The Reporter from Lansdale, Pennsylvania (2024)

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YES! IT IS GELLER Sad Case of Suicide STILL HOPING OR PEACE Lansdale Pa TERMS CASH at the Old Store eeend cta matter Lansdale paJ No 25 KEEP IN THE RUSH ORDER NOW who for Spring Delivery pair 19 25 A SUCCESSUL Cups and saucers per set 2Se GARDEN YOU CAN HAVE IT I YOU PLANT 49 Johnson Seeds fine CASH STORE ADVERTISE IN 98 25 WASHINGTON LETTER STAR PORTLAND equal If not superior The Tailors 25 rare 4c Snppliee been arrived at between the President and have conferred with him in thelaBt'llireedavs Is Your Tailor Perfectly Satisfactory? Terms Strictly Cash POOL SON THE TAILORS JOHN WANAMAKER LANSDALE PA William Ellwoofl Palmer eon of Charles IL Palmer hotel keeper at Jarrenown formerly a well known resident of Willow Grove ended hie life al a cheap lodging house nt 219 North Ninth street Philadel $125 $125 Snbscrlie for the Lansdale Reporter the beet advertising medium in the county $125 per Year $150 per Year There is a movement on foot in Congress seeking to establish fnnugnrntion Day on the last Wednesday in April instead of the 4ih pf March The principal reason given for the desired change is the usual inclem ency of the weather on the latter day as much inconvenience is caused to those attending the ceremonies and it is a matter of fact that many serious cases of sickness and death have resulted When it is taken into consideration that George Washington was inaugurated on the 30th of April though the postponement was due entirely to un avoidable delay our inborn desire to imitate his virtues should carry us so far as to take into consideration the health of those who take sufficient interest and who show their patriotkin by coming hundreds of miles to witness the induction of a Chief Magistrate by fixing the day at a time when the weather at all times more or less un certain can be more fully depended upon SUBSCRIPTION In Advance If net In Advance The New York Herald has gathered the opinions of a large number of business and professional men in all parts of the country as to how the existing difficulty between tbis country and Spain can be peacefully settled It was a good thing to do as tend iug to show the trend of public sentiment outside of the newspapers The replies to the queries suggest Arbitration between the United States and Spain and between Spain and Cuba purchase of Cuba by this country its purchase by the Cubans joint action by the United States and Ettg land to stop the war in Cuba a staple gov ernment for the island under the joint aus pices of the United States and Spain and the self government of the island under Spanish suzerainty As a whole howeyer the writers show a general inclination to trust the disposition of the whole matter to the wisdom of President than which they could not come to a better con clusion Governor Pingree proposes to make poll tics lively in Michigan this year and the purpose back of it is probably his desire to succeed Julius CTsar Burrows in the United Suites Senate He has called the Legisla ture together in extra session to take such action as will reach the "tax in cluding railroad and other corporations and he declares that in his special message he will give the names and postoffice addresses of all the lax dodgers in the State That will make interesting reading fur an official document Me also startles all concerned by the issue of a proclamation calling atten tion to the provisions of two Slate laws prescribing penalties one for offering and the other for accepting any bribe to or by any executive legislative or judicial officer uf the Stale or any gift or gratuity with intent to influence his action on any matter that may come before him in his public capacity Levi Dolts and George Heaton of Norris town who left for the Klondike several weeks ago are among the 8 5 passengers of the steam schooner Townsend whose boilers gave out leaving her at the mercy of the waters of the Pacific ofl Como will be wheels No incident of the recent multiplication of industries has attracted more attention and been the occasion of more comment than that relating to cotton seed which in anti belluni days was the bane of the Southern farmer but now brings him large sums of money Instead of piling it in the fields to rot or dumping it into streams it is now utilized in the manufacture of a dozen differ ent paper fertilizers cattle feed soap lard oil and other articles and brings millions of dollars to the section of the country in which It is produced Everything adapted to the needs of mankind in this climate carefully selected bong hl nt lowest wholesale prices and to be sold at a fair living profit In Groceries we are not excelled by nny and equaled by hut few of our competitors This is an age of cheap selling and we are in the race Quoting prices is you all know the low selling price of table necessities Our goods are fresh and pure and takeonr word for it we will sell to you as cheap as nny other dealer Cements DYCKERHO PORTLAND (imported) I convince lie most incredulous that it is claimed will be justified by re Glassware A very fine line of and crockery ware plain and decorative lea ami dinner seis plates cups and saucers as low as they are to be had anywhere Corporations Control It Boots and Shoes Somethin'' special In ladies shoes this week for SI per pair all sizes while they last An extra good value In children's shoes at 40 and Hoc per pair A good calfskln sizes 12 13 and 1 for per pair Guin boots and guin shoes (n all styles and sizes al the very lowest prices If so stick to him If not try us Suits from $5 UP Your money back on demand if not satisfactory MARRIED HUNSBERGER March 2fi 1fW at Laosdnle by Kev I Becker Mr Har vey Keller of Philadelphia to Miss ba rah The United States is not alone in its efforts to create a formidable navy All of the great nations of the world are rapidly pre paring for possible hostilities All Europe is an armed camp Germany is expending 195000000 in the building of battleships and cruisers England is to make additions to her already powerful fleet and her naval budget carries $127000000 Russia has set apart $70000000 for new ships and it is suspected that a great shipbuilding yard is Wife laid out at Port Arthur possibly tinder the direction of Charles Cramp who is now speeding eastward across the Atlantic rance is making plans for building vessels at an expense of about $50000000 while Japan is hurrying to completion a very great addition to a nayy which is already au im pwingone Thus at the end of the century war clouds surround us all for there are many great questions to be settled And yet may it not be that in these vast prepara tions