The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

14 foW NMMt-Mt So.tfc Hill Hom 42 43 PITTSBURGH PRESS, JANUARY 6. 1947 PAGE 19 FUNNY CUSUC5S Maar wwwr 1 as- v. mwwf, HUl acala. east Iron kettle. lard nrsssl Fed.

I tM mm rim Ammmrml 4 HomtmkmH WANTED to bay or rent, lake front summer cottage. 3-4 bedrooms; tn Con-neaut Lake, Pa. Call Frank Kapaio, Hasel 0196: evenings. 0171. erai oo4B.

COAT Lady's brown, lynx trimmed. 14- DORMONT DUPLEX 4 rooms, bath each floor, good location. Monthly rental $114. A good buy at $1 1,000. Curry 4V Collins, Exel.

Agts. Commonwealth BIdg. Court S283 long, sliccr. soale. long.

MEAT Case 6-foot it; miaceuaneous noy ciotnaa, a-7. A-l condition. 3S23 Butler Street. Law- Hasel 4146. rencemie.

BEDROOM Suite 5 piece, high quality walnut, excellent condition, $100. Un- den 7241. BEDROOM Suite 5-pleoe. walnut, fully equipped, $150: Uvlngroom couch. 840; call Carrick 0887-M.

MSAT market fixture complete, for sale, reasonable. Emerson 1552. Sunday call Mavflower 9878 WILL purchasa good substantial Investment property In or near Pittsburgh. Consider rows, apartments or commercial. Must show good return.

Cash. Write 417, Press. 6-7-ROOM brick, modern; garage; 3-5 acres, level, on good road; within -bour from city. Walnut 6034 evenings. Writ 475.

Press, giving details, price. COATS, sliver fox. skunk; Ilk new; man' frtatd suit (36). overcoat 46); mlscel-aneous. Jackson 1072 COATS GTfFs (2).

Ught-blu. dara green. 14; gentleman' coat. 38. Lehigh 8337.

i GREENTREE IMMED. POSS. English colonial, 6-roora brick, gsa a. e. heat, log-burning fireplace; 6 month old.

WA. 9533. BEDROOM Suites wanteo: modern. Sast Liberty Furniture Company. Hiland 3363.

MOVIE Camera Keystone M. M. 3 lens; also Weston exposure meter. Lehigh-610a. BENDIX Washer new, model B.

2875 West Liberty Ave. Lehigh 9700. COATS Ladies 14. Junior mis 14). New Dooths Wooden spring coat and suit, misses (14).

Locust GREENFIELD $4100 -room frame, bath, furnace, finished 3rd T.oori good location. Can be financed. Party walla. Call Mr. Lazzaro, JA.

2854. EARL MILLER HA. 4644 REALTOR 603 GREENFIELD AYE. GREENFIELD NBAR MURRAY AVE. Modern 6-room brtric, tile bath.

hwd. floor, coal furnace, copper plumbing, $9500. T. F. HQIXERAN HAZEL 3091 Highland Park Dist $12,500 2-famiIr brick; Heberton Ave.

May 1st possession, Mr. Rubin, EM. 1411. Lcpiduss Realty. CO.

0834. Highland Pork District IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Modem brick home. 7 room. 2 baths, gaa furnace, hot water heat; 2-car garage. Owner leaving city.

Mr. Rabin. EM 1411. Lapiduss Realty. CO.

0834. HIGHLAND District 11 room. 2 bath, hot air heat, pin floorf, 2 -car garage; some furniture; home and good income. 43 Fimmmclml Marfaaows 1J4J. EVENING dresses.

ae $10. Black Half price. 1) art of 4 booth; (2 sets of 2 booth each; (1) set of 1 booth. MA. 3951.

HILLCREST PLAN $9,750 Excellent condition. 4-year-old frame, built of good material; rooms, bath, furnace. Integral garage. Lot 86x150. Low taxes.

Scott Realty Co. AT. 7210 BRUSSELS lace banquet cloth. 112x61; 12 napkins: mirror, 40x45; sink. 18x18, cream porcelain.

Locust 2836. CABINET SINKS! CARLOAD SALE! PREMIER. 1629 5TH AVE. STTN-Dally. Chesterfield coats, all sise 16.

Mayflower 1887. NEW and used fixtures. Sack Store Furniture Co 1421 Perm At. AT. 8907.

EVENING Dresses Gray, tan. black: sis 14: shoes to match. Msynower 8415. KNOXVILLE 6-room brick, finished third floor: tile ba'h, hardwood floors: hot water heat: Stoker fired: brick garage; PAINT 100 gallon. Cochran Clndrella enamel.

$5 71 list, for Inside or outside. 52 SO for all. FE 344. EVENING Wrap Black velvet. Ion.

14. CHINA, DISHES. RUGS, VASES Furniture Household Goods MIKE BUYS EVERYTHING I pay the price, Jackson 3365. 5 Mtrtcagt Loan 5, No Mora WORTH SrDE LARGEST L. ASSN.

DIRECT REDLCED FLAX Ideal mortgage plan for purchasing. Remodeling and financing. Compare with others our low coat of financing. Mortgage loans may be repaid In full or In part any time without penalty. Gl LOANS SOLICITED genuine white iex collar, 150 Hasel 8391 near gar line, write 4ZI.

frees. PEPSI-Cola Cooler: showcase: 8 leather FURS, 4 natural stone McNEILL Rd Bungalow S930O. stools. Good condition. Bargain.

Fremont 3534. KLEIV. 814 BROOKLIKE BLVD LO. 1000 CIRCULATING Heater Medium sise. good martens.

Federal 3979. ronqition. gu. ohm, atrer p. m.

FUR Scarf 4 Blinks. Dractlcallv new. MT. LEBANON QUICK POSSESSION PHOTO booth, complete for business; take 2lx3 picture. 5 and 10 style; (250.

3252 Dawson Oakland. Pittsburgh. East Park Savings Loan Assn. CIRCULATING heater, large size, practically new. fur coat, (medium miscellaneous Hasel 7189.

suit, coat sise 14; very reasonable. Lehigh 1690 Our client is moving from city and Is gifr.aoo, wri'. a 494, press. 118 Ohio St at Sandusky. FA.

4396. PLA6TI -K OTE Women, don't wax or FUR Coat Clearance Beaver, seal, aquir- selling nis really fine brick home of 8 rooms, 3 oaths, gas h. w. heat, integral EX -CI. seeking to borrow $1500 from scrub your floor twic a week.

Use PLASTT-KOTC one a year. Glmbei rei. musarai. sue iJ to 9oo ana up. COMBINATION Range Green and ivory; 850.

186 47th Street, Lawrencevllle, after 5:30 p. ra HIGHLAND District 3-famtiy brick, garages; convenient. Sweeney MO. 5579 run rum private individual to purchase truck for wholesale business: repay loan at reason Paint Dept. or your neighborhood dealer.

garage. iaauy locates, pes. Fen. l. Curry Collins, Excl.

Agts FUR Coats Cleaned, reoalred. restvled on able interest within year; truck for POOL table 70x36, practicallv new. very COMPLETE room furniture: sell reasonable. 540 S. Winebiddle Ave.

Commonwealth Court 5283 snort notice, uertno mroo. lis Fma security, write 430. Press era! St. FA. 5631.

Churchill 2857. DAVENPORT Custom mad, good condition, with cover. 850. Linden 2392. MT.

Lebanon Builder's new brick home, 6 rooms, tile bath, (as a. c. heat. $16,500, AT. 0858.

or LE. 6268 anytime. HOMEWOOD IMMEDIATE Lovely, 6-room brick. 1 -story home, hot-air furnace, equipped with new blower fans and filters, hardwood floors throughout; price $86 V), easily financed. Better call Atlantic 1367 or Penhurst 7231 for WHEN planning mortgages in any amount make sura you have right to payment la full at any time without penaltv.

All our '362 POOL Table New rails, new bed cloth, new good condition. Cedar 4522 used furs. French Furrier, 5th Ave. DESK Walnut, matching chair: limn. MT.

Lebanon Suburban 5-rm. bungalow, HIGHEST price paid for used fur costa good condition. Carrick 5653-R. ungages inciuae mis advantage. W.

B. DAWSON FAIRFAX 6304 furnished. Owner leaving city; $13,000. New York Fur. 606 Century 130 7th PORTABLE Typewriter New; Immediate delivery.

American Typewriter 11 Wood St. Court 1019. DESKS Wanted Knee hole, aecretarv or an appointment CASH FOR A DOWN PAYMENT HOMEWOOD 30-day possession, frame Wlnthorp; will pay fair price. Belmar Storage. CH.

3164. Eve. PE, 4522. On any home listed In this column; $25 highway Outfitter Cape, trousers, jacket, uniforms for track drivers. Federal Army Store.

