The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Appleton Post-Crescent Piirs IVenty Circulation Grows at Weyauwega Boy Drives Steer Instead of Pony Scores Profit System Of American Industry Special to Post-Crescent New London A charge against the profit system of industry was cers Earl Thomas and Alfred Go-sha. The machine was found abandoned on Elm-st between Sixth and Seventh-sts, where it had apparently been left by the thieves. Menasha police were notified of the recovery. Stolen Menasha Car la Recovered Here A Buick coach, stolen Wednesday at Menasha, was recovered here at 1 o'clock this morning by Offi OvAKTr AM AVIATOR HAS FU3WM A Kaukauna and Neenah Fives Clash Tonight Coach Little's Squad Has Fair Chance to Beat Rockets Bank Depositors to Meet This Evening Special to Post-Crescent New London A meeting of depositors of the Farmers State bank will be called this evening at the high school auditorium to explain a stabilization or waiver plan, it was announced on Thursday. After the details of the plan have been presented, a request will made for signed waivers.

Due to the fact that the two banks operate under different laws, one under federal supervision and the other under state supervision, it was found impossible to handle the stabilization program Jointly. Each Is forced to carry out an individual program. Committeemen appointed circulated throughout the community Thursday explaining the waiver plan to depositors. AccooratG cloc to GttGvonGoo'o nvQ payable at tHalc GtSorCe 10 sroo Eaavo ouch on account Eiandly cfcoj? Sua and malic arrange-oonatto payment. New London Library Special to Post-Crescent New London During Janu ary children's books totaling 1,742 were circulated here by thelibrary.

Adults read 3,222 volumes, while 115 pictures and 21 clippings were requested. Reference questions numbering 275 were presented to the city librarian, Miss Alice Frei-burger. This represents an increase of 138 over the figures of a month of a year, ago, it was said, and 1585 over the preceding month. Non-fiction books loaned showed an increase of 300 over December. Residents are requesting a higher type of reading material and are devoting more time to improvement through selection of better material, Miss Freiburger states.

There is a 'constant increased demand for books for which there has hitherto been little call. The report for the month shows the following figures: Children, non fiction, 479. Children, fiction, 1.263 Adult, non fiction, 809. Adult, fiction, 2,413. Clippings, 21.

Pictures, 115. Total, 5,100. Reference questions, 275. COLDS Safe, quick relief in a hurry. Take two HILL'S CASCARA QUININE tablets right away follow directions and watch COLDS GO IN A DAY HILL'SQ made by E.

Calef in his address Wednesday night at the first of a series of dinner talks sponsored by the Methodist. Brotherhood. Mr. Calef subject was "Pay Day," and his talk brought out the ethical and practical standpoints introduced by thinkers of today in dealing with present day problems. Mr.

Calef introduced the criticism made by Orientals against western civilization. Christianity in our country is not practiced, say these people, as it is taught by missionaries from this land, and they point with amazement to its lack as they come from their countries after being led to believe it is practiced here, he said. This forgetfulness of the fundamental ethics of Christianity, Mr. Calef believed to be due to our system of industry for profits. Industry is carried on, he said, for use rather than for effect and any theory that teaches that profits can be Indefinitely continued would be a fallacy.

The speaker claimed that the past history of the nation is reflected in the present economic situation and that so long as our adopted profit system of industry continues there will always be ultimate peaks of prosperity followed with depths of depression. Name Committee to Govern Gym Program Special to Post-Crescent New London At the citizens' gymnasium period at the high school Thursday evening a business meeting was called by R. J. McMa- hon, superintendent of schools. The speaker pointed out the increasing interest in sports and stated that this interest had created the need of an organization to govern the gymnasium activities.

While no definite organization was formulated, a committee was named to work out plans. Robert Monsted was named He will be assisted by E. M. Donrier, M. A.

Ullerich and John Bartenstein. It has been suggested that eventually leagues will be formed to govern the play of volley ball, indoor ball and basketball. sited her husbands NO Ghost! WEEPI if KaukAun Kaukauna high school cagers this evening will have a favorable opportunity to break a jinx held by Neenah high school teams since basketball games between teams of the two schools were started. In the history of basketball of the two schools there has never been a victory marked up on a Neenah team by any of the Kaws, although some of the quints In previous years set comparable records. This year Neenah has been able to score only one victory, that being last Friday againat their sister high school rival, Menasha.

Menasha took an easy victory from Kaukauna on the local court in a ragged game one week previous to the clash with Neenah. Kaukauna also has marked but one victory of any note that being a 13 to 12 deci-Mon eked out over Freedom high cagers on the local court. In a game with the alumni the Littlemen also registered a 14 to 10 victory. The best performance by the Kaws was at St. Mary's, Menasha, where they held the Catholic cagers to a 23 to 20 victory arter losing a lead in the final minutes of play.