we shall find safety and that the nations will hesitate long before resorting to their death dealing machines? Beginning this week active preparations for the State Conventions of the Republicans Democrats and Prohibitionists at Harrisburg will go forward The Prohibition Conven tion will lead ofl on May 19 and 20 On Thursday the 2d of June the Republicans will make their nominations and a month later the Democrats will meet Chairman Garman of the Democratic State committee will be in Harrisburg this week to arrange for the meeting of the committee on the 29th of April when he expects to be re elected Chairman Garman favors a fight on State issues but there are some enthusiastic silver men who want Bryan to speak in the princi pal cities Ex Governor Pattison may be the standard bearer inasmuch ns he kept in touch with the organization during lhe last campaign for President Chairman Elkin of the Republican State committee also expects to be re elected without opposi tion While in Harrisburg he isairanging for the convention which will be held in lhe Opera House The Lochiel Hotel will be headquarters for the Chairman and most of the candidates At the Commonwealth will be found many of lhe Philadelphia and Pittsburg delegates and anti Quay forces HUMBER ROADSTER HUMBER TOURIST LADY HUMBER HUMBER One Would Think So rom the Ambler Gazette The new capitoi building at Harrisburg is likely to form one of the prominent issues at the coming election The last legislature provided fora building costing $550000000 This would have provided a structure amply sufficent for the needs of the State Bucks County Notes Upper Bucks county farmers are planting unusually large quantities uf potatoes Mrs John Geary of Bristol slipped into a tub of lye and was painfully burned Daniel II Mathison uf Pleasant Valley fell down a '( tway Monday night and broke both legs While harrowing an oats field Warren Darrah of Doylestown had his fool pierced with the sharp tooth of the harrow Company has purchased a lot on Shewell avenue Doylestown upon which it is proposed lo erreet an armory building Hellertown Council hae elected Warren Cressman of Sellersville to engineer the construction of the borough water works Eliza Kirk aged 76 years widow of Hirant Kirk died on March 21 at the resi dence of her sou in law A Loux at Castle Valley John Troup has disposed of his restaurant properly at Sellersville to William Brucker Jr of near Hagersville for $6100 Posses sion will be given May 1 Mrs Elizabeth Erwin widow of John Erwin of Southampton died March 20 at the residence of her son in law Howard Leedom in Davisville in the 78th year uf Peculiar But Still Circ*mstantial rom tbe Perkasie News We are not in the habit of noting the birth of Perkarie babies preferring rather to let them like itzsimmons "get a before talking about them And tbe event is of no particular importance save so the folks But there was a baby born on St Day Thursday last that de serves chronicling It came to the home of Patrick Higgins It is a lusty infant and looks like its father National Inconsistency rom Hie Langhorne Standard It may be regarded ns a strange fact that at a time when the sentiment of thecivilized world is strongest in opixisition to war and the implements of warfare tire most destruc tive nearly every nation in existence is making greater preparation for the exigen cies of war tluui eyer before it the firn ineertion and Vli cents fr each sibe cnt insertion Unquestionably the cheapest ana best means of reaching the people in tus ncigibor beod Correspondents and advertisers will pleaseremem her that we co to press on Wednesday afternoon We frequently receive letters too late for insertion News correspondence should reach up not later than Tuesday and advertisem*nts not later than Wednes day morning to insure insertion drinks sold to minors or persons under tbe influence of Tlte neighbors wish that he was os sensitive about selling on Sundays It is mysterious to me this rustling of Democrats for the Senatorial nomination These aspirants to my mind have political faith enough to move State capitals to their very doors To day a week the Democratic committee meets to elect a chairman 1 know some Democrats who ask this signifi cant question the deyil does the Democracy want a chairman for Roland Letters Granted Letters testamentary have been granted in lhe following estates Clara btoddart Abington to Gideon Stoddart Clement Weiser East Greenyille to Louisa Caroline Weiser Olhneil Spang Norristown to William Spang and Eliwood Potts Letters of administration have been granted in the following estates Bessie Smith of Lower Meriun to James Smith Joseph Cole Lower Providence to Jill wood Cole Groceries A good baking Molasses at 3c per qt An excellent Table Syrup at 5e per qf understanding the report end accompanying message will be referred to committees ae soon as received in the House and Senate and that those committees will take whatever action that McKinley may desire and what he will desire will depend largely upon the answer received from Spain If it is war this country is fully prepared to push the fighting not only on tbe water but in Cuba Arrangements are all perfected by which we can land 80000 soldiers in Cubit inside of ten days without enlisting a man militia regiments aggregating that number which are ready for service st a notice would simply be mustered into the United States service The war spirit is growing in Congress instead of lessening Some of the most con servative men in both Senate and House have become convinced since Senator Proc tor told what he saw iu Cuba that war was inevitable and have concluded that the best thing to do is to hurry it up in order that J0teO" It is a little early to estimate the effect of war excitement on American politics but some indication is afforded by the action of Congress in connection with the measures and Democrats vie with each other to show I their loyalty North and South stand ride by side and act with a common impulse and party distinctions are forgotten There are no partisans but all are patriots and all rally to the support of lhe President in whom all express the utmost confidence Now that President happens to be a Repub lican Suppose this were his fonrth year in office instead of his second is there nny doubt that he would be re nominated and re elected almost by acclamation? Tbis may not he the case two years hence but it would be the case now The Republican parly would sweep the country Similarly the silver movement would be forgotten nnd in fad it is very probable that tbe silver eaiie has already received its death blow whether war ensues or not The people have come Dear enough to the danger of war