213 Federal St. Cedar MT. Oliver vicinity. 6-room home, good condition, convenient location. Hemlock PRESSING Machine "Hoffman." model 8A: excellent condition; reasonable, Mayflower 0959.

i on signature, rurniture or auto. Call AT. 8170. PERSONAL COMPANIES, 1193. 0617.

DINETTE Set Duncan Phvfe; mahogany bookcase: excellent condition. Hasel 7920. mm Finance puuaing MT. WASHINGTON TUXEDO 1 38 1 Custom mad, excellent PROJECTOR TJnivex. 200 watt and carrying case, 830.

Walnut 7226. Orandview excellent location. 7-room PRIVATE funds for mortgages; immediate quality; Bargain, new condition. DINETTE and breakfast acts wanted. Belmar Storage.

CH. 3164. Eves. PE. 4622.

frame: large lot. $10 500. Call Mr. HevI service. nennig-scnove to.

FA. 3344. make. TUDJA REALTOR IV. 2422 RADIOS Nationally known Monarch Electric.

411 Wood St. WE pay highest prices for men need DINETTE Suites wanted East Liberty Furniture Company. Hiland 3363. PRIVATE Funds Straight first mortgage. Emerson 1712 after 7 p.

m. OVERBROOK Cape Cod. years; 6 doming. 20P6 riftB. court 6667.

ana smngje; modern mrougnout living room, dinmg room, kitchen, kitchenette, Vi-hath, 1st floor; 2nd floor, 3 large bedrooms, serving room, bath; gas hot air heat; large lot; well located, near stores, schools; $9i00. Owner, Emerson 3553, HOMEWOOD COLORED Modern 6-room brick; garage. Level lot A-l condition. Possession May 1. Call Mr Berardino, CH.

0453. Mr.DONALD East Liberty section, row houses on two streets; four residences, four rooms each. $250O apiece. $500 down, balance like rent, Churchlil 1785. DINING Room Suite 10-olece.

walnut HAVE OlentV Of monev for mrtrt.0.0. AARON'S Clearance Sale Selling out all rooms, air conditioned gas heat, fireplace, large lot, Owner. Carrick REFRIGERATION Deep freesers. large, small: immediate delivery; also 4 ft. Servel.

Homestead 1611. "Sell you my skates? They've never been used!" Winter Coats and 8utts at clearance quick service. Call Churchill 4065 anytime. price. 816 to 879.

Better Fur Coat re CAN you lend me $5000 for an Initial tilt-top server. $130: -Apex6 mangle, 850; innersprlng Roll-Awav. $20; bed, complete. $25; marble top table. 812; Cap Cod tourist home.

Route 51, R. D. No. 1 Clalrton. Call Carrirk 4446-R.

Smlm 44 investment? write 440 Press. OVERBROOK 5-room brick; $5,000. KLEIN, 814 BROOKLLN'E BLVD. LO. 1000 dueed to 889.

Children Coat at 83. Deposit Layaways. 6241 Frankstown. Kast noeny. overbrook Offering 2 brand new 44 Oppsi-TMit fci SELLING all unclaimed fur coats, all COMPLETE plant equipment, raw materials for manufacturing household cleaning products.

Including proven formula; inventory $2000, selling price $2500. Write 496. Pres. homes, each having 3 bedrooms, bath on first, llvlcgroom and dinette kitchen, in DAIRY Store Equipment Mills Master Freeser ice cream machine, with 7-hole hardening cabinet; Burch popcorn machine; Pepsa Cola pop cooler, streamline design st-ith compressor In base of cooler. Fairfax 4680.

DINETTE Set Fine quality, walnut, antique white, perfect condition. Living room chair, coffee table. Hasel 4090. else, a low a 840. Benny's, 1501 Potomac INGSIDE 6-room brick, home and recreation room: excellent condition: large tegral garage, gas heat: each Is well built AOENTS 2 Capable of large earnings; new specialty Item; small deposit a col- Ave.

LOCUSt 2616. BRAND new Navy surplus sheepskin leath lot: Immediate possession. Owner leaving DINETTE SUITE. Refrigeration Dealers Can now obtain equipment. Frecser cabinet, colls.

Condensing units with motor. Reach-in refrigerator. Meat display case. Bottled beverage cooler. Draft beer equipment.

Walk-in cooler, etc, etc. Pittsburgh Case Soles Co. Court 6672. 212 Fancourt Street for Cailiornia due to lil health. Must be I DEGENHARDT AGENCY.

CA. 0119-1276. Good condition; reasonable. FI. 6712.

er flying Jackets. Size 38-46. $20. Federal Army Store. 213 Federal St.

Cedar 0617. wti rtKinawwo Ave. SFPJcited- Prtcular PLEASANT Hills Immediate possession, DIAMOND Ring 3 stones, totaling over 1 carat; gold setting; sacrifice $300. Write 462. Pgh.

Press. ALL-Ar und machinist la Imut in ma- call Hiland 7578: by appointment only. DINING Room Suite 8 pieces, oak. good condition: sacrifice. $100.

Hiland 0844. 4-year-old bungalow. 5 SDacious rooms chine shop for building special machines NORTH Orahara. 422 Modern 6-room 46-B Masfcaf SELLING yOUR BUSINESS? For confidential transactions, call Hem- lock 6895. WANTED Corner location for dairy store; good neighborhood.

Writ It 440, Pres. WANTED North Sid rooming house, lur-nlshed or unfurnished. Cedar 3531. nq msintensnce wore, tarrlck 0624-J. brick: new 1931: good condition: garage DTNINQ room suite, oak: 'Air-Wav" electric sweeper, electric Juicer, electrlo fan.

Reasonable. Linden 8249. DIFFERENTIAL 1940. -ton Dodge truck, excellent condition, ring and pinion fears not included. Coraopolis 1386 be-ore 5: 1291-J after 7.

Bargain If you hurry. $8900. Montrose ACCORDIONS Sold, rented, reoalred extra room second floor, integral garage, gas het. $3000 Olympla 7387. SOUTH Park Cozy six-room home near school and transportation: on large level lot with beautiful trees: $10,850.

PAUL N. SMITH AGENCY. LE 1500. AUTO Repair Shop Good business, well established: Etna. ST.

0402. 7340. Private lesson dally. 1-9. South Hills BAR Allegheny Vallev rfninv SHrtn Accordion studios.

Everglade 9685 DRAPES Beautiful moss green, lined. Radiant heater, violin, miscellaneous, reasonable. Hasel 8511. 'j. mil lease.

sio u'K). Hemlock 6892 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT DRY wall stone for sale. Inquire 2339 Oreenaburg Pike. Churchill 9000. S.

Construction Co. ACCORDIONS WANTED OLD established North Side real estate Insurance office for sale at $12,500. Write 442 Press Pay spot cash. Atlantic 8863. North Neglay Dis $17,500 3-famlly brick.

First floor fi rooms, bath; second floor 6 rooms, bath; third Boor 4 rooms, bath: 2 furnaces: separata entrances and utilities Income $1900 Lopidut. Realty. CO. 0834. Warehouse removal sale of oof fae urns and stands; steam tables, bar work board BAR and Bowling Alleys Profitable business and property.

Confidential. $125,000. Write 480, Press. DRAW Draperies $3 95 pr Traverse 29c each. Moore's.

CH. 3225. BABY Grand piano wanted, or Spinet. ENCYCLOPEDIA Unused. 10 volume 1946 edition: new standard.

Hiland 6130, after 6 p. m. ELECTRIC Range Washer, radio cotnhl. New Brick Bungalows MT. LISANON VICINITY $9500 5 lovely rooms, attached garage, large basem*nt, hardwood floors, copper plumbing, jtaa.

air-conditioned heat. Unfinished second. Easily financed. Early occupancy. Call FL 99J0 AT.

1567. 46 iictUtoi Sot BEAUTY SHOC wm pay casn. Wellington iryei-M. BALDWIN Howard small grand, like new ana many other Items. SIG RESS 1027 LIBERTY AVE.

nation. Hoover sweeper, iron, radio. Knapp, ENCYCLOPEDIA 30-book volume. "Amer- Ait TnrAm hii I r.mM $700: beautiful Instrument. Call Sewlck- ADDING MACHINE ALLEN WALKS.

CALL COURT 2720. lrana. never used. Phone Juniper 3142-W. ELECTR I Sewing Machine 'New iey 534 EQUIPMENT At FTXTTJRKB C.

vk- celient going business: owner leaving city because of Illness; responsible; excellent opportunity for G.I. Cedar 3914. good condition. RADIATOR Gas. 15-sectlon; perfect condition.

Atlantic 1606. Home" cabinet model; Penhurst 8656. North Negley District -room brick, 2-famtly home; 2-car garage; hot air heat; $9500. Lopiduts Realty. CO.

