The Reporter from Lansdale, Pennsylvania (2024)

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imvsdale Reporter Van SUBURBAN MELANGE neeinbi' 80 7 ed Dec 29 (o Jan 5 ISiiS How The Churches Celebrated Chalfont Chronicles Public Safe of Stock Public Salo of Stock West Point Pebbles 50 Vlil 215 840 465 The Great Press Almanac Ella Landis's Clan WM SINGERLY AILS Heboid LANSDALE MARKETS THE MAILS Recitation Martyred Mother quoilcr straps curry combs A Van ossen OVERCOATS Public Bale of Nebraska Horses At Astonishingly 10 LOW PRICES Moyer stewing beef CHURCH NOTICES her of the update Rev RESOURCES (' Bonds to secure circulation LANSDALE PA The Tailors ROYAL BAKING POWMR CO SEW YORK It fire on the gra The Santa Clai reserve agonU Terms Strictly Cash Carpenter Jobbing POOL SON 6187 45 M2 50 THE TAILORS Infant Department LANSDALE PA Annie Mechanics Valley 12 16 3 mo Double blan in Lansdale North Lansdale Yard INE DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE 10 rooma Ap on Quote coal prices good for January as follows: AMANUEL ZEAR0S8 PORK! BEE! Schuylkill and Lehigh Chestnut Coal 2i ic per 100 lbs delivered nnol In tar1 nno nrnt tvr 100 Dandruff is lard by th Ing but Cl or Subscribe for the Lansdale Reported CUR ON SUM WN 16 00 15 00 until Jan price 15c A Breezy Budget of Pleasing Par agraphs from Near by Neigh borhoods Tersely Told by a Crack Corps of Able and Alert Pencil Pushers 70 is 08 1200 11 00 10 00 28 Ifi The tit stalls Uruturti tt Nt 1212414 540810418104616 1 18 RS10 7(40804405 Pretty Decorations and Special Services in the Lansdale Churches in Recognition of the Birth of A Brief Account of What Transpired and How the Event Was Celebrated 1316425 il mention The received a purse of 1 003545 on 15 10 10 20 ollowing is the programme as it dered and Harriaon nf snulsle spent Tuesday al the home of II Zoller Robert Maust of is visiting his uncle Abiam Tyon Valeria Barndtof Philadelphia eutSunday at her pareutal borne here AOl lCE Heckler i the au iburlztd Canvasser and Collector for Other OVERCOATS at propor tionately low prices Come early and take your choice while a few right sizes remain my vrsyiou Is Your Tailor Perfectly Satisfactory? Specialties this week Wednes day to Wednesday at cither store A KRATZ Prop Central Store tally louring some ick of the smaller immoned and the Upper Lehigh Pea Coal per 100 lbs Upper Lehigh Chestnut Coal 2flo per 100 Correspondence of the Hkhjrtkb Mattern and family entertained the following guests on Christinas Keeler and wife of Providence Square Clarence Keeler and mother Mrs Lizzie Keeler of Philadelphia Misses Lulu Mattern and Aihi Weaver of Allentown The memliers of the Union Sunday school are rehearsing for their Christmas entertain ment to be held in Delp's hall Saturday evening Jan 8th Christmas family reunions were held al the respective homes of Jesse rederick Brooke and Mrs Emily Shepherd Abraham Swartz and family of Bucks county were Christmas visitors al the home of Mrs Sophia Stong Miss Amanda Rhoads of Philadelphia visited her mother at this place Saturday till Monday Ellsworth Snyder of the same city wm also looking up old friends here 1 loot and Joseph Benn are filling their ice Louses to day (Wednesday HOME HAPPENINGS Notes and Queries about Persons and Things in our Progressive Little Borough made in a abort III ply to or address 10 28 tf Pillsbury's best Hwartley'e best White Lilly irst National Bank ot Lansdale Pa payable CHAS 8 JENKINS 1100000 00 UV or Bent HOUSE OR SMALL AMILY rent 85 per montb Inquireof 12 1631 WHITE Lansdale Tbfl4 tails tfgututi tf A Joyous Christmastide Mince per to Apple Butter per to Report of the condition of the IRST NATIONAL HANK LANS DALE hi Ijuisilale In the State nf Pennsyl vania at the close ol business DECEMBER Two Philadelphia Banking Institutions Close Their Doors as a Con sequence Royal makes tbe food pare wholesome and delicious POWDER Absolutely Pure Specie 02292 451 Legal tender notes 389o 00 i Redemption fund wltirU 8 Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation) Line Lexington armers' Union At the regular weekly meeting of the Line Lexington Union lat Thurs day evening December 23d a communica tion was received announcing the institute to be held at Southampton Bucks county on January 4th and Sth and ex tending an invitation to the members of this union to attend Dr JC Michener presi dent of our union being one of the speakers A communication from the State Board of Agriculture nt Harrisburg was also received giving list of institutes to be held in the State Those in Montgomery county are as follows Ambler Jun 17th and 18th Norri town Jan I Vih ami 2Qlh Pennsburg Jan 2ht anil 221 A third communication was one received from a Mr T'aJd who represents a wire fence company who claims to have some thing new in hit) line Mr Todd asks per mission to present its claims to the union Thursday evening Jan 20 was appointed as a time to giye Mr Todd a hearing when an open meeting will be held to which the publiear invited The president announced that Thursday evening' January 6 the annual meeting of the union would be held at which time officers would be elected for the ensuing year ami requested nil members to attend Conrad Smith of South llattield was proposed for membership ami elected The chairman of the feed committee reported that the union was handling the products of tlie American Cereal company which products were delivered in sacks under die seal of the company at tlie county line siding that the third and fourth cars were now at the switch that the fift ii car was on tlie way and that thecommittee is taking orders for a sixth car The chairman of tlie committee asks that all members who want feed or other products of tlie union should place their orders two weeks in advance Branch Store Old Bank Building West Main Street Mrs Eckford Kelly and daughters Maggie and Mary of Philadelphia were holiday visitors at Mrs Seth Woodmansee of Millvillle and Miss Emma Reed of Ambler paid a short visit to Lansdale friends on Sunday Joseph Gregory is spending tbe holidays visiting old friends in Scranton Wilkes barre and other points in the coal regions John Hildebidle of Collegeville spent Christmas here with bis brother Harry tlie well known bartender at the Tremont House Mrs John Taylor of Brooklyn and Miss Catharine Sellers of Ephrata Pa are visitors at the home of Rev A Sellers Samuel Reiner and family of Line Lex ington ate Christmas dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs Chas Wheeler Richardson avenue Rev Rothtrock of St Reformed church and Rev Dittmnr of ort Washington exchanged pulpits last Sunday Mr and Mrs David Garis and Mr and Mrs John Wallers of Easton Pa were Christmas visitors at Ahram Garish on Green street Chas 8 Jenkins sr and Chas 8 Jenk ins jr with their respective families ate Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs Aaron Styer near lourtown Dr Arthur II Seipie who will finish his course at Hahnemann College Philadelphia this year is spending the holiday seasonal his parental home here The aid society of the United Evangelical church will hold their regular monthly meeting at the parsonage Walnut street on Thursday evening Our delegation to the West Chester normal Della Aaron Katie Sellers Lizzie Kriebel Wesley Kratz and Nelson Martin are all home spending the holiday season A little party of friends enjoyed a euchre parly al the home of Mr and Mrs Herbert Beeare Third street on Monday evening Refreshments concluded the sport The cold snap has greatly retarded out door work but the bricklayers have about finished their on the new block of houses in course of erection on Second street If so stick to him If not try its Suits from $8 up Your money back on demand if not satisfactory kt Tbimty rotestaul Episcopal 4th and linwl tit* Lansdale Rev Jackson rtttor in charge Services every Sunday it a and 780 Bunday school it a Holy communion first Bunday Philadelphia Dec The Chestnut Street National bank of which William Singerly proprietor of the Philadelphia Record is president failed to open its doors yesterday morning Bank Examiner William Hardt having assumed charge of tbe bank's affairs an hour belore the usual time for the beginning of business The failure of this institution also carried down the Chestnut Street Trust and Saying und company which is closely affiliated with the bank occupying the same building and being managed by practically the same board of directors The closing of the doors caused a profound sensation in the financial community although il was not altogether unexpected by the best