Last Friday the Littlemen journeyed to Clintonvjlle, where they also weakened in the final minutes to give the FWD team a 20 to 15 victory. Neenah will hold the advantage by being able to entertain the Kaws on their own floor, where they will able to arch their long shots better than if playing at Kaukauna. Coach Ole Jorgensen has been drilling his team hard for the fray with the Kaws and will use his best lineup. Schermitzler, a newcomer to the Kaw squad this year, has been showing marked improvement in the past two games and will start at center fur the Kaws. He has plenty of height and with a little more experience should prove to be a valuable asset to the Kaw lineup.

Grogan and Dix Will be Coach Little's choices for forward positions, and Block and Stanelle will start at guards. In reserve will be Heinz, Walsh, Sischo, Nagel, and Wolf. Social Items Charming New Spring Patterns OOXJPE JUST TO GBX AWAf FpOM New London Personals New London Mrs. F. J.

La Marche is a patient at Community Russell Knister, son of Dr. Otto Knister of Clmtonvllle underwent a minor operation at community hnsnital Thursday. Kenneth 'Wrieht Is recovering from an operation for appendicitis at Community nospitai. Walter Stern, Mukwa, also is a patient there, having undergone an operation Tuesday night. Martin Hayes, Waupaca underwent a mastoid operation at Community hospital on Thursday, LADIES AID TO MEET Bear Creek The Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church will hold a social meeting at the church basem*nt at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.

Feb. 8, The women of St. Mary congregation will give an open card party at the Grange hall Monday evening Feb. 13. Lady Catllard.

tfUr recent eanca. assarted that spsotral hand. fhort manipulated the kfys of a typewriter, ttM "EIlectosrraph." Tbsn cam a xnessaart front feer husband's speetw. all, the ghost kissed her during one of his and two hot tears fell on her hand. But that's onl'y 'one astounding detail described by Her Ladyship, Several other startling experiences are related in her account of ghostly visits which appear among many more unusual features 1 ft VI ft 0 Special to Post-Crescent tvmnwrri John Ouade.

son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Quade, drives a trained steer around the village streets and the animal behaves and obeys like a pony. It is hitched to a two wheel cart. Needless to say, John enjoys his rides and is envied by his playmates.

Miss Ella Richter entertained a bridge club at her home Monday evening. Mrs. John Sherburne entertained the Monday Night bridge club this week. Mr. and Mrs.

Louie Rach went to Marshfield Monday to visit Otto Rach, Chili, formerly of Weyauwega who is in St Joseph hospital, where he underwent an operation. The high school basketball quintet plays the Manawa five Friday evening on the local floor. Mrs. Herman Buckholz was hostess to the meeting of St Peters Lutheran Aid society in the church parlors Thursday. The Dorcas1 Society of the Methodist church met with Mrs.

R. Kelley Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Pagel accompanied her daughter, Mrs. L.

Ashford to her home in Washington, D. for an indefinite visit. Keach 300-Foot Depth In Search for Oil Kaukauna A depth of 300 "feet is expected to be reached at the close of drilling activities today in search of oil oh the Peter Verbochel farm here, according to Louis J. Faust, of the J. J.

Faust and Sons Well Drilling which is in charge of the drilling. The Verbochel farm is located four miles from the city on County Trunk Q. E. L. Smith, Michigan, is assisting in the search.

$60 Fire Damage at Aufreiter llesidcnce Kaukauna Loss estimated at $60 was caused about 6:30 Thursday evening at the Otto Aufreiter residence on Doty-st when an overheated oil' stove ignited the kitchen wall. The fire-department was called to extinguish the blaze. It was the second alarm to be answered by the firemen Thursday, the first being a fire In the basem*nt of Holy Cross church earlier in the day. Utility Commission Meets This Evening Kaukauna The utility commission will meet this evening in the offices of the city water and electrical department In the municipal building. Transaction of routine business and consideration of bills will take place.

Library Board to Meet Monday Night Kaukauna-The library board will meet Monday evening In the public library clubrooms. Monthly business will be transacted and bills will be considered. A report of Miss Bernice Happer, librarian, for the month of January will be received. Continue Rehearsals For Play Competition Kaukauna Workmen of the north road district were continuing collection of- rubbish here today. The work is expected to be completed this week.