0334. ADDING MACHINE ALLEN WALES CALL COURT 2720 CONCERTINAS (2) 104 key, triple reed. $150 each: piano accordion. 12 baa. $50.

FAR MOST ANY BUSINESS, NEW AND USED. Goodyear 3811 Penn Ave. MA. 5959. RESTAURANTS NOTICE North Side Music Shop, 812 East Ohio Range, side-oven, both table top range, $35.

REMODEL NOW WITH OUR 1947 FIX FRIGIDAIRE "Tatipmi" Carrick 6b32-R. ADMIRAL radio phonograph, table model; man's ice skate t9j. Lionel train. Penhurst 0727. 1 1 onop, soutn Hills Modernly equipped: good permanent wave business: low overread: no reasonable offer refused (illneask.

Mmlfwlr nci mnmin 1 street, ceoar 2443. GRAND Piano 'Kurtsman." dark ma IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY New 5-room house i Vs of double), gas heat, integral garage, tils bath, range and refrigerator Included: paved street, new development; $750O. Only $1075 down, balance $56 per month. Phone owner, I.E. 388, OAKLAND Duplex, lot 167 feet deep; i.40O, terms Aronson.

MA. 2110 EXHAUSHT fans, new. in stock. Myers Electric Company, Incorporated. 209 First Pgh.



SEE US FIRST. Goodyear 3811 Penn Ave. MA. 5959. hogany rase: used for originally $1800: selling for $1000; excellent tion.

$50. Jackson 3636. u-a, "111., UU evenings. BEAUTY shop, excellent neighborhood. modern.

6 hnnth A ttrt. AIR Compressor 6 h. hoses, spray guns, tank and all connections. A-l shape, $500. Aluminum paint and Red Lead.

82.75 a gal. Grant 3086. Mike. instrument lor serious musician. Sterling FURNITURE 7 rooms, complete furnish-Ings.

including stroller, studio couch. POINT BRfKZE DUPLEX $16,500 6 room, tile hath, hot water heat each, garage; poueiuinn 1st fl. Mr. Lanes. CH 1647 LANT7! PEAL ESTATE, MO 1350 ner p.

FISH KEEPERS Made by the Chilrite FishkeeDcr Comnanv ALUMINUM ALSCO STORM WINDOWS. RETAILERS Fast moving 5c A 10c counter display goods. Ben Rubenstein, 18th-Mission St. Hemlock 9081. sectional bookcases.

Frigidalre, sweeper, rugs, dishes. Leaving city. Sacrifice, Jackson 1835. PGH. ALUMINUM WINDOW.

SC. 3317. GUITAR Electro Muse and Premier am-plifier repossessed; bargain; excellent con-ditlon. Mr. Wagner.

1206 May BIdg. of Pittsburgh. Mfg. own ice. WiU sell at cost to close out, 4 in stock.

Write or BEAUTY Shop Reasonable. Fully equipped, established business, suitable for 2 operators; center of town on main street. STONE BUNGALOW MT. LEBANON VICINITY. $16,000 Modern, 5 rooms, bath, on first, finished second, attached garage, gas air-conditioned heat, log-burning fireplace, large well-landscaped lot.

FI. 9930 AT. 1567. ANGLES. CHANNELS.

BEAMS HAMMOND Solovox. late model, condition FRIGIDAIRE Good condition. H.l?el 2990. pnone: suburban Heating St Supply 17415 Miles Avenue. Cleveland, Ohio.

imit-ng. Tvrne a. 41 J. press. RING Diamond; ladies, blue white, about Va carat; fine quality and cut; must sacrifice; paid 8295; sell for 8165 cash.

Write A 475. Press. use new, wainut, nnisn. Linden 6355. Plates, rods, miscellaneous steel In stock (cut to size); lumber, building materials.

BEAUTY Shop on 7-booth: heart of rnonr: wasningron aw. MARIMBA, "Deagan." 3t octaves, ex- FURNITURE Five complete rooms, electric appliances, excellent condition. Field- FIXTURES Restaurant; corner Soho and Ace. 1201 Liberty Av. GR.

3256 ness district; standing and transient trade. Valley 2452. ceiient condition, colonial 4014-J-2. fireproof, 845. 8AFE Small floor safe.

Phone Emerson 1799. center, rairrax 6201. brook 8007. between 12 and 4 p. ra.

FoiKt Breeze, Hastings St. 8-room converted duplex, 2 baths, separate meters, hot water gas heat; very good condition, 18000. inland 3916. SHADy AVE. $1 1,300 12-room brick.

3 baths, furnace, established high-class rooming house, best location. Good income. Call Mrs. Mtlier. EARL MILLER JA.

1249 REALTOR 603 GREENFIELD AVE. SH A bySIDE 15,000 BABY Buggv Large crib, walker, high to BEAUTY Shop, small. In growing Brentwood district. Excellent ODOortunltv for PIANO -'Henry F. Miller" parlor grand: mahogany; good condition; $400.

Owner. Carrick 5419-R. cnair. piay pen witn pad, ceoar 6898. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION House.

10 rooms and 2 finished attic rooms: large barn: lot 158x104: on main road in Mt. Lebanon; arranged for 2 families; beautiful trees. Principals only. $11,950. Write 496.

Press. SHEET ROCK 5c BQ FTT PHONE LEHIGH 3689. FLUORESCENT fixtures (18). new, suitable stores, office, bargain. Hasel 1510.

FURNITURE Entire furnishings, 7-room house; ping-pong tahle, cedar chest, con BACK Bar 10 used one month: ult- able for bar. restaurant. 1708 Beaver Ave. PIANO Grand; black ebony; good condition. Museum 2969.

cert grand piano. 0733 SHOP Bogg Buhl for all your need. For shopping aid In fashions and home. Folding Chairs and Tables BAKERS NOTICE FURNITURE Large selection, recondi one or two operators. Low overhead.

No competition. Reasonable. Carrick 5553. A UTY shop. Ideal location.

Everglade 7955, Sundays or evenings. Carrick 3923-W S. -'P1' only. open rTi. ana sat, till 9.

C. E. Deshler, 86 Knox Ave. EV. 9446-5358 WALK-IN COOLERS.

REACH-IN REFRIG NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL. $7500 PIANO -Henry F. Miller" babv grand; mahogany. $500. Wellington 0590.

tioned: reasonable, will pay vou to see it, Belmar Storage. CH. 3164. Eves. PE.

4522. SINK chrome faucets. 825. French doors. 830.

Olenshaw 1922-J. after 5. FURNACE 24" cast iron, coal fired, like new, with casing, all hot air pipe; some large 12-room brick, center hall type. 2 Nw Bungalows Brentwood District ERATORS AND FREEZERS. LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY.

Goodyear 3811 Pcnn Ave. MA. 5959. PIANOS Grands, spinets, small uprights wanted. Belmar.

CH. 3164. Eves. PE. 4522.

FURNITURE Stoves, sinks: badly needed; I rooms, hardwood floors, copper plumb excellent BODY and Fender shnn ir i rygiBtrr poses: linoen hj-at. large level lot; residence. rig. well-Insulated, gas heat. Better call Itaylng high prices; go anywhere.

City furniture Exchange. Grant 2344. STEAM radiator. 28 sections, 18 inches high. Apron sink 72 Inches, double drain board.

3614 Howley St. Pa. Established. Sacrifice. Braodywlne 9543 FI.

PE 7291. AT. 1567. FURNACE Coal hot air. steel, 8 ducts, $90.

See in operation. Lehigh 7212. RADIO recorder and phonograph combination. "Emeraon," good condition. Emerson 3716.

FURNITURE Wanted Used. Pay highest prices. Mandel. Fairfax 2058 STOKER "IRON FIREMAN" PRACTICALLY NEW. FIELDBROOK 1320.

CAFE near Millvale, license, all equipment and Immediate possession of apartment; good volume and quota. $11,500. CEDAR 1039 FURNACE Oas hot water, used: suitable 6-8 room house. Write 443. Pres.

SAXOPHONE Flat Alto King, gold plated, perfect. $85. Harel 7689. OAS range, $40; gas heaters, wood man- r-Kil Mr. Stack, eves.

HA. SbM. EARL MILLER HA. 4644 JIE LTOR 603 GREFNFIKLD AVE SQUIRREL Hill Six or "seven-room house. Newcomer to Pittsburgh, Beat local references.

Not to exceed $125 pr month. 4H5. Press eis; reasonable, if axel 0337. FURNACE Cast iron, hot air. Suitable 7 rooms: good condition: $50.

Vallev 1649-M. STOKER Iron Fireman, practically new for good sise apartment. Hiland 6573. Neon Grill. 5801 Penn Ave.

STRING Bass like new. Bar-Tavern Equipment Temprite Beer System. Bars dc Back Bars. Stainless Steel Bottle Cooler. Custom-Buiit Work Boards.