informed people in banking circles The early callers at the bank which is located on Chestnut street below Eighth were greeted by a notice that the bank was closed and was in the hands of Examiner William Al Hardt Late in the afternoon Mr Hardt held a conversation with Comptroller Eckstein at Washington over the long distance tele 1 phone Mr Hardt said that a joint meeting of the directors of the two failed concerns with John Bullitt who is acting as conn sei for the department Deputy Comptroller Coffin and himself had been held and that they were working on a plan to bring about voluntary liquidatiou with a reasonable hope of success The amount on deposit in the bank when the doors closed is reported to have been in round figures $1700000 of which about $1200000 was to the credit of individuals firms and corporations in this city while the remaining $500000 represented the accounts of banks in other cities The deposits in the Trust company amounted to about $1 300000 On Monday of this week the bank made the following report to the Clearing House association Loaus and discounts $5201000 legal reserve $396000 deposits $1789000 due from banks $355000 due to banks $686000 circulation £13000 It had been known in banking circles for fully a month that the finances of the insti tution were not in good shape and it was generally known that its reserve had fallen considerably below the legal limit but it was not until early this week that the Clear ing House association was informed of tlie serious state of affairs The banks in tbe association leading trust companies and other large financial interests were thereupon urged to extend aid with the result that a meeting was held Wednesday At this conference a plan was presented to tbe effect that the various interests should join in subscribing to or underwriting a proposed issue of $2000000 six per cent preferred stock of the Record Publishing company the proceeds of which could be devoted to the liquidation of his bank indebtedness and other obligations of Mr Singerly thus avoid ing the disaster Upon final investigation however it was discovered that the aflairs of the institution were more deeply involved than had been supposed and the condition wils such that the amount of money raised $2244000 was deemed insufficient to relieve the embarrassment so the plan fell through In a statement at Washington after the suspension Comptroller of the Currency Eckels said the failure of the bank was primarily due to the shrinkages in the value of bonds and notes of the Singerly Pulp and Paper mills located at Elkton Md Mr Eckels has been in Philadelphia several times recently trying to make arrangements by which the pulp and paper mills securities could be taken out of tlie assets of the bank and preferred stocks of the Philadelphia Record company substituted By this and certain other changes Mr Eckels hoped to put the bank in first class condition Up to five Wednesday night it was thought that the plan would be adopted but at that time a hitch occurred which rendered sus pension necessary Mr Eckels said there was not the least suspicion of any wrongdoing on the part of any one connected with the bank and he still had strong hopes of arranging for the voluntary liquidation of the affairs without the expense incident to the appoint ment of a receiver Air Eckels expressed the belief that the bunk ultimately would pay every dollar it owes President William AL Singeriy after his all day session with the directors and national officials made the following state ment last night are nt work trying to secure the indebtedness of the bank with a view to going into voluntary Mr Singerly was not prepared to say any thing further regarding the situation although earlier in the day both he and Examiner Hardt corroborated Comptroller statement as to the cause of the failure the condition of its finances and the probable settlement of all claims OUR COLUMN Advert tsenieitts under this head not exceed (ntf 4 lines 95 cents one week three weeks 50 cents six weeks 9 OO Six words count Rev 11 Grossman and family former pastor of the Lutheran church left Chalfont on riday for Germantown where they spent a few days before going to their new home at Huntsville Alabama We wish them a pleasant and safe journey Among the prettiest Christmas trees are Mrs Airs Robert John Mrs James Mrs Hartzel's Mrs Clinton Mrs Barnlz Airs Irwin Keller's Airs Dr Mrs Reed rankenfield's Airs Howard Airs Samuel Kerns and others Welch meeting will be held at the Aleth otlist clmrch on New eve Rev Harris evangelist will be present and re vival services will begin There was quite a Christmas gathering at the home of Airland Mrs AHchael Martin on Cliristmas day Among those present were Air and Mrs Wm Howland of North Wales Mr and Mr Andrew Gradwohl of Roxborough and Air and Airs Christian Curran and daughter Lucretia of Chalfont Apples per peck Otiious per peck Cabbage Chickens dressed per to Oysters tn shell per HW oysters opened per 1W Headlight pet gal HOMR DKESHED MEATS Reported Weekly by Christmas Secrets Marte Bfgony Hush a lorence Emlen and Miriam Van ossen Just What I Wanted Abet Jackson Would WeOwn Him? A Thomas Bertha Beaver The Celebration Three Boys Christmas Pennies Carey Clark Carl Blgony Listen to the Christmas Bells Exei Evergreen lorence Em len Miriam Van ossen Maggie reed Christ the World's Redeemer The Uuaiing Pigeon Laura Van oeaen's Class Carrier Boves for Jesus Miriam and Edith Van ossen Oflerlng Christmas A Thomas Beaver Bertha Beaver Toledo Hitiea Crown Him King of Glory Aaron Kratz will sell 25 fine new sleighs latest styles Musselman will scll a good assorted Jot of brooms Gentlemen this will be a bargain day for you on all goods advertised as they cannot be bought after January 1st for what we will sell them on that day Therefore! invlteyon to come and see the goods and secure bargains Bale to commence at 12 o'clock ixxin Male on usual terms II 1) LAPP Hwartley Aact 12 23 21 I Swartz and A rick Clerks Ambler Aphorisms Correspondence of the Reporter Rev Rothtrock of Lansdale preached in the Reformed church at ort Washington on Sunday Inst Air and Airs Weber spent Christ mas in Camden guests of Mrs parents AL Clayton has joined the printing stall' at Keasby A Alattison Co vice Johnson of Lansdale Eugene Petlie spent Sunday in Lambert ville Dr Mattison is still confined to his home but is convalescing Charles Garwood and family of Riverton spent Christmas at the home of II Thomas The Penllyn Bible school building is nearing completion It is now being plas tered and will be heated with one of Cox'a Novelty healers Their Christmas anniver sary will be helil in this building on Tues day evening January 4 A jubilee service will be held in the Methodist church nest Sunday evening Air Samuel Shaw of Lansdale and Hon Jason Sexton of Springhouse will deliver ad dresses Alias Alargaret McKinlay will render some choice solos The Ambler (piartette will also be present Jacob Boileau and Aliss Mary George were married by Rev Detrich of ort Washington Dec 22 We extend our con gratulations noon at two Entertainment and rinsing exerciw of Reformed Sun day school on New Year's evening at 7 30 o'clock All are invited Millon Yerger and two daughters of ChriMtnaa with Lrntuier amt family Mr ami Mrs Bean of Ijinwlaleient Christmas al Air Bean's parental home in Worcester Miss Mary Brecht spent Sunday with the Miews Alic and Beckie Schultz at Belfry The i bn tuias entertainment at Ik ihel church was very intereliig The church wm crowded here were recitations and dialogues interspersed with music by various members of the sehind ami an address was delivered by Dr Meschter Win Slough of ranklin ami Marshall college Lancaster is spending his Christ inas vacation at his home here North Wales Wrinkles CorrtsKMukuce of Hie Hxpuictkb The waler pipes for improvement of our water service are being put in on Smith Secoraf street atlording labor to onr eop)e in digging the trendies Among the visitors in town over the holi days are Elmer Lukens of East Hampton Mass and John Choice jr of Bridgeport ('nn Irwin Weber of Philadelphia spent Christmas with his mother Mrs Eliza Weber The Acorn web works deserve great cre'lit for tbe progress they are making in their business unaided by any outside capitalists The electric light plant has been completed and new looms are rapidly being erected in factory No 2 Several of the former hands of the Montgomery web works who were cotnelled to leave town to secure work elsewhere when they shut down will now come back to weave for the Acorn The shoot for a deer