with its enormous expense nnd its inevitable debt to see that it will not do to have a fluctuating and uncertain standard of yahtes under such circ*mstances and they are shrewd enough to see that a standard which is not safe under 11 circ*mstances is not safe under It is worth the cost of the war scare tu make them see that Public Ledger Trusts are the order of the day Hardly a week goes by without reports of several of these combinations being formed for the purpose oi stifling competition and profiling at tbe expense of the necessities of the con sumers and the welfare of the people engaged in tbe industries where the articles of neces sity and comfort are produced One day it is tbe manufacture of spirits that is affected On another a brewery combine is heard of Carpets come in for a share of such attention It is eyen said that the manufacturers of boat oars have deemed it necessary to get together Consolidation is the cry aud in the rush for wealth the little fish always gels the hardest squeeze Tbe Cuban junta at New York have issued a proclamation to the people of the United States declaring that tbe Cubans will not accept autonomy that their motto is still independence or death and express ing confidence that the United States will not aid Spain to subjugate the insurgents This determination of the the friends of free Cuba Las been generally anticipated After all the sacrifices they have already made and the present indications that Spain is the liberal offer of autonomy recently made being held as evidence thereof there is every encouragement for the (nlwtn to hold out awhile longer Tbe Postoffice department is evidently gratified with the results of the free rural delivery thus far obtained They have at least included in the bill for the appropria tion for the next year a larger sum than has been used previously and it is the intention to extend the system greatly It mut be taken into consideration that there are wavs of economizing when the system is put into force When routes in the country districts are served by carriers some of the postoffices can be done away with and the rural deliv ery will be a great accommodation to the people along the routes while it costs but very little if any more The system should at least be given a fair trial in tins county BEBGEY Line Lexington Pa A contemporary calls attention to the fact that more sailors perished through the Maine explosion than were lost in any actual en gagement in lhe history of American naval warfare The bloodiest battle in our sea annals was that nt Hampton Roads on March Sth 1862 In tbe engagement with the ironclad Merrimac the frigate Congress lost 130 men and lhe Cumberland 120 ar first victory at New Orleans was achieved wi(li the loss of only 37 men In the battle of Mobile bay 145 perished but 93 of these sank at their posts on tbe torpedoed monitor Tec*mseh The loss on the Union fleet in the first attack on ort isher was 20 and in the second 82 In the bloody battle of June 1813 between the American frigate Chesapeake and the British frigate Shannon 61 men were killed on the former Washington March 25 1898 rom onr Regular Correspondent The first and longest period of waiting is at an end Tbe report of the Naval Court of Inquiry on the Maine explosion is now in tbe hands of lhe President and was to day carefully gone over and discussed at an extended meeting of lhe Cabinet Spain has been officially notified of the purport of the report That ended the first stage of tbe case and we have now entered upon the second stage which is likely to be much shorter The report together with a copy of' the communication sent to Spain by the President will be sent to Congress next week and then what? It is impossible at this time to say what programme will be followed in Congress because circ*mstances are likely to bring about changes al any stage of the proceedings Deeds Recorded The following deeds among others were recorded at Norristown last week House and lot in Pottstown Josiah ryer to Samuel Trout $1600 House and lot in Pottstown Emma Kline to Josiah ryer $1600 House and lot in West Telford Leidy to the Evangelical Lutheran church of Old Goshenhoppen $3200 House and lot in Norristown John Klair to Lizzie ilimmelreicli $1700 House and lot in Skippack Mary Wisler to Isaiah Gouldy $800 Lot in Lower Salford Seitz et al to 1) Bergey $700 Lavina Lessig lo Adam Kummerer farm of 1 acre 13 perches in Pottsgrove $635 Sarnnel A Willett to ritz Hartman tract of 102 square perches in Gwynedd $1200 Lot at Willow Grove Roberta to Christina oster $726 Lot in Pennsburg Theobald to Thomas Marsteller $500 House and lot in Jenkintown William Peters to II I Hamel $6250 Lol at North Wales Royal Land Associa tion to Tattnall $500 House factory nnd lot in Norristown Hurry Heebner to John 11 Tyson $3000 arm of 1109 acres in Springfield Jos ischer to John Roehm $8150 House and lot in Norristown Simeon Dutton executor of Sarab Leedom deceased to Mary Strassburger $3025 House and lot in Souderton Morris Landis and Henry Clemmer executors of Henry Landes to Elizabeth Landes $1400 arm of 38244 acres in Whitemarsli reas to Hendren $5000 House and lot at Cynwyd A Neiman to Emma Harrison $5800 Dealer in ootwear 306 Main St A large reception was tendered Jacob 1 Kruseu Yerkes aud bride on March 23 at the home of the father near Rich boro Gue hundred partook of the bounties of tbe table The old brick church building belonging lo lhe Pleasantville Reformed congregation near Eureka will be torn down and a new building of more modern design will be built in its place A Clymer of ricks in Hilltown township announces his candidacy for dele gate to the Republican Slate convention Mr Clymer is one of tbe most active Re publicans in his district One thousand postal cards were sent out last week to business men throughout the United States setting forth the advantages of manuUcturers of ail kinds locating al Bristol and bringing that town into prom inence as a business place Reuben II Moyer son of Rev A Moyer of Hilltown died in a hospital in Philadelphia last Thursday The remains were interred at tbe Blooming Glen burying ground on Monday afternoon Thedeceased leaves a widow and one child Alexander McMaster residing near New hope is slowly recovering from the brutal assault made upon him by his farm hand and the doctor has hoe8 of his entire re storation to health With the exception of a rib broken he was not injures! internally A Bristol despatch says: Isear Booz Ron of William Booz of Bristol was on Tuesday notified that he had passed a successful preliminary examination fur admission to the West Point Military Academy and has been ordered to report lor his final examina tion The fact