Display Cases, all sizes. Walk-In Coolers. Tables Chairs. Lunch Counters Bar Stools. Uoitd Rgfrigwration Sates Sarviea CLUB Charter Half interest.

Write 490. Press. Jackson 0747. GAS Range, excellent condition. Srwlckley 334-M Possession January Tenth Mt.

Washington frame. 8 rooms. 2 baths, furnace, arranged for two families 5 rooms now vacant. $7300. OI or civilian financing.

NORTON ST. Frame. 5 rooms, finished attic. 8 lots. Near school and car line.

Now vacant. .100 Terms. FLOTO MANAGEMENT CORP. 35 Southern Ave. Everglade 1154 FURNACE Williamson" 20" fire pot; ex-cellent shape.

Jackson 3231. STOKER "Fireman." like new, must ac-riflce: $100. Mayflower 0259. VIOLIN, handmade: over 50 years old; appraised at $300; will sacrifice. Jackson HIGHCHAIR.

play pen. stroller. Good con- CONCRETE block business to be leased approx. 5 years; located on busy highway In McKeesport; $4200. Call McKeesport 28989.

011 Ion. Reasonable. S46 Greendale Ate. HQUIRREL Hill Modern 6 room brick, finished attic; garage, new gas furnace. Possession February 1st.

Hazel 4253. or Hllsnd 010O. Ed ge wood STORE FIXTURE SPECIALS ICE Box 50-lb. canacltv. A-l condition.

VIOLIN Cxech. Suitable for concert violinist. $200. Walnut. 6419.

after 5 n. m. HI. 76AO. SH65 BAl'M BLVD.

I Q.l.'s REFRIGERATION We can stock you now with full commercials. PITTSBURGH CASE SALES CO. Court 6672. 212 Fancourt St. i FRIGID AIRE BOTTLE COOLER.

LIKE NEW $135 WATER FOUNTAINS. ICE. NEW $49 50 CASH REGISTER USED $50 DRUG Store for Sale Sacrifice, due to illness. Good business location. Hemlock 9042.

Very cheap. Carrick 6082-R, between 4 -6 p. 47 Ceof Fuml KIRSH drapery rings. 49 cent a nair: OALVANIZED KITCHEN SINK, NEW $35 Wightman-Hobart 1 5.000 7 rooms. 2 baths, finished attic; garage; gas furnace, hot water heat.

Immediate possession. Lopiduss Realty. CO. 0834. DRUO Store Over 30 years a money maker, owner retiring.

Box H-411 Press. draw drapery rods. 39 rents each. MOORE'S. B08 HOMEWOOD AVE CH.

3235 CriAiKH. USED NEW 6-room A bath lnselbric with basem*nt garage on acre, about 6 miles south of Mt. Lebanon on Route 19, and int.erurban carline. Will be ready In few days; 2 upper rooms and bath are semt-flntxhed Price S075O Kllgore, Locust 1325. TABLES.

USED 82 SPECIAL THIS MONTH A-l COAL BAR In new condition, suitable for gam room or small club. 5-foot, metal. Porcelain top. Mahogany finish. Insulated box.

Coil- draw system. 2 half keg and bottles capacity. A real piece of furniture. Bar-galn, $225. Lehigh 2535.

Dry Cleaning Business ALSO NEW. NUMEROUS STYLES AND ITEMS. LIVING room suite, desk Ai ivory chair; miscellaneous; excellent condition. Carrick 1912-W. 6 routes, panel truck; new Hoffman press: $3500.

Hiland 4064. GAS HEATERS A. O. A. down-draft dlverter.

fan driven. 120 h. p. motor, de luxe baked enamel finish, switch for summer air circulation; immediate delivery: $140 completer-Allegheny Boat Sales, 5111 Center Schenley 5857. Goodyear 3811 Penn Ave.

MA. 5959. 4" lump $6 50: 2" lump $6 25: Egg $5 75: stoker $5.75. Immediate delivery. Linden 7667.

If no answer Allegheny 9570. Day or night. Rovitto. 37 Lot For Soe STORE FIXTURES 1. 4'6- Meat Dis- Blay Case: 1, 3'6" Candy Case; 1.

10 lb. airy Scale: 1, U. S. Slicing Machine. DRY Cleaning Business Wanted Must be located In South Hills: state volume, net profit, price wanted.

Write A 447. Press. Immediate Possession Saline 2-story brick. 7 rooms: 2 furnaces, gas and coal: hot water heat; garage. In condition.

$15,000. Mr. Rubin. EM. 1411.

Lapiduss Realty. CO. 0834. BENTON North Side 2 lots, in LIVING room suite: mirrors; tables; lamps; chest of drawers. Reasonable.

Jackson 5172 LIVINGROOM. Dlningroom. Kltctien. Bed-room. Rugs, good condition.

Reasonable. Jackson 0750 BARGAIN PRICK. See at 300 Knox eluding garsge. 26x24. and foundation for 2-famllv house.

Sell very reasonably for DRY cleaning shop for sale. Including car. $1000. Penhurst 8150. after 6 p.

Pgh Pa. LUMP COAL NO MONEY DOWN 9 MO. TO PAT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LOCUST 3300. quick buy. See owner or broker.

Linden DUMP Truck Business 12 truck, i trail. BAR TAVERN EQUIPMENT Bottle Coolers. Beer Pumps. Chairs and Tables Bars and Backbars Walk-In Pre Cooler Beer System Work Board and Coll Boxes STEEL CITY REr KIGERATION CO. 1024 Forbes Pa.

AT. 2312. STORM Sash Made to order, exact sise. Kaison. 3129 Liberty.

OR. 4340. 4597. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Gas Conversion Burners CLOSE OUTS ALL CONTROLS Ptrewell, $95: ElVan Air. $105: Radiant, $89; Evan Air, $95; Columbia, $125 and up.

Cabell Construction Co. 912 LIBERTY AVE. 60 mile P. U. C.

permits. Call Mar 19-R-2. Attractive new home. 5 rooms, integral PITTSBURGH VEIN LUMP NORTH OF FORBES 6TORM Sash. See Wick Lumber Company.

Everglade 0259. LIVINGROOM Suite 2 piece Royal Blue mohair, excellent condition; reasonable. Fleldhrook 5741 LIVINGROOM Suite 2 or 3-plece; practically new. Penhurst 3512. 2-20' $6 75; 2-5" egg.

$6.25, prompt del. enrage, tile bath, hardwood floors: excel lent, neighborhood. Call C. Wagner You can now build on this exclusive tn.1i. tnn WHITE Carrick 1852 ELECTRIC appliance sales and service store Established, advertised.

Priced for quick sale. Including stock and fixtures. Fremont 4164; evenings 8-10 p. m. or Sunday.

8 TORE FIXTURES TO SAVE MONEY. SEE US FIRST. Goodyear 3811 Penn Ave. MA. 599.

PEHHT HcAL tSTATfc A. 848 Jack ton 3356. Mayflower 2574 RUN OF MINE. $4.95 TON PENN Township, Hulton Road Lot 100X LIVINGROOM chair and coffee table. Reasonably priced.

Hazel 4090. after 6. GAS, Conversion Burners No waiting, no down payment. A.G.A., approved automatic controls; complete. $115.

or Installed immediately by expert. $150. Cedar 5549. BARS BACK BARS Made to order and in stock. Cash or terms.

Astorlno, 2426 Fifth Ave. MA. East End district. 5-ton lot or more. 44u: an utilities; near bus and stores.

Churchill 9070. ESTABLISHED Lady Ready-to-Wear TABLES CLUBS NOTICE a umped only. Penhurst 8401 Norge Immediate Delivery "curt oi iasi IjlDerty. A 354, E. E.

Press. 5" LUMP. S6.50 IMMEDIATE Possession 54th St. near Butler. Brirk.

rooms, bath, furnace; perfect condition; $2000 down. $3500 bal- "J1 rr 4S MO 3tiBB-HI. 5137. COLORED Oakwood, 6-room modern brick, large grounds. 7754 TIoks.

7-room brick. $4500. Also other good buys. W. 8.

Fitts. Penhurst 6813. GAS Conversion Burners (Famous Mueller); immediate Installation. Terms. Hemlock 0301.

BARN Sash All sixes. Paul Lumber and ROSSLYN FARMS Restricted lots, all utilities, negie 1193-M. Car- ROMAN BROS. FEDERAL 2333. Mew gas ana electric ranges.

McKEE CO. 117 W. 8TH AVE HO. 1100 We have 100 30x30 black lt" Formica tables, mounted on hardwood, beautiful finish, walnut bases, pre-war quality, 820 ouppiy. ubb iiioerty.

Bcnenley 2115. Food Market Established Illness compels sale. Hill district. $7500; write V-446 Press. BARRELS Steel, rubbssh, painted: $2 del.