at Gold's hotel Kueedler was largely attended by our crack shooters on Christmas day Christmas day was quietly observed in our town Business was generally susend ed Lunches were served al all the hotels In the evening St Sunday school held their usual Christinas entertainment which was largely attended The annual Chritmas entertainment of the Sanctuary AL clmrch was held in Amusem*nt Hull on Tuesday evening Two large cedars were placed in the comers next to the proceniutn and decorated by vari colored electric lights and tinsel the gift of our town's electric exiwrt James ine jr Addrece were made by Hon John ana maker of Philadelphia ami Rev Haus of Montgomery Square Recitations were given by Air Clarence Butler of Philadel phia and Alias Grace Grislock of College ville Special music was rendered by the Harneir Bleighs Blankets and Robfi TILL be sold at public sale at my red fV Hence in Hfltlowu on HATVR Cor Male and Chettnut Street Lansdale Pa STORM COAT S475 every buuday at 730 lipui Sunday mom: from tlie pulpit Hatfield Herbage Correspondence of tbe Exporter Alias Ida Ramsey of Sellersville Is spend ing this week here with her parents Mr and Mrs Samuel Ramsey The following Philadelphians were io town here during the holidays: Mr and Mrs Irwin Delp with his father and family Mr and Mrs Allen Knipe al John Wag Mr and Mrs Alfred Hagey with Mr and Airs George Hendricks Alilton ALytl with his mother Mrs Arnaud Afoyt Charles Haldeman jr with his grand par ents Mr and Mrs Charles Haldemdn sr Air and Airs Keely spent Christ mas with his parents at Schwenksville Mr and Airs Abram Moore spent the holidays with friends at Wilmington Del The Christmas entertainment of the Un ion Sunday school held in the United Evan gelical church on Sunday evening was a grand success and was largely attended The scholars had been carefully trained Mr and Mrs Eli Delp spent Christmas with friends in Chalfont Samtiel child was badly scalded on Saturday Two children were at the Two Carloads of Stock Tobesoldat pnbtle 1ey yon MONDAY JANUARY THIRD DHat Line i inxton Hnlei Pa 60 boeit 150 fohoals 75 lambs 125 turkeys 4uO cblrken 25 frexh cows and forward springers Bale at one u'cl' ck RI 8WARTLEY It Axis for Henry Money to Loaa MONEY TO LOAN In snms to ply to SECRET SOCIETIES Iran's Knights of Golden Eagle Mon tey night Masonic Order (monthiyh Tuesday niibt Jr A Wednesday night I Thursday night Knights of Mystic Chain riday night rue Improved Order of Red Men Wednesday night: 8 of A Camp 12U riday uighl Sr A Saturday night wrn'6 (4 A Post Monday nlgbt liuod Will Circle (H of Pa Tuea jiy nigiil onn of Veterans Wednesday light iJidy Washington Home No 12 ri iy night Correspondence of the Reporter Airs A Clymer Miss Gmwie Clymer Mr and Airs A Lincoln Swartz 8ent Christmas in Allentown visiting friends Misses Stella and Aggie Lapp spent Christ mas with Mr and Airs Henry Lamlis near2'iakerlowu Mr ami Mrs Edward ITagey spent Christ mas in bouderton with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Levi Reeder Daniel Gehman and family spent Christmas with friends in Bedminster Aaron reed mid family spent Christmas visiting friemls in ranconia Airs Smith of Bycot is yi dting Aire Samuel rick Mr and Airs George Tice of ricks were the hippy recipients of twin babies last week The entertainment given by the Sunday sehool connected with the Lower Hilltown Baptist church on Thursday evening the 23rd was a grand success and the children deserve great credit A programme was rendered consi ting of singing recitations dialogues duets quartettes and rm address by the pastor The church was filled to its utmost capacity The Sunday school connected with the Old Hillown church held their entertain ment on Saturday the 25th to a well filled house The church was beautifully decorated ami pleasing programme was rendered Airs A Clymer returned home Mon day niter spending cnnsimas wiin mother in Allentown ire! ire! ire! The members of Hie Union Mut ual ire and storm Insurance CompHtiy are hereby notified that a contribution was levied on Oct 25 1 MP on each policy eqmil io premluta contained thereon and that Andrew Hupplee Treasurer of said Company will attend at tbe office of the Company Hwede street opposite the Court in the Bor ough of Norristown receive said asenieiit TueWdays time or payment of said tax will date from November 15 1S97 Persons tending money by matt must ac company it with postage for return of a re ceipt ANDREW BUPPlEE 11 2311 Treauter Harleysville Harmonics the Reporter Ancliio nf the remaintn? (roods Harleysyille fair will be held on Saturday evening next A Price residing a mile above the village diet! on Thursday Dec 23 and was buried on Tuesday at burying ground near his residence Deceaed was about 80 years old and deitlii was due to infirmities of age A Slmtt of Meeting House school was presented by his scholars on Christmas with a beautiful lemonade set Harry Kulp of Skippack and Aliss Etta Alderfer of Lower Salford were married on Saturday Dec 25 by Rev Wm Ooddmll of Schwenksville Jacob Shearer will leave the employ of Clemens in the Spring and will lake the clothing team of A Nyce in charge which rims weekly to Philadelphia Geo Hauck of Philadelphia was spend ing several days with his brother 8 Hauck during Christmas Master Horace Atkinson is on the sick list Messrs Harry and Wellington Rosenber ger of Philadelphia spent several days in town during Christmas They drove up from Philadelphia I he scholars of the Harleysville Sunday school were presented with books on Sunday according to attendance computing the same from the lime the last distribution was wade Line Lexington Laconics Correspondence of the Reporter Skating was enjoyed on Christmas day for the first time this season Quite a number of young people gathered on the Marlin dam near this place to indulge in the exhil arating sport Mr and Airs Abel Haldeman entertained Mr Ruotr and Air and Airs Eugene Hen derson of Philadelphia on Christmas Swartley and family took Christmas dinner at Lansdale with his mother Mr and Airs Abram Tyson enjoyed the hospitality of Philadelphia friends on Christ mas Norman Alorris Esq of Philadelphia! took Christinas dinner at his home here Miss Carrie Zoller of Grenoble and Air red Zoller of Philadelphia spent Christmas at their parental home here Quite a number of persons from this place attended the Christinas exercises at Hilllown church on Saturday evening Mr nnd Airs Willis Wismer ol Norri tonville spent Sunday here with the latter's parpnls Air and Airs Henry Hackman Mrs Amos Wismer and children Lottn taxes paid National bank notes outstanding This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that canuot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cute CHENEY CO Toledo We the undersigned have known Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business U'anMCtlousand finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West A Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo Waldino KiSNAXit Marvin Wholesale Drug gists Toledo Catarrh Cure is taken Internally acting directly upon tlie blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold all draughts RENCH i6c a lb until Jan 5th Regular price 20c Good pure goods with plenty of chocolate Many stores retail the same kind at 25c SUGARED POT loc a lb until Jan 5th Regular price 1 2c a lb No grade heavy sugar coating TABLE SYRUP 30c a gallon 8c a quart until Jan 5th Regular price4oc Our reg ular fancy table syrup LARD 6jc a lb until Jan 5th Regular price 8c Pure lard LAUNDRY 4c a lb Regular Ber and 730 CAV at 030 Prayer meeting Wedues iyT30 Class meeting Thursday 730 Sv Boswell of Philadelphia will 1 pfA HADof extra fine Western Penn LOL wtrntwr mr MDNDA YrdA NtfARY 'J HIKD 1KJH at tbe Broadway Lansdale Will retail 50 head In email lots This is fine elock Also eouie turkeys and ducks Hale at 2 in It KOSENBKKRY Aact CASTOniA nine slalli tfgUtWSi I tf 1 KeclUtiun Christmas With tbe Birds Jennie Hartze) Music Hark Hark IbeBong dchooi Presentations to superintendent and organist Music siarUiviiie School 946 H59 a 115a ia 10 Trains for Lansdale 0 2'30' i '6 7 iirt 6 02 945 1102 1147 ID Sun tntf Eire and Burglary Near Norristown About 830 Tuesday evening of last week the plant recently constructed near Heckslieris furnace Swedeland a short distance below Norristown for the manu facture of building saud from cinders was discovered in flames and the building being a frame structure was soon completely destroyed Inside the building the machinery was rendered useless The loss of the building and machinery by the fire it is