that no arrests are made in the Jamison murder case has induced many of lhe people in that locality to abandon the theory that somebody who was acquainted with the murdered woman committed the deed and robbery is now suggested as a motive for the crime Charles etlerolf of the firm of etterolf Bros publishers of the Langhorne Standard has purchased type presses and other necessary appliances in New York preparatory to starting a new weekly paper in Bristol The name of the new journal has not yet been announced II Lapp harness manufacturer at ricks met with a painful accident last Wednesday morning while on a trip lo Berks county where he had a harness sale that day On the way he stopped at Penns burg His wagon iifwet throwing him out He sprained his right arm lie is unable to use it carrying it in a sling now Andrew Hertzler who resides near Chalfont and who had his back bone broken recently by being thrown down by a falling tree is improved so much that he is able lo walk outdoors with the aid of crutches His recovery is marvelous Thespinal cord did not receive serious injuries otherwise his death would have been certain Rev Isaac Gibson pastor of St Protestant Episcopal church Newtown announced from the pulpit Sunday that owing lo poor health he would be forced to hand in his resignation Mr Gibson has been pastor of the above church for the past twenty live years Il is understood that Mr Gibson's resignation will be accepted and that he will be made pastor emeritus at a salary of $1000 a year Mrs Samuel Bergstresser of Hayco*ck township was instantly killed by a fall down a stairway on riday March 18th While in the act of descending the narrow stairs her foot caught precipitating her head fore most to the ground When picked up her neck was found to be broken which had caused instant death Among lhe children who survive her are John Bergstresser the Pipereyilie storekeeper and Hannah Berg stressor who lived at home 1 Rey Purdy Moyer who has been the pastor of the Union Methodist church at Chalfont for nearly two years has been appointed pastor of the Lawndale Methodist church al Philadelphia by the con ference held in Chester During his short pastorate at Chalfont he has had 114 conversions and has added to the member ship of his church in charge 42 under full conviction and 8 through probation His successor will be Rev Cassavant formerly pastor of the Bethayres Methodist church Several convicts who were members of the gang and who were sent to the penitentiary from Lehigh county through the treachery of Charles Arnold who escaped punishment at that time by turning evidence were released from prison the other day They were rank Harris James Murphy Henry Moore and James Thomas who were sent to prison in 1892 Arnold was then discharged but is now serving a sentence of thirty years imposed by Judge Y'erkes Alonzo Bell proprietor of the Lower Black Eddy hotel near Point Pleasant was seriously injured on riday at Lumberville Mr Bell with his team intended to assist John Doane to move to Doylestown and had lhe wagon loaded with household furniture and hail just gotten up ou the wagon to start when is team took fright and started to run away Mr Bell was thrown by lhe wagon upsetting and struck a tree and became wedged in between the vehicle and a box surrounding the tree and received severe cuts about the face and head and wasseriuus ly injured internally He was rendered un conscious and was taken to his home by Daniel Tinsman one of the neighliors The team was caught before any other damage was done ing disclosed that the anti Quay sentiment is whether effectively or not remains lo be seen But it will not do for any Re publican in accord with the leaders of hie parly to lull himself into listlessness by taking it for granted that his side is so rung ly entrenched that it canuut be downed These are the days of political surprises and the man who stands should take heed lest he precipitates Il is said that there is an effort being made to establish a stocking factory for Lansdale A belter industry the town could not obtain These hosiery mills as they are called employ the kind of help which is most advantageous to the community namely young women and girls Good wages are generally paid and go to the sources of much drain on a mechanic or laboring that is the budding gentler sex A thrifty family with one or two girls on its hands has a pretty stiff burden to bear for the girls in addition to being fed must be clothed with some re gard for appearances To keep up appear ances is pretty costly luxury Yet in these days when appearance is everything this must be done A girl or woman not ap pareled with some due regard for the latest fashionable exactions is sure to be considered regardless of her age A female ancient in dress is too oil considered prosaic backward and dull That is not the kind of a damsel the voting men of are hunkering for or tbe kind the business man wants about his office Norristown has four large concerns of the kind and on many of the operatives rests the welfare of their families It is a well known fact hereabouts that a man with daughters of working ages is far better off' than his neighbor with as many sous Only a decade or so ago the importations of hosiery into this country amounted to ten million dollars The Americans however have so far demonstrated their ability to cope with foreign markets that importations have fallen ofl one half There is plenty of room therefore to meet the home consumption of these goods A friend of mine in a town not far from here conducted a paying ice business for twelve years In conversation nut long ago he told ine that he had given up that business and was now embarked in the stocking making trade Asked if that business was not over crowded he replied that it certainly was not Although but six months engaged in his new venture he said that he felt like kicking himself for not taking it up years ago The manufacturing of stockings must be a paying business for I know of but few failures in it although I have a wide acquaintance with many of the most of the failures were due to in capacity on the part of the individual and lack of working capital In ille after the rolling milk were closed down an exodus of toilers was arrested by the pres ence of hosiery mills which gaye remunera tive employment to females Clerk of Courts William Young went home to day from iris office with badly blistered hands from working the layer which impresses the seal on liquor licenses ew men taking their drink of the ardent and gazing on the certificate to sell will little think of the hot time Clerk Young had in getting the licenses out Speaking of licenses reminds me of the multiplication