Thomas Reardon, 6treet commissioner, is directing the crews in charge, Two Kaukauna Teams in Women's Bowling Meet Kaukauna Two teams of women bowlers will enter the state tournament at Menasha Sunday. The teams will be the High Hatters and Holy Rollers, who hold the top positions in the Women's league here. MEET MONDAY NIGHT Kaukauna School commissioners will meet in the offices of the high school to transact monthly business Monday evening. Bills also considered. CHILD IS INJURED Special to Post -Crescent Oneida Margaret 6-year-old daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Preston Mann, fell while skating and broke her collar bone Monday. The Women's and Men's clubs have engaged the Rev. Hoyler of in All Silk Prints $1.00 yd. A rich all silk rough crepe with grounds of blue in various shades, black with white or colors, beige and brown, green with white.

Both very small patterns and large all-over effects. $1.00 a yard. .6 Kaukauna Fraternal Order of Eagles met Thursday evening in the clubrooms on Wisconsin-ave. Monthly business was transacted. 132 E.

First Floor $1.00 First Floor Unusual New Designs in Mallinson Prints, SI. 5 9 yd. All-Over Patterns in Taupe, Hyacinth, Black and White, $1.29 yd. New London Society Special to Post-Crescent New London The Happy Go Lucky club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Clarence tic audoin. Prizes at cards were won by Mrs.

Milo Smith and Mrs. Lotus Smith. Lunch was served. The next meeting will 5e held at the home of Mrs. Smith Old Settlers met Thursday afternoon at the, home, of Mrs.

A. R. Margraff. Mrs. Margraff won the award at bridge.

Substitutes were Mrs. D. O. Blissett and Mrs. Phoebe Ann Potter.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Zaug will entertain the Golf Supper club at their home next Thursday evening.

Bridge will follow dinner. The Tuesday five hundred club met this week at the home of Mrs. E. J. Schoenrock.

Prizes were won by Mrs. Ben Hendrick and Mrs. Louis Abraham. Guests were Mrs. Arthur Lasch, Mrs.

Arthur Mathews, Mrs. William Tank, Mrs. Henry Ruhsam, Mrs. Rosaline Schoenrock and Mrs. W.

E. Gherke. Mrs. Frank Schoenrock will be the next hostess. Conduct Last Rites For Robert Swinton Special to Post-Crescent New London The funeral of Robert Swinton, 63, Northport, whose death occurred early Tuesday morning, was held Thursday at the residence in Northport, with services later at the Adventist church in this city.

Burial was in Floral Hill cemetery. Pallbearers were Daniel Doud, Gabriel Smith, Orson Davis, Elmer Walker, Nate Lozier and Micheal Stewart, all of Northport. UNION MEETS TONIGHT Special to Post-Crescent New London A meeting of the Labor union will be held at Union hall this evening. Plans for winter educational work will be discussed. COUNCIL MEETS TUESDAY Special to Post-Crescent New London Councilmen will meet next Tuesday evening at city hall.

Routine affairs will be discussed. Green Bay to give a lecture Tuesday, Feb. 7, on the subject, "Insects of the at the Epworth hall. The lecture will be free The clubs gave a chicken supper last Saturday evening. Mrs.

A. McAbee of De Pere Is spending the winter with her son Mike Nolan of Oneida. Mrs. Jimmison Skenandoi is recovering after having suffered a stroke about a month ago. Plan for Better Control of Colds Proved by Tests Greensboro, N.

CY In clinical tests among thousands in schools, colleges and homes the new Vlcks Plan for better Control of Colds reduced the number and duration of colds by half! cut the costs of colds more than half! Full details of the Plan are in each package of Vicks VapoRub and the new Vicks Nose Throat Drops. Adv. Lb. 24c A Titled Englishwoman Describes How She Gets Messages From Her Spouse's Spirit and Tells How the Spectre Kissed Her and Wept Hot Tears. College Ave.

1 1 1 i Ascot Scarf 1.00 new; or or dotted or lacy 39c 59c Lady Caillard, widow of the recently ased British railway magnate, believes she has been in communication with her dead husband from the world beyond the grave. She asserts she has not only been able to see her husband as he was in the flesh, but also to feel the grasp of his hand. And most remarkable of The New Jewelry Presents Hyacinth An Exquisite Shade in Combination with Metal That exquisite shade hyacinth is new in jewelry and so effective. Necklaces of hyacinth beads, metal ill necklaces with hyacinth bead pendants a variety I AiyU of styles at $1.00. Cluster Bracelets of Bright Metal 59c and $1.00 Very narrow bracelets, a cluster of NEXT SUNDAY in the THEAMERICAN them, in cut metal with a finish resembling gold and silver.