estimated will reach several thousand dollars The machinery is costly nnd is not easily pro cured The plant was operated by Henry Wilkins and was doing 3 fair business Thompson and Charles Kellar were the victims of au intended hold up about the time of the fire Tbe former is tbe station agent at the Swedeland station and the latter is employed at the grocery store of March Knapp of that village Thompson started to the station to meet the 1106 tn train on the Reading railway Tuesday evening He was accompanied by Kellar As Thompson was about to ascend the pintform of the station he was confronted by the figure of mau who held in his hand a large cudgel In response to Thompson's call the man demanded money latter and Kellar ran to the furnace for help When the two mrii reached fur nace a crowd of workmen armed themselve and started toward the station On their arrival there however not a sign of the robbers could be found 1 The thieyes had ransacked tlie station Tickets and papers was strewn about the floor and the safe bore evidence of having been tampered with Nothing of value had however been secured by the robbers It is supposed that the depredations were com mitted by trainjis as the vicinity lias lately been infested with vagabonds It is thought by the inhabitants that the sand manufacturing building was fired to draw the people to that point thus exposing the station and dwelling to the mercy of the 1 ar all Inspected by 8 a trial HELLERMAN Godshall'B high grade family Buckwheat per to Indian Meal per to Sugar granulated per to Sugar soft white Butter creamery per to Butter dairy per to th1 vicinity Low rates and satlsft nuteed Also feed cutting Apni JAMES BRADY As the annual custom the Bunday schools connected with the several churches of Lansdale after weeks of practice and preparation rendered special CLristunu services the past week to commemorate the birth of a Saviour to tbe world and to create special interest among the younger people as to the significance of that welcome event 1 he churches never looked prettier in their holiday decorations the teachers and officers of the several schools neyer took heartier interest in the work of preparation that de volves uin them and the scholars never looked happier than this year as they con tributed their parts to the programmes gotten up especially by them and for them Much could be said in the way of the beauty and significance of each church entertain ment but we will leave the reader especial ly those who witnessed one or more of these special services to study their own lesson as it appeared to them and for the benefit of the general public give but a brief outline of how the cliurclies looked and what the schools did to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ the Sayiour of all mankind BAPTIST The Baptist church was crowded on Christmas eve and the exercises were all that pains taking and practice could make them There were three handsome trees this year to add beauty to the acene end the members of the Sunday school entered heartily Into tbe spirit of the entertainment The programme follows One Beautiful ight Invocation Kulpsville Kernels Correspondence of tbe Reporter Mni 8 Stover htq had the grippe the past week The pupils of the Kulpsville grammar school will hold an entertainment in the hall in the near future George Godshalk while butchering for Zacharias Reed last riday slipped and fell running a knife in his left wrist The doc tor wm summoned and sewed the wound Air Godshalk is getting along nicely Miss Lillie Stover ol Lnn dale spent last week with friends in this place AfrsrArary Gud halk entertained quite a number of friends from the city Xmas The aid society met at the residence uf Airs 1 Ziinmenuan on Tuesday night They have purchased carpet for the AL church which will belaid next week David R'wenberry' and lady and Elmer Godshalk and lady of Lansdale spent Xmas eve with friends in this place II Berger has the grippe Stony Creek 600 pm 9 13 a 83o nutde in y'orristotm reiveal 713 lu51 a 439 725 751 a 240 725 Communicated A Grand Turkey Treat Chief cook Hartman Dungan of Knight's restaurant treated a party of friends consist ing of Chief Burgess Reaver Maurice Hendricks Cassel Knight JV Boorse ami Longaker to adelicious turkey stutled with prime oysters from the restaurant Boorse officiated as chief carver and through his liberal and pro ficient nrt not one of tlie assembly suffered rank Knight being too bashful to eat with the honored guests acted ns waiter Joe Knight proved himself to be a gourmand Joe was assigned the back of the foul with this bony arrangement Joe resembled a caged animal wishing for more prey to devour Burgess Reaver filled the chair as toast master und resonded to a toast on ailyisability of hg catcher for our Hendricks and Cassel were too busily enjoying the repast to participate in the proceedings of the banquet All appeared at the scene of the feast on time with the exception of Longuker who was taken care of by Cook Dungan who reserved a large portion for the To say that we had a good time is pulling it rather mildly All left the restaurant wishing the proprietor all kinds of success for a prosper ous business season Due notice will be given the members for the next feast Participator TRINITY LUTHERAN Our Lutheran friends had a delightful time at their special service on Christmas evening The decorations were profuse and the large Christmas tree was resplendent in beauty lo the eyes of the little folks who aided largely in making the entertainment a success which closed with die customary gift to scholars ollowing is the pro gramme: hymn 85 Opening Vespers Psalm 3 irst Lesson bvmn 9' ufirbltnu Time is Near Wilmer Kline Recilatton Three Little Girls In the Wintry Heavens Eight Infant Scholars 0 is ease The beginning of baldness is dandruff Keep the scalp clean and promote tbe growth of tbe hair by the use of not only worthy of tlie great newspaper whose name it bears but la fully the equal in most respects and tn some the superior of the na tion's foremost almanac publications It Is a well printed volume of over 500 page nnd con tains information on ail topics which the stu dent the professional man or tbe worxman can possibly desire lo consnit It will be especially interesting because of its local stAiistlcs to every resident of Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware and Maryland Special attention has been given to matter of vital imortance to the farming and agricultural luleresOi The Phila delphia J'tets Almanac is in brief a compre bensl ve and exact supplement to the great en eycloriulies and dictionaries of the country bringing their wealth of information up to date It will answer any question tn the scope of an almanac which may be placed before it Ila low price 25 cents renders it indispensable to al) Pure blood Is absolutely necessary for perfect health Hood's fsarsaparilla is the one true Music Santa Ulaus la Come to Town Infant Department Distribution of Gifts King of Kings Doxology METHODIST Our Alelhoiliet friends had no set pro gramme at their pretty entertainment on Christmas eve in the church at Third and Walnut streets but the diversion was appreciated for it allowed more time for the spectecular features of tbe evening and an early adjournment so that all could haye time for Christmas preparations at home The church was handsomely decorated a large platform had been erected so that the little ones could more easily he seen a brick fire place effect was happily executed and a large Chrietmastree was gorgeously trimmed Of course the church was crowded as it always is on these occasions The Hall Mack programme of music of was followed closely interspersed with special features among which were the opening address by Wellington Wolfinger for Santa dv 25 pupils from the infant depart par "letter exU by 9 little girls and addresses by Rey A Viven and Mr Samuel Shaw Mr Shaw superin tendent of the school made the infant department gift of a toy map of Paleatioe and there was the usual gift of candies to all the scholar of the school teachers and officers Contributions of food and clothing for the poor were taken at the door upon entering as per previous announcement and hese were distributed among seyeral worthy Emilies next morning Total State of Pennsylvania 1 VUUUy lUUipvuv I HENRY UNGER Cashier of the above named baiiR do solemuly swear that lh above statemeut is true to the best of my knowledge and belief HENRY UNGER Cashier Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 21st day of December 18U7 a Saxton Notary Public