PITTSBURGH Finest coal, delivered by Gole. Prompt delivery. Call evening. RUTHFRED ACRES OAS Heating Boiler Automatic controls, B-line type, 43-W. Will supply 980 sq.

ft. radiation. Hiland 3449. iiuj west norm Ave. 9520.

juniper u-rt. ORIENTAL Rug 9x12; Andirons; Kitchen Table. 2 Chairs; Miscellaneous. Montrose 6659. eacn.

SIG RESS 1027 LIBERTY AVE. BATH Tubs Wanted Used, anv slxe: also used toilets and sinks. Hllsnd 2656. GAS station and lunch room with living quarters, 2 cottages; on Route 19. 6 miles WE HAVE co*kE North Side Houses Sola St GAS Furnace Forced air.

A.G.A. approved. 130.000 B.T.U. lmput. New, still In crate.

Linden 8024. from Mt. Lebanon; sacrifice. C. E.

Low- DOMESTIC FUEL CO. AT. 2139. IDEAL SPOT FOR YOUR FAMILY Two adjoining lots, Vs acre each; nearly level; on hard road; utilities, fruit trees, landscaping; near city and school buses, shopping center, playground; door-to-door market service. Will sell separately or iner.

a.i.j rirth Ave LO. 2198 AT. 5454 BATH Tubs Brand new. 5 ft. built-in type, in crates.

$75 each. Cheaper for more than one. FE. 2644. COLUMBUS Ave 2-famlly brick.

5-room frame In rear. Both priced at $5,000 to sell immediately. Cedar 21K0-WE 2799 HARD black Pittsburgh vein, 4-inch lump, 2-inch lump, $6.65. Shaffer. Locust 2356.

RADIO "Stromberg -Carlson" armchair, cabinet model; $90, original cost $149. Fieldbrook 7566. RADIO "Sllvertone" cabinet model. TS tubes, 14" speaker, like new. Everglade 9120.

GROCERY SALE CLOSEOUT Laundry Soap 9c cake Soan Powder 13e nound GASOLINE station, Clalrton, corner location; fine opportunity for ambitious person; must sell; leaving town. Write TABLE TOPS We are row offering one week sale of Formica table tops only; black. 30x30. cigarette proof, with stainless molding. $9 50 each.

Astorlno, 2426 Fifth Ave. MA. 3951. togetner. 14H7, ThCKSON 1245-1245T-, et i43-i4S' anuot BATHROOM fixtures, tub, washstand.

toilet, complete with cast iron soil pipe. Also 2 used drawing tables; make excellent work benches. Hiland 1902. ONE Week Only $6 451 Large Pittsburgh ia jn, cress. Evaporated Milk $5.85 case frame One vacant.

Move right. In. Real I ioi. uouom crnieni. oiocs.

ga- tump. 4 zu" double screened. Consoli- Homestead Park rage. Shady Avenue, Luncheon Meat. 611b.

can 12 88 RADIO-Phonogranh. RCA. Short Wave: GASOLINE station, tire recapping shop. aated. schenley 6418.

uist. Homestead SSH4. buv. Near schools, churches, transportation. $6500.

Inspect house. Owner. Linden 91)11. Navy Beans, sack $14.75 Old Dutch Cleanser, a Is, 48 BILLIARD Table Good shape. Federal 5200 bttLiAL 2 lump coal, $5.95 per ton; mac raiukr, auto accessories, tires, tunes garage tools: Pittsburgh district; sacrifice: $6000.

Write 413. Press. HiacK Pepper lml.) 25e lb. 38 For Sal or Exchange lnimeaiaie aenverv. west aide coal, wainut 9513, anytime.

Great bargains for restaurants, boarding houses, grocers, etc. GREENHOUSE and floral business, lmme- BOOTHS TABLE TOPS Any color, clgaret proof: largest aelec- tlon: low priced. MA. 3951. PITTSBURGH'S best black lump.

TARPAULINS Get those supplies under cover! We have a large supply of standard cut sizes; odd sizes made up. Mail or phone orders filled promptly. B. F. GOODRICH CO.

597 Chartiers McKees Rocks. FE. 5517. WIHTON CO. 307 PENH AVE.

$7 25; egg, stoker, slack. Nicholas, Walnut oiate possession. 7-room dwelling; 21 acres right in Pgh. A hurry up bargain at $13.900. Federal 1143.

U4U6. RESIDENCE of 6 spacious rooms In New Jeraey, tile bsth. sun porch, breakfast room, modern kitchen, with nice grounds; for erhange or sale of similar home in Mt Lebanon or vicinity. Call A. J.

Roller. Atlantic 7348. phono, needs repairs. $65. Earl Clark.

QUI Hall. Olympta 7636. RAILROAD Salvage 2-door metal clothe cabinet, $59.50 coal heaters, $29 50; metal bed. springs, mattress outfits. $39 50: students desks, $9 95; lamps, cabinet sinks, studio couches, livlngroom furniture, bedroom-llvlngroom rhairs and rockers: odd kitchen chairs; 1000 other household items.

216 Market Street. RANGE "Tappan," left hand oven; ex-cellent condition; $35. Fieldbrook 1382. RANGE Right hand oven, Estate, good condition. Museum 0154.

OROCER8 NOTICE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF STORE ITIN Street 6 room irame. furnace, large lot. immediate possession. iOOO, Et "io st- fEdar 1711. LIVERPOOL Street 10 rooms (two3-room apartments, one 4 room 2 baths, fur-face gsr je Cedar 7t.69 NORTH Side.

Srergreen Rd. Dlst. Level building lots, paved, sewered. In a new community. 26th Ward.

80 feet or more front: StJOO-slfton each. Call Mr. Lev. AT. 0.107.

PITTSBURGH'S Finest Coal delivered by Gole. Prompt delivery. Call evening. BRICK WALL TIES Wholesale retail. Concrete block, brick.

HOSMER BLOCK oi SUPPLY CO. Carrick 7706 Olympla 7411. Juniper 4370-R. Goodyear 3811 Penn Ave. MA.

5959. GROCERY and dwelling tn fast growing North Hills neighborhood: 6 rooms, furnace, double garage: business and real estate. $16,000. Real Realty Co. Atlantic 9126: Perrvsvllle 1857 HEAVY Duty Stale 250 lb.

dial, and TEXOLITE Paint Every color, $2 25 gal. GOLOMB8. 219 3rd Ave. AT. 5353.

COAL Reasonable prices. Large lump, low ash. Delivery anywhere. Adams. 39 Investment Property wcneniey 43U, BUILDING Materials.

Used Lumber 2x4 s. 2x6's. 2x8's: sheeting and flooring. Building being dismanteled at 1308 Allegheny Ave. Bathroom fixtures, pipe, brick.

Adams Ac Watson. Fairfax 5499. 660 lb. dial. Used scales and slicers.

Also meat block and candy case. Atlantic 9857, 1529 Penn Ave. Tile Board 30c sq. ft. GROCERY and Meats Established business; sacrifice account illness.

Hazel 6622 after 6:30 PITTSBURGH Vein lump. $6 50. $6.75. Egg stoker, $6.25. Prompt delivery.

Burrhell Coal. Cedar 5537. cen rurnisn anv quantity. Also mouldings. CENTER BUILDERS' SUPPLY fe SWISSVALE APT.

BLDG. 12 apts. in low rental range. Net lnrome over $1800 Price $19,000. CURRy COLLINS Commonwealth BIdg.

COurt 5283 REFRIGERATOR G. E. needs repairs; sewing machine. Morris chair, table, chest of drawers, miscellaneous. Fairfax 0114.

LUMBER CO. CORDWOOD $15 DELIVERED GROCERY. Meats Homestead, neighborhood corner; sales $800 weekly; nice equipment: Includes 4 livingrooms: stock Inrluded: $4950: good lease. Hemlock 6892 Spring Hill 2 Good Buys 154H) buys a cory home. 4 rooms, bath.

5000 huvs nouse, 6 rooms, bath, furnace. Sell both for H000. WCHa.r-.rTK. L. ft.

tOJ.t WILSON Ave. 6 rooms, bath, furnace, garage; 1 or 2 families. Clifford N. Bauer. Fairfax 2237 Center Ave.

GARDEN SUPPLY CO. AT. 7810 CA. 4221. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lumber, oak flooring, plywood, plasterboard, plaster, lime, rock lath.

LINCOLN LUMBER St SUPPLY CO. 1204 Lincoln Ave. Hiland 2500. REFRIGERATOR "Orunow." 6 cu. ft excellent running condition, $100.