of speak easies in Norristown and vicinity In Upper Merion township where no one will take the office of Constable unlicensed places are thick One man has felt the necessity of restraining the promiscuous nessof his trade bytacking up the signs usually found in a well regulatedsaloon Serious as he is these notices by reason of their en vironments seem somewhat ludicrous or instance one sign reads misrepre 0 TIME BORN On March 23 nt Ijkusdale to Mr aud Mr Milton lioorse a son On March 23 iSlW at Laimdalc lo Mr aud Mrs Wenley Ren ninger a daughter Wc are on lhe verge of Spring with Its bustle ami on' door activity This means more needs for you fttid more bUNlness for us When you want to purchare gooiis of any description go to Buckley's Me has a tine stock aud enjovs a reputation for low prices and fair dealing SHOE shoes of all kinds and styles and at prices that can't be matched elsewhere We have a bargain lot of and misses' fine ooirgum 11 ppvi wen wuiin Qi tvtm filu but we have priced them al 75c pair CJEMMER On March 2P at Ronderiom Mrs Joiihs leiiiuicr agul about 85 years On March 21 al Lansdale Mrs Catharine rantz aged si years inontiis and 7 days KERNS O11 March 22 nt Chalfont El inlua Kerns aged 9 years and a mouths NYCE On March IS'iW near Harleysville Mrs Elizabeth Nyce aged 77 years RlcHAilS (n March 21 198 at Rkippack Mrs John Richards aged 63 years On Mnreh 21 at A nibler sudden ly Margaret Wood aged 79 years HUMBER CHAINLESS HUMBER RACER DIAMOND RAME The long looked for report of the Ameri can Nayal Board of Inquiry as to the causes which resulted io the loss of the battleship in Havana harbor on the night of ebruary 15 last was made public Monday 1 when President McKinley submitted the report and testimony to Cungress together with a special message relating thereto The Board finds that au external explosion (a submarine mine) caused the to explode resulting in turn in the total loss of the ship and 250 American Bailors but they failed to find any evidence to fix the responsibility of tbe external explosion un any person or er9on8 Instead of recommending any immediate demand upon Spain or making a declaration that would lead lo open hostilities incase Spain failed lo make instant reparation the President advises careful consideration and slates that he lias submitted the find ing to the Madrid government in the hope that lhe sense of justice of the Spanish nation will dictate a course of action sug gested by honor and the friendly relations of the two governments The calm and pacific altitude as expressed in his message is not received with satisfaction by many members of Con gress and Senators who think the lime has arrived for American intervention in Cuban affairs and that further delay is not in keeping with the American spirit But the country at large while they would unauim' ously support the President should he deem more heroic measures necessary and who are more than willing to take up the cause i of Cuba by force of arms will sustain the course in lhe hope that the desired ends may be attained by diplomacy rather than by war with its attending carn age and loss of life and properly Preparations for war still go on but war is nut in sight McKinley is still hoping for pence and the country will patiently wail for the next move of lhe Administration at Washington It is to be observed that the men least clamorous for war with Spain are the old soldiers of the Civil conflict They have been in battles and they alone know what war really is They would fight again if there were need lo offer their lives as freely as they did before but they are not egging on the administration to declare war with Spain Their example should benoted The South Hatfield Cash Store is still doing business at the old stand Good goods at ridiculously low prices is what is telling the tale Every department is overloaded with bargains as a careful examination will prove beyond a doubt Dry Goods Ready made clothing bed blankets and horse blankets are selling at a heavy discount owing to tbe season being nearly over Tbe dry goods department Is also worthy of mention as bright new goods are coining in dally weare making agreat lilt in our drees goods at 10 1214 and 15c per yard 50UU yds of the finest sateens you ever saw at 5c per yd Best Sitnpson prints In remnants of from 1 to 10 yd pieces at 3)4 and 4)4c a yd DIED On March 21 IR99 at Lensdale William Carrigan aged 41 years On March 2S tfifM at Souderton Mrj MILLINERS Spring anti Rummer (Opnu! RIDAY and SATURDAY APRIList and 2nd Latest Styles in Hats and Bonnets Slifer Building Main and Broad Sts Lansdale Pa EVERYTHING OR THE GARDEN ARM AND LAWN 4 Coffee pots tea po's pudding pans large kettles with or without lids tlie full assort ment worth 15c piece lo go al Co piece Special Prices for riday and Saturday only Terms Cash Headlight oil 7o gal ancy all woolen drese goods was 85c now to go at 2c yd Wool plaid dress goods 10c yd 2 lb pack oatmeal 5o pack string beans 5c can Silver prunes 7c lb rench prunes ID Wash board a 10c niece resh currant 9c lb Qt bottle ammonia 9o bottle Solid steel shovels 85c piece 3 lb box Niagara gloss starch 18c Sal soda l)4c per lb Buckley HATIELD PA Dry Goods (irst floor new bulld ng) Special 25 cent lot Spool darning cotton pack hair nns stick pin spool cotton dozen jone hair pins button hook piece tape card hooks and eyes dozen buttons dressing comb paper pins dozen kid curlers oodRin Total Now that the back of Winter Ims been broken ami Nature is g' tting ready to array herself in her Spring garb we want nil our friends to remember that here too are to be found Spring garta for humunity Countless articles ol dress fabrics bright weaves and handsome styles medium weight suitings every thing for men women aud children are on ur cuimlera Dress Goads for Women and victorious war than by a continuation for an indefinite period of present conditions Senator Proctor's story of Cuba has been corroborated and added to by the speeches made this week by Senators Gallinger and 1 Thurston who were iu Cuba at the same time he was And the last two were much i more belligerent in tone than was Mr Proctor but all three agree that the right thing to do and the only thing ihst will bring a lasting peace on the devastat'd island and allow the starring thousands of nun combatants to again earn Hying for 1 themselves is to force the Spanish out Senator Gallinger says he would go further and annex Cuba if he could have his way while Senator Proctor thinks it would be best lo merely allow Cuba to be independent Senator Bacon made a speech in favor of 1 a resolution introduced by him declaring it to be the policy of this country to maintain peace as long as consistent