINCERELY WISH YOU hairy mantle flowing gracefully over his hand and shoulders Erskine was late in arriving but at last while the Prince of Wales the Duke of York and other royal personages were standing in a group near tlie entrance to the courtyard lie arrived in a very mean looking one horse vehicle Immediate ly alighting the ex clianccilor Instead of bowing to the roynl party suddenly stepped up to the monkey and taking off bis hat in a very dignified manner and making three obeisances be ad dressed the animal In these words amid the hearty laugh of all present: "Sir 1 sincerely wish you joy You wear your wig for I sjvfea ft Tl I I I i It hi 'I An Ancient amily Dr Clement Biddle of Philadelphia Is proud of the distinguished family to which he belongs but not foolishly not ludicrously proud A certain ngi Philadelphian dis cussed family trees with Dr Biddle at an assembly ball This old man car ried his family prlilo to a ridiculous ex tent Ho claimed that lie could trace his ancestry directly back to certain princes of the seventh century Dr Biddle with a grave air said: is an old family Mine Im too Both yours and mine though are young beside the family of Sir William Watkins Wynne of "The said the old man ex citedly am related to the Wynnes Tell me all about them "The Wynne family said Dr Biddle "is written upon five skins It goes back back farther back than Noah So far back does It go in fact that in the middle of It on the third skin you may see Inscribed the sen I tence this time the world was I created' Why Indeed Bishop Potter and Chauncey Depew were invited to tlie sniUe function re cently and both were expected to speak which moved the bishop to re mark: "Tbl reminds me of the story of two oysfers who were In attendance at an ecclesiastical festival Said one to the other is this a church was the reply A church fair! Then what In the world do they want with both of Ex change It Would Seem So Wife the advertise ment of a matrimonial agency offering to supply any man with a wife for $5 Husband Oh of course It costs less to get into trouble tbnn it does to get out Cincinnati Enquirer Rats Rats ARE YOU BOTHERED WITH RATS? YOU WILL IND THE BEST Rat Killers 4 AT Dunbafs Drug Store 218 Main Street Near Post Office Do It Pays A Chicago mau has observed that "Good deeds are better than real estate deeds seme of the latter are worthless Act kindly and gently show sympathy and lend a helping hand You cannot possibly lose by Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than sub stantial hSlp There are persons in this community who might truthfully ay: good friend cheer up A few doses ot Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold and there is ne danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that med icine It always cures I know It for it has helped me many a time" Sold by Pharmacy Dieting Invites Disease To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion it is no lenger necessary to live on milk and toast Starvation produces such weakness that the whole system be comes an easy prey to disease Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and as similate all of the wholesome food that one cares to eat and is a never falling cure for indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol digests what you eat makes the stomach sweet Sold by Drug Etoro BROKE INTO HIS HOUSE 0 Kutnn of Cavenllsh Vt was robbed of his "customary health by in vasion of chronic constipation When Dr King's New Life Pills broke into his house his troubles were arrested and now entirely cured guaranteed to cure 26c at Dun drug store I Va writes: "1 have had kidney Bronchitis for Twenty Years Mrs Minerva Smith of Danville Ill writes: had bronchitis for twenty years and never got relief un til I used oley's Honey and Tar which 1 a sure cure Sold by John son's Drug Store Spent Moi Than $1000 Baker of Plainview Neb writes: "My wife suffered from