A set of six bracelets at 59c and a set of 12 at $1.00. A set of four for a child at 25c. I Wtttt AatfMVftiMjf W0tkSff fVa9M Slave Bracelets, Part of the SENTINEL A Regular SUNDAY or Wanes zmthout Mnir The AH White P3 or Knights of Columbus ladies met Thursday afternoon in the club-rooms on Wisconsin-tve. Cards followed the business meeting and prizes were won by Mrs. Ed Thelen and Mrs.

Carl Ttunte in bridge, Mrs. Martin Ilelndel and Mrs. Albert Wolf in schafkopf, Mrs. Ernest Lsndreman and Mrs. Miller, Sherwood, in five hundred.

The Neighborhood club met at the home of Mrs. Harry Treptow on Oviatt-st Thursday afternoon. Prizes in cards were won by Mrs. Jacob Ittgenfuss and Mrs. John Schuh.

The next meeting will' be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Bccbe. Kaukauna Post No. 41, American Legion, will hold an old-time dancing party Friday, Feb. 10, in the Combined Locks pavilion.

Music will be furnished by a local orchestra. Plans Abandoned for High School Operetta Kaukauna Plans for the operetta "Oh Doctor," which was to have been given during March, have been dropped it the high school, according to school officials. Preparations for staging the operetta had already been begun by Miss Lucille Austin, director of musical activities. The operetta, which had become an annual event at the high school, is being discontinued for financial reasons, school officials Mated. Large Crowds Attend Services at Church Kaukauna Large crowds attended morning services held Thursday in observation of the Feast of Purification, which is known as Candlemas Day, in the Catholic churches.

Holy Cross and St. Mary's churches held special morning with blessing of candles following Thursday. Today both churches are celebrating the Feast of St. Blase. Kaukauna Gun Club Calls Annual Meeting Kaukauna The annual meeting of the Kaukauna Gun club will be held at the club near the fifth government lock at 10 o'clock Sunday morning.

Transaction of routine business and election of officers will take place. The league schedule for the ensuing year will be arranged. Stomach and Blood sSfS7 "TVONT be that 1 worst pest of all I I the chronic suffer- passes germs on to friends or family. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery builds up the stomach and the blood so that the entire system feels the beneficial effect.

Your akin clear vp, your appetite increanea, you feel more peppy than you huva felt in year. Read this: 'lly mother always gave Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery mm a blood and stomach medicine, aid Cba. Van Sickle of tel LaCroxae St. LaCrosse, Wis.

"I think it is the beat tnedi-rine. especially in prin(iime to build up and improve the blood; it also regulates t3 liver md fog a ftaaitVS 7 IIRniiIblbiiinifl Of Silk Pique Of Crinkle Crepe Of Jacquard Crepe IP(D)MsMimf2 i-5 It' truyou can have baau Smart, chic and different, these As- cots of silk pique with fringed ends; "Appleton's Oldest Candy Shop" WEEK END SPECIALS PAN CANDY. Good Variety, OA Per. Lb V. OUC Peanut Candy, Cocoanut Brittle, Peanut Brittle, AA Cream and Mollasses Taffy, Lb.

lC or of crinkled crepe, very jacquard design. All very inexpensive, too CHICKEN BONES, Per tiful waxed floors without ihm drudgery of rubbing or polish ing. UiaDRl-BRITElha amazing now liquid wox that, tru to its noma, dries bright. You limply apply it to the floor, wait I9minutotond brillionthard-finish luster is thero. Try this great labor-saving wox today On sale ot oil deportment, hardware drug, point and grocery stores 75c per pine 1 .73 per quart Nose Veils, 25c First Floor OUR BEST REGULAR ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, Now, Lb.

New Tri-Length Artcraft Hose Bmn-iBminriE was Mod by M1RACUL VAX CO, J307-9-H N. IiA St, SL Mo. $1-00 pr. Don't Waif Until It's Too Lafo The person who keeps on putting off that visit to his doctor for a thoroughgoing physical checkup has only himself to blame if he suffers a "breakdown later. The "Reliable Prescriptions" druggist can be depended upon to cooperate intelligently and skilfully with your doctor.

Tailored Fabric Gloves from Kayser $1.00 pr- A new spring style fastened at th wrist with a large pearl button. Overseara sewn. In black, white, new beige and doeskin. $1.00 a pair. Other New Kayser Gloves at C9c and 79c pr.

The top of the hose is a new style, double and protected with a run stop. Fasten the garter at any point of the double top according to the length you wish. The new Art-craft shade is a rich brown tone. $1.00 a pair. Artcraft'a "Whiff Chiffon Hose, $1.95 pr.

1 sf'-m True Values 99 1 a 1' "The Store of DRUG STORE 134 E. College Ave. Phone 751 lour Registered Pharmacists ready to compound your prescriptions. THE PETTIBONE-PEABODYCO..

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.