with honor but it fell flat it was not in tune with existing circ*mstances nor with existing sentiment1 The war spirit is abroad The American ederation of Labor has taken up the fight of the plate printers union against the extended use of steam presses in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing which lias been officially announced A similar fight against steam presses was made by the plate printers and won during the iftieth Congress their contention being that the work turned out by tbe steam presses was inferior to that done on the hand presses The Superintendent of the Bureau of En graving anil Printing has already under orders from the Secretary of the Treasury i placed an order for fifteen steam presses to be put iu at once The bill authorizing an increase of the army to 104000 men hae lieen amended by the House Military committee to restrict enlistments until the country is actually engaged in war Among the items of the Naval Appropri ation bill that may be considered as prepar atory if not actually war like are the provision for the construction of five dry docks large enough to accommodate our largest vessels three battleships of the most formidable type one of them to be named Maine six torpedo boats and six torpedo boat destroyers The ordinary government official's annual report i only interesting to a few persons but the annual report of the Patent Office for 1897 prepared by Hon A 1 Greeley ActingCommissioner of Patents is interest ing to eyery intelligent person because it tells as is told in no other single publication of the wonderful progress and greatness of American industry which is so closely asso ciated with the United Slates patent system information which is indispensable to lhe inventor patentee manufacturer publicist or other individual who wishes to keep abreast of the times Those who wish copies of this report can obtain them free lv writing to the Commissioner of Patents Washington Good Plug Tobacco 18c per lb ine blue Kalgins 5c per lb 0 lbs for 25c ANDERS sottth: katf elz) Johnson Stokes Seedsmen 217 and 219 Market St Philadelphia th 1 on 1 in 0 ranniDfa ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN MONTOOM XTY MIlLHJtlWlfflLEHILruilTLir Do you know that we are the largest dealers in general merchandise in the country? Do you know that we sell cheaper than any house in the coun try Do you know that we guarantee everything we sell to give satisfaction right what we do Try us Going to Landis's to secure one of those extraordinary Bargains? Some goods we are going to sell at a price rather I than put them in the stock taking account 14 Gohl Hunting Case Watch Elgin movenw nt noiightl size was $20 now $15 I Opt ace Gold illed Watch guaranteed for 10 years OI go al $750 I Gentleman's Solid Silver Tlunting Case Watch Elgin movement 90 I Watch Sil voroid Case Elgin movement $3 50 0j Never mind who the loser is you secure the benefit Our stock of Stationery and Toys is very complete: Box Papers from 10c to 50c per box Blank Books of all descriptions I Everybody come we have a bargain for all ICosmopolitan Paper Patterns 15c each I Bed White mid Blue the latest craze free with One Dollar purchase A LANDIS Jeweler and Optician I Green and Courtland Sts LANSDALE PA Lansdale importer fL'llLISIIED EVERY THURSDAY AT Lansdale Pa lWOODMraSR Editor and Publisher (Main room old building) 25 cent assortment Bottle cologne tooth brush piece toilet soap handkerchief pocketbook nickel pen and holder lead pencil with rubber tip bottle mucilage bot suits 75c to $3 Men's suits S3 SO S12 overcoats S2 75 loS5 Men's overeoals 82 5 to S12 CARPETS All wool ingrain good patterns 25 40 50 and 60c a yd Good rag carpefa 25 30 10 and 59c a yd DISHES GLASSWARE and LAMPS Decorated tea sets 6 pieces 82 50 worth 150 1 eourated dinner sets 1 12 pieces 8ti worth 810 Decorated Stratford dinner sets 1U0 pieces 8575 worth 950 Decorated chamber seta 10 pieces 260 worth 350 White porcelain chamber sets 10 pieces A six year Presidential term is again claiming the attention of Congress Repre sentative itzgerald of Massachusetts recently introduced in the House a resolution for a constitutional amendment to increase the length of the Presidential term to six years and make Presidents thereafter inel igible for re election Pending the disposi tion of the Cuban questions which at this time ore very grave tbe resolution was forced to it can be quickly fought out they believe wait but it will doubtless be called up again there would be less damage done to the before Congress adjourns I material interests of the country by a short And Now This Has Happened IRST The world is bigger and stronger than any two men who make contracts It has knocked down the plans of bicycle makers and their prices This year is not a $100 bicycle year We kept the price to $100 until the other day when we persuaded the makers to let us drop the profits this year or three reasons: (a) That they might keep the works going steadily (b) That the public 'might not lose confidence in safety of bicycles from the numberless machines on the market this season which have been made to fit a reduced selling price rather than match the old standard of quality (c) The Humber Company have discovered that the doing away of expensive stores offices advertising and traveling salesmen re duces the cost of producing the wheel and they can make just as much profit as formerly by selling through our houses at even lower prices THIRD We were willing ourselves to drop almost all the profit this year to make a wider constituency for what is undoubtedly the finest wheel extant OURTH We now settle upon this new scale of prices for Hum bers made to ourorder to fetch us $100 The price from now on of the Humber Roadster is $73 An extra charge of $2 each will be made for brake mud guard and chain guard ITH Whoever has purchased a Humber of us at $100 please come back and get the refund of $27 on each Humber purchased at either of our stores SIXTH This advertisem*nt may be preserved as our agreement to protect our buyers on the prices the entire season say to July 1 SEVENTH Our stock on hand while it embraces all the sizes will soon be scattered in New York and this city and in a very short time those who want numbers will not be able to get them without waiting Telegraphic orders and orders by letters promptly filled in the order received by setting aside the quality and finish being guaranteed in every particular The full hst or prices follows: $73 $75 $79 COMBINATION TANDEM $169 alcon Bicyles at $2250 Hardware Store Music Hall Block LANSDALE PA NewLivery Tbe undersigned have bought Livery BuslnesH and are now prepares all nista single and double teams at