Hazel COAL delivered in your bin, pre-war TRAINS Electric, four complete sets, re- rjunoav or evenings. service, uoiiar loai ienign mote control panel board. Walnut 0997. GROCER Y-Confectionery Established: Frfgldalre equipped: Industrial: North Side Write A 497. Press 40 fvsintss Properties 5oe REFRIGERATOR 6 cu.

ft "Frlgldalr" BUILDING Materials. Used Lumber 2x4 a LUMP. $6 25: egg. $6.00: Run-o -mlne. $5 75.

M. Kaminski, Sterling 3011. completely overhauled. Fieldbrook 1633. Typewriters-Adding Machines Rented.

Bought. Sold and Repaired. PI EASE mention The Pittsburgh Press P.AUM Boulevard Near Neglev Excellent when answering dverttscments HOTEL-RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Steam Tables. Coffee Urns. Stainless Steel Wall panel.

Stainless Steel Canopys. Bread Boxes. Griddles Bun-Warmers. Reach-In Boxes. All Size.

Booths. Leatherette. Tables and Chairs. Available for Immediate Delivery. United RetriftraNoR Sales Service HI.

76011. 5865 BAL'M BLVD. corner. Zoned Commercial. Suitable any 2x6's.

2x8 sheeting and flooring. Building being dismantled at 1308 Allegheny Ave. Bathroom fixtures, pipe. brick. Adams Watson.

Fairfax 5499. REFRIGERATORS Wanted FA. 8745 COAL (Castle Shannon) co*ke. Immedi-ate delivery. Carrick 3095-J.

GROCERY Store Established. Etna: 5 rooms, 2 baths; garage, including 7-room house. $11.000. ST. 0402.

American Typewriter Co Court 1019. ousiness. orica owening. eleven rooms. Worth $30.000 Sell $16,700 Court 1431.

The best costs less per TYPEWRITER Corona) Portable. $25 Homestead 8102. 26 South Hill Hornet Sole, COAL and co*ke. season. Pom's.

BUTCHERS NOTICE Linden 0700. GROCERY and Confect ionery Going busl-ness. Reasonable. Write Box 460. Press.


CASH RIOIS. ton rtL.r loierest in notel: Honor Martin's. Schenley 6344. LIAMS, in sealed metal cans.

$1.61 gallon. OOLOMB S. 219 3rd Ave. AT. 8353.

Bloomncld district. $10,000. Write 468, REFRIGERATORS We will buy your used or trade-In refrigerator All models. Picked up at your home. Highest cash price.

Howard Re frl geratlon Co EV 7137. REFRIGERATOR "Universal," 6 cunio ft. Needs some repair; reasonable. Hiland 3915. BRUSHTON Cleaning and pressing business with 2 storerooms.

2 apartments. Very reasonable. Price $15,000 Call Joseph Thomas. H. 1011.

Finance Realty t'o. 546 Homewnod Ave. TERS. FREEZERS. ETC.

Goodyear Co 3811 Penn Ave. MA. 5959. TRUCKERS. Attention Lump coal.

No wafting at tipple. Locust 3300. USED STONE AND BRICK Connelly School. Bedford and Fullerton. OIVFNS, 100 Sandusky St.

FA. 2464 HOTEL Homestead mill district, licensed. 16 rooms furnished, $14,500. Also other taverns available. Mr.

M. Kih Horn. BUTCHER Shop Fixtures Excellent condition. Inquire 413 Waddell Clalrton. Phone 9963.

COAL "E-Z" PAYMENT PLAN 6 MONTHS. DENCH. HEMLOCK 7143. McKEES Rocks 5 apartments A garage, 7S00 sq. for light manufacturing, etc.

16.50O. terms. FE 2644. stead 5938. Sunday.

P. P. SoinelU. Real- ALLENTOWN Near St. Oeorf s.

Frame. 5 rooms; '50O. Murphy Bros. Realty. LE.

6400 BALDWIN TOWNSHIP $7500 complete. 5 room hungalows Hardwood floors. Oas heat. Copper plumbing. Full laundry.

Sewered. All utilities Large wooded lot. For veterans only. Carrick 4-ttiS, a to 5 p. m.

BALDWIN Township 2-storv brtrk, gas heat. Venetian blinds. Integral garage; ner transferred, must sell at once. it. 500.

Olvmpia 7949. CABINETS Two corner what not cabi CHAMPION COAL Measmer Coal Hemlock 1800 tor. Homestead 2707. REFRIGERATOR All porcelain "Frigld-aire." 6' cubic feet; good condition. Fairfax 9236.

HOT WATER WALK-In meat cooler. 6'x8'. meat display case. 12 feet; 1 h. p.

compressor; Mc-Caskey cash register, good condition. nets -tyleNloriganM-1 56XLehigh 0349. 20-25 tons. rns mottcv LUNCHROOM Small: doing $300 weekly. Michael Scaio.

43 Southern Avenue ui COAL 8tokert, 1st grade, 2 i arentum 625. PIDH A CV nm TiTllve r-u una REFRIGERATOR "Weatinghouae," excel- MANUFACTURING Plant North Side; 5 floors and basem*nt. 30t52'- each. Reasonable, Cedar 2633. Call Van Kirk.

2805 Fast North Side. Pch. Washington. lent running condition: 5 cubic ft. Field WATCH Lady's.

17-Jewel 'Hamilton" 26 WORK BOARDS. BFER 8 STEM 8, BOT- brook 9030. 48 Houtmkold Good's side diamonds, platinum link band with 1LS IOULEK8. LOW PRICES. Goodyear 3811 Penn Ave.

MA. 5959. BS0ILEE3S AND Machine Shop and Bide. $15,000. Sterling 1412.

38 diamonds; value $1200: sell to best RF.FR1GFRATOR 7 cu. ft. Stewart War offer Write 486. Pre. ner; excellent condition: $75.

Jackson 1359. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Warehouse or garage. Priced CAMERA Lelca mode! 3A F.2. Summar lens, leather case, dust can. lens shade.

WATER Heater Electric), 50-gallon ca- eiTy, 9ijh, ana west Liberty Ave. ehigh 9700. Ipolorizing lens, yellow filter. Perfect me-: chanlcal condition: $250. Schenley 1796.

REFRIGERATOR 13 cu. ft. double door Westinghouse; living room suite, mahogany bedroom suite, dark walnut dining room suite, oak chtflorobe. dresser and bookcase: single bed. snrlnes: kitchen ANTIQUES PERIOD MODERN FURNITURE WANTED TOP PRICES PAID Entire Homes Odd Pieces Bought Bedrooms.

Dlningrooms, Kitchen Sets. Gn Anywhere. Anytime LEONARD'S Call HI. 8538 or HI. 7675 to sell, SI 1,500.

Call Joseph Thomas. CH. Kill. Finance Realty Co. 546 Homewnod Ave.

WANTED Warehouse building with railT road siding: one floor Write 480. Press t-sMt kas ana photo equipment bought. Highest cash prices. Camera Exchange. BALDWIN 5-room brick bungalow, integral garage; gas heat: large lot: storm windows and screens: owner transferred Quick sale.

$9,850. Principals only. Csr- i rt 4639-M. BALDWIN Tap See this modern 5-year-old home In country setting. 5 rooms, integral garage, on large lot.

Priced for quick sale at $79tM PEOFNHARDT AGENCY. CA 0119-1276. WATER Heaters No. 500 Troop, multi-coil. Inquire Miss Brandt.

Martin Ferry Hospital. Martins Ferrv. Ohio. Phone 310. cabinet, ironing board.

Court 3162. day- ma rorpes est, schenley 8546. tlmes: Colonial 495, evenings. Good eon- CAMERA 16 m.m. movie, electric WATER Heater Ruud No.

4. ditlon. 875. Churchill 8397. RUGS WANTED MANAGERS TO OWN and operate a fleet of our new 1947 model 5 Ae 10c HOT POPCORN DISPENSERS in Pittsburgh and adjacent town.

This business will appeal to men accustomed to large Income. We train you and help vou establish this business. This requi'res minimum immediate cash Investment of $150O. The managers we select should earn above $100 per week to start. For interview with state manager write giving address and phone number, 446.

Press. 41 GAS or COAL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Farm and Acrmagm Orientals, Chinese. Broadlooms. Domestle Oriental rugs wanted; highest price paid. EVENINQ8 MO.

0528 OR HA. 7289. WHEEL Chair Good condition, $20; corner lnk. right hand drain. Montrose 1316.

ny size, nil Dealer. MI. 0198, evenings and Sunday. Hazel 2744. nxe new: Bargain.

Churchill 8311. CASH Register Wanted 4 drawers. L. 4907 Second Avenue. Hasel i 7290.

I CASH registers, exhaust fans, office equip-! ment and partition, steam tables, work tables. other Items. U. S. Veterans' Hos-pltal Canteen.

Asplnwall. Pa. Sterling 2696. BET RUGS Broadlooms, ell sizes, at bargain prices. Marion Rg 216 N.