Attest: A SHEARER HENRY SWARTLEYDirectors HENRY MOYER 1'he Angel's Mamie Zane A Royaf Child Annie Koehler Wake Ob Bertba Hager Black mare (standard) 6 years old sire of Counsellor Ttila mare never bad a shoe on until two weeks ago She In sound broken to light harness Keep your eye on ber day of sale 22b will not stop tier Tbe balance will be a smooth lot of chunks Horses tattcu in exchange at what they are worth for cash We will begin onr sale curly on account of our speed A A DelpAuct (It) TROXEL A BENZ Annual Meeting rrVHE ANNUAL MEETING of Charity 1 Hospital Association of Montgomery county Peunaylvaula will ie held in the i City Halt Norristown a on Wednesday' evening January 5 at 8 o'clock for the elec tion nt officers and directors to serve for tbe ensuing year and the transaction of such other busluesa that may properly come before the meeting By order of the Board of Directors 12 23 21 CLINTON SELLERS iquHKenown: aeconu uuu iuuiut ouuuajo Mo a at Sellersville in Lansdale 103ua xu tilth Sunday in Lansdale 745 am in Selienvllle 1U30 a evening service every iQDdav in Lansdale LUSANTViUE Reformed Eureka Pa Rev bias Messinger pastor Services every Bunday at 1U3U am and 8 Sunday school at 931) a Young People's society Christian Endeavor at 715 Prayer mcetlugevery Wednesday evening at So'clock loSTtOHEBY SyUAKE CHURCH Rev Haas pastor Services at 1U3U Km and 745 in Sunday school at 230 Class meeting Sunday morning Epworth League meeting at 7 every Mabbatb ANlJ Branch Store RAILROAD AVE A Happy New Yeur to Everybody! Tins is the time to makegood new resolutions One of th tnay bc to buy gruccrics at Van ossen 8 We want you to be hard on your neighborhood grocer but if you can get best quality goods and save money at our stores why should you hesitate Busi ness is business Acknowledgements Several pretty pocket calenders have been received frum William Bishop seedsman Burlington Irwin Megargee Co paper Phila delphia ure sending out a neat leather coin bag to their patrons A Shearer lumber North Wales is remembering Ins friends with a copy of bis pocket calendar and memoranda book neatly bound in leather It is a very handy and desirable little ar ticle and is circulated regularly every year by Mr Rhearer' The Philadelphia Inquirer Almanac and Universal Encyclopedia for 1898 has been received It is a book of over 500 pages and is replete with useful information pe culiarly adapted to the home as well as the office It is just a little more elaborate than anv similar publication issued by other Philadelphia papers and will be appreciated by all Inquirer readers A very pretty counting room calendar has been received from the Ambler Qasette It is the first received from our local exchanges We acknowledge the receipt of an invita tion from Editor Haldeman of the Harleys ville News to a of bis new printing office on Saturday Jan Sth Properties or Sale ri'HE UNDEKSnNKD wishes to Inform the A public that be ties lor ante anything lu the Kral atale Hue freun a building lot lo a large (arm of about acres sriiie large ano small stores with stock renging trum Jmi to 610 QUO A Ho a few hotels fox sale anil properllce to exchange nr apply lo UEHMAN 12 23 2 mo boutb Haincld Pa until Jan 5th price 6c BROOMS nc each 5th Regular Some dealers get i8and 20c for them WILL be sold at public sale on MONDAY JANUARY THIRD 15US at Hotel Nor wood Lansdale Pa at I sharp We will give a description of a few that will be sold Minute (standard) pacer sire Charles Catfry No 1043 first dam by Calamity Dick No 2538 alre Whirly 213 She la six years old very speedy a game race mare absolutely sound will do to go to the races Will say more about heron tbe catalogue Roan mare pacer 6 years old at red by Ca lamity Dick No 253m sire of Whirly 213: first dam by Grundy sire of Robert She is a race mare right now very fast Round she has been driven with Minute to the pole und they can beat any pair In Montgom ery county race horses not excepted Bay gelding 5 years old sired by Peratm mous 2 27't by 1mraons 2zs He in good size stylish handsome and sound I think be can step a quarter right now tn 40 seconds He is the king you arc looking for A handsome pair of match geldings browns 4 and 5 years old weight 230u pounds The man that buys this pair must like them better than bls money They are exception ally fine sound and broken to all kinds uf farm work A handsome black horse 6 yearaold weight 1200 pounds family broken a great aclur stylish handsome and sound Mao 233 sorrel gelding half brother to Dr Bower Hocker that we sold several years ago Attempted Suicide William 11 Cox aged 65 years of Norris town a member of Zook No 11 fl A ii attempted suicide Sunday morning byhooting himself with a 22 calibre revolver Cox hft'l been an inmate of the Home at Erie for a number of months and came to Norristown in September to visit bis wife They had been separated for some time Cox had been drinking heavily for several weeks The ball entered the head about two inches below the right ear Tlie man was removed to Charity hospital where physicians think they can save bis life be held at the banking house on 1UEaDA JANUARY ELEVENTH 1898 between Ibe hours of ten and two at which time Dine directors will be elected to serve the enanlug year CHAB 8 JENKINH 12 0 6t Gabbier amily Reunion at Telford Al a family reunion al Telford on Suuday Dec 26 the following persons children and grandchildren of Jacob Leidy assembled at the home of his daughter Mrs Oliver Kline to honor their aged father and grand father who is now in his 82d year It was with much regret that when the invited guests arrive! they found the aged parent confined to his bed with sickness who nt this writing is not considered very seriously ill ami may soon be up and about again Those present were Mr and Mrs Oliver Kline and son Robert Mr nnd Mrs rank Markley of Telford Mr and Mrs Charles Leidv ot Sellersville Mr and Mrs Jem Slielienberger and Maggie and Horace bhel lenberger ot HiUtield and Harvey hellen berger ot Philndelpliie Mr and Mrs Jonas Leidy and Homer Oscar and Martini Intitly ot Lansdale Mrs Salite Leidy Austin and Harvey Leidy ot Belli lebei Mr nnd Mrs Sliaw ot Quakertown Mr and Mrs Wolford Alice Mamie Warren and Clntrl Wolford ot Souderlon and Miss Sallie Romig ot Hatfield lowers and Tree THE UNDEIUIGNED will furnlb yu with pot plants cut flowers funeral de signs or anything in the horticultural line at lowest prices ruit and eliade trees supplied in quantities desired planting done and gooda guaranteed as represented Landscape gardening a specially lawns laid out and cared for and everything in onr lineof hn1 uees receives our personal attention ball mates cheerfully furnished on contract work MHTUKZEBEI'KER Lansdale years is on the sick list Mr John Wagner is down with pneu monia Mr and Mrs James Miller spent Christinas visiting friends in Newville Romig Leidy who have a fat factory here have one also at or near Bath North ampton county where they had rank Sherley a young man well known in these parts employed But on riday evening he was very unfortunate While working at a fat kettle he slipped into the kettle of boiling fat He crawled out quickly but his shoes or the rubbers he had on over his shoes were all greasy aud slippery so that he slipped back again into the kettle By that time he received assistance and was drawn out terribly burned He was taken to the hospital in Bethlehem His legs from the knees down all around and in front up to his body are badly burned Strange a it may seem his feet are not burned Tbe rubbers were on the shoes and the shoes well laced which protected his feet Mr and Mrs Samuel Souder Mr and Mrs Abraham Snyder Mr and Mrs rank Snovel Abraham Katie Sallie Amelia and Martha Young visited friends near Evans uurg on vnruuas People are beginning to harvest ice is over six inches thick EPORT of the condition of the NORTH WALES NATIONAL BANK at North Wales in the Stale of Pennsylvania at tbe close of business DECEMBER ITEENTH 1897 RESOURCES Loans and discounts 8103916 59 8 Bonds to secure circulation 12500 IX Premiums on 8 Bonds 800 Slocks securities etc 84637 50 Banking house furniture and fiX tures 8100 00 1017 54 10893 83 8U 98 235 UU 437 19 Montgomeryville Melodies Correspondence of the Ksportkr The entertainment held in the Baptist church on riday evening was fairly well intended The programme consisted of music and recitations and Rev Charles Pinchbeck made an address followed by dis tribution of candies Miss Annie Knnpp student at the West Chester normal school is spending tbe holiday season with her parents Mr and Mrs Charles