all reasonable rates Nice barouches wr 1 occasions Large Coach to comfortably seat 25 people for jd parties Careful drivers furnished elred DERR SELLERS (Successors to Landis) Susquehanna Avenue and Hotel i wood Stables LANSDALE PENNA Combination lot of tinware all ior 25c Globe washer tin cup coal shovel wash basin bread toaster coffee strainer soup ladle chip basket dozen ciotnespins stove poser Total Complete stock of first quality vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe branches traps etc All sizes from 3 inch to 18 inch In Straw Hats We trim them in the most elegant styles absolutely free of all charge furnishing the necessary wire pins and lining without cost 500 dozen straw bats taking in every imaginable style in all the new est shapes Elsewhere 49c and 62c Here 39 The new black chips in almost every imaginable shape the bell shortback sailors the new shepherdess the latest Gainsborough and flare ef fects the new face hats also the same in fancy and tuscan straws Elsewhere 75c Here Ribbons of all kinds At extraordinarily low prices ine lots of fancy ribbons plaid checks brocade checked edges hair line stripes plaids and change able worth 25c to 33c a yard ADVERTISING RATES The circulation of the Rkportbr is larger that of any other paper published on lhe liiicol North Penna Railroad and is invaluable as Tcrtising medium in this section vf count for yearly advertising furnished upon applicib "Eiehcst Grade at Lowest Cost" ACKERS Sweet Briar PRUNES inest Grown AP Extra Thin Skin and ol propriate ellbcr as a Confectiou I2C tO 20C ID inley Acker 1 121 123 811) 1 STANDARD PORTLAND made by pre cisely tbe same process as the and di Her? only In Ils chemical composition A very good cement for cellar floors founda tions etc Always reliable and strong IMPROVED ROSENDALE most general ly used fur concrete also especially adapt ed for tbe construction of cisterns sewers or any work wbere water or Millinery Dept Grand Spring Opening The greatest millinery and trimmed hat house in the country invites you to the most gorgeous display of ele gant trimmed hats and millinery goods ever shown outside the large cities Trimmed Hats Nothing like this assortment can be seen in any other house Our hats are finer more elegant more richly trimmed and sold at less than half what others charge TRIMMED HATS AT Hats that would cost you in the city $10 to $12 Our price $498 TRIMMED HATS immense variety taking in all that is neat pretty and rich marked at $1 98 $298 $3 79 lowers Wings etc Clover and field wreaths for chil dren's hats worth 38c and 49c At 19 and 25 oliage large bunches worth 38c At 19 Bluettes one of the leading spring flowers Elsewhere 38c a bunch At 19 and 25 Imported roses with foliage in pink red and Jacque worth 25c a spray At 09 Jetted wings and quills a'l the new est shades Elsewhere 38c Here 19 and 25 Sweeping aigrettes all the newest shades The 25c ones ine hat buckles worth 49c At Sue of the Judge Swartz lias apMiut(d John JI Dager of Lafayette Hill and John Snyder and Benjamin Lightfoot of Norristow a jury lo condemn a tract of land nt Valley orge camp grounds contain ing 1143 acres owned by William Stephens for lhe purxe of tbe comuiiosiou asset forth in lhe net of assembly creating it The tract of land in question includes the site of the between lhe Port Kennedy road nnd the Schuylkill river The object is to secure a site for the Rhode Island memorial a monument to John Waterman whose grave is located on the Todd farm a hundred yards away in a southeast direction and generally intended to commemorate the part taken by troops of that State in lhe winter of 1777 78 al Valley orge The memorial was author ized over a year ago and it is ready for erection the delay having been occasioned by the difficulty in obtaining a suitable site That selected the price of which ia to be fixed by the jury just pjointel is a com manding position overlooking the river and the Schuylkill and Chester Valley for miles Just opposite to lhe the famous bridge spanned lhe river Tbe New Eirlanl troops were quartered close by the Stephens residence being the headquarters of General Varnnm who commanded the Rhode Island trooj The holes which distinctly mark the location of the huts erected by die soldiers to protect them from the cold and storm can still be seen he Rhode Island legislature has appropriated $10000 for the erection of the monument Mattings Just received one carload of Japan and China straw matting direct from the importer Never heard of such low prices Heavy fancy jointless matting worth 15 cents yard Special price 09 We have matting tor 10 12 15 20 and 25c per yard SCOTCH LINOLEUM very heavy quality fine pattern 6 ft wide worth $1 per yard Special price NORRISTOWN LETTER Norristown March 28 1898 he result of the present contest for su premacy between the Republican factions was presaged 1 think at the committee rueetiug on riday when Henry Stinson's amendment to Luye tbe State delegate con vention to meet on April 19 prevailed over a resolution offered by Samuel Garner of Hatboro fixing 9 the time Both gentlemen are members of opposing factions Mr Garner being affiliated with those op posing Senator supremacy in lhe party which he helped so strongly lo entrench within lhe Keystone State Mr Garner in alcon Bicycles were sold by us in Philadelphia and New York last August at the at $2750 The selling was very large It was considered as an introduction sale to popularize this long known wheel that vast business this year would follow And negotiations were looked forward to for making us exclusive handlers of the 1893 alcons So promising was the outlook that late in the fall the company made us a thousand wheels with which to open the new selling It is these wheels that we offer now though at much lower price than we or the company intended because our completed plans for 1898 did not include the new model alcons which our experts reported were changed though not improved These 1897 wheels were built of the very best materials ma terials gathered for use when the alcons were $75 wheels ALCONS OR MEN 22 24 AND 2G RAMES 1 alcons for Women 20 and 22 in frames' Enameled in black maroon and green The wheels are sold under our usual broad guarantee CHALONT SPECIAL I BiipnoRe yon know that IRWIN KELLER Is still dealing in nil kinds of urniture Carpets Window Shades Wall Paper Refrigerators and Baby Coaches also ail kinds of Carriages Wagons Wheelbarrows Hand made Harnesn of all kinds at prices to sitit and all kiuds of Blankets Robes ly Nets Whips Boots and anything In the harness line I have the Rambler Starmer Ideal Envoy aud keystone Bi cycles for sale or exchange I will ex cifrnyunatrof all kinds for old Yours