Highland FARM Wanted To rent monthlv, cash rental, within 20 miles of Pittsburgh. 30 acres or more: must have electricity and gas; would consider buvtng on monthlv payments: with or without stock and equipment. Apply before 10 a. m. or all dv Friday or Saturday.

E. O. Jarvls, 611 Wabash Pittsburgh. Antiques Household Goods RUGS FURNITURE WANTED Individual pieces or entire homes. Also bric-a-brac, china, and figures, etc.

CALL BELMAR STORAGE You'll Like Our Dealings and Prices. BEECH VIEW $11,500 Feb. I Possession 8 vears old; brick and clapboard; rooms, bsth. hot air heat bv gas. Integral garage; lot 66x129.

landscaped, price includes dinette set and carpet in IR. DR. stairs. Scott Realty Co. AT.

7210 nve. iso open frl, nights. SEE ALEX FIRST Tricycle seats. wholesale or retaiL Bicycles, Tricycle, all sizes: sleds, wagons, auto parts. We ship anywhere.

500 East Ohio St. Fairfax 5578 G0 RUGS wanted East Liberty Fiirnitiira CHAIRS Folding, Steel, Wood Company. Hiland 3363. MEAT, grocery end produce sales over CH. 3164 EVES.

PE. 4523. RUOS Carpets, hall runners wanted; top Banquet, bingo and square tables, benches. Holman. 216 Beam Way.

EV. 3166. eiuw.wu vrariy. rixtures plus Inventory at cost. Hliand 8314.

Hiland 4856. prices, tieimar, en. 3164. fives. PE.

4522. ANTIQUES of merit bought. Gold curio II I II. fi WASHINGTON County Dairy farm. 160 acres.

9-room brick and frame house; good barn, stable, sprtnghouse: electricity; ample water. $9O00. Midwav 24-R-2. NEW .36 Remington rifle, model 141 and sheepskin case, $80; new 16 gauge Remington pump shotgun, model 31. $70.

See at 112 East 8th Homestead, or call Homestead 1387. CIRCULATING Heater 6 section gas BFKCHV1EW S-room frame house, garage, newly decorated, $7000. Owner, IrhtgH cabinets, crystal chandeliers, old-fashioned things wanted. Dorothy Trlnln, Jackson 170O. atg-nm raaiaior.

gwneniey iilt), alter 6 MARS acre. 6 room, all convenience. $50O0: North Park. 6 rooms, stone, bun-gslow; possession. Jordan's.

Grant 2300. ANTIQUES Wanted. Bras, music boxes. MEN -With executive sales ability, to establish retail outlets for leading manufacturer of heating controls. Unlimited possibilities with small investment.

Training program. Write, giving complete qualt-hcations and past experience, 441. Press. NITE Club Near city, sales $2500 week. ICE Skate "Hockey." boy's Olympic Clipper size excellent condition; $10.

Harel 7554. CIRCULATING Coal Heater 3 to 4 rooms. Good condition: $30. Homestead 8102. CIRCULATING Heater Heats 6 rooms.

Hiland 5.167 rnina. norsenair lurnlture. silver, glass. HI. 2505.

MARTHA BROWN. SC. 4431. WILL sell windows new), 10 to 160 units, box factory type, double hung, 18 lights. glazed (no weights), size B.

O. 3'2VxTIV. Write 459. Press. REAL values in real estate are advertised dettr In Th- Press Classified Section.

ANTIQUES APPLIANCES MODERN ICEBOX Capacity 400 suitable tor or restaurant; reasonable. Brandywine 9874. week-days. Sewing Machine Repair Headquarters ESTIMATES FREE By Expert Mechanic Singer Sfwinf Machine Co. 1307 Carsoa St.

IV. 9 1 91 $750 BEECH VIEW $7950 5-room brtck; 2 sun rooms; hot air heat; handy to cars and shopping center. Call Mr Cavanaugh. TUDJA REALTOR FV 1052 BEECHVIEW- 6 rooms, bath, new concrete porch and fruit cellar; near school; excellent location. Immediate possession.

Fieldbrook 085. pest clientele, write 484. Press. FURNITURE NEEDED HI. 3363 HI.

1073. EVES 41 A Oat of Town Html Estate 5x7 Portrait pan cut film; fresh dated; $150 per dozen. Liberty Photo Supply, 706 Smithfield St. Grant 1274. Cold Rolled Hot Rolled GALVANIZED STEEL SHEETS Large supply, most gauges and sixes State size gauge, quantity and price will pay.

Write 478. Press PEANUT Machines 15 practically new; 6-lb. globes, $150. Hazel 6036. JEAST LIBERTY FURNITURE CO.

BEDROOM Suites 12 I Man. tw colored: 5 Dee. full sized bed- I R. U. Ooing into Buslne or Remodeling? IT WILL PAY TOU TO SEE US FIRST.

GOODYEAR STORE FIXTURE CO. 3811 PENN AVE MA. 5959. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, bath. 2 front porches, double garage, acre of ground, fruit trees, drilled well, large cistern, foundation for another building completed: immediate possession.

A. c. Green. Trafford Rd Harrison City. CONCRETE BLOCK PHOTOGRAPHIC studio and camera supplies store, complete with equipment and business.

Inquire 3385 Main HoUi-days Cove. Weirton 85 dinette set, 5 table top range, porce- 1 PEECHVIFW 6-room brick: $9500 KIEIN. 8 14 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO 1O00 BRENTWOOD Modern 5-room brick; Integral garage: neirijr decorated: $10,000. Weber.

Carrick 0850. EP VERO CO. MI. 1800. iinrn i en.

porco set, gar- den tools, wardrobe trunk. radio floor i CONFECTIONERS NOTTC. NEW and Used: Building materials. Real bargain; large selection. General Wrecking Co 6428 Penn Ave.

MO. 5900. moaet, oooacase. walnut 6557 Jackson DISPLAY CASES. POP COOLERS.

CASH REGISTERS. TABLES. CHAIRS. SEWINO MACHINE SERVICE Adjustment in th horn. Also shop service if required.

Part and supplies INSELDRIC Immediate Installation Free Engineering Advice Ma Cash Nd4. ta 3a Months Ta Pay. ft In lea Santa Lacatiaa Call er Writa GUTBRO CONST. CO. SI0 MARKET ST.

Car. 111. af Alliae AT. UtS Tea Orimimml Imsmlbrie Storm" Goodyear jail Penn Ave. MA.

5959. FRAME House, all conveniences, can be made into apartments, also 500 rapacity chicken coop, brooder, at 56 Cleveland Avenue. Manor. Pa. Abo 5 building lota.

Hempfield Twp W. F. Robbing, 4 First Ave. Derrv, Pa. BEDROOM 8ulte Six-piece walnut, like new, used 8 months, cost 8331.

cell for THREE hole Ice cream cabinet and compressor. Also grocery shelving. Millvale 1761-W. POP CORN MACHINES Super Star, theater model: commercial volume poppers for manufactured natural or bottled gas connections: liberal trade-in allowance for used machines CHCNK-E-NUT PRODUCTS 2908 Smallman Pgh. 1.

Pa. AT. 6760. BRENTWOOD Brick. 5 rooms; $12,000.

KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD. IP. 1000. Brick As clapboard, 6 near Resurrection: $9500 PAUL N.


28 Revere St, Herron HUl. between available. i rcn enttl ct. S.EK.-1JA I. ii ana i.

OLD fashioned furniture, bric-a-brac, miscellaneous, private home sale; sacrifice. 511 Trinoli N. S. BEDS, spring, mattresses, brand new: all HOTEL for sale, with license. Fullv eonlcoed and 14 rooms Olbaortla 258-M Corrugated Sheats KAUFUANN'S Atlantis IOOO, sues.

as. Also innersprlng mattresses. SleepweJl Product 429 Liberty Ave. BROOKLINE Blvd Brick As shinsle. 5 rooms; owner occupied: A-l shape; $11 500 PAUL N.

SMITH AOENCY. LE 1500 KtsiAURANT Liquor license and income property lauartment hutirftri- WANTED Buildings to tear down. Any location. Everglade 4286. 42 Wanted ftaf Estate Haselwood district.

BED Single, maple, box springs; eom- ocneniey a3J. (Alaai.aa) 10, 12 tt. Unetks picix; pre-wr construction; reasonable. Hemlock 0743. RADIO Repair Laboratory Complete.

Phone Oanonsburg 472. THE Business Service Column In Press Want Ads Includes every craft and trade necessary for home maintenance. BROOKLINE 6-room brick; $(5500. KLEIN. 814 BROOKLINE BLVD.

LO 1000. SROOKLLN 5 rms. bath, $7900 PAUL SMITH AGENCY. LE. 1500 ANY good single home or duplex In Shadyside.