Knnpp at Montgomery Square Mr ami Mrs Edward Asure spent Sun day with the brother Thomas Asure al Jenkintown Mr and Mrs Edward Mitchell entertain' ed a large number of invited guests on Christmas George Solliday and family spent Xmas with Mr and Mrs Charles Baldwin at Nor ristown Mr and Airs William McHale of Mana yunk and Mr and Mrs John Brown of Maryland visited Mr and Mrs George Lynch over Christmas Jacob Ulmer and family MtssMary Land mid Edward Asure and family all of this place ate Christmas dinner nt the home of Elwood Land Orvilla Sophia Sigafoos of Doylestown visited her parents Mr and Mrs Harvey Sigafoos tbe past week The Methodist Snndav school at Mont gomery Square will render an interesting Christmas service on New Year's eve 504 858 a tn 1212258 Wb 825 a 188 and 540 nj nn 6J26pni Rm lovli 5o a 435 JX Kulpsville Mainland and Harleysville tu Liuve 6 15 and 810 a 125 515 450 845 a 500 mur 700 a (direct) and 700 ia (vib Philadelphia) iHyivstowu 7ii0 a and 145 orKulpsville Mainland and Harleysville sa Building Lou for Sale ive choice building lots' comer Green and Vine streets Lansdale or When Christ Was BornSix Boys A Christinas William Boorse My Gilt lo Jesus Stella Wolf ourth laesson TeDeum Address by Pastor singing by lutant Class Distribution of Gifts hymn 66 Closing Vespers hymn 87 Benediction EPICOrAL The beautiful little Holy Trinity Episco pal church at ourth and Broad streets was crowded Monday evening (St day) to witness a pretty Christmas entertainment The church was beautifully festooned with evergreens and a large tree was laden with ornaments and gifts A special feature of the evening was the singing of the carol by the infant class under the direction of Miss May Seese ollowing is the programme in detail Jous's Reformed West Main street Lan liic Rev Rothtrock pastor Services rery Sunday at 10 a and73Up Sun ny Jcliool at 2 meetlug rery Tuesday evening at 745 German serv last Sunday morning of each mouth Preparatory services on riday evening at v'ciock Holy communion next Bunday at am Baptist Church Third aud Broad streets xiiMlale Rev Johnson pastor ervices at 1030 a aud 7OP aminy school at 2 at Regular prayer meeting Wednes evening at Next sunday "opening and parsonage day llpps I) will preach morning and Jacob Sleinmeta a wel known raideu of Norristown died yery suddenly last Sunt day eyening He a His death is wippored to have been due to heart trouble Deceased was a son of lire late Jacob Steinmetz the head of the firm of and Steinmetz long engaged in the lumber and coal business at Mam and Mark ley streets the firm being established in 1836 and continuing until about Deceased married Miss Brokings who sur vives liim John Steinmetz and George Steinmetz brothers of deceased reside tn Norristown Deceased was an active member of the Montgomery County Historical society He served in the Anderaoil Cavalry during the Rebellion and was a member of Zook Bost Mr Steinmetz had gone lo the stable to feed his horses and fell dead the liny mow Christmas visitor at Mrs Barbara Sellers Main street liss Viola Wittmaier of Philadelphia is the guest of Mrs William Matthews Third street 'Mr and Mrs Hiram Eflrig of Pbiladel pliia were Xmas visitors at Green street Miss Nellie Coffman of Hazleton Pa is visiting her sister Mrs Woodmansee ourth street Miso Emma Mills of Richlandtown Bucks county is spending a few days with Lansdale friends Daniel Albright and family of Philitdel pbia were among the holiday visitors to friends in Lansdale Mr and Mrs Isaac Wismer and daughter Ida were Christmas visitors at A 8 Wis meric Second jtreeL Lukens Swartz one of our crack marks men won a deer at a shooting match at Kneedler on Saturday Balco*ck of Philadelphia former proprietor of the Babco*ck shoe factory was noticed in town Tuesday Reports of the financial condition of the Lansdale and North Wales National banks appear in another column IL Shull and family spent Christmas in Richboro Bucks county the guests of Dr Pownall and family Mr and Mrs IL Godshall sent Christinas with her parents at Colmar Mr and Mrs I Rosenberger The Misses Annie and Ida Young ed Philadelphia spent Christmas al the home of their parents on Third street Horace Weikel son of Benjamin Weikel is learning the drug btisinesa with Dr Zau ner in the Music Hail drug store Mrs Harvey Harold of Doylestown yisited her sister Mrs Harry Scholl of Sixth street to day (Wednesday) Brower Lougaker one of the instruct ors in the Cheltenham Military academy ia home enjoying his holiday vacation Mr and Mrs William Clymer of Line Lexington were visitors at thehomeof Ed Richardson Green street on Sunday Mr and Mrs William Cannon and Miss Sara Kriebel of Tioga spent part of the holiday season with Lansdale friends Revival seryices will be commenced In the United Evangelical church on Sunday Swariley Alice VanOmeren Alice Mln tnger Helen Hackman ear Not The irst Xmaslorence Moyer Hasle Oh Shepherds Recitation Winter Emma Kulp ChoruH TbeChrisimasSong Little Elizabeth Edwards Christmas Belts WILL 4e sold at public sate nn RIDAY DECEMBER TH 1 KTY IRsT at Tyson's Hotel Line Lexlngwu la 2 fresh cows and forward sorlogera 5 stock bulla steers 75 shoals all sizes Bale at one o'clock sharp RICK 4 KWAKTLEY It Agents for Beckley A Sod Happy New Year! The last paper for 1897 I Council meeting next Monday evening 1 lee harvesting has begun Miss Gertrude Leopold is visiting in Allentown I DeTtirk spent Christmas with friends Bryn Mawr Sliter and family spent Sunday with i ti'lerlon friends Miss Mamie ry spent Saturday with friends services will begin in tbe Metho 1 WM A xBa8 ate Christmas dinner al in Philadelphia spending a few days Wlll Philadelphia friends wirh're 8Smnn and fnmily spent Sunday w'tb friends at Sellersville alyer' of Souder the coa1 dk in Uns issue Anir'r and family visited Aiuiler fneuds on Christmas iuZ in 4' Safe tesr Krause teacher of the Greenlane K1 ool was home on Christmas maniZ? Scl'011 and visited Ger mn friends over Cbrislmis momoi dKrees above zero is what the ther filer averages these mornings PfdLiT ald Ruth Beck visited'H lripIna friends last Thursday the will be held in 116 Mfithodist church riday night and GU9 Billiau spent Saturday friends in Allentown uyes in Towamencin township friend relz 8pent Sunday with 1 at Plumsteadville Bucks countyUieblfS rU8t 81107 to Rive UB for several days this holiday week i clerk in store 1 Lhri8lmas with his parents at Chalfont 11 his ate Christmas dinner ental home in Cape May county Penn an fctnily of Germantown itrejt tetmas with his mother on of Philadelphia isbeet ie at her home on ifth CltriMmf89e? eehie and Emma Bach spent I)el 8 Wlt 1 lier Mother at Wilming nf Eflrig and Mrs Horace Effng Tuetidgy i' lai visited Lansdale friends JaU8e of Bristol Bucks county i tfitj here 18 Oa8tle at the home of his par State of Pennsylvania County of Montgomery 1 Charles Jeukins Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly atfirtn that the above statement Is true to tbe best of iny knowledge and belief CHARLES 8 JENKINS Cashier Subscribed and affirmed to before me this 23d day of December 1897 Evans Notary Public Attest: A GODSHALL A KRIEBEL Directors RITTENHOUSE Beef Liver per to Coif Liver Liver Puddings Home made Lard per to Scrapple Bologna Sausage per to Half Smoked SausHge per to Smoked Bacon per to Smoked Ham Dried Beef Corn Beef GRAIX AND PEZD Wheat per bushel Corn Oats Cracked corn and corn chopped per cwt Middlings per cwt Bran per ton Corn Bran per ton Rve feed Linseed meal per cwt Oil meal Cob chop Screenings per bushel Hay No 1 timothy per ton No 2 timothy ixed NOT ALW4YS UNDERSTOOD A fact often overlook! or not always iiuderalood is that women suffer as much from distressing kidney and bladder troubles aa men The womb is situated beck of and very close to the bladder and for that rea son any di trfc disease or inconvenience manifested in the kidneys back bladder or urinary passage is by mistake attrib uted to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort The error is easily made and may lie as easily avoided by setting urine aside for twenty four hours a sediment or settling is evidence that your kidneys and bladder nwl doctoring If you have pain or dull aching in the back pass water too frequently or scanty supply with smarting or these are also convincing prools of kidney trouble If you have doctored without ben efit try Dr Swamp Root the great kidney remedy: The urild and extraordin ary effect will surprise you It stands the highest for its wonderful cures If ynti take a medicine you should take the best At druggists fifty cents