Irwin Keller false economy to run around in this kind of weather wiihoatl the proper covering for the feet especially lvlcn )O1 avail yourself of the excellent bargains we offer this mimih I our Spring Clearing Sale of Boots and Shoes A pol)r )iair if I shoes is decidedly bad at any season of the year hut durir these wet days of spring they become positively dangerous and I a menace to health When we tell you that we can cover your feet in a very attractive aud satisfactory manner at reduced I prices in either or Children's Wear we tell I you all 1 WORTH KNOWING Suitings for Men Pretty Patterns for Boys anfl Girls Boots ani Shoes for Early Spring Garden ani arm Utensils Lherry Pceioral saved my life in an attack of RANKLIN Bedford Springs Va HAL SIZE BOTTLES joc rZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 7 JOHNSTON WARNER CO DEALERS IN 1 jj ine amily Groceries WINES ETC 1017 Market St He left a letter explaining bis death to lhe nolice This letter was found lying on the bureau in his room when lhe body was discovered The suicide had applied for lodging at the establishment Monday night He insisted on having a single room anl paid twenty cents for it Before retiring he left orders nt the desk tu be called al 7 When the clerk went lo call him at that hour Tuesday morning he found the door unlocked and Palmer lying dead in bel His mouth was dieolored and there were traces of aciduous oisoiiing The following note dated March 21 was found on the bureau in his room have no work no moneyno friends no home That is the reason far this deed My sister Is an Invalid Whnl a ehock this will he to herl 1 formerly lived at Willow Grove My personal efiicia are Mill there Sister can do with these as she pleases lives at Jarrettown Montgomery county Pa I deal re my lodges to give me strict ly private interment by the side of my mother I have been cruelly prosecuted by some people at Willow Grove It is with God to pardon them itieir sins and father" reads lhe letter love lo both of yon and may It be Ixird'swill that we all meet in the celestial realms above After my funeral expenses arc paid and my txmrd bill the imlniice is for my sLkrab olnieiy Mvsisterand members of my lodge can make arrangements for my funeral desire lhe lieutenants at the police station when the body is found to communicate with my sister anti others if necessary arewell lo nil" Please give thl teller to my sister's name ia Georgiana Palmer 3905 letcher street Philadelphia" The suicide according to the letter was a member of the I OO 294 Knight of Pylliiaa 27 A 410 Royal Arch Masons 232 and the Knights Templar He was a tall athletic fellow and when he applied for lodging (here was nothing in his apiearance to lead any utie to believe be contemplated suicide The letter had in all probability been written before lie came to lhe house for room aud lhe clerk is positive that he didn't write lhe letter in the reading room There were no bottles or drugs in the room that could lead the police to surmise by what agency Palmer had sought lo end his life A Hungry Tramp's Curious Taste rom the Bouderton Independent A tramp called at (lie residence of the editor of this paper on Wednesday morning and requested something lo eat He was accommodated with a good warm breiikfint but shortly afterwards it was learned that tbe tramp to repay lhe lady of the house for her kindness a pair of her best stockings disappeared with him Woe unto the next fellow who asks for a He will get it in the neck Precaution in Politics rom the Bristol Gazette Ti ilnoa not In fr the i pntlpnicn make a business of politics to too strongly and bitterly antagonize an opposing faction as by the next turn of lhe wheel they may be landed with lhe ones they were in the habit of resisting Do you buy your COAL at right pf's We give full weight nnd beat qua JY bottom piices delivered in your cells Building Lumber Under Cover Hard Wood Slate Etc Estimates on lumber cheerfully 'Kulp A WALNUT ST LANSDALE Clotliiug A visit to our and cloth ing department will show you at once that we are the clothing house of the country nobby spring suits all wool well made and good fitting equal to any $7 50 kind Special price $498 all wool trousers in neat and desirable patterns nicely made worth $2 Special price $119 all wool pants special lot to close out worth $150 Spe cial price WE LOOK OR A PROSPEROUS 1898 We Invite all who intend ordering any cemetery work this eeapon to call and see us (or I write and we will call and see you with the luteal designs iu the trade) We ZDeal In MONUMENTS HEADSTONES TABLETS POSTS ETC Of the inest Grades of Granite and Marble Motto: Honest Work Iloneot Prices G've uh a call get our prices which are always the lowest taking stock and work Imol consideration Always home ou Saturday OUR GARDEN AND ARM MANUAL OR 1898 The most unique Seed Catalogue published Over 200 photo graphic illustrations Exclusive Novelties and Specialties IT IS REE to all who call or write for it New spring fancy ribbons 3 to 5 inches wide all the latest combina tions 25 29 and 38 Double faced black satin ribbons Nos 5 7 9 12 16 22 30 40 60 8 10 12 15 17 20 23 27 33c Rich taffeta ribbons 3 in wide Per yard 15 YOU CAN ALWAYS RELY UPON THEMALSO RiIh 0 Garden LzxJl UiJ ImpIemenis THE HIGHEST QUALITY OHLY LAWN GRASS SEED and LAWN MOWERS A SPECIALTY Illustrated Catalogue and Price List sent REE HENRY MICHELL Market St Phila PHILADELPHIA Monday March 28 1898 PROOUNDLY IMPORTANT TO BICYCLERS Humber Bicycles Reduced Last summer we contracted for the control of the Philadelphia New York and Atlantic Coast territory for the sale of Humbers In December last we approved of the models and the works at West boro Mass have ever since been steadily turning out by hand work the admittedly best bicycle built in any country The price and the lowest that can be afforded for such high quality of carriage work was fixed at $100 We contracted to pay $500 as liquidation damages for every machine sold for less than $100 We have now delivered to us all contracted for of these splendid carriage made and finished bicycles save two or three hundred all made to be sold at $100 and equal in all respects to the $115 standard of last year Shoes Greib Sons consigned to us 100 pairs fine kid shoes button and lace the latest style guaranteed solid leather and to wear well worth $2 their order is to sell them Special price 98 Groceries Special list 1 can corn i lb green peas 1 lb beans lb washing soda 1 piece laundry soap 1 box (200) matches 1 box Davis baking powder 1 lb prunes 1 lb raisins 1 lb starch Total 25 3 lb coffee 25c 3 lb coffee 25c Yours respectfully GELLER A 8 ted pr crCMr.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.