Regent Square, Linden or Squirrel Hill district, up to $25,000. Mrs. Bums, HA. 2140 or JA. 2017.

EDS win metal, springs, kidney dreas- list liC IM.HtUIATE DELIVERY. H. H. BUNCHER CO. REPAIR Garage 40 x50' paved with ne SEWING Machines Treadles a low aa $10; many electric available.

H. Lots. 131 Slilloh Street, Mt. Washington, Ever- tlade 9793: 1926 Chateau Street, North ide. Cedar -0542.

rNSULATION New 3-inch wool bat. $5.50 per 100 sq. ft. Brandywine 2222. concrete.

Ready for use. All necessary mg caoie, wmte enamel sink. carncK 6264-R. equipment: 2-car garage in rear: 50" 83S Shore Awa. at Mickiter Irltlat driveway, new concrete.

Ertr. 46A Wmmrimg A parol LACQUER WHITE AND ALL COLORS. q-? nd lacquer undercoaters. OOLOMB S. 219 3rd Ave.

AT. 5353. CARRICK 8 -room brick colonial, gas hot water heat, tile bath; hardwood floors; quick possession: $10,500. Call Mr Fraser. TUDJA REALTOR FV.

1052 Located on highway BEDROOM Suite Maple. 3 pieces, eoro- filete; excellent condition; bargain; mov-ng. Hilaad 4948. 2 I niAMOvni-r-aBAT Gasoline Locations Wanted By National Organisation Will Rent or Buy Olve full particular In your letter ss to location, sire, rent or sales price. Write 484.

Press. RESTAURANT One of Monongahela's finest and oldest: In heart of city Call LIONEL EQUIPMENT BED (Youth's), complete, cream color, excellent condition. 820. Fremont 2463. Forfeited loan.

Beautiful diamond, set in lady latest style mounting with sparkling side diamonds. Sacrifice for $195 Price SINGER SEWING MACHINES REGARDLESS OF AGE WILL PAY UP TO $35 GRANT 1372 CttM- 1419 Feaaj Ave. raunonganeia yriyt ARMY SURPLUS Naw Flying- Jacket $20 00 Combat Boot 5 98 Officer' "Pink" Trousers JO. 95 Ann? 2.98 O. D.

Elsenhower Jacket. 9.98 RESTAURANT and grocery, stock and Freight and passenger cars, smoke pellet, transformers, other accessories. Cor.klln Radio Co 1405 Lincoln E. Pgh. BED, springs, dresser, washstand, dressing table.

Phone Carrick 1691-R. CARRICK-See this beautiful, modern brick. In Raleigh Square. 2412 Edgar 6 rooms tile bath: integral garage: on Mock schools, cars, shopping. Priced for cuick sale, $12,000.

DEGENHARDT AGENCY. CA. 0119-1276 natures, iisw; must sell because of Illness. 1200 River Avenue. North Ride HOUSE or business property on Baum Blvd Call Museum 2400.

mciuaes tax this ring is the greatest value for the money in the city. 12 months to pay. Discount to veterans. JOHNSTON'S. 405 Smithfield BED Youth's; bathinette; excellent con-dltlon.

Hazel 5514. Bomber Jacket. RESTAURANT for sale, cheap. 23O0 Center Ave Fairfax 6201. SWEEPERS Rebuilt Hoover, Eleetrolux.

General Electric Eureka; all makes, models; 814.95 up. Parts, repair any make sweeper National Electric, 405 Federal St. Cedar 8311. CARRICK Brick. 6 rms garage.

$8950. LIONEL OO gauge freight train outfit; 44 the with extras; 22 caliber Martin lever action rifle, brand new. Penhurst 9840. HOUSE for Attorney North Side or North Boroughs. Linden 3558.

MT. Lebanon rLrmnrl 1 16 50 498 4.95 495 6.95 .52 rai'ii rs. siuiin auehuy IE 1500 RESTAURANT Good location, pric reasonable. 847 Western Ave. Ask for Mike.

Army Sleeping Army Shoes. Navy Army Brief wood home. Pay $12,000 cash. LB. 3237? BEDROOM KITCHEN Furniture Household Goods TOP CASH DOLLAR PAID STATION FURNITURE EXCHANGE EM.

5323 Eves. HI. 5864 TOY FACTORY SACRIFICE Navy Fatigue Pant. DIAMOND solitaire, out of estate. Exquisite large American precision cut fiery diamond, set in modern extra fine newly designed mounting.

A perfect engagement ring for her. Sacrifice for $95. This low price 20 Jewelry tax. Easy credit terms If desired. Discounts to veterans.

1.95 aesires nome in soutn Hills. Can pay up to $10,000, FI. 2831. FEDERAL ARMY STORE, Completely equipped, wood working machinery spray equipment, large stock materials, merchandise, and nnn. H-TTTjinr) OLD Brick or Stone Rouse East End Wllklnsburg or nearby.

On that Is pos-slble to make Into double house e.n. LUMBER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Hardwood flooring; Plywood; Knotty Pin ,12 Pine: Tile Board; 1x4 Yellow pin flooring; 3 5 penny common nail. 2 Lumber BIdg. Supply 1414 Brighton Rd. Cedar foal Phone Grant 3523; Sunday evenings Hasei 213 Fedejral St Cedar 0617.

WE MAIL FREE ANYWHERE CLOTHES Wanted Men's used. Highest price paid. Daytime. Atlantic 9442. Eve-nings.

Hasel 5459. not pay Inflated prices. Churchill 9696. CLARKS, 419 Snithfitld St. PART Interested In 6-8 room brick.

East CARRICK 6-room brick; $8500. KLEIN, 814 BROOKLINE BLVD. LO. 1000 jlASTLE Shannon EngHah" itvTe brick, like new; 6 spacious rooms, til batn. $ton fireplace, interior decoaated.

modem kitchen; Venetian blinds, screens, storm ash. gas hot water heat, slate roof, integral garage: $12,600. Possession 30 day. Oer, Carrick 2264. CASTLE Shannon Bungalow type, 4 rooms, bath: 2-car garage: lot 40x168; Immediate possession: $5500.

DWQWTTHAKDT AGENCY. CA. 0119-1278. DORMONT Arranged 2 families. 4 room, hath each floor; convenient location.

Owner will consider $10,000. Murphy Bros. Realty. LE.6400 WOMEN and Children Apparel Shop-. Must sell at once.

Reason, poor health. Priced right. Write Box 4S8 PTess murrnj yicirrrro. amrrson lisrj. BEDS! BEDS! BEDS! Large selection wood and metal bed.

Innersprlng mattresses, maple, walnut, mahogany. Also Roll-away beds, all sizes. Studio couches, spring-filled, crib beds, youth beds. Murphy bed, ice boxes. Bargains.

IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Cstswrman's, S25S Franks. Av. DIAMOND UNPAID LOAN. Large blue white diamond in tailored yellow gold 'or $95 This low price CLOTHING Wanted Used, men'. Highest price.

Dealer. AT. 9068 evenings; Sun-dys. EM. 1340.

COMPLm! 1. i PRINCIPALS Only 6-room house, id to North Hills, South Hill or PRESS Classified Advertising is unrivaled for quick result In renting ail typea of I outfit, ready to go. for ambitious person: 4--iQj ijlagltCH ntngs. luiiem, oeeo casn.

call a. uy terms; discount to veterans. DROFFS, 411 Snithfitld St. LUMBER Seasoned, half price, different COAT Grey, genuine raccoon collar, 6 new maternity dresses. 12-14.

all 830. Jackson 2983. ur wru, VIClOr THREE bedroom honse with two hath. rrmsmar Toronto, Ohio. "erai motor; miscellaneous.

Mayflower 4639. STUDIO Couches Floor samples, slightly soiled, greatly reduced: Innersprlng construction. Sleep we 11 Product Co, 429 BEDROOM Suite 3-piece. full size bed. CASH FOR YOUR BUSINESS large lot In city or nearby suburbs; prompt possesion.

Write A. 4. P. 6. Box 116, Pittsburgh, 30.

DAIRY STORES NOTICE COMPgTK T.TVW WTVrTTBww atavw Mrk'tn. Bar equipment. TermST nsnn-psmtea paste i green, asp. Maxei 1461 AVC CUSTOM tailored blue overcoat, tuxedo with silk vest, sport coat, all six 36-37. practice My new.

Outgrown) bargain. Sterling 5915. BGERMAN aOIlW. Call GEO. L.

MILLER CO. FA. 2477. rTURI CO. Goodyear 3811 Penn Ave.

MA. 5959. pTSteT 2703 Penn Ave. reason- Grant 4673-4. bedroom.

Suite (5) New: immediate delivery. (Dealer Locust 0608, 10-5 p. m. TWIN bedo, mahogai able. ChurchtU MIS..

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.