and one dollar You may have a sample bottle and phamphlet both sent free by mail Mention Lansdale Reporter and send your address to DrKilmer and Co Binghamton The proprietor of this paper guarantees the gen uineness of thia offer We wish to return our thanks to those aultscribers who the past week came to the office paid their subscription for the ensuing year and said they wanted to start 1898 with 1 a clean leaf with the printer If you want that distant friend to think of you send them the Reporter and be remembered 52 times a year without trouble and expense beyond the original cost of $125 appreciate the gift Tax collector Coar has extended the lime of paving borough and school tax for 1897 to January 12th without having the customary fiye per cent added thereto Delinquents should make a note of this Helen an infant child aged about four months died at the home of her parents 1 Mr ami Mrs George Hoffman Wood street on Tuesday Interment will take place Saturday at 2 in the Lansdale cemetery Deputy Supreme Organizer Miller will institute a new lodge of the Improyed Order of Heptasopbs in hall on the evening ol January 12 a sufficient number of signatures haying been obtained lo apply for a charter Mr and Mrs Howard Taggart of Coates ville Mr aud Mrs Channing Potts of Philadelphia anil Irwin Zimmermau and family of Norristown were Christmas visit ors at Main and Chestnut streets While skating on dam last Mon day evening Miss Mazie skate caught in a figure and she fell heayily sus taining a badly sprained ankle She was taken home in a coach and is now bedfast from the effects thereof List of unclaimed letters in the Lansdale postoffice for the week ending December 25 1897 Persons claiming any of the following letters must be particular to say 1 Andrew Campbell Milton Delp Nuten Hippie Mrs Luman Mahlon Yerger Rev Boswell of Philadelphia will preach in the Methodist church Sunday morning and conduct a meeting for men only at 3 At the meeting for men an orchestra of ten pieces a large male choir and Miss Margaret McKinlay will assist Ima lwllirlll nt Mltnild dUCUU A vioulmv Yerger a brick dwelling on Columbia avenue at private figures Mr Yerger who ie teamster at vousmu ini rmi in Worcester townshin min uvugu and expects to moye thereon in the near future Heebner and family and Mr and Mrs Nathaniel Metz will leave for lorida on riday where they will spend several months to escape the severity of a northern winter Their orange groves of course will receive their personal attention during their sojourn there Mr and Mrs Leidy Line street entertained a company of friends in a little family reunion on Christmas Those pres ent were Dr Slifer end to of North Watts Mr and Mrs blifer of Philadelphia Slifer and family and Ruth and family of Lonsdale This is from the North Wales Alan Harley's branch store in this bo rough was closed on Saturday night and he will uo longer continue to do business to our town The goods in the store were removed to Lansdale where they will be placed on sale al Mr general provision store Seven new names are on file with direc tions to begin sending them the Kei'ORTEb with the fiist issue in the new year This is encouraging to the editor and worth double the number of names obtained through he solicitation of canvassers It shows tha these people haye weighed the question for themselves and have concluded thot it is the Reporter they want in their homes during 1898 Mr Ruth wishes us to correct the statement that he is going into partnership with IL Miller in the real es ate and insurance business At the time the item was printed it was as correct as the average notice as such was the intention of both Jiflannnonf nnlfllOn parties but mere wuo when it came to signing the articles of agreement The correction therefore con suls in the announcement of the fact that Mr Ruth has changed hts mind Tbe bazar in Norwood Hall is being well patronized these nights particu lari towards the latter part of the week Theymanagement say everything is progM ing satisfactorily and those who have been patronizing the bazar express themselves as being well pleased with the management and the general appearance of things On Thursday and Saturday evenings of this week the Lansdale military band will be present to help enliven the surroundings Irwin Ambler the modest young hard ware merchant takes the lead in the way of receiving an inexpensive Christmas present tint Abe Ziegler pul up horse 11 1 1 reveral weeks ago to be chanced i The drawing took nLe at cigar store on Christmas eve olj Mr Ambler held the ticket that drew i the prize Tlie rig is yalued at all the way femOtoHOO ha tpnin for general delivery purposes ami wXut saying that at 50 cent tt the cheapest delivery team in town The moral qualities required byspeaker i to an audience are MJT Hughes first smartly Intense re ality thorough going earnestneMjlte regard 1 as the yery finl qnMoto condition is disinterestedness It is mpo" Holiday Goods We are modest advertisers We claim the earth But we want to remind you that our store is getting ready for the Holiday season In addition to our regu lar line of Dry Goods Notions and ootwear we now have a full line of the finest Teas Coffees Spices Syrups and Sugars for holiday purposes HOLIDAY GIS We will have special tables laden with entirely now Holiday Gifts China and Glassware Toys Dolls Games etc We will have something to please both old and young come and see our dis play (which will be ready in due time) before you buy your Christmas Presents BKA5D Cor Main aud Richardson Are Lansdale Pa IO Ifwl 'u(N) )UU2 a 1217 1 10 2TJO 8 (r2' 9t'2' 945 1047 P' 'mfuMvMa Third and Berks St )4Upiu 120 wfS'SSMw 7027 84511X011308 tn 1230 LW 45 7615 535 60o tLds marked express Uni us rnHirer information apply nearest pjtf Kesdlug Railway tleaet agent WwIG VRD EDSON WEEKS Paas Agt lltadlug Teiininal Philadelphia Atlantic City Divilion I'hiladdvhiu Chainut Street Wharf and or Atlantic City nW'l 'J Express 900 a 200 4 00 500 1 Accom nw 0U a in Accom 800 a tn LtrX Atlantic Cily Deyol comer Ailan Mfliiil Ariansas Arenues a MN days EPreM 735 900 a 3 30 a Accom 815 a m4bp ua txpreos 4UU 730 Accom 715 a Express trains LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 850000 00 3656 17 11250 00 bp'9 4 Individual deposits subject to check 56215 42 8179848 58 Benediction REORMED The special services in St Re formed church on Christmas eye attracted a large number of old and young and the en tertainment was most pleasing in its execu tion The church decorations were profuse the large tree was thing of and there was the usual gift giving among teachers and scholars of the Sunday school A set service was followed closely inter spersed with special features os follows: Opening Cborus Chrlslmas Time Responsive Readings Service by Infant Department Xmas Six Little Girls Welcome Happy Day The Cinisltniw ritory Marion Herman Emerson Rahn Good News for You and Me Do You Know the Bong Ellie Geller Sadie Gotwals Recitation Hebe Landis Minute Schultz teaching the Christmas les son to the Infant Department followed by a Song "Slumber by seven little children silvery Bells Aildress by the Pastor Recitation Heleu Place Song of the Shepherds Recitation Ellie Geller Message of Christmas Tide Becitation Alice Thompson Song of tbe Angel Letter Exercise by nine girts dressed in white entitled by Mary Swartley's Class The Angels Sang Glory Recitation Mabel SHfer We Come Recitation lorence Harvey Christmas Offering for Bethany Home Distributiou of Presents Holy Child Benediction UNITED EVANGELICAL Knightly was the title of the service presented at the United Evangelical church on Green street Christmas night The usual decorations were here in profusion A YOUNG MAN experienced tn green grocery business wishes position at any sort of light worK Accomplished plays In ebnrehes and on other special oc casions References furnished Address WILLIAM 8A8MAMAN 12 30 21 Colmar Pa Dividend Notice Philadelphia Reading Railway EBomHardCoal NoSmoke Tvrt yemh 11 1ST Trl ST K' SS2 528 265 400 434 445 Mil 10 fto tu a 8W A'w ozu foh re TUrdtmd PerksSts IW a 12A5 120 2W) 800 520 113 Va tfi 1212 126 tondajre a 2'45 3 446z2 gilMli'il' "1 The entertainment given by the pupils of the primary school last Thursday evening was a gruit success The children all took their parts well showing that great pains had been taken by the teacher Miss Jessie Triol for which she deserves much credit Thering drill waj excellently rendered by ten of the largest girls of primary school Chickadee song Golden Boat Little Work ers tableaux Christinas Eve and