lung trouble for fifteen years She tried a number of doctors and spent over $1000 without relief She became very low and lost all hope A friend recommended Honey and Tar and thanks to this great remedy it sav ed her life She enjoys better health than she has known in ten Refuse substitutes or sale at John sen's Drug Stars tAVDEOUINfflE i jf sMi TONIQUE Hh wssssO gajH I TBIJ IS A BOTTLE I ED PINAUDS 1 EAU DE QUININE HAIR TONIC I 1 Me by the fimow Preach perfsaer Pd PtnsW LtkeHwbeMM it te widely coeau Jerteiteti Like these cMotericiU like the reel article ealy la package loaiat on acuagnameMoa the above boule when yev buy Ed Pifmdt EasdeQui 1 sine i podthre dandruJ care It peaetratea i to the route of the bair and keep theia from 1 gtvea lire to the prevent! i aptittr and fading Por the Baby carta 4 and the Graadatotber'a lock 1 beUle 51c Soz bottle LN sold vaYwaaa Ed Amsrican Import Oflics I Md PiauS BdUi(6r 1 I Haye Headache I Everytime I go to town said a buxom country wo man I have tried all the headache remedies I know of No Uss Taking Medicine my good woman All you need is to go to a reliable optician and have your eyes examined and fitted with a good Pair of Glasses and your headaches will disappear like magic tSBT" Broken Lenses matched and replaced ramed repaired at I Johnson McCray We do our own Lensa Grinding 105 EBroadway the Kidneys" 4 they are affected life Is la says Dr Abernethy the great English physician Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys Sold at Drug Store 1 Mothers Who would keep their children In good health should watch tor the first symptoms of worms and rem eve them with Cream Vermifuge It is the best tonic It gets digestion at work so that their food does them good and they grow up healthy and strong 25 cents at Pharmacy TIMETABLE? aaassaa 0 ft oo JffJ 4 re ql a a a a a 8 a 2 it Nrerererew fl 00 0) 00 CD a aae 2 a 8 ::88 5 tnaMSooog 0 :0 18 is Oi 0:0 :0 0 go Ob saaBBaaa 888S8S33 "JKiAtO 1 2 is 3 Mssss i 8 I $8 (kA Ssih St Louis Division GOING JNORTH BTAT10N8 No 47 No II relg! relg!" St louie 758am Youngstown J07pm t25pm SwanCreex J12pm 35pm" Roseville 23pm 823nm lArcoland S35pm 400pm Monmouth 1 BJOpm 4 40pm eMam aSlfiil Kock Island 710pm GOING SOUTH STATlOSe Rock Island Alexis Gerlaw Larchland' Roseville Swan Creek Youngstown St Login No 48 0 46am 9 15am 930am 10 12am 1017am 1007am 10 17am 1027am 1081am 4 4Rpm No 10 see 8 Mam 850am 9 Kam 060am 1008am Iowa Central GOING BAST Santa Houte No 13 No 4 No44 No40 am pm pm am Kelthsoarg 8 20 3 01 8 01 Beaton 8 83 3 10 8 55 Little York 8 45 3 28 4 35 leaner 8 52 3 30 4 60 Monmouth 0 13 4 00 5 30 7 05 Nemo 9 xz 4 09 7 55 Phelpe 0 12 8 05 Berwick 0 80 St 25 eorla 11 45 0 05 1 15 pm GOING WkST No 3 No 15 No 97 No45lJJ BTATIOU am pm am Peoria 8 03 4 00 7 30 Berwick 10 05 0 07 1 10 Phelpa 10 13 0 15 I 30 Nemo 10 10 0 18 135 am Monmojih 10 25 0 28 1 50 0 30 leaner 10 45 0 50 0 55 Little York 10 63 0 57 7 45 Beaton 11 05 7 09 8 83 Keithsburg 11 21 7 10 0 10 Trains leave Bast Bound No Atlantic Bxpress sgtlg am No Chicago Bx press 3:53 am No Chicago Mall gao pm Streator Joliet A Chicago til :13 am Streator Joliet A Chicago 77:01 am West Bound No Oolo ado Utah A pm No KamasCityMexicoAOaUI 8:80 am KansaaClty Mexico AOalif 7:04 am No ort Madison tl :45 pm Monmouth Kxoreas rt Dally tDally except Sunday 'reTLeavtug Monmontn at 0:20 a direct eonnectlnn Is made with wa'n No 7 for KantM City and points In Kana Colorado and CM! foraia Lake Erie Western iTromc Poona Hl Bast Na New York A Heaton faat Baetera Mall and Bnreae iv7Mua Mo Mall and Xxpreae Iv 11 :10 pm Local Paaoeager and Bx Iv rttOO pm TowatdlPecrtaJWest No New xorx Boston tael Wsetera Jail rod Kxproesw ar 8:40 Mail and Bxpreao art IM pm No ocal Paaaenrer A3x ar t' 1 :15 a No 1 seat tarry par or and mats dlreet eonnectlona with NswYort 4 Bectoa eaen Dall ifatlj eeosAweaa.

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.