Morning and Afnerica were very pretty Readings by Miss Good of New Briliun school were greatly appreciated Mr and Mrs Andrew Gradwolh of Phil adelphia were the guests of Mr aud Mis Clinton Curran on Saturday Dr Jerome Massinger and family of Millyille spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Chas Massinger Mr an! Mrs Conard Moore and son Eugene were the guests of Mr and Mrs I Clymer over Christmas Rey Tranger of Philadelphia preached a Christinas sermon in the Luther an church on Sabbath morning and Key Punly Moyer in the Methodist church On Christmas eve the Christmas service joy lo the was prettily ren dered by the pupils of the Lutln ran Sabbath school The church was tatefnlly decorated with greens and a pretty Christmas tree added to the decorations Recitations were given by Misses Marion Johnson Olivia aust Ethel Martin Martha Krupp Della Rittenhouse Mr Lloyd Johnson and others The exercises by the little ones were greatly appreciated: Singing by choir the herald angels singing by school solos by Mr Trout Miss Rickert Lizzie Hines duets by Miss Olivia aust and Mrs Barudl Rev rank retz gaye a short address At the Methodist church on Sabbath eve ning the Union Sabbath school rendered their Christinas service iu an excellent manner The church was crowded follow ing is tne programme Music Celebrate Saviour's Birth Prayer Music Angel's Iuliuby staging Jesus B1eed Jesus Primary Class Kecitai ton Christmas Hymn Amauda Martin singing Children's King Inihiy Class Recitation Jesus Commands Ethel bwarGev Musir When Night Kehuol Heel al ion Wondrous Story Jennie Moyer singing Little Eyes (motion song) Infant Ulaas i uti nn ag School Class school Primary Class richoolMrs irtzd tk huol Mabel Grot! Irle Hunsberger Duet Mrs Harvey Hartz and Miss Lizzie High Recitation The King and the Child lila Brinker Quartet Blessed Christmas Story Missel Lizzie Valuable Beal Estate for Sale A LARGE eight roomed brick house and XX lot 100x167 feet and stable 20x30 feet and other necessary outbuildings No 35 Rich Mrs Susan Sellers of Sellersville was a Isible to train a nrnvn ii i ri hristmaa visitor at Mrs Barbara Sellers ear imiImb ruf ublic nee iroru sen seexing Ihe third Coudiiian is moral courage There is nothing that commands a great audience so readily and so pwerfijy as utter fearless iieoa realizing tfe presence of God and hav ing no fear of man Another great intellectual rather that) is lucidity Nothing satisfies and delights an audience more than making it easy for them to under stand what you mean One other primary quality is geniality creates the light and shadow which is essential to the best results A has always the advantage over a The protracted mild weather gives occa sion to those who profess to believe that the winters are much less severe than they used lo be lo air their pet theory on the subject Some contend tlml the winters arrive later and Inst longer than they did a quarter of a century ago The claim is lua'lt ibalin this latitude there is no lungeraseuson worthy of the name of spring while the autumns are extended ami delightful The resi recall the years of (heir youth when there was skating nnd sleighing at about Thanksgiving time whereas in these years skating before Christinas is a rarity and sleighing is a peusiire seldom enjoyed in the city prner for more than a very few days during the winter Tlml ihe winters have become milder is a conviction very widely entertained especially by people who were raised in the country Probably for them the winters are milder but their is no scien tific basis for the claim that the seasons have undergone a change The records disprove il Recollection ol exceptional winters long ago mislead the reminiscent A bold assault mid robbery was committed in Lansdale last Wednesday evening John Hacker former bartender at the Central restaurant but now employed in ry's cigar store was the victim Mr Hacker is mar ried nnd lives with hts father in law red Wagner nt Second and Walnut streets and had just emerged from an outhouse when he was sandbagged and Ml to the ground in a semi conscious condition The thief rifled his (HKtkets of $67 and disappeared in the darkness before his victim had recovered siifficbnily to know rightly what was going on Miseries for help were mistaken by tbo who heard them for tbe noise uflvn made by rowdies and it was not until he staggered into the house and was able to tell the story that his friends realized that a daring assault and robbery had been commit ted in iheir own back yard Mr Hacker sustained no serious injury though there was a slight abrasion where he had been struck He had recovered sufficiently to take his family on a promised holiday visit lo the borne of his parents in Lancaster county by riday where they are spending the week Souderton Scintillations Correspondence of tbe Reportkb The Lutheran aid society met on Monday evening at the residence of Mrs Catharine Benner Eva daughter of Mr aud Mrs Horace Booz will be buried at the Mennonite ceme tery on Thursday forenoon Rev John Latshaw of Spring City held English services in the Mennonite meeting house on Sunday evening The public schools reopen to day (Wednes day) A public test of the electric street lights is to be made on New evening The Vetterlein cigar factory is closed this John Allem and Henry fienfsch made a visit to Catasauqua on Monday The cold spell is tenjorarily delaying the construction of furniture build 1BIhe attendance of the public schools of this borough has reached the 200 mark The Christmas exercises of both Zion and Zwingli Sunday school were well attended Some means should be used to put a check to tbe fast driving indulged in on our streets At present it is a menace to life and limb The snowfall of Sunday gave an oppor tunity for sleighing although it was rather limited in quantity Another murder in this county to swell the list of homicides 1 At this rate the mur der rate here will vie with that of the wild and woolly west Alphonso ox and Miss Kate Doni will to day (Wednesday) bp united in matrimony by the Rev ather Winters of Lansdale enton Crouthamel of this town and Miss Lucy Leister of Telford were married on Christmas afternoon by the Rev etter Worcester Whispers Correspondence of tbe Repokikb A number of sleighs were seen out Bunuay iinu wuui The Worcester Alumni association will hold a special meeting at the residence of Hiram Anders on Thusday evening Dec 30 The object is to discuss the ques tion of assisting the armers Ltnon to erect a hall or place of meeting Ihe subject is an interesting one and a good attendance isTheodore Tyson has sold his thirty seven acre farm to Samuel Yerger of Lansdale at private figures lossession April first Linwood Nyce has purchased the Phi a delphia huckster route of Samuel lirecl*t The pupils of school presented their teacher Anson with a shaving set The scholars were rewanled by their teacher each with a box of candy Services on New morning in the Schwenkfelder church at 930 ber yices at church next Sunday after Hno Irnm Vuffnvul Tin Ir Zvvnt Ha Due from approved Reserve Agents 219T2 37 ll vl ivn anu vvllci vbau iiciure ractional paper currency nickels and cents Lawful money reserve tn bank: Specie 50 Legal tender notes 4luoo tx) Dal am nl Ct lfk IT 1lAna urer (5 perceutof circulation) 1125 00 TOTAL 8535820 52 LIABILITIES HnnlfAl stzv te nntil In surplus fund Undivided profits lees expenses aud National Bank notes outstanding 20360 00 Due to other National Banka 4112 10 Dividends unpaid 456 00 Individual deposits subject to check 144452 47 Demaud certificates of deposit 159172 50 TOTAL 8535320 52 A large delegation of the Gohl Leaf as sociation were entertained at Houlihan's hotel on Christmas evening Ericks and Hilhown No 1 White Potatoes 90c per bn No 1 Winter Bran $15 per ton All other feed in larce assortment prices subject to change oro tha ircrMt hftv hovers Wan 1 a cboic hay SS er ton Can National Bank of Lansdale Pa will tIRe any qnaiititv Sound low grade bay nn TUVXDtV TV I II $4 to per ton rrouipi uuiuuuing Give us a call SOUlJER Wanted A GOOD COMPETENT GIRL or WOMAN for general housework wages 83 00 per week Apply to MRS ZINK It Lansdale or Bent 61 ROOMED HOUSE including 3 acres JL of laud and orchard Broad and Han co*ck tit* 12 per month Apply JUNCTION HOUSE 11 18 tf I anedale a Stove or Sale DEXTER COOK STOVE second hand will sell for 85 Apply at tf THIS OICE Portable Thresher 8273858 05 15 6 251X10 00 157851 00 10000 00 13505 95 475 25 150 54 TIEXXS CA8TORIA jfye LifiWl Vi CUR CONS UMPTION ri.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.